Infanticide Euthanasia

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Kirsten Feolog

Reaction paper on Infanticides and Euthanasia

The topic that was discussed was about infanticide and euthanasia. Though I’m familiar with
euthanasia, it’s my first time hearing infanticides. The reporters seem to know their report well,
though there are some parts that were not so clear. The slide presentation is good, there are
illustrations, research data, and information about the topic but there are no references cited.
Overall, it was a good presentation but I think it’s too short and there is still more to discuss. I find it
bitin. I want to know more about the topic.

Now let’s go to the topic. With infanticide I think it is non-negotiable. It is pure murder and
unethical. To be honest, I don’t know why it is still a question if it’s ethical or not. No matter what
the reason of the mother, she can’t kill the infant. When it comes to euthanasia, I’m pro-euthanasia.
Because, if it’s to lessen the suffering why should it not be done. If the person allowed it then I think
there’s no issue on that.
Just like what we have discussed, I too agree that God created human life as a priceless treasure
that should be protected hence we are allowed to use medical interventions in order to preserve life
on the other hand, we also have the gift of eternal life, so as seventh day adventists we do not need
to hold on to the last stages of life and receive medical interventions just to prolong the process of
dying. But, from the report and also from searching and reading from the net I have learned that
seventh day adventist do not support assisted suicide and mercy killing.

In conclusion, I’m glad that in this subject we get to discuss topics like this which is also very
relevant to my course and my future profession. It helps me to know what to do in future situations
that I may encounter.

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