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Kirsten Feolog

Reaction paper Birth control

To be honest, I was very confused with this topic because It wasn’t made clear. Firstly, with the
reporters, it seems they do not know their report well. They just kept reading the report and were
very unsure of what they say it makes me lose interest with their report. The slide presentation is
also not visually pleasing, it is full of texts, and has very few illustrations only, and there were no
cited references.

I’m very much familiar with the topic birth control because as a student nurse we have already
studied about this. We know the pros and cons of each contraceptives. Seeing this in another view,
which is the view of religion is new to me, so I was very excited to listen to the report. In my opinion,
I agree with birth control because some people can’t control it and I don’t want the population to
keep growing. I hate the though of new people being added to this world because they are a liability.
This world has a lot of people already there’s no need to create more. They are a full time
responsibility and they would be an addition in getting this world’s limited resources. If ever a
couple want kids, instead of making one they should consider adopting. With that, they even helped
someone. Those are my thoughts, but I realized through the report that as a Seventh Day Adventist,
I think we should use birth control with a mindset that is aligned to the bible. We were tasked to
procreate so birth control conflicts with it. I think it depends on your purpose and reason the bible
doesn’t really prohibit it. This report reminded me of our purpose to procreate and it reminded me
of the gift of marriage which is also to have sexual communion apart from procreation. I learned that
the bible doesn’t prohibit married people to enjoy sexual activity while also taking actions to prevent

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