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Compensatory Afforestration Scheme in Non forest land acquired

under FCA Proposals for Lion corridor area

Daily wages Rs.191.40
Spacements = 6m x 6m
277 seedling / Ha
1st year replacement 10 % = 28 seedling /ha
2nd year replacement 20 % = 56 seedling /ha
3rd year replacement 10 % = 28 seedling /ha
Total Seedlings = 389 seedling /ha
Polypot size : 15 cm x 25 cm x 2oog
Item of work Qty. Labour Material Total
1 2 3 4 5
0 year
(a) Cost of soil, manure, seeds, water, fartillizer, 305 0 256 256
insecticides, implements, rent of lands.
Shade, etc. (including 10 % for casuality replacement)
(b) labour : Preparation of beds, filling and arranging of 305 627 33 660
bags,showing of seeds, watering shifting, weeding
(c ) Seedling cost for casuality replacement in one year old (20%) 56 200 60 260
(d) Seedling cost for casuality replacement in two year old (10%) 28 100 30 130
(e) Cost of seeds for saucer pits , Chaspala & Contour 11 Kg. 0 1100 1100
Total 927 1479 2406
2. Area Development ( Land Preparation )
(a) 30 % Area ploughing 0.2 ha 0 1434 1434
(b) Saucer pits 600 600 432 0 432
(c) Cleaning of unwanted weeds and prunning of natural L.S. 621 0 621
(d) Aligment and digging of pits 0.45 X 0.45 X 0.45 277 @ 9.10 2521 0 2521
Total 3574 1434 5008
(a) Natural fertilizer (Neem cake/ Castor cake) 277 @ 5.00 0 1385 1385
Total 0 1385 1385
3. SMC Works
(a) Check wall/ retaining wall /checkdem L.S. 6000 6000 12000
(b) Contour trench 1M x 45 Cm x 30 Cm as per Rs.8.50/rmt 700 mtr. 5950 5950 11900
Total 11950 11950 23900
4. Protection
(a) Boundary Trench 1 M X 0.60 Cm X 0.60 Cm L.S. 0 0 0*
(b) Stone wall 1.5 M x 1.5 M x1 M L.S. 15000 15000 30000
Total 15000 15000 30000
Sub Total of 0 year 31451 31248 62699
1st Year
(a) Maintenance of nursery (April to June) 400 40 440
(b) Seed Sowing on chaspala , souper pits and on contour L.S. 1050 0 1050
(c) Transport of seedling for plantation 277 241 50 291
(d) Planting with khamna of Min 1 m dia 277 742 742
(e)Transport & planting of seediling for casualty replacement 28 26 6 32
(f) 3 weeding cum soil working 277 2892 0 2892
(g) Support watering 5 times @ 3.25 1500 3000 4500
(h) Protection / tending operation 2400 0 2400
(i) Contigency 0 600 600
Total for 1st year 9252 3696 12947

C:\Users\acer\Desktop\model\Compensatory Afforestration Scheme in Non forest land acquired under1FCA Proposals for Lion corridor area.xlsx Ann-5 Grass land Bhavnga 277
Item of work Qty. Labour Material Total
2nd Year
(a) 2 weeding & soil working 1480 0 1480
(b) 20 % Casually replecement, transport and planting 28+28 164 42 206
(c) Natural fertilizer (Neem cake / caster cake) Rs.5/ plant 0 1385 1385
(d ) Support watering 3 times @ 3.25 1100 1600 2700
(e) Protection / tending operation R.A. 2400 0 2400
Total for 2nd year 5144 3027 8171
3rd Year
(a) 2 weeding & soil working 1480 0 1480
(b) 10 % Casually replecement, transport and planting 28 82 21 103
(c) Natural fertilizer (Neem cake / caster cake) Rs.5/ plant 0 1385 1385
(d ) Support watering 1 times @ 3.25 350 550 900
(e) Protection & maintenance of fencing / tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 3rd year 4912 1956 6868
(a) 1 weeding & soil working 740 740
(b) Protection & Maintenance of fencing/ Tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 4th year 3740 0 3740
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 5th year 3000 0 3000
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 6th year 3000 0 3000
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 7th year 3000 0 3000
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 8th year 3000 0 3000
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 9th year 3000 0 3000
Protection & maintenance of fencing/ tending operation L.S. 3000 0 3000
Total for 10th year 3000 0 3000
G.Total 72498 39927 112425

* Where ever boundary trench is requred instead of stone fencing per cmt rate as
applicable to contour trench shall be applicable for boundary trench also

C:\Users\acer\Desktop\model\Compensatory Afforestration Scheme in Non forest land acquired under2FCA Proposals for Lion corridor area.xlsx Ann-5 Grass land Bhavnga 277

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