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The Interstellar


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The film Interstellar (2014) by Christopher Nolan illustrates the outer space full of

ghosts, black holes, tesseracts, and gravitational phenomena. The protagonist takes an adventure

into space in an attempt to find a new habitable planet where he comes across unbelievable moral

dilemmas, religious questions, and scientific challenges. Although the film incorporates

scientific fictional tropes, it contains magical elements that make it fall into the fantasy genre.

The producer adopted the time dilation from Einstein's theory of relativity to create interesting

moral questions concerning the characters. The film attempts to bring out scientific realism but

the magical elements create a fantasy because the supernatural events are likely to occur in real


The film also focuses on advanced technology in a fantasy world where the audience

feels frightened and gets their mind bent in an unparalleled experience. The sci-fi sub-genre

brings a gaze in the film where the audience gets a peripheral entry into deep contemplation and

philosophical inquiry. The film has almost no couples and therefore romance is not a key

element in the film. Instead, the movie has expressed different forms of love, spreading from

generation to generation and across space and time. The film does not focus on romantic love or

at least sex but a love of a parent towards his children is apparent in the film (family love). The

characters in the film seem to experience cross-cutting connections that form a deep communion

with people who are considered dead. The film leaves the audience with radical thoughts that

make the experiences in the film a cultural event. Although the film does not explain events, it

gives a deep foundation for meaning and brings significance into the plot’s understanding.
Surname 3


Nolan, C. (Director). (2014). Interstellar.

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