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TPS BAHASA INGGRIS can certainly cause flood.

Most of the
rainwater that falls in the forest area will be
Name : absorbed by the soil and stored in the
Questions 1-4 are based on the following Furthermore, the water stored in the
passage. aquifer will come out regularly through
Forests have the ability to regulate springs. From these springs, water flows
water systems, prevent erosion and flood, through rivers that are mostly found in the
and maintain soil fertility. The ability of forest area. In addition, there is also
forests is inseparable from the existence of underground water that comes out as a
millions and even billions of trees in a forest spring in the resident wells.
area. Trees only store water for their own
needs, and the land saves water. 1. The word 'dramatically' in paragraph 2 is
Billions of trees with their wide best replaced by ....
canopies will hold back rain. In this a. Gradually
position, rain water does not directly hit the b. Naturally
soil surface, but will fall slowly through the c. Amazingly
leaves and flow through the tree trunk. d. Surprisingly
Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks e. Simultaneously
will produce quite a lot of litter originating
2. What is the main idea of the passage?
from organic materials in the forms of leaf
a. Water guarantees millions of
and dry twigs. Dramatically, littering is
organisms to survive in forest areas.
heading towards the decay process. The
b. Land stores and releases water
organic materials are collected on the soil
through various processes.
c. Litter gradually flows water to the
Litter blocks the water falling from
soil surface.
the canopy so it does not directly hit the soil.
d. Trees store water to fulfill human
Litter also functions as a place to live for
daily needs.
millions of organisms (e.g. worms). This
e. Forests have various benefits for
organism punctures the land as a home and
human life
place of life. This organism’s behavior
causes the soil surface to become loose and 3. With the sentence ‘This organism's
porous. When rain drops from the canopy behavior causes the soil surface to
fall onto the litter, the water slowly flows to become loose and porous’ in paragraph
the soil surface. The loose and porous top 3, the writer intends to ....
layer of soil will absorb the water and then a. Describe the organism and its
the water will be stored in the aquifer, the behavior against loose soil
underground river. b. Confirm the behavior of organisms
The soil surface in the forest has in loose soil
high capacity to absorb rainwater. As a c. Compare the loose soil with the
result, most of the rainwater seeps into the porous soil
soil; only a little becomes running water. d. Uncover natural processes at soil
Running water is the water that cannot be srosion
absorbed by the soil surface. This water will e. Explain the causes of soil erosion
go down to a lower area. If running water
exceeds the carrying capacity of the river, it 4. What most likely motivates the writer in
writing the passage?
a. There is an unresolved flood This is, however, not entirely the
problem. case. In the early 1980s Chrysler was
b. People’s awareness towards allowed, under the terms of the bailout, to
reforestation is low. issue federally guaranteed bonds at a rate of
c. Not many people understand the 10.35%. The Ford Motor Company, by
benefits of water for forests. contrast, was in better shape than Chrysler at
d. There is the fallacious concept that the time, but was forced to issue bonds with
trees store large amount of water. a rate of 14.5%. It would seem then that
e. E. The information about the Chrysler should have been paying the
importance of trees in storing water government a guarantee of at least 4%; in
is not available. reality, however, Chrysler was only paying
the government a guarantee of 1%. Further,
Questions 5-8 are based on the following the loss of jobs from cuts at Chrysler would
passage. have resulted in a reduction of payroll taxes
The bailout of the Chrysler to the federal government.
Corporation by the federal government in
1979 was widely hailed as a success. Four 5. The purpose of the second paragraph is
years later Chrysler was profitable again, to ....
and proponents of the claimed that it had a. Provide an historical overview of a
saved Chrysler from bankruptcy without case
costing the taxpayers one penny. But a b. Offer insight into the strategies of
closer examination of the facts of the case Chrysler's management
leads to a more complicated picture. c. Argue for the success of bailout
In 1979 Chrysler was on the verge of d. Give a context for why the bailout
bankruptcy. Thousands of workers had been failed
laid off, creditors were unpaid and the senior e. Argue against federal bailouts of
management appealed to the administration private companies
of Jimmy Carter to provide more than $1
6. The author of the passage is primarily
billion in tax rebates. The administration's
concerned with which of the following?
proposal, however, was not for direct tax
a. Arguing against federal bailouts of
relief but rather for federal loan guarantees,
private Companies
which administration officials were initially
b. Discussing the reasons for the
estimating at a value of $750 million but
bailout's failure
which ultimately totaled more than $1.2
c. Challenging the view that the bailout
billion. When in 1983 Chrysler was
did not cost the federal government
profitable again, supporters of the bailout
claimed that the taxpayers had saved
d. Exploring the economics oi
Chrysler from bankruptcy without having
government intervention in the
spent a dime, since the federal government
had not had to pay for any defaulted loans.
e. Making the case that Chrysler is not
Chrysler is supposed to pay the government
a successful company
the difference between the guaranteed rate
the loans carry and the rate they would have 7. The passage suggests which of the
carried had they been issued without the following about the Ford Motor
government guarantee. Company?
a. It is a larger corporation than it one of the most powerful grips in the
Chrysler. animal world. The hyena's heart is equally
b. It currently is more profitable than powerful, enabling an adult to run at a
Chrysler. steady rate of six miles per hour, with bursts
c. It faced similar challenges to those of up to thirty miles per hour. In the wild,
Chrysler faced in the 1980s. hyenas tend to hunt in packs led by a
d. It was handicapped by the high price matriarch and have been known to bring
of loans. down animals as large as the Cape buffalo.
e. It was more financially sound than It seems that, in the case of the hyena,
was Chrysler in the early 1980s. appearances can certainly be deceiving.
8. The author of the passage most likely 9. According to the passage, all of the
considers the Chrysler bailout to be .... following are characteristics of hyenas
a. A model for future government EXCEPT ...
interventions a. A tendency to prey upon the weak
b. A warning to those who would b. A hierarchical clan structure led by a
support planned economies single female
c. An example of an unsuccessful c. Dynamic mandibular strength
government bailout d. Vocalizations that some people find
d. More costly than its supporters unnerving
suggest e. A high level of endurance
e. A political decision that was unfair
to the Ford Motor Company 10. Which of the following, if true, would
most undermine the application of the
Questions 8-12 are based on the following argument presented in the final sentence
passage. of the passage to the hyena?
The spotted hyena, or Crocuta a. Many other animals that seem
crocuta, found throughout sub- Saharan comical are as powerful as the
Africa, is, contrary to popular belief, one of hyena.
nature s fiercest Some early tribes mistook b. The hyena often walks in a manner
the hyena's distinctive call, which some have that causes it to appear smaller than
equated to hysterical human laughter, for the it is.
cries of lost souls, while many others c. The jaws of hyenas are smaller than
associated the animal with the lords of the those of sharks, and the lion is a
underworld. In modern movies, the hyena faster runner than the hyena over
has most often been caricatured as a both short and long.
buffoon-like creature or a villain, preying on d. People who have observed a hyena
the weak. These beliefs have led to the attack concur that hyenas are
common fallacy that the hyena is primarily a fearsome predators.
scavenger The reality, however, is that e. Most people unfamiliar with popular
hyenas are predators first and scavengers beliefs about hyenas find the sight of
only through need. the animal to be immediately
Hyena physiology may look comical, intimidating.
but it is designed for pure power. It has been
postulated that the laws of a fully-grown 11. The author of the passage would be most
hyena are potentially capable of exerting a likely to agree with which of the
bite force of 1,000 pounds which would give following statements?
a. The spotted hyena is the most emotion, changes in sleep patterns and
powerful animal found in sub- activity levels, and unusual behaviors. These
Saharan Africa. distinct periods are called "mood episodes."
b. It is possible for an animal to look Mood episodes are drastically different from
less dangerous than it truly is. the moods and behaviors that are typical for
c. Animals that hunt in matriarchal the person. Extreme changes in energy,
packs are able to bring down bigger activity, and sleep go along with mood
animals than lone hunters could. episodes.
d. Early tribes often held mistaken Sometimes a mood episode includes
beliefs regarding the animals that symptoms of both manic and depressive
shared their territory. symptoms. This is called an episode with
e. It is important to be able to run at mixed features. People experiencing an
least six miles an hour in order to episode with mixed features may feel very
bring down animals such as the Cape sad, empty, or hopeless, while at the same
buffalo. time feeling extremely energized.
Bipolar disorder can be present even
12. The passage best supports the claim that when mood swings are less extreme. For
the author of the passage believes the example, some people with bipolar disorder
hyena to be .... experience hypomania, a less severe form of
a. A commonly misunderstood deadly mania. During a hypomanic episode, an
predator individual may feel very good, be highly
b. Prone to scavenging for meals productive, and function well. The person
whenever possible may not feel that anything is wrong, but
c. Associated with the lords of the family and friends may recognize the mood
underworld swings and/or changes in activity levels as
d. With an inappropriate cry possible bipolar disorder. Without proper
e. Built more for speed than for treatment, people with hypomania may
endurance develop severe mania or depression.
Questions 13-15 are based on the following 13. What is the topic of the passage?
passage. a. Manic-Depressive illness
Bipolar disorder, also known as b. Brain disorder episodes
manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder c. "Up" and "down" periods of moods
that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, d. Moods changes during depression
activity levels, and the ability to carry out e. Emotional problems for bipolar
day-to-day tasks. disorder
There are four basic types of bipolar
disorder; all of them involve clear changes 14. The word "intense" in line 7 means ….
in mood, energy, and activity levels. a. Non-stop
These moods range from periods of b. Broad
extremely "up," elated, and energized c. Constant
behavior (known as manic episodes) to very d. Tough
sad, "down," or hopeless periods (known as e. Strong
depressive episodes). Less severe manic
15. One of the symptoms of manic episodes
periods are known as hypomanic episodes.
is feeling ….
People with bipolar disorder
a. Very lively
experience periods of unusually intense
b. Extremely happy Physical activity, reading and other
c. Really powerful more 'traditional' activities continue to play
d. Unusually strong a very important part in children's
e. Awfully active development, most parents do rely on screen
devices from time to time to engage their
Questions 16-19 are based on the following child while they're busy with something
passage. else. This is not a problem in itself, just as
The apps, games and websites that long as children's time is made up of a
are promoted as 'educational' are not always balanced range of activities.
the best ones for supporting learning. The
fact that they're interactive doesn't 16. The author reminds readers to be more
necessarily mean that they're much better careful with commercialism in free
than an old-fashioned workbook with its applications in paragraph (s)….
right and wrong answers. Children may a. 1
enjoy these products for a while but then get b. 2
a bit bored, and we now know that they are c. 3
not the most appropriate or engaging way to d. 1 and 4
learn. e. 2 and 3
Treat so-called 'free' apps with
caution. Some will expose your child to 17. How does the idea in sentence 6 related
adverts. Others are designed to wait until to the other ideas in paragraph 2?
your child is engaged in a game or storyline a. Sentence 6 elaborates the other ideas
and then demand payment before they can in paragraph 2
go any further. This can lead to frustration b. Sentence 6 is the result of the other
as young children don't understand why they ideas in paragraph 2
can't continue. Sometimes it's better to make c. Sentence 6 strongly contradicts the
a small payment up front if the app promises other ideas in paragraph 2
no further purchases. However, the d. Sentence 6 is the implementation of
CBeebies Playtime and CBeebies Storytime the theory discussed in paragraph 2
apps are free to download and completely e. Sentences 6 provides another type of
free of adverts or in-app purchases. free applications discussed in
Choosing an app needs the same paragraph 2
kind of thought and care you would put into
18. The author would apparently agree
buying anything else for your child. Don't
rely only on the star rating, but read the user
a. Open-ended games can stimulate
reviews and check the privacy policy if
children's love for learning
you're worried about the personal
b. Some games and applications are
information that the app might be collecting.
boring because they are too easy
If you want your child to enjoy learning, to
c. There is no convincing prediction for
develop curiosity, and to think about things
the future of the games and apps
creatively then provide them with a range of
d. It is better to pay the games in
games and apps. Open-ended games that
advance so that children can learn
become progressively more challenging and
encourage children to explore and have fun
e. Apps star rating provides users with
are more likely to establish a love of
reviews on the good things of games
learning and to lay the foundation for their
and apps
future development.
19. Regarding busy parents' reliance on fat (17 percent of calories from
screen devices to help keep their monounsaturated fatty acids/MUFAS),
children entertained, the author assumes whereas the lower fat diet provided 24
that …. percent of calories as fat (11 percent from
a. It is the parents' responsibility to MUFAS). Each participant consumed each
make their children less engaged of the three test diet for five weeks.
with screen devices Participants were randomly sequenced
b. Children whose parents are busy through each of the three diets.
with their activities must use screen Researchers found that Compared to
devices less the baseline average American diet, low-
c. Parents need to be aware of their density lipoprotein (LDL) the so called 'bad
children's need for varied activities cholesterol' -- was 13.5 mg/dL lower after
d. Such parents' reliance is acceptable consuming the moderate fat diet that
as long as the children are given the included an avocado. LDL was also lower
right proportion of other activities on the moderate fat diet without the avocado
e. It is not tolerable as their children (8.3 mg/dL lower) and the lower fat diet (7.4
need to have more physical activities mg/dL lower), though the results were not as
striking as the avocado diet.
Questions 20-25 are based on the following Several additional blood
passage. measurements were also more favorable
Eating one avocado a day as part of a after the avocado diet versus the other two
heart healthy, cholesterol-lowering cholesterol-lowering diets as well: total
moderate-fat diet can help improve bad cholesterol, triglycerides, small dense LDL,
cholesterol levels in overweight and obese non-HDL cholesterol, and others.
individuals, according to new research These measurements are all
published in the Journal of the American considered to be cardio-metabolic risk
Heart Association. factors in ways that are independent of the
Researchers evaluated the effect heart-healthy fatty acid effects, said Penny
avocados had on traditional and novel M. Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., R.D., senior study
cardiovascular risk factors by replacing author and Chair of the American Heart
saturated fatty acids from an average Association's Nutrition Committee and
American diet with unsaturated fatty acids Distinguished Professor of Nutrition at
from avocados. Pennsylvania State University, in University
Forty-five healthy, overweight or Park, Pennsylvania.
obese patients between the ages of 21 and 70 "This was a controlled feeding study,
were put on three different cholesterol- but that is not the real-world so it is a proof-
lowering diets. Participants consumed an of-concept -- investigation. We need to
average American diet (consisting of 34 focus on getting people to eat a heart-
percent of calories from fat, 51 percent healthy diet that includes avocados and other
carbohydrates, and 16 percent protein) for nutrient-rich food sources of better fats,"
two weeks prior to starting one of the Kris- Etherton said.
following cholesterol lowering diets: lower In addition to MUFAS, avocados
fat diet without avocado, moderate-fat diet also provided other bioactive components
without avocado, and moderate-fat diet with that could have contributed to the findings
one avocado per day. The two moderate fat such as fiber, phytosterols, and other
diets both provided 34 percent of calories as compounds. The Mediterranean diet,
includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, b. Combined diets involving avocados
fatty fish, and foods rich in monounsaturated needs further studies
fatty acids-like extra-virgin olive oil and c. The current research on avocados
nuts. Like avocados, some research indicates has conclusive findings
that these not only contain better fats but d. People will take the diet regardless
also certain micronutrients and bioactive the price of avocados
components that may play an important role e. The fruit nutrients are equal to those
in reducing risk of heart disease. of the Mediterranean diet
"In the United States avocados are
not a mainstream food yet, and they can be 23. Which paragraphs of the passage most
expensive, especially at certain times of the effectively illustrate the power of
year. Also, most people do not really know avocados to deal with heart disease?
how to incorporate them in their diet except a. 2 and 6
for making guacamole. But guacamole is b. 3 and 6
typically eaten with corn chips, which are c. 3 and 5
high in calories and sodium. Avocados, d. 4 and 5
however, can also be eaten with salads, e. 5 and 6
vegetables, sandwiches, lean protein foods
24. The author of the passage implies that ...
(like chicken or fish) or even whole."
a. Heart disease happens due to lack of
20. In relation in paragraph 2, what does consuming avocados
paragraph 3 inform? b. Avocados are closely linked to the
a. Procedure in carrying out the high rate of heart disease
research c. Eating avocados than other fruits is a
b. Results of the treatment described in better cure for heart disease
paragraph 2 d. Rather than the amount, the
c. Cholesterol contents that are appropriate diet of avocados cures
discussed in paragraph 2 heart disease
d. Conditions of the respondents when e. Consuming avocados likely lowers
applying the diets LDL levels among overweight
e. Elationships between the diets and person
cholesterol contents
25. Another simple way to restate ideas in
21. Based on the passage, the relationship the last paragraph of the passage is …
between the Mediteranian diet and heart a. Avocados and the Mediterranean diet
disease is like that between …. are more effective when they are
a. Distressed patient and male doctor consumed together with other fruits
b. Air conditioner and hot weather b. Elements of avocados, similar to
c. Severe hunger and big meal those in the Mediterranean diet can
d. Bush fire and black smoke lower the threat of the heart disease
e. Fossil fuel and sports car c. Avocados, rich in useful nutrients
like the Mediterranean diet are used
22. About avocados described in the to treat people with heart disease
passage, the author has the same belief d. Patients heart disease can effectively
as the researchers' that …. be treated by having either the
a. Research needs to reveal accurately Mediterranean diet or avocado
their contents feeding
e. Micro nutrients in avocados and bio
active contents in the Mediterranean
diet alike heal heart disease

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