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Alyssa Marie Agravante 11 FHC – 1 Physical Science

Directions: The scientist below mainly worked on the laws of the planetary motion. What is their
work/contributions? Please write on the space provided below the names.

Tycho Brahe
 He proposed a theory of the solar system
 He showed irregularities in the moon’s
orbit and discovered a new star in the
Cassiopeia Formation.
 He also invented many instruments such
as Tychonian Quadrant which were
widely copied and led to the invention of
improved observational equipment.
 He also made a consistent observation
which supported the Heliocentric theory
by Copernicus that was only made using a
compass and sextant.
 He proved that the comet is not a
component of Earth’s atmosphere, but an
actual object traveling on space.

Johannes Kepler
 He proposed the three laws of planetary
motion. He made the laws using Brahe
and Copernicus as a basis.
 First law of Kepler is called The Law of
Ellipse, where he stated that planets move
in elliptical paths around the sun.
 Second Law, is called The Law of Equal
Areas, stated that planets move
proportionally faster in the orbits when
they are closer to the sun.
 The Third law of Kepler is called The Law
of Harmonies, that explains the
relationship between the distance of a
planet from the sun and the amount time
it took to orbit the sun.
Alyssa Marie Agravante 11 FHC – 1 Physical Science

Directions: Give the laws of planetary motion below be able to share what you already
know about these. Please write on the space provided.

1. The Law of Ellipses

It is the First law of Kepler, explains that planets are orbiting elliptical shape
around the Sun. The distance between the planets and Sun are constantly
changing when the planet goes around on its orbit.

2. The Law of Equal Areas

The Second law of Kepler, which describe the speed of any given planet will move
while orbiting the Sun. Also stated that if the planet is closest to the sun, it moves
faster, and moves slowest when it’s furthest from the sun.

3. The Law of Harmonies

The Third law of Kepler, it compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a
planet to the other planets.

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