Hydrolisis Journal

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Mochammad Zikri Warkhan, Alifatun Nada 2

jurusan S1 Teknik Kimia, institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan
email: Zikriwarhan78@gmail.com
jurusan S1 Teknik Kimia, institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan
email: alifatunada02@gmail.com


The acid hydrolysis process can be carried out by adding acids, such as acetic acid and
hydrochloric acid. In accordance with the goals listed so that students know the process of
hydrolysis using an acid catalyst. The raw material used is mashed dry pine needles. The
result, in addition to knowing how to hydrolyze using an acid catalyst, the researchers were
also able to find out the yield level of cellulose contained in dry pine leaves, which was 39%.

Kata kunci:

I. INTRODUCTION have the potential as bioherbicide materials

Pine is a plant that can used for to control weed growth that can interfere
reforestation, because Pine has several growth in food crop production between it's
functions, including as a plant protection of not a priesthood. One of the weeds to disrupt
soil ecologically and as wood producer. In the growth of crops is E. colon and A. viridis.
addition, Pine also has the power competitive Weed control is basically an attempt
with other plants surrounding so as to to change the balance ecology aimed at
compete (Marisa,1990). Pinus merkusii has suppressing growth weed, but it does not
resin channels that may produce a secondary negatively affect cultivated plants. Thus
metabolite are allelopathic (Taiz and Zeiger, expected in the presence of tillage, planting
1991). Allelochemicals in the resin include time, proper fertilization, planting distance
group of terpenoid compounds, namely the and variety, can suppress weed growth so
monoterpenes of β pinene and β- pinene that
(Harborne, 1987; Taiz and Zeiger, 1991). competition between plants with weeds is not
These compounds are known to be toxic both may occur. Usually the plant is very sensitive
against insects and plants. In addition in to environmental factors at the age of one-
addition, the compound is the main third up to half the life of the plant. Then at
ingredient on the manufacture of turpentine. the time that's the right time to do weed
Monoterpenes (C-10) it is a plant-based oil control (Sukman and Yakup, 2002).
most important are also toxic (Sastroutomo,
Some ecological studies in the area Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that
pine tree growth shows no the growth of breaks down water molecules (H2O) into
herbaceous plants, allegedly due to Pine leaf hydrogen cations (H+) and hydroxide anions
litter found on the ground secrete allelopathic
(OH−) through a chemical process. This
substances that inhibit herbal growth. It is
reinforced with research on the ability of process is usually used to break down certain
leaves pine that has not been degraded that polymers, especially those prepared by step-
can growth polymerization
decreased radicle length growth mustard Simply put, the meaning of
sprouts (Marisa, 1990). It indicates that the hydrolysis is the process of cleavage of
compound content in Pinus merkusii leaves chemical bonds with the addition of water.
Jurnal Teknik 1
An example is a process of saccharification that are often used to lower the pH of
of sucrose. Saccharification is a breakdown fertilizer, namely solid pellets
of carbohydrates into components of sugar ( NH4 )2so4. If the salt is reacted in water,
the NH4+ ions will be hydrolyzed in the soil
molecules through hydrolysis. For example,
and will form NH3 and H+ which are acidic.
sucrose is broken down into fructose and The hydrolysis reaction that occurs
glucose. In general, hydrolysis and between the salt formed from HOCl which is
saccharification are steps in carrying out a weak acid with NaOH which is a strong
substance degradation. base with water will occur HOCL hydrolysis
If viewed from the salt-forming so that it will produce OH ions - which have
components and whether or not the salt can alkaline properties. While NaoH as a strong
base is not hydrolyzed. The salt formed
be decomposed when reacted with water,
through the process of combining the two
then the hydrolysis reaction can be divided acids is NaOCl. The salt is one of the
into two, namely: materials used in the manufacture of bayclin
1. Partial hydrolysis or sunklin that can be used to whiten clothes.
Partial hydrolysis, namely when salt is Hydrolysis reaction has an important
reacted with water, only one/some of the role in the breakdown of food into nutrients
ions undergo a hydrolysis reaction, while that are easy to absorb. Most of the organic
compounds in food do not readily react with
the others do not. The constituent
water, so catalysts are needed to allow this
components of salts that undergo a partial process to continue. Organic catalysts that
hydrolysis reaction are weak acids and help with the occurrence of reactions in
strong bases or vice versa. living organisms are known as enzymes. The
2. Total hydrolysis enzyme works by applying the concept of
Total hydrolysis is a reaction of hydrolysis.
Hydrolysis reaction has an important
decomposition of all salt by water, in
role in a rock weathering process. The
which the salt component consists of a process is important in the process of soil
weak acid and a weak base. formation, as well as making essential
minerals available to plants. Various silicate
Factors that affect hydrolysis i.e. the
minerals, such as feldspar, will undergo a
speed of hydrolysis reaction is influenced by
slow hydrolysis reaction with water, forming
intrinsic factors such as molecular structure,
clay and mud.
and environmental factors include
Hydrolysis reaction has a role in the
temperature (if the temperature rises 100°C,
process of water purification. Purification of
the hydrolysis increases twice), the pH of the
drinking water in the welcome by PAM
solution (H+ and OH– catalyze or accelerate
apply the principles of hydrolysis, namely by
the breaking of the chain. pH stability of a
using aluminum phosphate compounds that
drug is at the minimum point when log K
will undergo total hydrolysis.
minimum), buffer type, ionic strength, light,
Thus, it can be concluded that the
oxygen, moisture and additives.
hydrolysis reaction occurs when some ionic
Hydrolysis reactions that occur
compounds, such as acids, bases, and salts
between acid and base molecules that react
are dissolved or broken down in water
with water will form salts with the chemical
molecules that can produce properties that
formula NaCl. NaCl is a salt that is used in
vary whether they are acidic, basic, or
the kitchen by housewives as a salty flavor to
neutral. The difference in these properties is
a benchmark in analyzing the important role
In agriculture, hydrolysis reaction is
of hydrolyzed salt in the lives of living
utilized in an adjustment of soil pH with
planted plants. Through a hydrolysis reaction
process, it will get a type of fertilizer that is
not too acidic or as for chemical molecules

Engineering Journal 2
III. METHOD j. The mixture is then filtered to take the
1. Stage 1 of the material preparation k. Then the precipitate was washed using
process 50 ml of aquadest 5 (five) times
Grind pine needles and sieve. Drying l. Add 12.5 ml of 2 N acetic acid and stir
pine needles in the sun. Store pine needle for 5 minutes
powder in a closed jar. Notes Pine leaf flour m. Then washed with distilled water until
was used for all groups the pH is neutral, tested with litmus
2. Stage 2 Pulping process paper
a. Make a NaOH solution with a n. The precipitate is dried to a constant
concentration of 4 M weight.
b. Mix pine needle powder with NaOH o. Record weighing results
solution with a ratio of 1:5 w/v
c. Put the mixture into the 3 neck flask IV. OBSERVATION RESULT
and install the condenser to heat the Table 1. Pulping Process Results
mixture for 45 minutes at 70°C
(while stirring at low speed in the Inputs output
wather bath).
d. Weigh the filter cloth and record the Typical pine The smell
weighing results smell, of pine has
e. After 45 minutes, neutralize the powder form disappeared
mixture by adding 1 M HCl and a bit, in the
filter the mixture using a filter cloth Sample form of a
and squeeze it. powder
f. Oven Produce until constant weight
Brown Dark
g. Record weighing results
3. Stage 3 Test the cellulose content
a. Weigh 5 grams of dry pulp, then put it in a aluminum+fil 4.455
beaker glass ter cloth = grams
b. The pulp was moistened with 15 ml of 4.455 g
17.5% NaOH w/v and stirred for 1 Aluminum = 4.7078 –
minute Weighing 0.843 g 2.8857
c. Add 10 ml of 17.5% NaOH and stir for Sieve = 3.612 = 1.8221
45 seconds g grams
d. The addition of 10 ml of 17.5% NaOH Sample = 10
followed by stirring for 15 seconds g
e. The mixture was left for 3 minutes
f. Added another 10 ml of 17.5% NaOH, 14 pH for 6 pH
stirred for 10 minutes samples that
g. 3x addition using 17.5% NaOH as much have been
as 10 ml after 2.5; 5 ; 7.5 minutes heated with
h. Left for 15 minutes in a closed state NaOH
i. Added 100 ml of distilled water and left
for 15 minutes

Engineering Journal 3
Calculation 8.435
Rendemen= 100 %
a. NaOH 4 M 10
gram 1000 Rendemen=84.35 %
M= ×
Mr V f. Cellulose Content Test Results
gram 1000 berat endapan selulosa
4= × Kadar selulosa= 100 %
40 100 berat pulp
¿ 16 gram 1,95
Kadar selulosa= 100 %
b. NaOH 17.5% w/v W = ×V K adar Selulosa=39 %
W = Weight of substance to be
dissolved The longer the cooking process will
a = Percent to be made produce less pulp with a lower pH. In this
V = volume of substance to be practicum, we used pine leaves as a sample.
made Inside the pine needles, it contains various
17,5 compositions such as cellulose, lignin,
W= ×15
100 pentosan, ash, silica and acidity.(pH)
W =2,625 gram (Bambang, W., 1989).
Pulping or pulping is the process of
c. 1 M HCl converting raw materials into cellulose fibers
ρ ×10 ×% that can be used as raw material for paper.
Mr Wood is a raw material that is often used as a
1,19 ×10 ×32 raw material in the manufacture of paper
36,5 pulp. With the increasing need for paper each
¿ 10,43 M year, more and more trees will be cut down.
M 1 ×V 1=M 2× V 2 This clearly can damage the ecosystem on
1 ×100=10,43 ×V 2 earth. Therefore, the practicum that we are
100 doing has the aim of being able to replace
=V 2
10,43 wood as a raw material, but other plants that
V 2=9,6 mL have high cellulose content with conditions
that are abundant in nature. One example is
d. CH3COOH 99.8%
the pine flower which has sufficient cellulose
ρ ×10 ×%
M= content.
The first experiment that was carried
1,05 ×10 ×99,8
M= out was sample preparation by smoothing
¿ 17,5 M and sifting the sample in order to increase the
M 1 ×V 1=M 2× V 2 sample surface. The purpose of increasing
2 ×100=17,5× V 2 the surface area of the sample is to speed up
200 the pulping process.
=V 2 After that, the pulping process was
V 2=11,43 mL carried out using 4 M NaOH with a ratio of
1:5 of the sample weight. The purpose of this
e. Yield Test Results process is to separate the cellulose fibers
berat pulp kering from other materials.
Rendemen= 100 %
berat tepung daun pinus

Engineering Journal 4
Then the cellulose content test was Brown, HP; AJ Panshin; CC Forsaith. 1994.
carried out using NaOH and acetic acid Textbook of Wood Technology.
which aims to determine the cellulose
Vol.1. Mc. Graw-Hill Book Co. Inc.
content in a sample. As we know that each
material has a different cellulose content. In 4th. Ed. New York
the practicum that we have done, the Cassey, J.P. 1980. Pulp and Paper Chemistry
resulting cellulose content is .39 %
and Chemical Technology. Vol. 1, 3rd
In the practicum that we did, the
results of the yield test with the cellulose ed. John Willey and son. New York
content test had a high level of difference, FAO. 1976. Evaluation of Mixed Tropical
namely for the yield test and for cellulose
Hardwoods for Pulp and Paper
content. This happened because of the lack of
practice in drying the samples, so that the Manufacture. Food Agriculture
samples in the yield test were not completely Organization of the United Nations.
dry 84.35 % rome.
P3HH and PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya .1989.
Transfer of Science and Technology
We can concluse that: to the Paper Pulp and Fiberboard
1. Based on the practicum we have done,
pine needles contain 39%cellulose
2. The process of making pulp is a process
of separating cellulose or fibers from
other materials. In the lab we did, the
yield test with the cellulose test had a
significant difference due to the lack of
practice in drying samples.

Study Program Team. 2013. Chemical
Reaction Engineering Practicum
Guide. Pekanbaru: Laboratory of
Fundamentals of Process D3 Program,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, University of
Sastrohamidjojo, Harjdono. 1984. Wood Ultra
Structure Chemistry And Reactions.
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University

Engineering Journal 5

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