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- - - - -Literature
,, ...-.. ...-. .
Part 1: RockiOIIIBrlne Interactions
. . - . - - . -

and the Effects of ·core Handling

_..,.. ,.,_...... ;.;
William G. Anderson, SPE, Conoco Inc.
... ,,

Summary. Wettability is a major factor controlling the location, flow, and distnbution of fluids in a
reservoir. The' wettability of a core will affect almost all types of core analyses, including capillary pressure,
relative permeability, waterflood behavior, electrical properties, and simulated tertiary recovery. The inost
accurate results are obtained when natiye- 'or restored-state cores are run with native crude, oil and brine at
reservoir ~temperature and pressure. Such conditions provide cores that have the same wettability as the
reservoir. -
The wettability of originally water-wet reservoir rock can be altered by the adsorption of polar compounds
and/or the deposition of organic material 'that was originally in the crude oil. The degree of alteration is deter-
mined by the interaction of the oil constituents, the rrrineral surface,_ and the brine chetn.istr;. The procedures
for obtaining native-state, cleaned, and restored-state cores are discussed, as well as the effects of coring, .
preservation, and experimental conditions on wettability. Also reviewed are methods for artificially controllirig
the wettability, duri!'g laboratory experiments.

. This paper is the first of a series of literature surveys demonstrated by allowirig water to imbibe into the core .
covering the effects· of wettability oq core analysis. 1- 3 The water will displace the oil from the rock surface, iri-
Changes in wettability have been shown to affect capil- dicating that the.rocJ< surlace ''prefers'~ to be in contact
lary pressure, relative permeability, waterflood behavior, with water rather than oil. Similarly, a core saturated with
dispersion of tracers, simulated tertiaiy recovery, irredu- . water is oil-wet if o-il will imbibe into the core illid diS-
cible water saturation (IWS), residual oil saturation place water from the rock surface. Depending on the spe-
(ROS), and electrical properties. 4- 26 For core analysis cific interactions of rock, oil, and brine, the wettability
to predict the behavior of a reservoir accurately, the wet- of a system can range from strongly waier-wet to strong-
lability of a core must be the same as the wettability of ly oil-wet. When the rock hits no strong preference for
the undisturbed reservoir rock. A serious ·problem occurs either oil or water; the system is said to be of neutral (or
because many aspects of core handling can drastically af- iritenuediate) wettability. Besides strong and neutral wet-
fect wettability. lability, a third type is fractional wettability, where differ-
ent areas of the core have different wetting preferences. 27
Water-Wet, Oil-Wet, and Neutrally Wet. Wettability · The wettability of the, rock/fluid system is important
is defmed as ''the tendency of one fluid to spread on or because it is a major factor controlling the location, flow,
adhere to a solid surface in the presence of other immis- and distribution Of fluids in a reservoir. _In general, one
cible fluids." 7 In a rock/oil/brine systerri, it is a meas- of the fluids iri a porous mediiun of uniform wettability
ure of the preference that the rock has for either the oil that contairis at least two inuniscible fluids will be the wet-
or water. When the rock is water-wet, there is a tenden- ting fluid. When the system is in equilibrium, the wet-
cv for water to occuov the small oores and to contact the ring fluid will completely ocCupy the smallest pores and ·
~J~rlty ~f-th~ ;~ck ~~rface. similarly, irian oil-wet sys- be in contact with a majority ofthe rock surface (assum-
tem, the rock is preferentially in contact with the oil; the ing, of course, that the saturation of the wetting fluid is
location of the two fluids is reversed from the water-wet sufficiently high). The nonwetting fluid will occupy the
case, and oil will occupy the small pores and contact the centers of the larger pores and form globules that extend
majoricy of the rock surface. It is important to note,' how- over several pores.
ever, that the term wettability is used for the wetting In the remainder of this survey, the terms wettirig and
preference of the rock and does not necessarily refer to nonwetririg fluid will be used in addition to water-wet and
the fluid that is in contact with the rock at any given time. oil-wet. This will help us to draw conclusions about a sys-
For exampl~, consider a clf:an sandstone core that is tem with the opposite wettilbility. The behavior of oil in
saturated with a refined oil. Even though the rock sur- a water-wet system is very similar to the behavior of water
face is coated with oil, the sandstone core is still preferen- in an oil-wet one; For example, it is generally assumed
tially water-wet. This wetting preference can be that for a system with a strong wetting preference, the
Copyright 19S6 Society of Petroleum Engineers wetting-phase relative permeability is ouly a function of
Journal of Petroleum Technology. October 1986, 1125'

Angle Silicate Carbonate Total
(degrees) Reservoirs Reservoirs Reservoirs
Water-wet o to 75 13 2 15
Intermediate wet 75 to 105 2 1 3
Oil-wet 105 to 180 15 22 37
Total 30 25 55

its own saturation-i.e., it shows no .hysteresis. 7 -12 -28 fected the wettability behavior in the contact-angle tests.
Ow~ns and Archer 28 measured the gas/oil drainage per- As .discussed later, this probably causes an overestima-
meability, where the oil was the strongly wetting fluid, tien of the oil-wetuess. Therefore, the large percentage
and compared it with the water/oil imbibition relative per- of reservoirs found to be oil-wet is less significant than
ineability, where the water was the strongly wetting fluid. the general indications that not all reservoirs are water-
The water-imbibition relative permeability (strongly wet and that the reservoir wettability varies widely-
water-wet system) was a continuation of the oil-drainage Contact-angle measurements made by Chilingar and
relative permeability (strongly oil-wet system), demon- Yen 35 suggest that most carbonate reservoirs range frorri
strating the analogy between systems of opposite wetta- neutrally to oil-wet They measured the wettability of 161
bilities. limestone, dolomitic limestone, calcitic dolomite, artd
Historically, all petroleum reservoirs were believed to dolomite cores. The cores tested included (1) ·90 cores
be strongly water-wet This was based on two major facts. from Asmari limestones and dolomites from the Middle
First, almost ail. clean sedimentary rocks are strongly East; (2) lS dolomite cores from west Texas; (3) 3 cores
water-wet Second, sandstone reservoirs were deposited of Madison limestone from Wyoming; (4) 4 carbonate
in aqueous environments into which oil later migrated. cores from Mexican oil fields; (5)'4 carbonate cores from
It was assumed that the connate water would prevent the the Rengiu 'oil field in the People's Republic of China;·
oil from touching the rock surfaces. In 1934, Nutting 29 (6) 16 carbonate cores from Alberta; (7) 19 chalk cores
realized that some producing reservoirs were, in fact, ac- from the North_. Sea; (8) 5 samples from India; and (9)
tually strongly oil-wet He found that the quaitz surfaces 5 samples from Soviet oil fields in the Urals-Volga region.
of the Tensleep sandstone in Wyoming had adsorbed Table2 shows the distribution of wettabilities with 80%
heavy hydrocarbons in layers about 0.7 p;m thick (about of the reserVoirs either oil-wet or strongly oil-wet Some.
1,000 molecules) so frrmly that they could no; be removed of the strongly oil-wet reservoirs we~e oil-wet b~use
by gasoline or various solvents. When the hydrocarbon of a bitumen coating. Note that the range of contact an-
film was removed by .firing the core, the film could be gles considered to be neutrally wet is smaller than the
restored by soaking the cores in crude oil overnight range given in Table L This demonstrates the variation
Examples of othei' reservoirs that are generally recog- ~ from paper to paper of the cutoff angles betw~en the
nized as strongly oil-wet are the Bradford sands, of the different wetting states.
Bradford pool,Pennsylvania, 30- 32 and the Ordovician As discussed in more detail later, reservoir rock can
sands of the Oklahoma City field. 33 More recently, change from its original, strongly water-wet condition by
Treiber ~tal. 34 used ~': water adv:mcing co~tact ang~e adso~tion of pobr ~ompo_unds and/or th_e d':/ilosition of
to examme the wettabilrty of 55 oil reservmrs. In this orgaruc matter ongmally m the crude oil. 7 • 6- 42 Some
procedure, deoxygenated synthetic formation brine and crude oils make a rock oil-wet by depositing a thick or-
. dead anaerobic crudes were tested on quartz and calcite ganic film on the mineral surfaces. Other crude oils con-
crystals at reservoir temperature- Contact_angies·(meas- _ tain polar compounds that can be adsorbed to make the
ured through the water) from 0 to 75° [0 to 1.3 rad] were rock more oil-wet Some of these compounds are suffi-
deemed water'wet; from 75 to 105° [1.3 to 1.83 rad], ciently water soluble to pass through the aqueous phase
intermediate wet; and from 105 to 180° [1.83 to 3.14 rad], to the rock. ·
oil-wet As summarized in Table 1, 37 of the reservoirs
tested were classified as oil-wet, 3 were of intermediate Fractional Wettability. The realization that rock wetta-
wettability, and 15 were water-wet Most of the oil-wet bility can be altered by adsorbable crude oil components
reservoirs were mildly oil-wet, with a contact angle be- · led to the idea that heterogeneous forms of wettability exist
tween 120 and 140° [2;1 and 2.4 rad]. Of the carbonate in reservoir rock. Generally, the internal surface of reser-
reservoirs included, 8% were water-wet, 8% were inter- voir rock is composed of many minerals with different
mediate, and 84% were oil-wet. Most of the carbonate su~face chemistry and adsorption properties, which may
reserVOirs were from the west Texas area, however, so lead to variations in wettability. Fractional wettability-
there is a geographical bias in the data. also called heterogeneous, spotted, or Dalmatian
Treiber et al. cautioned that these findings could not wettability-was proposed by Brown and Fatt77 . and
be considered representative of a truly random sampling others. 43 -'46 In fractional wettability, crude oil compo-
ofpetroleum reservoirs. The samples were biased because nents are strongly adsorbed in certain areas of the rock,
(1) a11· were operations for the same company, (2) most so a portion of the rock is strongly oil-wet, while the rest
were being considered for some type of flooding, and (3) is strongly water-wet. Note that this is cqnceptually differ'
some of the reservoirs had demonstrated unusual be- ent from intermediate wettability, which assumes that all
havior. A fourth consideration is how much the use of portions of the rock surface have a slight but equal prefer-
degassed fluids rather than the real formation fluids af- ence to being wetted by water or oil. ·
1126 · Journal of Petroleum Technology, 9ctober 19~6
Mixed Wettability. Salathlel 47 introduced the term TABLE 2-DISTRIBUTION OF CARBONATE
mixed wettability for a special type of fractional wetta- RESERVOIR WETTABILITIES 35
bility iri which the oil-wet surfaces form continuous paths
through the larger pores. 48 - 50 The smaller pores remain 'contact
Angle Percent of
water-wet ·and contain no oil. The fact that all of the oil
(degrees) Reservoirs
in a niixed'wettability core is located in the· \arger oil- .:=:.::Be:=.=. • .
Water-wet 0 to 80
wet causes a_small·but finite oil permeability to ex- · Intermediate wet .so to 100 12
ist down to very low oil saturations. This in turn permits Oil~wet 100 to 160 65
the drainage of oil during a waterffood to continue until Strongly oil-wet 160to 180 15
very low oil saturations· are reached. Note that the main
distinction between mixed and fractional wettability i~ that
the latter, implies neither specific locations for the oil-wet . be used. only for such measurements as. porosity and air
surfaces ·nOr continuous oil-Wet paths. permeability where the wettability will not affect the
Satathiel :visualizes the generation of mixed wettability results. ·
in, the following manner. When oil initially invaded an The third type of core is the restored-state core, in which
originaily water"::wet reservoir' it dispiaced water from the the native wettability is restored by a three-step process.
larger pores, while the smaller pores remained water-filled The core is cleaned and then saturated with brine, fol-
because of capillary forces. A mixed-wettabiilty condi- lowed by crude oil. Finally, the core is aged at reservoir
tion occurred if the oil deposited a layer of oil-wet or-, temperature for aboui 1,000 hours.-The methods used to
ganic, material orily on those rock surfaces that were in obtain the three different types of cores will be discussed
direct contact with the oil but not on the brine-covered in more detail later.
, surfaces. Oil-wet 'deposits would not be formed in the
small water-filled pores, allowing them to remain water-
Factors Affecting the Original
wet. The question that Salathiel did not address was how
the oil first came into direct contact with the rock. As the Reservoir WeHability
oil moves into the larger pores, a thin layer of interstitial The original strong water-wetness of most reservoir min-
water remains on the,pore walls, preventing the oil from erals can be altered by the adsorption of polar compounds.
contacting the rock .. Under·certain conditions, however, and/or the deposition of Qrganic matter that was origi-
tl:ie water'film separating the crude and ihe mineral sur- !lally in the crude oil. 7 •20 •31·32 •36c4I,SS-63 The surface-
face can rupture. Hall et al. 51 and Melrose 5 2 recently active agents .in the oil are generally believed to be polar
developed .theoretical model for the stability of these comy,ounds that contain oxygen, nitrogen, and/or sul-.
thiri water films that shows that the water films become fur. 6,37,40,41,5.5,56,64-68 These compounds contain both
thinner and thinner as more oil enters the rock. The water a polar and a hydrocarbon end. The polar end adsorbs
flim is stabilized by electrostatic forces arising from the on the rock surface, exposing the hydrocarbon end and
electrical double layers at th~ pil/water and watei:/rock making the s~ace more oil-wet. Experiments have·shown
interfaces. Si-54 As the w.8.ter Jihn thickness is further re- that some. of these natural surfactants are sufil<;:ientiy solu-
duced, a critical thickness is reached where the water films ble in water to adsorb onto the rock surface after passing
in the larger pores become unstable. The films rupture through a thin layer of water. 42,60,69-71 ·
and are displaced, allowing oil to contact the rock. . In addition to the oil composition, the degree to. which
the wettability is altered by these surfactap.ts is also deter-·
mine4 by t.'i.e presswe, temperature, mineral surface, and
Native-State, Cleaned, and ReStored-State Cores.
brine chemistry, including ionic composition and pH. The
Cores in three different states Of preservation are used
effects of pressure and temperature will be discussed later
in core analysis: native State, cleaned, and restored state.
in the section on experimental conditions. The importance
The best results [or multiphase-type flow analyses are ob-
of the mineral surface is shown by the contact-angle meas-
tained with native-state cores, where alterations to the wet-
urements clisctissed earlier, 34•35 in which a large majority
lability of the undisturbed reservoir ro<:k are minimized. ·
of the carbonate reservoirs tested were. oil -wet, while
In this set of papers, the term "native-state" kused for
many of the sandstone reservoirs were. water-wet Several ·
any core that was obtained and stored by methods that
researchers have found that some polar compounds af-
preserve the wettability of the reservoir. No distinction
fect the wettability of sandstone and carbonate surfaces
is made between cores taken with oil- or water-bas.ed
in different wa}rs. 37,~- 42 ·66, 72-76 The_chewisLTy of the
t1uids, as long as the na~ve· w6ttability is maintained. Be
brine can also alter the wettability. Multivalent cations
aware, however, that some papers distinguish on the ba-
34 sometimes erihance the ~dsorption of surfactants on the
sis of drilling fluid (e.g., see Treiber et al. ). In these
mineral surface. 34•77• 83 The brine pH is also important·
papers, "native-state" refers only to cores taken with a '
in determination of the wettability and other interfacial
suitable oil-filtrate-type drilling mud, which mitintains the
properties of the crude/brine/rock system. 6,26,84 In alka-
original connate water saturation. !.!Fresh-state" refers
line flooding, for example, alkaline chemicals can react
to a core with unaltered wettability that was taken with
with some crudes to produce surfactants that alter wetta-
a water-base drilling mud that contains no compounds that bility. 6,26 . . . .
can alter core wettability. Here, the term native-state is
used for both cases.
The second ryJ}e ofcore is U':ie cleaii.ed core~ where an C'n--c."... ,.,. A.. .... ~ ............................,.n ..... ..l ... ~ ......
OUJ.\::-.t2..1.:.1.1VII:; ..... UJ.1.11;' .1.1.1 ..... J. UUII:;
,...._.,._.~,. n:l "\"lTJ..:l,.
..._..J.l• '"' llllV

attempt is made to remove all the fluids and adsorbed or- surface-active components of crude are found in a wide
ganic material by flowing solvents through the cores. • range of petroleum fractions, 41 they are more prevalent
Cleaned cores are usually strongly water-wet and should in !he heavier fractions -of crude, such as reSins and

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

' 1'127
asphaltenes. Thyse surfactants are believed to be polar Several researchers 57 •58 analyzed wettability-altering
compounds that contain oxygen, nitrogen, and/or sulfur. compounds extracted from cores. Jennings 58 removed a
The oxygen compounds, which are uSually acidic, include portion of the wettability-altering compounds by extract-
the phenols and a large number of different carboxylic ing a non-water-wet core with toluene, followed by a chlo-
acids. 67,85,86 Seifert arid Howellsss showed that the car- roform/methanol mixinre. An imbibition test showed that
boxylic acids are interfacially active at alkaline pH. The some of the wettability-altering compounds had been re-
·. sulfur compounds include the sulfides and thiophenes, moved during the second extraction because the core was
with smaller amounts of other compounds, such as mer- more water-wet. The material-remoVed dUring the sec-
. captans and polysulfides. 87•88 The nitrogen compounds. ond extraction contained porphyrins and high-molecular-
are generally either basic or neutral and include carba- · weight paraffinic and aromatic compoUh!is.
zoles, amides, pyridenes, quinolines, and porphy- · Denekas et al, 41 used a distillation pro9ess to separate
rins. 40,87-90 The porphyrins can form interfacially active crude oils into, fractions of different molecular weight.
metal/porphyrin complexes with a number of different me- · A clean, dry core was sattrrated with the crude oil frac-
tals, including nickel, vanadium, iron, copper, ZinC, titani~ tion to be tested, then aged for 24 hours. An imbibition
llm, calcium, and magnesium. 91-95 . test based on the relative rate of imbibition was used to
· Because the surfactants in crude oil are composed· of determine the wettability alteration. 1 •41 The original
· a large number of very complex chemicals that represent crude oil and the heaviest residue left after distillation had
only a small fraction of the. crude, identifying which com- .the greatest effect on the wettability; ihey were the ouly
pounds are im£ortaht in altering the wettability has not .fluids that made the rock oil-wet.. This implies that a con-
· been possible. ·66 In addition, attempts to correlate bulk siderable portion of the surfactants. hi tlie crude oil had
etude properties with the ability of the crude to alter wet- a large molecular weight. Many of i:he lower-molecnlar- ·.
lability have been unsuccessful. McGhee et al. 62 satu- weight fractions, however, also decreased the water-
rated Berea cores with brine, oilflooded them to IWS with wettability, demonstrating that the surfactants in crude
different cnides, then incubated them at 140°F [60°C] have a broad range of molecular weights. Cuiec96 ob-
for 1,000 hours to allow the wettability to reach equilib- tained similar results. Note that Denekas et al. and Cuiec
rium ..TheU.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) wettability in' both used dry cores and that adso)1ltioh of the wettability-
dex was then measured and compared with bulk properties altering compounds would probably have been altered if
of the crude. They found no correlation between the the cores contained brine during the aging process.
USBM index and interfacial tension (IFT), organic acid A nmnber of researchers have examined the i)lterfacially
content, percent nitrogen, or percent sulfur of the crude . active materials that are concentrated at the oil/water in-
• Cujec 96 measured the Amott wettability index of terface. Generally, these materi')ls can also be adsorbed
restored-state cores. and fomid no correlation between wet- on the rock surface to alter wettabi!ity. 37,84,99-102 Bar-
lability and amounts of acids, bases, aromatics, resins, tell aild Niederhauser 103 managed io separate these ma-
nitrogen, or sulfur. In all cases, when the restored-state terials from the crude oil and found that they· formed a
cores were water-wet, the crudes had low asphalte~e and hard, black, ~oncrys~ine Substance that was asphaltic
sulfur contents .. However, other low-asphaltene and low- in nattrre. ·
sulfur crudes rendered cores neutrally or oil-wet.
Experiments that determined the general nattrre of the Adsorption Through Water FiJn.s, Experiments have
surfactants and the crude oil fractions in which they are shown tliat natural surfactants iii crude are often suffi-
concentrated without attempting 'to determine exactly ciently soluble in water to ads~rb onto the rock' surface
which compounds cause wettability alteration have been after passing through a thin l!lyer. of water. 42,60,69-71
more successfuL Johansen and Dunning97· 98 found that Measuremerits comparing asphaltene adSorption in cores
asphaltenes were responsible for changing some crude- with and without water show that in many. cases a water
oil/water/glass systems from water-wet to oil-wet. The · film will reduce but not completeiy inhibi.t asphalten:e ad-
system was oil-wet when the crude was used but water- sorption. 60,69, 70 Because the water and asphaltenes will
wet when the deasphalted crude was used. The addition coadsorb, however, the water fiiin m~y alter the detailed
ofit very small amount (0.25%) of the whole crude to· adsorption mechanism. 70•104 Lyutin imd Burdyn 60 found
· the deasphalted crude restored the oil-wettingness of the that the asphalti:me adsorption from Af]ah .crude in an un-
system. Donaldson and Crocker 55 'and Donaldson 56 consolidated sandpack was about 80% of the dry vruue
measured wettability alteration caused by the polar coin- at a water sattrration of 10% PV, decreasing to 40% when
pounds extracted from several different mineral oils. First, the water saturation was increased to 30% PV. Berezin
the wettability of a series of lincontaminated Berea plugs et al. 69 exruirlned the adsorption of asphaltenes and res-
was measured with brine at1d a refined mineral oil. The ins from crude onto cleaned sandsiohe cores. With Tui-
.average USBM wettability index was 0.81, or strongly mazy crude, a water ,saturation of about 17% reduced the
water-wet. After cleaning, the USBM wettability index adsorption by about a factor. of three. With two other
of the plugs was measured with brine aJJ.d a 5% mixinre crudes, a water saturation of about 20% completely .in-
of the extracted polar organic compounds in the refined hibited the adsorption. Such compleie inhibition by the.
milleral oil .. The plugs were significantly less water-wet, water film woUld be expected in reservoirs that remain
with USBM wettability indices ranging from 0.45 (water- water-wet, with no significant adsorption· from the crude. .
wet) to '--0.09 (neutrally, wet), demonstrating that polar Reisberg and Doscher 68 aged clean glass slides in
compounds in cnide can alter the wettability. Note that crude oil floating above brine and observed the forma-
there was apparently no aging time with the polar com- tion of oil-wet films. The formation imd stability of the
pounds in the plugs, so equilibrimn wettabilities may be · oil-wet fllm on the slide was observed by .lowering .the
more strongly oil-wet. slide into the brine and observing whether the brine dis-
1128 Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986
·placed all of the crude oil from the slide. They first aged oxygen compounds gave higher angles on dolomite than
a clean glass slide in crude and found that a film, deposited
quartz, up to 145° [2.5 rad] for octanoic acid
over several days, made the slide moderately oil-wet. . [Cll:J(CH 2)6COOH] and up to 165° [2.9 rad] for laur-
They modified the immersing the slide in . ic acid [CH3(CH 2 ) 10 COOH]. Note, however, that the
water before aging it in crude. Surprisingly, the oil-wet oxygen-containing acidic compounds appear to react
film formed much more rapidly. When a NaCl solution- gradually with the dolomite, so the contact angles are un-
was used instead of water, the slide also became oil-wet, stable and the sy,tem gradually becomes more water-wet.
· but it was necessary to age the slide for a longer period Cram etaL noted that none of the relatively simple com-
of time. pounds they tested could create a stable, oil-wet ~urface.
Therefore, they conducted that the compounds
Sandstone and Carbonate Surfaces. The types of min- blefor wettabi.iity alteration in crude were higher-weight
era! surfaces in a reservoir are also important in deter-. polar compounds and other portions of the asphaltenes
mining ~ettability. Both Treiber et al. 34 and Chilingar and resins. ·
and Yen 35 found that carbonate reservoirs are typically . In the more complex crude/brine/rock systems, the min-
. more oil-wet than sandstone ones. Two other sets of ex- era! surface will not necessarily have a preference for
periments show that the mineral surface interacts with the compounds of the opposite acidity. The simple systems
. crude oil composition to determine wettability. The first discussed here tested each surfactant individ)lally andre-
set exarirines the adsorption onto silica and carbonate sur- moved the effects of brine chemistry. :(n the section on
faces of relatively simple polar compounds; the second brine chemistry, it will be shown that multivalent cations
set examines the adsorption of etude. · can promote the adsorption of surfactants with the same
Simple Pofm Compounds. When the effects of brine acidity' as the surface. In addition, ·the adsorption of any
chemistry are removect, silica tends to adsorb simple or- single surfactant in the crude might be enhanced. or
ganic bases, while the carbonates tend to adsorb simple .. depressed by the adsorption of other compounds.·
organic acids. 37 ·40 ·83 This occurs because silica normally Adsorption From Crude. A number of researchers
has a negatively charged, weakly acidic surface in water found differences in the adsorption of crude oil Com-
near neutral pH, while the carbonates have positively ponerits onto dry sandstone and carbonate sur-
charged, )'/eakly basic surfaces. 37 •40 •83 · 105 faces. 41 •72- 74 · 109•110 Denekas et al. 41 separated out the
These surfaces will preferentially adsorb compounds acidic and basic organic compounds from crude and test-
ofthe opposite polarity (aciclity) by an acid/base reaction. ed them in initially clean, dry cores by the method de-
Wettability of silica will be more strongly affected by the scribed · earlier. They found that the wettability · of
organic bases, while the carbonates will be more strong- sandstone was altered by both the acidic and basic com-
ly affected by the organic acids. This was found to be the pounds, while the limestone was more sensitive to the ha-
c~ in experiments on: the adsorption and wettability al- sic nitrogenous organic compounds.
teration of relatively simple polar compounds on sand- Several experimenters have compared the adsorption
stone and carbonates. The compounds were dissolved in of asphaltenes from crude onto initially clean, dry saud-
a nonpolar oil, and the contact angle of the oil/water/min- packs composed of either quartz or disaggregated- core
era! system was measured on an initially Clean, strongly material that contained both quartz and carbonate. 72 •110
water-wet crystal surface. Generally, adsorption and wet- They found that adsorption was greater in disaggregated
. tability alteration occurred with basic compounds on the core material. Tumasyan and Babalyan 110 measured the
acidic silica surfaces and acidic compounds on the basic adsorption. of asphaltenes from Kyurovdag crude onto
carbonate. surfaces. Acidic compounds had very little ef- quartz and cleaned, disaggregated Kyurovdag core mac
feet on silica, and basic compounds had little effect on terial t!Jat contained 10.4% carbonate. The adsorption was
the carbonates. 37 ·40·42 •66·78 ·79 ·106-109 Note, however, that about 8 X 10 - 4 mg/cm 2 for quartz and about 18 x 10 -•
most of the adsorbed compounds changed the wettability mg/cm 2 for the core material, an increase of more than
only from strongly to mildly water-wet, rather than to a factor of two: Abdurashitov et al. 72 measured the ad-
oil-wet. sorption ofasphahei:tes onto similar-sized fractions of pure
The acidic compounds that adsorbed and altered the quartz sands and sands containing both quartz and car-
wettability of the carbonates in preference to silica in- bonate. They found that the adsorption on the quartz sands
eluded naphthenic acid 37 ·109 and a number of-carboxyl- was as much as an order ofmagnitode lower than the ad-
ic acids (RCOOH), including caprylic (octanoi~, 96 sorption on the· sands containing both minerals. These re- ·
palmitic (hexadecanoic), 42 stearic (octadecanoic), 10 •108 suits are very qualitative, however, because the specific
and oleic (cis-9-octadecanoic) acids. 42 Basic compounds surface area of the quartz packs was lower than the area
that adsorbed on the acidic silica surfaces included iso- of the mixed mineral sandpacks, which also reduces the
qninoline 37 and octadecylarnine [CH3(CHz) 17NHi]. 106,!08 amount of adsorption. ·
Cram'40 and Morrow et al. 66 examined the adsorption
and wettability alteration on quartz and dolomite of a num- Brine Chemistry. The salinity and pH of brine are very
ber of relatively low-molecular-weight compounds found important in determining wettability because they strongly
in crude oils. Basic nitrogen compoUnds gave advancing affect the surface charge on the rock surface and fluid in-
contact angles up (o 66° {1.15 rad] (water-wet), with terfaces, which in torn can affect the adsorption ofsur-
higher angles for auartz than dolomite. Sulfur comoounds factants. 80• lOS Positively charged) cationic surfactants
te;ted pr~vided .:Ug1es of 40° [0.7 rad] or le;s with will be attracted to negatively charged surfaces, while
no systematic differences -between the two surfaces. The negatively charged, anionic surfactants will be attracted
·contact angles either were stable or decreased with. time to positively charged s)lrfaces. The surface charge of sil-.
(i.e., the system became more water-wet). The acidic ica and calcite in water is positive at low pH, but nega-

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986 . 1129

tive at high pH. For silica, tbe surface becomes negatively of the soil after the-asphalt treatment was greatly increased·
char~ed when the pH is increased above about 2 to by pretreating the soil with a solution of ferric or alumi-
3. 7, ~. 105 while calcite does not become negatively uum sulfate.
charged until the pH is greater than about 8 to Morrow et al. 81 aged glass slides in Moutray crude,
9.5. &3, 105 ,1 11 As discussed in the previous section, sili- washed the slides to remove the bulk crude, and then used
ca is negatively charged near neutral pH and tends to ad- isooctane and distilled water to measure the water-
sorb organic acids, while calcite is positively charged and advancing angle. They found that the wettability strong-
tends to adsorb organic bases. Calcite will adsorb cation- ly depended on the amount of trace ions in the system.
. ic surfactants rather~ than anionic surfactants, however, When the glass slide was extremely clean, no residual film
if the pH of the solution in which it is immersed is in- was deposited by the crude, and the system was water-
creased above 9. " 1 _ wet. Next, they treated the glass with ferric (Fe +3 ) or·
The pH also affects the ionization of the surface-active other transition metal ions before exposing it to the crude.
organic acids and bases in the crude. 84 In alkaline water- They obtained contact angles up to 120 to 140° [2.1 to
flooding, a relatively inexpensive caustic chemical- 2.4 rad], with the angle dependent on the choice of ion'
typically sodium hydroxide or sodium orthosilicate-is and its concentration. The ferric ion was particularly ef-
added to the injection .water. 112 The hydroxide ion reacts fective in altering the wettability. .
with organic acids in acidic crude oils to produce surfac- There appear to be two related reasons for the effects.
tants that alter the wettability and/or adsorb at the oil/brine of these muJtiv<Uent ions on the wettability. Fits!, they
interface to lower IFT. Seifert and Howells 85 exantined can reduce the solubility of the surfaptants in the crude
the interfacially active materials in a California crude oil. and'brine, helping to ·promote oil-wetting. 6 ·" 3 Second,
They found that the crude contained a large amount of they behave as "activators" for the surfactants in the
carboxylic acids that form soaps at alkaline pH. crude. "Activator'' is a term used in the flotation indus-
The possibility of EOR during an alkaline flood depends try for ions or compounds that, -while not surfactants them-
on the pH and sitlinity of the brine, the acidity of the crude, selves, enhance surfactant adsorption on the mineral
and the original wettability of the system. 2"- 113 •114 Cooke surface and increase the floatability. Generally, the acti-
et al. 6 discussed ti;e effects of salinity on we~..abilit'J h! vators act like a bridge between the mineral surface and
alkaline floods where the soaps are formed by the inter- the adsorbing surfactant, helping to bind the surfactant
action of the alkaline water with the acidic ·crude oil. In to the surface. 80 As shown previously, clean quartz has
relatively fresh water, the soaps that are formed are solu- - a negatively charged surface and tends to adsorb (posi-
ble in water,o promoting water-wetness. If the system is tively charged) organic bases from solution. The (nega-
initially oil-wet, EOR may occur by a wettability rever- tively charged) acids in solution will not adsorb on the
sal from oil-wet to water-wet. 17 •26· 114 •115 On the other surface because they will be repelled by the like charge
hand, in high-salinity systems, EOR may occur as. are- on the quartz surface. For example, clean quartz is not
sult of awater-wet-to-oil-wet wettability reversal. As the floated by fatty acids, indicating that the quartz remains
salinity is increased, the soaps become almost insoluble, water-wet. At the ptoper pH conditions, however, the
adsorb on the _rock . surfaces, and_ promote· oil- \Vettability can be changed and the qua.rt..z can be floated
wetting. 6 •113 If the system is initially water-wet, Cook by the addition of small amounts of many multivalent
et al. state that EOR in a highly saline system may occur metallic cations, including Ca +2 , Ba +2 ·, Cu +2 , Al +3 ;
by a water-wet-to-oil-wet Wettabilit)r reversal mech- and Fe +3. 78, 79,82, 107 These ions adsorb on the quartz
anism. 6,113,114 . surface, providing positively charged sites for the adsorp-
In silica/oil/brine systems, multivalent metal cations tion of the fatty acids. · ·
in the ·brine can reduce the solubility of the cruc:Ie sur- For ex~le, Gaudin and Chang 78 and Gaudin and
factants and/or promote adsorption at the mineral sur- Fuerstenau studied the adsorption of laurate ions on
faces, causing the system to become more oil- quartz. When sodium laurate, CH 3 (CH 2 )1 0 COONa, is·
wet. 6,34,77,79,8I,116,11 7 Multivalent metal ions that have added to the water, it dissociates into a negatively cbarged
altered the wettability of such systems include Ca +2 , laurate ion and a positively charged Na + ion. Because
Mg +2 , Cu +2 , Ni +2 , and Fe +3 • Treiber et al. 34 exam- quartz develops a negative surface charge as a result of
ined the effects of trace metal ions in the brine on the wet- the dissociation of H + ions from the Si-OH groups on
lability. They meaSured the contact angles on quartz of ibe silica surface, the negatively charged laurate ion is
dead anaerobic crudes in deoxygenated synthetic forma- repelled from the negatively charged quartz surface.
tion brine anfl found that as little as 10 ppm of Cu +2 or Hence no adsorption occurs. However, adsorption occurs
Ni +2 could change the wettabi!ity from wate'r-wet to oil- when, for example, divalent Ca +Z or Ba +Z ions are
wet. Brown and Neustadter 77 placed crude oil droplets added as the activator. These positive divalent ions can
in a contact-angle apparatus filled'with distilled water. adsorb on the surface, allowing the negatively charged
They found that the addition ofless than 1 ppm of Ca +Z surfaciant (in this case, the laurate ions) to adsorb in as-
or Mg +2 would alter the wettabilitv, making the system sociation-with them. Researchers with other experimen~
more-oil-wet: The addition of trace amounts of Fe +2 also tal systems also state that divalent ions can bind to a
changed the wettability with some of the crudes tested. negatively charged surfactant to form a positive, cationic .
Thes.e multivalent ions have also been shown to increase surfactant/metal Cj)mplex, w_hich is then attracted to and
the oil wetness of soils stabilized with cut-back adsorbs on the negatively charged quartz surf~ce, 116•117
asphalt." 8 ,119 (Cut-back asphalt'is an asphalt treated with
an inexpensive solvent, such as gasoline, to reduce the Clays. Several researchers have studied the adsorption
viscosity.) Hancock 118 treated sev:erai strongly water-wet of a5phaltenes aud resins onto clays, and found that ad"
soils with cut-back asphalt. He found that the oil wetness sorption can make the clays more oil-wet. 70,76,104,12 ()- 123

1!30 . Jou..rnal of Petroleu..m Technology, October 1986

Clementz 104>120· 121 exiunined adsorption under anhy- may be a-result of diffusion of organic compounds released
drous conditions of the heary ends-the nonvolatile, high- during diagenesis from the small, organic, detrital parti-
molecular-weight fraction-of crude oil, which are cles of coal scattered throughout the zone. Unfortunate-
primarily asphaltenes and resins. He found that the com- ly, this is unclear at present. Thin sections from both
pounds adsorbed rapidly onto montmorillonite, forming waier-wet and neutrally wet (after cleaning) zones show
a stable clay/organic compound and changing the wetta- that both contain approximately equal amounts and dis-
bility from water-wet to oil-wet. Clementz also looked tribution of woody coal; algae coal, and pyrite. Conse-
at adsorption under anhydrous conditions of the heary quently, it ·is unknown what causes the postcleaning
ends onto Berea·cores that contain significant amounts of . neutral wettability of this neutrally wet zone.
kaolinite. The adsorption of the heary ends made the core Boneauand Clampitt 131 and Trantham and Clampitt 132
neutrally wet as determined by an imbibition test. The ad- state that the oil wetuess of the North Burbank unit is
sorption also reduced the expansion of swelling clays, clay caused by a coating of chamosite clay (Fe3Al2SizO to
surface area~ cation exchange capacity, .and water sensi- · 3H 20) on the pore surfaces 'rather than the more com-
tivity. The ·materials that adsorbed onto both the mont- mon, strongly adsorbed organic coating. The chamosite
morillonite and kaolinite were difficult to remove, clay, which is iron rich, covers about 70% of the rock
although most of them could be extracted with a chloro- surfaces. It seems plausible that the chamosite clay renders
form/acetone mixture. the core oil-wet because, as discussed earlier, iron ions
Clementz used dry cores and clays. As discussed earli- are strong activators, promoting oil-wetting. Clampitt*
er, the presence of a water f'llm will generally reduce the states that unpublished contact,angle measurements made
adsorption of wettabillty-altering materials, typically by with all of the minerals ·in the North Burbank core showed
a factor of two to four, although .jn some cases, it will that chamosite is naturally oil-wet.
completely inhibit adsorption. 60•69 Collins and Melrose 70
measured the adsorption onto kaolinite of asphaltenes dis- Artificial Variation of Wettability
solved in toluene. The dry clay adsorbed a maximum of As described previously, a native-state core contains a
about 30 mg asphaltene/g clay. The addition of 6.6% complex mixture of different compounds that can adsorb
water to the clay reduced the adsorption to 13 mg/g. In and desorb, possibiy altering the wet-Lability during an ex-
additimi to reducing the adsorption, the water film may periment. Many researchers have tried to simplify their
alter the detailed mechanism Of asphaltene adso;ption be- experiments by artificially controlling the wettability to
cause the asphaltenes and water will coadsorb. 7 For ex- some constant, uniform value. The three methods most
ample, in contrast to his work with anhydrous cores, commonly used are (1) treatment of a clean, dry core with
Ciementz found that the adsorption of asphaltenes onto variOus chemicals, generally organoctJorosila.."les -for.
Berea cores in the presence of water did not reduce the sandstone cores and naphthenic acids for carbonate cores;
water sensitivity of the kaolillite. 104 . (2) using sintered cores with. pure fluids; and (3) adding
surfaciants to the flnids. A sintered teflon core with pure
Non-Water-Wet Minerals. When all of the surface con- flnids is the preferred method to obtain a uniformly wet-
taminants are carefullv removed. most minerals. includ- ted core because the wettability of these cores is constmtt
ing quartz, carbona"tes, and .sulfates, are ·strongly and reproducible. The wettability of cores treated with
water-wet. 80 · 107· 124 From flotation studies, however, a organochlorosilanes, naphthenic acids, or surfactants is
few minerals have been found that are naturally but wealdy much more variable because it also depends on such vari-
water-wet or even oil-wet. These minerals include sul- ables as the chemical used, the concentration, the treat-
. fur, )l;raphite, talc, coal, and many sulfides. Pyrophyllite
ment ti.'1le, t.l-te rock su..rface, a.lld the brLne pH. These
and other talc-like silicates (silicates with sheet-like treatments have advantages, however, when heterogene-
structure) are probably also neutrally wet to oil- ous wettability or wettability alter~tion is studied.
wet. 80,107,l 24- 121 These minerals are known to be some-
what hydrophobic because air can be used to float them Organochlorosilanes and Other Core Treatments. One .
on water in froth flotation, implying a large water/air/min-method of making a sandstone core uniformly non-water-
eral contact angle. Because they are non-water-wet with wet is to treat it with a solution containing an organo-
air, it is probable that they are also oil-wet. chlorosilane compound. 133- 139 Variations of this treat-
On the basis of core-cleaning attempts in a limited num- ment have also been used to create fractionally wetted
ber of reservoirs, it appears that cores containing coal are sandpacks 43 ·46,SO,t40-l42 and mixed-wet cores. 143 The or-
sometimes naturally neutrally wet because they can be ganosilane compounds contain silicon molecules with at-
cleaned only to a neutrally wet condition rather than a tached chlorines and non-water-wet organic groups, with .
stronffly water-wet one. 128·129 Cuiec 96 and Cuiec et · the general formula RnSiC14-n where R is usually
al. 13 cleaned unpreserved cores with different solvents methyl or phenyl and n=O, I, 2, or 3. 133 These sub-
and then measured wettability. In four cases where cores stances react with the hydroxyl (OH) groups on silicon
contained large amounts of unextractable organic carbon, dioxide' surfaces, exposing the organic groups and ren-
they were able to clean the cores 'only tb neutrai wettabil- dering the surface non-water-wet. For example, dimethyi-
ity. Wendel et al. 128 cleaned core from the Hutton reser- dichlorosilane, (CH )zSiC1 2 (Drifilm® or TeddoJ® ),
voir contaminated with an invert-oil-emulsion drilling chemisorbs on the outside of the silicate lattice of glass,
mud. Core from most zones in this reservoir could be eliminating HCl and exposing CH;., groups, which reduce
cleaned to a water-wet state. However, in one zone that the water-wetness of the surface. 1 Other compounds in-
contained significant amounts of coal, the core was neu- clude hexamethyldisilazane 138 and trimethyichlorosi-
trally wet after cleaning. About 50% of the rock surface lane. 145 The wettability of the core is altered by flowing
in the neutrally wet zone was covered by a thin layer of •personal communication with R.L. Clampitt, Phillips Petroleu~, Bartlesville, OK,
organic matter less than 300 A [30 nm] thick. This layer Dec. 1965.

Journal of Petroleum Technology, O~tober·l986 1131

a solution of the organosilane through it, allowing a suffi- contrast~ Newcombe eta!. 136 stated that contact angles
cient time for the reaction to occur, and then flushing the as large as 154 o [2. 7 rad] could be obtained for silica sur-
unreacted compound from the core. Some control of the faces treated with different concentrations of methylsilox-
change in wettability can ·be achieved by variation in the ane polymer, but these contact angles tended to decrease
concentratimi of organosilane in the solution. For a com- · toward 90° [1.6 rad] as they aged. Menawat et al. 148
plete description of the method, see Ref. '134. treated silica surfaces with various concentrations of four
In addition to uniformly treating cores, organochlorosi- different organochlorosilanes and obtained contact angles
lanes are used to prepare fractionally wetted sand- from 75 to 160° [1.3 to 2.8 rad] with water and xylene
packs. 43,46,50,1 40-142 Sand grains treated with cirgano- on the treated surfaces. Depending on the specific treat-
chlorosilanes are mixed with untreated; water-wet sands. ment, they found that the contact angle could gradually
The fraction of oil-wet surface is assumed to be the same increase or decrease as the system aged. Because the wet-
as the fraction of organcichlorosilane-treated sand. One lability of cores treated with organosilanes can range from
problem, however, is that 'Some of the organochlorosi- mildly water-wet to strongly oil-wet depending on the spe-
lane is known to be transferred to the water-wet sand cific treatment, the Amott or USBM method should be
grains, likely changing their wettability. 43 Another used to determine the wettability of the treated core.
· method of obtaining fractional wettability is to form the Quilon® treatments are another method that has been
porous medium from water-wet (glass) beads and oil-wet used to alter the wettability of sandstone cores. Tiffm and
(teflon) beads. 146 Yellig 149 treated Berea cores with Quilon-C® to render
Mohanty and Salter 143 have recently published a tech- them uniformly oil-wet. Workers at the Petroleum Recov-
nique to generate mixed-wettability cores so that the large ery Inst. have used Quilon-S® , a related com-
pores have continuous· water-wet surfaces, leaving the pound. l50-l53 The Quilon compounds consist of a chrome
small pores oil-wet. Note that in these cores, the wetta- complex containing a hydrophobic fatty acid group in an
bility is reversed from Salathiel's 47 mixed-wettability isopropyl alcohol solution. When Quilon is injected into
cores. Cleaned cores are first treated with organOsilanes the core, the molecules bind to the surface, expose the
to render them uniformly oil-wet. The treated cores are fatty acid group, and render the rock surface oil-wet. 154
saturated with oil, flooded with heptadecane to displace Note that wettability of the treated core probably varies,
the oil, and then flooded with brine to ROS. Because the depending on concentration, treatment time, etc., so it
core is oil-wet, the large pores are ftlled with brine, but should be measured with the USBM or Amott methods.
the small ones are filled with oil. Brine and heptadecane In many cases, the treated core is probably ouly neutral-
may then be injected simultaneously to alter the fraction ly to mildly oil-wet. .
of pores filled with oil or water. After the desired satura- These treatments have been used on sandstone core with
tion is reached, the core is first placed in a cold water the chemical binding to the silica surfaces. Organo-
bath (50°F [l0°C]) to freeze the heptadecane, then an 11.5 chlorosilane treatments, which- adsorb on silica surfaces
pH sodium hydroxide solution is injected to displace the by reacting with the hydroxyl groups, are generally not
brine. Mohanty an!f Salter state that the alkaline solution · effective on carbonate surtaces. IS5 ,156 A number of
removeS the organosilane coating from the larger, brine- researchers ~ 09 · 1 5 5 - 157 have used na~hthenic acids. to
filled pores, leaving them strongly water-wet, while the render carbonate cores more oil-wet. 7 The naphthenic
frozen heptadecane prevents any change in wettability in acids react with the calcium carbonate to form calcium
the small oil-filled, oil-wet pores. Finally, the alkaline so- naphthenates, which are oil-wetting. 109 Note that
lution is displaced with brine, and all of the fluids are re- naphthenic acids will not alter the wettability of sandstone.
moved, leaving a mixed-wettal:>ility core. After this surfaces. 109
treatment, the cores imbibed both oil and water, indicat- Sharma and Wmiderlich 158 altered the wettability of
ing that areas of the core were both water- and oil-wet. Berea plugs by saturating' them .with an asphaltic crude~
Unfortunately, Mohinty and Salter did not test the cores Dry plugs were vacuum-saturated with asphaltic crude oil,
' by oil flooding them to determine whether they had a very then flushed with pentane, which tends to precipitate
low water saturation after the injection of many PV's of asphaltenes onto the pore walls. 67 The pentane was re-
oil. This would have verified the formation of continu- moved in a vacuum, leaving behind a layer of asphaltenes.
ous water-wet paths through the large pores, which would The plugs probably had mixed wettability after treatment;
be analogous to oil-wet paths in Salathiel's cores. both _oil and water would imbibe spontaneously. 3 An ad-
One problem with organochlorosilane treatments is that vantage of this method is that it uses compounds found
the wettability of the treated core varies depending on such naturally in the reserVoir and might be a more realistic
variables as the orgatlochlorosilane used, the concentra- treatment than the other treatments discussed above. Note,
tion, the treatment time, the time elapsed since the sur- however, that it is necessary to verify that the crude is
face ·was treated, and the pH of the brine. 147 No compatible with the pentane because some crudes will plug
dependable treatment has been reported for achjeving a the core when pentane is injected.
given ·cor~ wettability. Note that many organosilane-
treated cores are only neutrally to mildly oil-wet, instead Artificial Cores. Several researchers have used artificial
of strongly oil-wet. Coley et al. 134 used General Elec- cores and pure fluids to control wettability. The uniform
tric Co. silicone fluid No. 99 in concentrations ranging composition of the core and the absence of surfactants
from 'O.OOZ·to 2.0% and were able to vary·the contact combine to give a constant; uniform, and reproducible
angle in glass capillaries only from 95 to 115° [1. 7 to wettability. The most popular material for the artificial
2 rad]. Rathffiell et al. 137 found that cores treated with core has been polytetrafluoroethylene (teflon). Stegemeier
dimethyldichlorosilime would still slowly imbibe water, · and Jessen 159 used porous packs of teflon particles. More
indicating that the cores were at most neutrally wet. In recent experiments have used consolidated teflon

1132 Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

cores, 160-f68 which are prepared by compressing teflon -wet when. water containing a mild acid is Injected. The
powder and sintering it at elevated temperatures to most coinmohly used amines have been hexyliunine and
produce a consolidated core. Mungan 167 completely n-octylamine. Mungan 174 measured the water-advancing
describes the process. Lefebvr_e du Prey 160 has also use'l:l contact angle on a siliC3. surfu.ce Using wate.r, n- .
sintered staihless steel and alumina cores. · hexylamine, and a refmed oil. The contact angle with no ·
Teflon is preferred for two reasons: it is chemically inert amines present was about 60° [1 rad], or water-wet. As
and has a low surface energy. 169 Most minerals found the c_oncentration of amines Was increased, the contact an-
in reservoir rock have ·a high surface energy, s6 almost gle gradually changed to about 120° [2.1 rad], or mildly
all liquids will spread, .on and wet them against air. The oil-wet. In addition to altering the wettability, the amines
wettability of such high-energy solids must be controlled partition between ·the oil and water and lower 1FT.
with either adsorbed f!lms on the solid surface or surfac-
tants in the fluids. Both of these methods raise the prob- Alteration of the OriginafWettabllity
lem of changes in the wettability during the experiment
as a reshlt of adsorption/desorption phenomena. On the As mentioned previously, alterations in wettability can
other hand, the surface energy of teflon is low enough affect the resnlts of most core analyses. Ideally, these anal-
that a wide range of contact angles can be obtained with yses should be nni wit.~ core wet'"..ability that is identical
various combinations of pure fluids that do not contain to the wettability of the undisturbed reservoir rock. Un-
surfactants. The use of pure fltiids with teflon also avoids fortunately, many factors can significantly alter the wet-
·difficulties with contact-angle hysteresis associated with lability of the core. These factors can be divided into two
adsorption/desorption equilibrium and the problems as- general categories: {I) those that influence core wettabilc
sociated with contact angle arid ·JFT aging phenomena. ity before testing, such as drilling fluitls, · packaging,
This is discussed in more detail ih Ref; i. Many experi- preservation, and cleaning; and (2) those that influence
ments i.n teflon cores use air or N 2 anP. Various fluids to wettability during testing, such as test fluids, temperature,
vary the contact angle. Contact angles from 0 to 108° [0 and pressure. ·
to 1.9 rad] can be obtained by the proper Choice of liq- The wettability of a core can be altered during the drill-
uid/gas pairs. 16! For example, an air/water/teflon sys- i..r:tg proceSs by the- flushing aCtions-of drilliqg fluids, par-
tem has a contact angle through the water of 108° [1.9 . ticnl~ly if the fluid contains surfactants 128·175 or bas a
rad]. Lefebvre du Prey 160 used mixtures of water, pH77,114,176 different from that of the reservoir fluids.
glycerol, glycol, and alcohols to represent the water phase The wettability may also be changed by the pressure and
and mixtures of pure hydrocarbons for the oil phase. Con- temperature drop that occurs as the core is brought to the
tact angles through the oil phase of from 0 to 168 Q [0 to_ surface. TPJs action expels fluiil<i:, particularly the light
2.9 rad] were reported for his teflon, steel, and alumina ei).dS, and changes the spatiai distribution of the fluids.
cores. In addition, asphaltenes and other heavy ends may deposit
on the rock surfaces, making them more oil-wet. The tech-
niques used in handling, packaging, and preserving the
Surface-Active A2ents. The use of clean cores and pure core can also altei- the wettabilitv through a loss of light
fltiids with various concentrations of a single surfactant ends, deposition of heavy ends, and oxjdation. The labo-
is the third way that researchers have controlled the wet- ratory procedures for cleaning and preparing the core can
lability of cores: Owens .and Archer 28 used barium change the wettability by altering the amount and type of
dinonyl sulfonate in the oil and reported stable contact material adsorbed on the rock surface. .
anglesup to 180° [3.1 rad] on a quartz crystal. Morrow Factors that can alter wettability during testing include
et al. 66 -were unable to reproduce this work, finding a the .test temperature and· pressure. Genefally, cores run
strong time dependence for the contact angle. They tried . at atmospheric conditions are more oil-wet than those run
to control the wettability with octanoic acid, obtaining an,- at reservoir conditions because of.the reduction iri solu-
gles from 0 to 155° [0 to 2.7rad] on dolomite. They found bility of wettability-altering compounds. An additional
that the wettability conld be maintained for less than a factor iirlluencing the wettability is the choice of test
day, however, after which the ,system became increasingly fluids; certain mineral oils can alter the We!U!bility. Core
water-wet as the octanoic acid slowly reacted with the analyses are sometimes run with air/brine· or air/mercu-
dolomite. ry in place of oil_ and brine .. These analyses implicitly as-
A number of researchers 17 ·2 ~· 17 0- 174 bave used amines,. suine that wettability effects are unimportant.
R-NH 2 , to study EOR caused by wettability alteration in of
Currently, three different types cores ·are used in core
laboratory waterfloods. Wettabiliiy reversal from oil-wet . analysis: (1) the native-state .core, where every effort is
to water-wet and. from water-wet to- oil-wet are two of. made to maintain the wettability of the in-situ rock; (2)
the proposed mechanisms for enhanced recovery during the cleaned cote, where the intent is to remove all of the
alkaline waterflooding. 114 In these laboratory studies, adsorbed compounds from the rock and to leave the core
clean core, a refined oil, and a:- brine containing amines strongly water-wet; and (3) the restored-state core, where
Were used. The wettability was reversed by changing the the core is first cleaned and then returned to' its originai
pH from alkaline to acidic. When the pH was alkaline, wettability. These definitions are used in the majority of
the amine group physically adsorbed on the rock surface, the more recent literature. However, in some papers, par-
exposing the hydrocarbon cbain to make the surface oil,- ticnlarly older ones, the term restored-state is used for
wet. 173 The wettability was altered when the pH became wbat are actually cleaned cores (e.g., see Craig 7). The
acidic because the amines formed water-soluble salts that work with native- and restored-State core is at either am-
rapidly desorbed from the rock surfaces, leaving them bient or reservoir temperature and pressure, while cleaned
water-wet: ·Hence a core that is oil-wet becomes water- cores are usually tested at ambient temperature.

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986 1133

Native·State Core of the filtrates was an importaht factor in wettability al"
Coring. In a native-state (fresh) core, every precautimi teration. The original bentonite flltrate changed the wet-
is taken to minimize changes from the undisturbed reser- !ability from oil-wet to water-wet. When the pH was
voh: wettability condition, starting when the core is first lowered into the neutral or acidic range, however~ no wet-
.fl,{.,.J...,...J hu t'h., rl ... ;n~ ......... ,......... rr Tn ....... .-ti ..... nl.:.,. ., TT'Irirl urlth ~,;r-_
.UU.:)llVU. U) U..l..... u.l.LU.J.J.l5 uauu • .LU. J:'"-"U'-' ...... .._.' u. u~...,.,.._ n nu .,~ tabilitY reversal- occurred. . _ .
factants or a pH that differs greatly from the reservoir .Sharma and Wunderlich 158 measured the wettability al-
fluids must be avoided. Oil-based-emulsion muds and teration caused by different drilling mud components in
other muds cohtaining'surfactaD.ts, caustics, mud thinners, water-wet and oil'wet Berea plugs. The oil-wet Berea
organic corrosion. in!)ibitors, and lignosulfonates must be' plugs were prepared by treatrnent'with an asphaltic crude
avoided. 175 •177 Note that, While they· probably exist, rio and pentane; as discussed previously. Dry plugs were
commercially available oil-based muds have been re~rted saturated with brine, injected with 10 to 12 PV's of the
that can preserve the reservoir wettability. 175· 17 ,178 drilling fluid component, aged for 15 hours, then flushed
Three different coring fluids for obtaining native-state with 5 to 6 PV's of brine. Wettability was measur!'(l af-
q>re have been recommended:. (1) synthetic formation ter contamination by a combined USBM/Anion meth?d
brine, (2). unoxidized lease crude oil, or (3) a water-based developed by Sharma and Wunderlich 158 and compared
mud with a minimuin of additives, Bobek et al. 175 rec- with the wettability of control samples. Jhe drilling com-
ommend coring with brine and no additives. If this is not ponents tested inclvded bentordte,_ carboxyii).ethyl cellu-
possible, a water-based mud containing only bentonite, lose, Dextrid® (an organic polymer), Drispac® (a
carboxymethyl cellulose, rock salt,. and barite should be polyaniordc cellulose polymer), hydroxyethylcellrdose,
used. This is recommended because they found that this pregelatinized starch, and xanthan gum. These compo-
would not alter the wettability of strongly water-wet cores. nents are generally considered relatively bland, with only
Note, however, that the carboxymethyl cellulose. may alter small effects on the wettability. None of the components
the ~ettabili~ of oil-wet cores, rendering theni niore affected the wettability of the water-wet plugs. However,
water-wet. 15 ·175 Ehrlich and Wyga1 179 recommend a all of the components, with the exception.ofthe bentonite
synthetic formation brine containing CaCl2 powder for flltrate, made the oil-wet plugs significantly less oil-wet.
fluid loss control and no other additives. Mungari 180 rec- This indicates the need for furth~r research on acceptable
omrilends coring with lease crude oif. Note ihat there are drillings muds for obtaining native-state core.
tWo possible problems with the use of crude oil: (1) it Several researchers have attempted unsuccessfully io
is flanunaole, and (2) surfactants can be formed by oxi- fmd suitable. commercially available oil-based muds for
dation. of the crude, which could alter the wetta- obtaining native-state core. 175 • m. 178 All of the oil-based
bilicy. 34,103 drilling mud flltrates tested made water-wet cores more
Unfortunately, very little work has been published about oil-wet. Unfortunately,. none of the reports identify the
the effects of individual drilling mud components on wet- specific drilling mud components used.
!ability, particularly for oil-wet cores. Burkhardt et al. 176
exarriined the effects o( mud filtrate flushing on restored- Core Packaging and PreServ3.tion. Once the core is
.state" cores and found nc> significant effects. Unfortunate- brought to the surface, it must be protected from wetta-
ly, the cores were in contactwith the crude oil for only bility alteration caused by the loss of light ends or depo-
12 tO 16 hours, SO it is dOUbtful that the wettabiliiy W'!S sition and oxidation of heavy ends .. On exposure to air, -
restored before testing. ·· · substahces in crude can rapidly oXidize to form P9lar prod-
Bobek et al. 175 tested several different drilling mud ucts that are surfactants, altering the wettabili-
components used in water-base muds on both water-wet ,ty.34,73,!03,115,175,181,182 Iri addition, a thick· oil-wet
and oil-wet plugs. The drilling mud compi:>nents to be test- residue from the crude will be deposited on the rock sur-
edwere dissolved in or leached with distilled water; then face if the core is allowed to dry out. To prevent wetta-
the resulting solution'was filtered. Concentrations of the . bility alteration, Bobek et al. 175 recommended two
compounds were chosen to duplicate those encountered alternative packaging procedures that are now genera]ly
in the field. Water-wet limestone Wd sandstone piugs were used for native-state cores. The first is to wrap the cores
saturated with the test solution and wettibility alteration at the wellsite in polyethylene or polyvinylidene fllm and
mordtored by the imbibition method, As. discussed earli- then in aluminum foil. The wrapped cores are then sealed
er,'. they found that rock salt, carboxymethyl cellulose, with a thick ·layer of paraffin or a special plastic sealer
bentonite, and parite had no effect on the wettability of · designed to exclude oxygen and prevent evaporation. The
these initially water-wet plugs. $tatch, lime, tetrasodiU~ second~ preferred metr.~od is to immerse the cores at tl1_e
phosphate, and calcium lignosulfonate altered the wetta- wellsite in deoxygenated formation or synthetic brine in
bility of the sandstone and/or limestone plugs. a glass-lined steel or plastic tube, w)lich is then sealed
Drilling components that did not. affect the water-wet to prevent leakage and the entrance of oxygen. Imbibi-
plugs were tested on oil-wet sandstone plugs. The dry, tion wettability tests showed that the wettability of core
.;..,. ...1,,. .... ,.,.1 l..,. ...;tl,.,.,.. n+: th"""'"' +urn. .....,cothn..-:1'-' -...,_,.._, nnf'h.,.nn,o.r1
initially water-wet plugs were made oil-wet before test- !Jc1'-'l'-4~~ U) ~.I.Ul~l Vl UJW.:.'-' I."":V JU'-'~VU<:I vvao u.u._.u ...... •s._.u.
ing by saturation with Elk Basin crude and aging for one from the wettability measured at the wellsite. Instead of
day. Note that because of the short duration of the aging, deoxygenated brine, Mungari 180 recommended that the
the wettability may not have been in equilibrium. The aged cores be cut and stored in degassed lease oil. Mor-
cores were flushed with a drilling mud component flltrate; gan and Gordan 183 and McGhee et al. 62 recommended
t1.en the wet'L3.bility was measured by the imbibition t.'lat t..,.e cores be stored in t,.eir \Vetting fluid, either for-
method. Salt did not affect the wettability, while carb- mation brine or crude oil. 'The wettability would be,deteF
. oxymethyl cellulose made the plugs more· water-wet ·mined by an imbibition test at the wellsite. Finally, note
(barite was not tested). Bobek et al. found that the pH thai cores taken in a rubber sleeve, fiberglass, or PVC
1134 JOurnal of Petroleum Technology, Oc~ober 1986

Number Average , Average

of Cores Displacement- Displacement-
Tested Description by-Water Ratio by-Oil Ratio
2 Native state 0.97 0.00
3 Exposed to air at
70 to 100~F for 1 day 0.63 0.00
2 Exposed to air at
75°F for 60 days 0.42 0.00
4 Exposed to air at
225°F for 7 days 0.18 0.00
~~.,.rbtained-by use of the Amott wettability test, native-state core from Oil Zone B., Sterling County,

li~ercan be preserved if the ends are capped 'and sealed. approaches one as the ~ater-wetness increases. Siniilar.: ·
A number of experiments have demonstrated that ex- ly, the displacement-by-oil ratio is zero for neutrally and
posure to air and drying can alter the wettability of core. water-wer cores and approaches one as the oil-wetness
As discussed earlier, Treiber et al. 34 measured the wet- increases. The cores became more oil-wet as they were
tability of 50 reservoirs usfug deoxygenated synthetic fOr- either exposed to the air for longer periods of t1ue, or
mation brine and anaerobic crude. In some cases, the at higher temperatures. Similar tests on an initially weakly
contact angle showed that the reservoir was water-wet. water-wet core showed almost no change. On the other
For some of those crudes, exposure to oxygen changed hand, Mungan 1! 5 used the imbibition method to meas-
the wettability to oil-wet. Bartell and Niederhauser 103 ure the wettability of native-state cores. In contrast to the
studied interfadally active materials in crude, which con- experinumts discussed above, cores preser~ed h"l deaei-
centrate and form solid fllms at the oil/water interface. ated water were oil-wet, but became water-wet when ex-
These materials can also be adsorbed on the rock surface, posed to. air for 1 week. Chilingar and Yen 35 have also
rendering it oil-wet. Crudes and brines were obtained and reported that some cores became more water-wet on ex-
stored without exposure to oxygen. Most of these crudes posure to air, indicating that it is impossible to predict
showed very litHe interfacial activity. Ot1. exposure to air, how tie wettability will be altered by the oxidation of L.i.e
the crudes developed moderate-to-strong f'Ilm-forming crude.
tendencies, while the oil/water IFT was lowered by as Mungan 180 recommends flushing native-state core with
much as 50%, indicating that surfactants were formed by live crude oil before any flow studies are started. After
oxidation of the crude._ natiVe-state cores -have been prepared, they are usually
Richardson et al. 182 stored core from a rrJxed- ................"",..,.... ,,...~ ... ,.,.., .... ...:~~ .. ~ ........... .,,;+1-. ,......,,A.,. .-.;1 .-. .... A '1-..-:i..,o.
.&.1,1.-U .:u. l..,i:l..,.lVV.ll '-' VYu.u .......... u.,.. '-:'.1.1. a.J..J.U v~~u......

wettability reservoir 47 using four different methods. Ox- Probably the greatest, uncontrollable problem with
idation and drying of the core were prevented with the native-state core is the alteration of wettability as the core
.first two methods: (I) core wrapped in foil and sealed in is brought to the surface. When the ·pressure is lowered
paraffin and (2) core stored in evacuated (deoxygenated) to atmospheric, light ends are lost from the crude, chang-
formation water. The other methods were (3) core stored ing its properties. In addition, heavy components can come
in aerated formation water and (4) core stored in cloth out of solution and deposit on the rock, making it more
core bags. The cores were oilfl.ooded with kerosene to oil-wet. 137 The decrease in temperature will also
IWS and then waterflooded. The average ROS for the decrease the solubility of some wemi.bility-altering com-
samples protected from oxidation and drying (Methods pounds. Pressure coring prevents the loss of light .ends.
1 a..r1d 2) was f!bout 13%; for the sa..rnples submerged in However. the cores are frozen before removal. so
aerated water, about 24%; and for the samples stored in ;;~ttablli\Y-.;!I~ri~g ~~~p~u~ds can deposit. Unfortu~ate­
core bags, about 25%. ly, there is no experimental work available on wettabili-
Bobek et al. 175 used the imbibition method to compare ty alteration as the core is brought to the surface.
the wettability of native-state cores at the wellsite, cores
allowed to weather. and cores stored bv the two recom-
mended ~eth~; di~~~;s~d ~bo;;~. Th~ 'w~ttability of the Cleaned Core
cores stored by either of the two recommended methods The second type of core used in core analysis is the
was the same as the Wettability measured -at the wellsite, cleaned core. Craig 7 recommends that cleaned core be
while most of the weathered cores became more oil-wet. used for multiphase flow measurements only when the
Amott 177 used his method to comparethe wettabilitv reservoir is lmown to be strongly water-wet because errors
of native-state cores with similar core~s that were exposed i'l the core analysis will be introduced otherwise. There
to oxygen and allowed to partially dry, as shown in Ta- are two main reasons to clean core. The first is to remove .
ble 3. The native-state cores were strongly water-wet, with all liquids from the core so that po,rosity, permeability,
a displacement-by-water ratio of 0.97. In the Amott test, and fluid saturations can be measured. Core cleaning for
the displacement-by-water ratio is the ratio of the oil these routine core measurements will not be considered
volume displaced by spontaneous imbibition to the total in this paper. The second reason for cleaning is to obtain
oil volume displaced by both imbibition and forced dis- a strongly water-wet core, generally as a first step in
placement. It is zero for~neutrally and oil-wet cores and ~ restoring the wettability of a contaminated core.
JOurnal of Petroleum-Technology, October 1986 1135
Inobtaining a cleaned core, an attempt is made to re- tenes 130•185 and some of the weakly polar compounds, 184
move all of the fluids and adsorbed material, leaving a while the more strongly'polar methanol (ethanol) removes
clean rock surface. Gant and Anderson 129 discuss the the strongly adsorbed polar compounds that are often ·
methods used, to clean core. One common method is reflux responsible for altering wettability. In addition to
extraction (Dean-Stark or Soxhlet) with a solvent such as toluene/methanol and toluene/ethanol, successful clean-
toluene,. sometimes followed by extraction with cl-Joro- iiig has also been reported witll cl"JoroforrrJace= ·
form or methanol. Alternatively, a flow-through system tone 104 •120 •123 and chloroform/meihanol, 184 as well as
where the solvents are injected under pressure is some- a number of different series of solvents. 64 •65
times used. 57 •64 •65 Jf the cleaning procedure is success- C::niec and his coworkers made the most extensive study
ful, the core is left strongly water-wet. Cuiec 64 •65 and of core cleaning for wettability restoration. In a recent
ot.'lers 57 •184 discussed t."'le chernical-reactions involved in paper, Cuiec et al. 130 stated that their core c!eani.TJ.g al.;
the cleaning process. ways begins with a toluene flush to remove hydrocarbons
Cuiec 64 ·63 compared the efficiency of different solvents and asphaltenes. A number of solvents are then.tested to
in flow-through core cleaning. Initially water-wet outcrop · determine the most effective, including (I) a series of non-
sandstone and limestone cores were saturated with differ- polar solvents, e.g., cyclohexane or heptane; (2) aCidic
ent crudes (somethnes the cores also contained brine), then solvents, e.g., chloroform, ethanol, or methanol; (3) ba-
aged. The aged cores were normally neutral- to oil-wet, sic solvent&, e.g., dioxane or pyridine; and (4) mixtures
as determined. by the Amott wettability test. The cores of solvents:, e.g., methanol/acetone/toluene. When none
were then cleaned with different solvents, and the Amott of these procedures are effective, other tests are performed
test was used to determine cleaning efficiency. Cuiec by combining the above procedures, using other solvents,
found that he could clea~ both sandstone and limestone and increasing the circulation time. ·
cores by flowing the following seven solvents through the Toluene is ieneraUY not a-very effective solvent, but
core: pentane, hexane, heptane, cyclohexane, benzene, it can· alter the wettability of some core. Jennings 186
pyridine, and ethanol. Chloroform, toluene, and methanol cleaned several cores by toluene extraction and found that
used singly were not very effective. Cuiec also looked the wettabilities and relative permeabilities were not
at several different acidic and basic solvents used individu- changed. He stated that this indicated that toluene-
ally and found that the acidic solvents tended to be more extracted core retained the reservoir wettability and could
effective in cleaning sandstone, while the basic· solvents be used for relative permeability measurements, However,
were better in cleaning limestone. This difference was at- this generally is not the case. Although it is less efficient
tributed to the acidic nature of the sandstone surface and than other solvents, we have found that toluene extrac-
the basic nature of the limestone surface. For example; tion can alter the wettability and relative permeabilities
because sandstone (silica) has a weakly acidic surface, of native-state core. In some cases, neutrally wet or mildly
it tends to adsorb bases from the crude oil. When a oil-wet native-state core becomes strongly water-wet af-
stronger acid flows through the sys~m. it will gradually ter extraction with toluene. The relative permeability
react with and strip off the adsorbed bases, leaving a clean curves also shift. Amott 177 also found that toluene ex-
silica surface. traction can clean some cores, while it had little effect
~t and Anderson iZ9 surveyed most Of the core- for other ones, such as the strongly oil-wet Bradford cores.
cleaning experiments in the literature. They found that Therefore, because toluene extraction will alter the wet-
the best choice of solvents depends heavily on the crude lability and relative permeability of many ,native-state
and the mineral surfaces beca11se they help determine the cores, measurements should be made on native-state cores ·
ainount and cype of wettability-altering compounas ad- before toluene extraction. . . .
sorbed. Solvents that give good results with some cores One problem with a cleaned core is that it is sometimes
and crudes often fail in other cases. For example, Grist difficult, if not impossible, to remove all of the adsorbed
et a/. 184 and Holbrook and Bernard45 both found that material·. If this occurs, the wettability of the cleaned core
they could clean core to a strongly water-wet state using will be left in some indefinite state, causing variations in
a chloroform/methanol mixture, while Jennings 58 report- core analyses. a/. 184 cleaned cores by three cur-
ed. that this was unsuccessful. For cleaning for routine rently used methods and then examined how ROS and end-
core analysis, API 185 reports that chloroform is ex9el- point effective perroeabilities Varied after a waterflo6d.
lent for many midcontinentcrudes, while toluene is use- ROS was very similar for all methods. However, the end~
ful for asphaltic crudes. point effective water permeability varied by more than
In many cases, it appears that any single solvent is rela- a factor of three between different cleaning methods. Their
tiveiy ip.effective in core cleaning and that much better explanation for this behavior Was that some methods were
r~sults can be obtained with a mixture or series of able to extract more of the adsorbed components, leav-
solvents. 129 The following solvents have. been report- ing_ the rock more water-wet. In the mOre water-wet cotes,
. ed for specific Combinations of crude and core to give the residual oil had a greater tendency to form trapped
poor results when used alone: chloroform, 64,6S ben- droplets, blocking pore throats and lowering water per-
Zene, 58 •104•120 carbon disulfide, 104•120 eu1a.E1ol, 64 and meability. The least effective of t..~e u1..uee cleaning meU'lods
toluene. 58;64,65, 104,120.177,184,186 was overnight reflux extraction with toluene. More ef-
Many of the researchers cited above have found that fective was reflux extraction with toluene followed by 2
toluene used alone is one of the least effective solvents. days of extraction with a mixture of chloroform and
However, when combined with other solvents, such as methanol. Finally, the most efficient method was reflux
methanol (CH 3 0H) 184 or eu'ianol (CH 3 CH 2 0H), 61 extiaction wit.'! toluene followed by ~3 weeks of extrac~
toluene is often very effective. The toluene is effective tion with chloroform and methanol. In the last stage of
in removing the hydrocarbons, including asphal- cleaning, methanol was used alone.

1136 Journal of Petroleum Technology,· October 1986

Another drawback of cleaned cores is that it is occas-
sionally possible for cleaning to change an originally
water-wet rock to an oil-wet one. The extraction process ><

may quickly boil off the connate water. allowing the re- ll FLUSHSO WI~H SOLTIIOL 1>0

maining oil to contact the rock surface and form oil-wet

deposits that are almost impossible to remove. 187
The cleaning experiments discussed examine the best '
methods to reniove crude oil constituents from the pore ~ Ol

walls. In many cases, core is also contaminated with drill- : oz

ing mud surfactants, which must also be removed before
the wettability of a core can be restored. 128·1Z9 The best
choice of solvents depends on the crude, the mineral sur-
faces, and the drilling mud surfactants. Gant and
Anderson 129 cleaned Berea sandstone and Guelph (Bak-
er) dolomite plugs . contaminate~ with an invert-oil-
emulsion drilling mud filtrate. The best solvent for both
rock types was a 50/50 mixture of toluene/methanol, or ,Fig. 1-Weftability chcinges for a restored-state core and
the equivalent, containing 1 % ammonium hydroxide. A the effects of flushing restored-state cores w:ith refined
three-step ·method (three successive Dean-Stark oils. Berea core and Big Muddy crude.
extractions-toluene, followed by glacial acetic acid, fol-
lowed bv ethanol) was the second best choice for Berea, ,. ........._.........'"''""'."'' J.,,..,...,,.,.,. 1-J..
V.I..&. V.I. p.&.V-..'-'.:).:) v-..-..g,u.;~w •.u ...
.... },,...,t .-.J..n1,-.,.. Af cnluP.ntC' rlPnPnrlc
..,...,.,L .... uv>....,.... '-''" .,...., ........ u...., ....... t' .... u ........
while 2:methoxyethyl ether was the second best choice heavily on the crude oil, the mineral surfaces, and any
for dolomite, demonstrating that the choice of solvents drilling mud contaminants. Further discussion can be
can depend on the mineral surfaces in the core. . found in Ref. 129.
In the seeond step, sequentially flowing reservoir fluids
Restored-state Core into the core, the core is saturated with deoxygenated syn-
· If one could be ·positive that the original reservoir wetta- thetic or formation brine and then flooded with crude oil
bility had. not been inadvertently modified, a native-state to simulate the inflow of oil into the reservoir. When crude
core would give results closest to those of the reservoir. oil for wettability restoration is obtained,- precautions
However, native-state cores present several problems. The should be taken to minimize alterations to the crude. The
necessary procedures to preserve the wettability are sample must be taken before ariy surfactants or other
troublesome and time-consuming. Even when all of the chemicals are added to treat the crude. It should be taken
precautions are taken, there is still a possibility that the as long as possible after any well treatments to allow time
wettability has been changed through oxidation or through for these chemicals to be flushed from the well. Finally,
deposition as ·the temperature and pressure dropped when the crude should be sealed in air~tight containers as soon
the core was brought to the surface. In addition. the ques- as possible to minimize oxidation· and the loss of light_
tion arises about the procedure to follow to obtain the most ends.
·reliable information from cores in which the wettability · The final step in wettability restoration is to age the core
was altered. at the reservoir temperature for a sufficient time to es-
When only core with altered wettability is available, tablish adsorption equilibrium. The aging time required
the best possible multiphase measurements are obtained to re-e-stablish reservoir wettability varies, depending on
by restoring the reservoir wettability with a three-step. the crude, brine, and reservoir rock. Generally, we feel
process. 47,50,64,65,26,115,1~,130,180,188 The first step is to that core should be aged for 1,000 hours (40 days) at the
Clean the core to remove all compounds from the rock reservoir temperature. 128 This aging period was chosen
surface. After the core is cleaned, the second step is to for two reasons: several experiments have shown that up
flow reservoir fluids into the core sequentially. Finally, to 1,000 hours is required to reach wetting equilibri-
the core is aged at the reservoir temperature for a suffi- um, 64,65,115,189-191 and 1,000 hours is roughly the length
cient time t6 establish adsorption equilibrium. Several ex- of time required for the contact angle measured on a flat
perimenters have compared measurements made on core surface to approach its equilibrium value. 7 •26·34 •192 In .
in the native, cleaned, and restored states. In each experi- some cases, the restoration time can be significantly less
ment. measurements in the restored state were almost than 1,000 hours. Mungan 180 was able to restore the wet-
identiCal to the_previous native-state ·ones, demonstrating lability after aging for 6 days, while the wettability of the
that this procedure will restore wettability. 50,115,1S0;18g. rock/oil/brine system used by Schmid 50 and Riihl et
· , The first and most difficult step in wettability restora- al. 188 was restored after only 3 days. Salathiel 47 was able
tion is to clean the contaminated core by use of the to restore a mixed-wettability state to samples after 3 days.
methods described to remove all compounds adsorbed on Cuiec eta/. 130 describes two reservoirs in which the wet-
the surfaces and to make the core as water-wet as possi- lability was restored after only a few hours, with no fur,
ble. All compounds must be removed from ·the core be- ther changes in the wettability for aging times as long as
cause we have no knowledge of which compounds were . 1,000 hours. · ·
adsorbed on the undisturbed reservoir rock and which There are two basic options to determine the aging time
were deposited afterward. The USBM or Amott wetta- to restore wettability. We feel that it is .most convenient
bility measurements are used to verify that the core is to age all cores for·1,000 hours, which is roughly the max-
strongly water-wet., Unfortunately, determining which sol- imum time that the experiments diScussed previously re-
vent will successfully clean the core is still a trial-and- quired to achieve wetting equilibrium. While cores may

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986 1137

be aged for a period longer than the minimum necessary, nored, cleaned cores are generally run with refined oil
this is not a serioUs drawback because the aging cores re- (or even mercury or air) at room temperature and pres-
quire minimal attention. Another possibility is to deter- sure. From the viewpoint of maintaining the wettability,
mine the minirimm aging time by measuring the wettability the best laboratory tests should be run with native or re-
of the core with the USBM or Amott methods ai frequent stored cores at reservoir conditions with live crude oil and
intervals during t.lte aging period. The aging is stopped brine because is t.l-te best simulation of reservoir con-
when the wettability reache~ its equilibrium value. ditions possible. Cor<15 are generally more
Although this minimizes aging time; it is much less con- reservoir conditions than they are at room temperature
venient because it is labor intensive and requires frequent and pressure. 62 •180 •192- 195 The effects of the following
disturbances to the plug. experimental conditions on wettability will be discussed:
The core is aged at L"'le reservoir pressure wiw.1. (1) reservoir vs. room temperature, (2) live vs. dead crude
live crude 50,I80,I88,I9I or ambient pressure with dead at reservoir pressure, and (3) refined vs. crude oils.
crude. 115•128 •190 When live crude oils and the reservoir Changing the temperature has two different effects, both
pressure are used, the solubilities of the wettability- of which tend to make the core more water-wet at higher
altering compounds should have their reservoir values. temperatures: First, an increase in temperature tends to
It is possible t1at the wettability will differ when dead increase tlJ.e solubility of wett..ability-altering com-
crudes at ambient pressure are used. At the present time, pounds. l96 Some of these compnunds will even desorb
however; it is not known whether the difference is im- from the surface 3.s the temperature increases. Second,
portanL ' the IFT and the contact angle measured through the water
Fig. I shows the changes in the USBM wettability in- will decrease as the temperature increases. This effect has
dex as a core was restored.* /!l,.. series of Berea plugs \Vas been noted in experiments wit.h cleaned cores, IDJneral
saturated with ·brine and driven to IWS by centrifugation oil, and brine, where it was found that cores at higher
in crude oil. Each core was aged in dead crude for a differ- temperatures were more water-wet even though there
.ent period. of time, after which the USBM wettability was were no compounds that could adsorb and desorb. 197- 200
measured. As can be seen, the wettability changed from For example, McCaffery 201 measured the . water-
water-wet (W=0.8) to moderately oil-wet ( W=-0.3) advancing contact angle on quartz of n-tetradecane and
over a 40-day period. The plugs flushed with SoltroJ® brine. The angle was about40° [0.7 rad] at 77°F [25°C],
and Blando!® will be discussed later. but decreased to about 15°. [0.3 rad] as the temperature
Lorenz et al. l90 and Cuiec 65 found that it is sometimes was raised to 300°F [150°C].
pnssible to speed up the approach to wetting equilibrium When live crude oils at the reservoir pressure and tem-
by saturating. the core with oil alone, The approach to perature are used, ihe solubilities of the wettability-altering
equilibrium is faster because the polar compounds no compounds have their reservoir values. The use of dead
longer have to diffuse across a water layer to adsorb on crude at ambient or reservoir pressure may change the
the rock. This procedure should be avoided, however, be- wettability because the properties of the crude are altered.
cause it can give irtaccutate results. For example, con- Light ends are lost from the crude, while the heavy ends
sider the restoration of a core that originally had are less soluble, which may make the core more oil-wet.
Salathiel's 47 mixed wettability, where the large pnres are HoWever, the effects of pfessure are not known at pres-
oil-wet and the small ones are water-wet. During the ag- ent. The two reported experiments found that ~essure
ing process~ the small pores must contain connate water is much less important than temperature. 180 •1 Hjel-
to prevent the deposition of ari oil-wet fllm, leaving them meland and Larrondo 192 found little difference in con-
water-wet. On the other hand, if a clean core is saturated tact angles measured using stock-tank vs. live crude at
only with oil, the entire Core~ includip.g the small pores, the reservoir temperature (190°F ~88°C]) and pressure
will become uniformly oil-wet, which is the wrorig wet- (3,800 psi [26.2 MPa]). Mungan 1 0 measured a water-
lability. An additional problem with saturating the core advancing contact angle of 87° [1.5 rad] using live reser-
solely with oil is that the effects of brine chemistry are voir crude and synthetic ·formation brine at reservoir tem-
ignored. As discussed previously, the wettability of the perature (138°F [59°C]) and pressure (1,200,psi [8.3
core depends on the ionic composition and pH of the brine. MPa]). The water-advll!lcing contact angle was almost
Finally, Clementz 10~· 120 • 121 ~bowed that flowing crude identical, 85 o [ 1.48 rad], using degassed crude and brine
. oil through a dry core can cause the formation of very at ambient pressure and reservoir temperature .
stable oil-wet, clay/organic complexes. The presence of Because refmed oils are much easier to work with than
an initial water film on the clay surfaces has been shown crude, it is a common laboratory practice to flush native-
to reduce but not completely inhibit the adsorption of the or restored-state cores with refined oil before testing.
wettability-altering materials. 60 , 69 •70 The effects of brine However, there is a possibility that this alters the wetta-
on wettability make it necessary to saturate the core with bility. Craig 7 postulated that it would be possible, once
brine, then oil, during the wettability restoration process. the original wettability was restored, tO use refined min-
eral oil in place of crude oil in laboratory tests without
Experimental Conditions adversely affecting the werrability. Test times are short
compared with the time it takes to achieve adsorption eqni:
Once a native- or restored-state cote is obtained, core anal- librium and obtain native wettability (about 1,000 hours).
yses can be performed. These tests can be run with either
Craig hypothesized that the desorption of wettability-
crude or refmed oil at ambient or reservoir temperature influencing materials would require a correspondingly
and pressure. Because wettability effects are being ig-
.long period of time. If t~-.Js is correct, ~e wetta-
·personal communication with D.J. Wendel, Petroleum Testing Services; Santa
bility would be unchanged if laboratory tests using refined
Fe Springs, CA, Nov. 1980. oil and brine were conducted quickly enough.

1138 Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

The only experirrient to test this hypothesis that we are oxidized lease crude oil, or (3) a water-based mud with
aware of was conducted by Wendel.* He aged Big Mud- a minimum of additives. Because of stirfactants in the sys- ·
dy crude in Berea sandstone at IWS to develop his 'tern, no conimercially available oil-based or oil-emulsion
restored-state cores. The cores. were flushed wjth one of muds are known that preserve the native wettability.
two refined oils. Soltrol!70 ot Blando!, to detennine how 8. The wettability of a native-state core can be altered
they .iffected the wettability. The results are shown in Fig. by loss of light _ends and/or the deposition and oxidation·
I. Blando! did not significantly affect the wettability, while of heavy ends. Two alternative packaging procedures can
Soltroll70 changed tl)e core from oil-wet to neutraiJy wet. be used to minimize these effects. The first is to immerse
The wettability .·alteration could be caused by either the cores in deoxygenat<irl' formation or synthetic brine
surface-active impurities in the Soltrol 175 or desorption and place them in a glass-lined steel or plastic tube, which
of previously deposite<l oil-wetting crude compounds from is then sealed against leakage and the en(rance of oxy-
the pore walls into the Soltrol. It is not known which ex- gen. An alternative procedure is to wrap the cores at the
planation is correct. Wendel did hot attempt to filter the well,site in polyethylene or polyvinylidene film and the!!.
refined oils through a chromatographic column to remove 'in aluminum foil. The wrapped ~ore is then coated with
surface-active compounds. These contaminants are known a thick layer of paraffin or a phtstic sealer.
' to have a large effect on cofitact-arigle me·asuremerits, 9. Because of the increased solubility of ih.e wer-..abilir-y-
which are extremely sensitive to small amounts of con- , altering compounds at the higher temperature and pres-
taminants. Wettability measurements in core should be sure, the crude-oil/brine/core system is usualiy more
less sensitive, however, because the ratio of surface area water-wet at reservOir conditionS than at ambient condi-
to volume is much higher. tions. In addition, the contact angle 11feasured through the
water will genei-al!y decrease as the tempetature is in-
Conclusions creased, and the .system will become more water-wet,
I. The wettability of a reservoir sample affects its capil- even if no surfactants are present.
lary pressure, relative permeability, waterflood behavior, 10. Extraction with toluene can alter the wettability of
dispersion, arid electrical properties. In addition, simu- some rtative-state cores, causing some'initially neutrally
lated tertiary recovery can be altered. The tertiary recov- wet or !1lildly oil-wet cores to become strongly water-wet.
ery processes affected by wettabllity include hqt-water, Measurements on native-state cores should be made be-
surfactant, miscible, arid caustic flooding. fore toluene extraction.
2. Cleaned, strongly water~wet cores should be used 11. During the attempted restoration of a cleaned core
only in such core analyses as porosity and air permeabil- to its original wettability, the core should be saturated with
ity, where the wettability is unimportant. In addition, they brine, oilflooded, and then aged at the reservoir condi-
may be used in other (ests when the reservoir is known tions for 1,000 hours. This will enable a inixed-wettabilicy
to be strongly water-wet. . . condition to be restored, if this Was the original wettabil-
~- The wettability of originally waier-wet mineral sur- ity. In addition, it will allow the brine chemistry to influ-
faces can be altered by the adsorption of polar compounds ence the restored wettability. An .alternative procedure,
and/or the deposition Of otgariic rilatter"-that was origi- which comPletely sat"t.rrates t.i.e core wih;. crude oil, &1.ould
ruiily in the crude oil. Surfactants in the crude oil are be avoided.. .
generally believed to ,be polar compounds that contain 12. The three commonly used methods for artificially
oxyg~n, nitrogen, .ant;!/or sulfur. These compounds are controlling wettability during laboratory experiments are
most prevalent in the heavier fractions of crude oil, such (I) treatment of the core with chemicals, generally or-
as the resins and asphaltenes. gimochlorosilane solutions for sandstone. cores and
4. Wettability alteration is detennined by the interac- naphthenic acids for carbonate cores; (2) 'using sintered
tion of the oil constituents, the mineral surface, and the teflon cores with pure fluids; and (3) adding surfactants
brine chemistry, including ionic composition and pH. In , to the fluids. To obtain a uniformly wetted core, a sin-
·silica/oil/brine systems, trace amounts of multivalent me- , tered teflon core with pure fluids is preferred because its
tal cations can alter ihe wetta\lility. The cations can reduce wettahility is more constant and r$fJroducible than the wet-
the solubility of crude oil surfactants and/or activate the lability of cores treated with organochlorosilanes,
adsorption of anionic surfactants onto the silica. Mnltiva- naphthenic acids, or surfactants. However, these treat-
lent ions )hat have altered the wettability of silica/oil/brine , ments have advantages when heterogeneous wettability
systems include Ca +2 , Mg +2 , Cu +2 , Ni +2 , and Fe + 3 . or wettability alteration is studied.
5. Work on mineral flotation indicates that coal,
graphite, sulfur, 'talc, the talc-like silicates, and many sul- Acknowledgments
fides are probably naturally_neutrally wet to oil-wet. Most I am grateful to Jeff Meyers for his many helpfnl sugges-
other minerals-including quartz, carbonates, and tions and comments. I also thank the management of
sulfates-are strongly water-wet in their natural state. Conoco Inc. for 'permission to pul)lish this paper.
6. Conta:ct-angle measuremtmts suggest rnost ear-
bonate reservoirs range from neutrally to oil-wet as are- References
sult of the adsorption of surfactimts from the crude oil.
1. Anderson, W.G.: "Wettability Literature Survey-Part 2: Wetw
7. Very little work has been reported about the changes tabilit:Y Measurement~·· to be published in JPT(Nov. 1986).
in wettability caused by drilling mud additives. Three 2. Anderson, W.G.: "Wettability Literature SUrvey-Part 3: The Ef-
differentcorinif fluids have been recommended to obtain fects ofWettability on,the Electrical Properties of Porous Media,''
native-state core: (1) synthetic formati_on brine, (2) un- to be published in JPT (Dec. 1986).
3. Anderson, W.G.: ..Wettability Literature Survey-Part 4: The Ef-
*Personal communication with D..J. Wendel·, Petroleum Testing services, Santa fects ofWe!fability on Capillary PressUre," paper SPE 15271 avail-
Fe Springs, CA, Nov. 1980. able at SPE, Richardson, TX. ·

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986 1139

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1140 Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

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71. Kusakov, M.M. and Mekenitskaya, L.I.: "A_Study of the State Activities and Porphyrin Contents of Petroleum Extracts,'' Ind.
of Connate Water in Oil Reservoirs," Research in Surface Forces, Eng. Chern. (Aug. 1953) 45, No. ·8, 1759-1765.
B.V. Deryagin (eel.) 12-18. English translation by Consultants 94. Dunning,li.N., Moore, J.W., and Myers, A.T.: "Properties of
Bureau, New York City (1963). Porphyrins in Petroleum," Ind. Eng. Chem. (Sept. 1954) 46, No.
72. Abdurashitov, S.A., ·Guesinov. M.F., and Tairov, N.D.\: "Ef- 9, 2QOOC07.
fect of Different Rock Fractions Upon the Adsorption of 95. Moore, J. W. and Dunning, H.N.: "Interfacial Activities and Por-
Asphaltenes From Petroleums of the Balakhany-5abunChi- phyrin Contents of Oil-Shale Extracts," Ind. Eng. Chem. (July
Ramaninsk Deposits," lsv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Za.ved. (1966) 9, No. 1955) 47, No.7, 1440-44.
10, 63-65._ English translation available from the John Crerar 96. Cuiec, L.: "Rock/Crude-Oil Interactions and Wettability: An At-
Library, Translation No. 71-14451-081. tempt to .Understand Their Interrelation," paper SPE 13211
73. Barbour, F. A.; Barbour, R.V., and Petersen, J.C.: '~A Study of presented at the 1984 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Ex-
Asphalt-Aggregate Interactions Using Inverse Gas-Liquid Chro-. hibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19.
matography," J. Appl. Chem. lJiotechnol. (1974) 24,-645-54.. 97. Johansen·, R.T. and Dunning, H.N.: ''Relative Wetting Tenden-
74. Ensley, E:.K., and Scholz, H.A.: "A Study of Asphalt-Aggregate - cies of Crude Oil by the Capillarimetric ~ethod," Producers
Interactions by Heat of Immersion," J. Inst. Pet. (Mitrch 1972) Monrhly (Sept. 1959) 23, No. 11, 20-22.
58, No. 560, 95-191. ~ . _98. Johans~n. R. T. and Dunning, H.N.: "Relative Wetting Tenden-
75. Sinnokrot, A.A. and Chilingar, G.V.: "Effect of Polarity and Pres- cies of Crude Oils by CaPillarimetric Method," U.S. Dept. of
ence of Carbonate Particles on Relative Permeability of Rocks: the Interior, Bartlesville Petroleum Research Center, Bartlesville,
A Review,'' The Compass ofSignia·Gamma. Epsilon (Jan. 1961) USBM report RI 5752 (1961).
39, No. 2, 115-20. . . . 99. Dodd, C.G.: "Tf!~_ Rheological Behavior of Films at Crude
76. Somerton, W.H. and- Radke, C.J.: "Role of Clays in the Enhanced Petroiepm-Wa.terintert:aces, '' J. fhys. Chem. (May 1960) 64, No.
Recovery of Petroleum,'' paper SPE 8845 presented at the 1980 5, 544-50.

Journai of Petroleum Technology, October 1986 1141

100. Hasiba, H.H. and Jessen, F .W.: ''Film Forming Compounds From zion/Gas Systems; Applications to Flotation Research, P. Somasun-
Crude Oils, Interfacial Films and Paraffin Deposition," J. Cdn. daran and R.B. Grieves (eds.) AIChE Symposium Series (1975)
Pet. Tech. (Jan.-March !968) ?,No. I, 1-12. 71, No. 150, 183-88.
101. Hasiba, H. H. and Jessen, F.W.: "Film Properties of Interface· 127. Klassen, V.I. and Mokrousov, V .A.: An Introduction to the The-
Active Compounds Adsorbed From Crude Oil at the Oil/Water ory'oj Flotation, Butterworth and Co., London (1963).
Interface,'' paper SPE 1747 (1968) available at SPE, RfChardsori, 12-8. Weiidel, D.J., AnderSon, W.G., and Meyers, J.D.: "Restored-:
TX. State Core Anaiysis for the Hutton Reservoir,'' paper SPE 14298
102. Kimbler, O.K .. : Reed, R.L., and Silberberg, !.H.: "Physical Char- presented at the 1985 SPE Annuc:il Technical Conference and Ex-
acteristics of Natural Films Formed at Crude Oil-Wat~r Inter- hibition, Las Vegas, Sept. 22-25.
faces," SPEJ (June !966) 153-66; Trans., AIME, 247. 1i9. Gant, P.L. and Anderson, W.G.: "Core Cleaning for Restora-
103. Bartell, F.E. and Niederhauser, D.O.: "Film Forming Consti- tion of Native Wettability, ''paper SPE 14875 (Oct. 1985). Avail-
tuents of Crude Petroleum Oils,'' Fundamental Research on Oc- able at SPE, Richardson, TX.
currence and Recovery of Petroleum, API, New York City 130. C'Jiec, L.E., Lcngercn, D. an.d Pacsirszky, J .: "On t."le Necessi-
(1946-1947) 57-80. .. . . ty of Respecting Reservoir Conditions in Laboratory Displace-
104. Clementz, D.M.: ''Clay Stabilization in Sandstones Through Ad- ment SOld.ies, ·~paper SPE 7785 presented at the 1979 SPE Middle
sorption of Petroleum Heavy Ends,'' JPT(Sept. 1977) 1061-66. East Oil Technical Conference, Bahrain, March 25-29.
105. Stumni., W. and Morgan, J.J:: Aquatic Chemistry, J. Wiley and 131. Boneau, -D.F. and Clampitt, R.L.: "A Surfactant System for the
Sons, New York City ( 1970). Oil-Wet Sandstone of the North Burbank Unit,'' JPT(May 1977)
106. Block, A. and Simms, B.B.: ''Desorption aiJ.d Exchange of Ad- 501-06. '
sorbed Octadecylamine and Stearic Acid on Steel and Glass,'' J. 132. Trantham,J.C. and Clampitt, R.L.: "Determination of Oil Satu-
C<!llaid lnteiface Sci. (1967) 25, 514-18. · ration After Waterflooding in an Oil-Wet Reservoir-The North
107. Gaudin, A.M.: Flotation, second edition, McGraw Hill Book Co. Burbank Unit, Tract 97 Project," JPT (May 1977) 491,..500.
Inc., New York City (1957). 133. Bass, R.L. and Porter, M.R.: "Silicones," Waterproofing and
108. McCaffery, F. G. arid- Mungan, N.: "Contact Angle and Interfa- Water-Repellency, J.L. Moilliet (ed.), Elsevier Publishing Co.,
cial Tension Studies of SOine Hyd..t'Qra.rbon-Water-solid Syste!!'l..s," . New York Citv (1963) 136-87.
J. Cdn. Pit. Tech. (July-Sept. 1970) 9, No. 3, 185-96. 134. Coley, F.H., Marsden; S.S., and Calhoun, J.C.: "A Study of the
109. Neumann, H.J.: ..Investigations on the Wettability of Formations Effect ofWettability on·the Behavior of Fluids in Synthetic Porous
and on Oil Migration," Erdoel und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemie Media," Producers Monthly (June 1956) 20, No.8, 29-45.-
(March 19_6_6) 19, No. 3, 171-72. English translation available 135. Gatenby, W.A. and Marsden, S.S.: ..Some Wettability Charac-
from Associated Technical Services, Translation No. 74T93G. teristics of Synthetic Porous Media,'' Producers MonJhly (Nov.
110. Turnasyan, A.B. and Babal.yan, G.A.: "Adsorption of Asphaltenes !957) 22, No. !, 5-12.
During Filtration," Dol#. Akad. Nauk. Azerb. SSR (1964) 20, No. 136. Newcombe, J., McGhee, J., and Rzasa, M.J.: "Wettability Ver-
9. English translation available from the John Crerar Libraty, sus Displacement in Waterflooding in Unconsolidated Sand
Transiation No. 65-14833. Columns," Trans., AIME (1955)204, 227-32.
111. Somasundaran, P. and Agar, G.E.: ''The Zero Point of Charge 137. Rathmell, J.J., Blaun, P.H., and Perkins, T.K.: ''Reservoir Water-
of Calcite," J. Colloid Interface Sci. (Aug. 1967) 24, No. 4, flood Residual Oil Saturation From Laboratory Tests," JPT(J'eb.
433-40. . 1973) 175-85; Trans., AIME, 255.
112. Mungan, N.: "Enhanced Oil Recovery UsiDg Water as a Driv- 138. Singhal, A.K. and Dranchuk, P.M.: "Wettabiliiy Control of GlaSs
ing Fluid: Part 4-Ftmdamentals of Alkaline Flooding," World Beads," Cdn. J. Chern. Eng. (Feb. 1975) 53, 3-8.
Oil (June 1981) 192, No. 6, 209-20. · 139. Warren, J.E. and Calhoun, J.C.: ''A Study ofWaterflood Effi-
113. Castor, T.P., Somerton, W.H., and Kelly, J.F.: "Recovery Mech- ciency in Oil-Wet Systems," JPT (Feb. 1955) 22-29; Trans .•
anisms of Alkaline Flooding," Surface Phenomena_in Enhanced AIME, 204.
Oil Recovery, D.O. Shah (ed.), Plenum Press. New York City 140. Talash, A.W. and Crawford, P.B.: ''"Experimental Flooding Char-
(i98i) 249-91. acteristics of Unconsoiidated Sands,'' paper SPE 36 presented at
114. Johnson, C. E.: "Status of Caustic and Emulsion Methods, •• JPT the 1961 SPE Permian Basin Oil Recovery Conference, Midland,
(Jan. 1976) 85-92. May 4-5.
115. Mungan, N.: "Certain Wettability Effects-in Laboratory Water- 141. Talash, A.W. and Crawford, P.B.: "Experimental Flooding Char-
floods,"JPT (Feb. 1966) 247-52; Trans., AIME, 237. acteristics of 75-Percent Water-Wet Sands," Producers Monthly
116. Figdore, P.E.: "Adsorption of Surfactants on Kaolinite: NaCl Ver- (Feb. !961) 25, No. 2, 24-26. ..
sus CaCl 2 Salt Effects,'' J. Colloid Interface Sci. (June 1982) 87, 142. Ta!ash, A. W. a11d Crawford, P .B.: "E.xperhnental F!oocl~'lg Char-
No. 2, 500-17. acteristics of 50-Percent Water-Wet Sands," Producers Monthly
117. Sornasundarari, P. and Hanna, H.S.: ''Adsorption of Sulfonates (April !962) 26, No. 4, 2-5.
on R:eservoir Rocks," SPEJ (Aug. 1979) 221-32; Trans., .AIM:E, 143. Mohanty, K.K. and Salter, S,J.: ''"Multiphase Flow in Porous Me-
269. dia: ill. Oil Mobilization, Transverse Dispersion, and Wettabili-
118. Hancock, C.K.: "Aluminum Sulfate and Iron Sulfates as Aux- ty," paper SPE 12127 presented at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical
iliaries in Bituminous StabiliZation of Soils," Ind. Eng. Chern. Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, Oct. 5-8. '
(Nov. 1955) 47, No. 11, 2269-75. 144. Davies, J. T. and Rideal, E.K.: Inteifacial Phenomena, Academ-
119. Michaels, A.S.:_ ''The Waterproofing of Soils and Building Ma- ic Press, New York City (1961) 36-37.
terials," Waterproofing and Water-Repellency, J .L. Moilliet (ed.), 145. Salter, S.J. and Mohanty, K.K.: "Multiphase Flow in Porous Me--
Elsevier Publishing Co., New York City (1963) 339-83. dia: I. Macroscopic Observations and Modeling," paper SPE
120. Clementz, D.M.: "Interaction of Petroleum HeavY Ends With 11017 presented at the 1982 SPE Annual Technical Conference
Montmorillonite,'' Clays and Clay Minerals (197~) 24, 312-19. and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 26-29.
146. Singhal. A.K., Mukherjee, D.P., and Somerton, W.H.: ''Effect
121. Clementz, D .M.: ''Alteration of Rock Properties by Adsorption of Heterogeneous Wettability on Flow of Fluids Through Porous
of Petroleum Heavy Ends: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recov- Media," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. (July-Sept. 1976) 15, No.3, 63-70.
ery,'' paper SPE 10683 presented at the 1982 SPE/DOEEnhanced 147. Laskowski, J. and Kitchener, J .A.: "The Hydrophilic-
Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, OK, April 4-7. Hydrophobic Transition on Silica," J~ Colloid Interface Sci. (April
122. Czarnecka, E. and Gillot, J.E.: "Formation and Characterization 1969) 29, No. 4, 670-79.
of Clav Comnlexes With Bitumen From Athabasca Oil Sand '' 148. Menawat, A:, Henry, J., and Siriwa._"dane, R.: "Cont..ul of Sur-
CtaY~-"and~Cz~y~·Miner~l; (1980)-28.-i97~20i-~-- -- ~---·
face Energy of Glass by Surface Reactions: Contact Angle and
123. Reed, M.G.: ''Retention of Crude Oil Bases by Clay-Contlii.ning ·Stability," J. Colloid Inteifizce Sci. (Sept. 1984) 101, No.-1,
Sandstones,'' Clays and Clay Minerals (1968) 16, 173-78. 110-19.
124. Glem.botskii, V.A., Klassen, V.I., and Plaksin, I.N.: Flotation, 149. Tiffin, D.L. and Yellig, W.F.: "EffectsofMobile Water ()on Mul-
Primary Sources, New York City (1972). tiple Contact Miscible Gas Displacements,'' SPEJ (June 19.83) 23,
125. Bailey: R. and Gray, V.R.; ''Contact Angle Mea-surements of No. 3j 447-55.
Water on Coal," J. Appl. Chern. (April 1958) 8, 197-202. 150. Ionescue, E., Batycky, J.P., and Maini, B.B.: '"'Mi~cible Displa.ce-
126. Chander, S., Wie, J.M., and Fuerstenau, D.W.: "On the Native · ment of Residual Oil-Effect ofWettability on Dispersion in Porous·
Floatability and Surface Properties of Naturally Hydrophobic Media,'' Petroleum Recovery·Inst., Calgary, report 1984-4 (oct.
Solids,'' Advances in Inteifacial Phenomena of Particulate/Solu- 1984).

1142 Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

151. Maini; B.B., Ionescue, E., and Batycky, J.P~: "Miscible Displace- 174. Mungan, N.: ..Role of Wettability and -Interfacial Tension in
ment of Residual Oil-Effect ofWettability on Dispersion in Porous Waterflooding," SPEJ (June 1964) 115-23; Trans., AIME, 231.
Media," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. (May-June 1986) 25, No.3, 36-41. 175. Bobek, J.E., M:attax, C. C., andDenekas, M.O.: ''ReservoirRock
152. Novosad. J., Ionescu-Forniciov, E., and Mannhardt, K.: .. Poly- Wettability-Its Significance and Evaluation," Trans., AIME
mer Flooding in ·stratified Cores," paper no. 84-34-42 presented (1958) 213, 155-60.
at the 1984 Petroleum Society ofCIM Annual Technical Confer- 176. Burkhardt, J.A., Ward, M.B., and McLean, R.H.: "EffeCt of Core
ence, Calgary, June 10-13. Surfacing and Mud Filtrate Flnshlng on Reliability o(Core Anal-
153. Novosad, J .; "The Effect of Rock Heterogeneity ilnd Wettability . ysis Conducted on Fresh Cores," paper SPE 1139-G, presented
on Chemical Floqding," Proc., AGIP, SPA et al. Improved Oil at the 1958 SPE Annual Meeting, Houston, Oct. 5-8.
Recovery European Meeting, Rome (April 16-18, 1985) 2, 177. Amott, E.: ,"Observations Relating to the Wettability of Porous
145-53. Rock," Trans., AIME (1959) 216, 156-62·. ~
154.~ller,R.I.: ''StearatoChromiCChloride,'' Ind. Eng. Chern. (April 178. Thomas, D.C., Hsini, H.~ and Meilzie, D.E.: "Evaluation ofCoie
1954) 46, No. 4, 766-69. Damage Caused by Oil-Based Drilling and Coring Fluids,'' paper
155. Sweiney, S.A. and Jennings, H.Y.: ''The Electrical Resistivity SPE 13097 presented at the 1984 SPE Annual Technical Confer~
of Preferentially Water-Wet and Preferentially Oil-Wet Carbonate ence and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19.
Rocks," Producers Monthly (May 196o) 24, No. 7, 29-32. 179. Ehrlich, R., and Wygal, R.J.: ''lnterrelation.of Crude Oil and
156. Sweeney, S.A. and Jennings, H.Y.: ''Effect ofWettability on the Rock Properties With the Recovery of Oil by Caustic Waterflood-
Electrical Resisti:vity of Carbonate Rock from a Petroleum Reser- ing," SPEJ (Aug. 1977) 263-70.
voir," J. Phys. Chern. (May 1960) 64, 551-53. 180. Mungan, N.: ''Relative Permeability Measurements Using Reser-
157. Zierfuss, H. and Maltha, A.: ''Regarding the Rel<itionship Be- voir Fluids," SPEJ (Oct. 1972) 398-402; Trons., AIME, 253.
tween the Formation Resistivity Index and the Oil Recovery Mech- 181. Boduszynski, M.M.: ''Asphaltenes in Petroleum Asphalts: Com-
anism During Waterflooding Procedures," Erd6l und position and Formation,'' Chemistry of Asphaltenes, J.W. Bun-
Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemie (1967) 20, 549-52. English transla- ger and N.C. Li (eds.), American Chemical Soc., Washington,
tion available from the John Crerar Library, Translation No. DC (1981) 195, 119-35.
68-15700. 182. Richardson, J.G., Perkins, F.M., and Osoba, J.S.: "Differences
158. Sharma, M.M. and Wunderlich, R.W.: ''The Alteration of Rock in the Behavior of Fresh and Aged East Texas Woodbine Cores,''
Properties Due to Interactions With Drilling Fluid Components," JPT (June 1955) 86-91; Trans., AIME, 204.
paper SPE 14302 presented at the 1985 SPE Annual Technical 183. Morgan, J.T. and Gordon, D.T.:."Influence of Pore Geometry
Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Sept. 22-25. on Water-Oil Relative Permeabilities," JPT (Oct. 1970)
159. Stegemeier, G. and Jessen, F.W.: "TheRelationshlpofRelative 1199-1208.
Permeability to Contact Angles,'' Proc., Conference on the The- 184. Grist, D.M., Langley, G.O., and Neustadter, E.L.: ..The De-
ory of Fluid Flow in Porous Media, U. of Oklahoma, Norman pendence ofWater Permeability on Core Cleaning Methods in the
(March 23-24, 1959) 213-29. CaSe of Some Sandstone Samples," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. (April-
160. Lefebvre du Prey, E.J.: "Factors Affecting Liquid-Liquid Rela- June 1975) 14, No. 2, 48-52.
tive Permeabilities ofa Consolidated Porous Medium," SPEJ (Feb. 185. API RecommendedPractice for Core-Analysis Procedure, API,
1973) 39-47. RP 40, frrst edition, New York City (Aug. 1960).
161. McCaffery, F.G.: "The Effect ofWettability on Relative Perme- 186. Jennings, H. Y .: "Effects of Laboratory Core Cleaning on Water-
ability and Imbibition in Porous Media," PhD thesis, U .. of Cal- Oil Relative Permeability, •• Producers Monthly (Aug. 1958) 22,
gary, Calgary, Alta. (1973). No. 10, 26-32.
'162. McCaffery, F.G. and Bennion, D.W.: "The EffectofWettabili- 187. Duyvis, E.M. and Smits, L.J.M.: "A Test for the Wettability of
ty on Two~Phase- Relative Permeabilities," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. Carbonate Rocks," SPEJ (March I970) 3-4.
(Oct.-Dec. 1974) 13, No. 4, 42-53. 188. RUhl, W., Schmid, C., and Wissman, W.: "Displacement Tests
163. Morrow, ~.R. and Mungan, N.: .. Wettability and Capillarity in With Porous Rock_ Samples Under Reservoir Conditions," Proc.,
Porous Media," Petroleum Recovery Research Inst., Calgary, Sixth World Pet. Cong., Frankfurt (1963), Sec. 2, paper 11, PD6,
teport RR-7 (Jan. 1971). 467-81.
164. Morrow, N.R.: "The Effects of Surface Roughness on Contact 189. Ehrlich, R., Hasiba, H.H., and Raimondi, P.: ..Alkaline Water~
Angle With Special Reference to Petrolenm Recovery,'' J. Cdn. flooding for Wettability Alteration-Evaluating a Potential Field
Pet. Tech. (Oct.-Dec. 1975) 14, No. 4, 42-53. _Application,'' JPT (Dec. 1974) 1335-43.
165. Moriow, N.R.: "Capillary Pressure Correlations for Uniformly- 190. Lorenz, P.B., Donaldson, E.C., and Thomas, R.D.: "Use of Cen-
Wetted Porous Media," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. (Oct.-Dec. 1976) trifugal Measurements ofWettability to PrediCt Oil Recovery,"
15(4), 49-69. U.S. Bureau of Min~s. Bartlesville Energy Technology Center,
166. Morrow, ,N .R., and McCaffery, F .G.: ''Displacement Studies in report 7873 (1974).
Uniformly Wetted Porous, Media," Wetting, Spreading, and Adhe- 191. Emery, L.W., Mungan, N., and Nicholson, R.W.: "Caustic Slug
sion, G.F. Padday (ed.), Academic Press, New York City (1978) Injection in the Singleton Field," JPT (Dec. 1970) 1569-76.
289-319. 192. Hjelmeland, O.S. and Larrondo, L.E.: "Experimental Investi-
167. Mungan, N.: ''Interfacial Effects in Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Dis- . gation of the Effects of Temperature, Pressure, and Crude Oil
placement in Porous Media," SPEJ (Sept. 1966) 247-53; Trans., Composition on Interfacial Properties," SPERE (July 1986)
AIME, 237. 321-28.
168. Mungan, N. and Moore, E.J.: "Certain Wettability Effects on 193. Colpitts, G.P. and Hunter, D.E.: ..Laboratory Displacement of
Electrical Resistivity in Porous Media," J. Cdn. Pet.· Tech. (Jan.- Oil by Water Under Simulated.Reservoir Conditions," J. Cdn.
March 1968) 7, No. 1, 20-25.- · · Pet. Tech. (1964) 3, No. 2, 66-70.
169. Zisman, W.A.: "Relation Of the Equilibrium Contact Angle to 194. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Economides, M.J.: "Pressure and
Liquid and Solid Constitution, •• Contact Angle, Wettability and Temperature Dependent Properties of the Rock-Fluid Systems in
Adhesion, Advances in Chemistry Series 43, American Chemi- Petroleum and Geothermal Formations," paper SPE 9919 present-
cal Soc., Washington, DC (1964) 1-51. ed at the 1982 SPE California Regional Meeting, Bakersfield,
170. Michaels, A.S. and Timmins, R.S.: "Chromatographic Trans- March 25-26. ·
port of Reverse Wetting Agents and Its Effect on Oil Displace- 195. Kyte, J.R., Naumann, V.O., and Mattax, C.C.: ..Effect of Reser-
ment in Porous Media," Trans., AThiE (1960) 219, 150-57. voir EnvirOnment on Water-Oil Displacements," JPT (June 1961)
171. Michaels, A.S., Stancell, A., and Porter, M.C.: ''Effect of Chro- 579-82; Trans., A!ME, 222.
matographic T~ansport in I:Iexylamine On Displacement of Oil by 196. Johnson, R.E. and Dett:re, R.H.: "Wettability and Contact An-
Water in Porous Media," SPEJ (Sept. 1964) 231-39; Trans., gles," Suiface and Colloid Science, E. Matijevic (ed.), Wiley In~
A!ME, 231. terscience, New York ~ity (1969) 2, 85-153. .
172. Michaels, A.S. and Porter, M.C.: "Water-Oil Displacements from 197. Poston, S.W. et al.: ''The Effect of Temperature on Irreducible
Porous Media Utilizing Transient Adhesion Tension Alterations,'' Water Saturation and Relative Permeability Of Unconsolidated
A!ChE J. (July 1965) 11, No.4, 617-24. Sands," SPE! (June 1970) 171-80; Trans., AIME, 249.
173. Morris, E.E. and Wieland, D:R.: ''A Microscopic Study of the 198. Samaroo, B.H. and Guerrero, E. T.: ''The Effect of Temperature
Effect of Variable Wettability Conditions on Inuniscible Fluid Dis- on Drainage Capillary Pressnre in Rocks Using a Modified Cen-
placement," paper SPE 704 presented at the 1963 SPE Annual trifuge," paper SPE 10153 presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Tech-
Meeting, New Orleans, Oct. 6-9. nical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 5-7. ·

Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1980 1143

199. Sanyal, S.K., Ramey, H.J. Jr., and Marsden, S.S.: "The Effect Sl Metric Conversion Factors
· of Temperature on Capillary Pressure Properties of Rocks," Proc.,
SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, Lafayette, LA, May 6-9, degrees X 1.745 329 E-02 rad
1973, Nl-N16. 'F ("F-32)/1.8 'C
200. Sinnokr9t; A~A:-,'Ramey, H.J. Jr., and Marsden, S.S.: "Effect
of Temperature Level Upon Capill!uy Pressure Curves," SPEJ
(March 1971) 13-22.
201. McCaffery, F .G.: ''Measurement of Interfacial Tensions and Con- JPT
Original manuscript (SPE'13932) received in the Society of Petroleum Engineers office
tact Angles at High Temperature and Pressure," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. Dec. 28, 1984. Paper accepted for publication July 23,' HISS. Revised manuscript re-
(July-Sept. 1972) 11, No. 3, 26-32. ceived Feb. 3, 1986.

1144 ·Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1986

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