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1) Give a brief account of the importance of the tawarikh writings as a source of the

study of mughal India in the 16th century

2) Insha, Persian literary tradition
3) Braj or telegu
4) How did Persian become a language of political power during the reign of a akbar?
5) Badayuni & fazl

1. Critically examine, the recent historiography on the nature of the Mughal state.
2. Military tactics and technology
3. Gun powder technology
4. Sher shah’s administrative and revenue reforms, mark departure from that of the

1. How did the Rajput political culture facilitate their integration into the mughal empire?
2. With reference to Rajputs and other warrior groups, analyze the process of creation
of a composite nobility, under Akbar

1. What changes were brought about by Abul Fazl in the notions of kingship originally
envisaged in the chagatayyid traditions
2. In what ways did Abul Fazal‘s notions differ from the chagatayyid traditions on the
issues of kingship?

1. Define zamindari right what role did various categories of zamindars play in the
economy and polity of the Mughal empire
2. Evolution of mansab of system, during the reign of Akbar
3. Evolution of Zabti under akbar. Impacts?

● Discuss the distinguishing features of the process of state formation in south India
in the 16th century with special reference to the Nayaka states of Madurai, Thanjavur
and Jinni.

● How does architecture in medieval India become a medium to express imperial

authority discuss with reference to the buildings of a Fatehpur Sikri or temples, and
gopurams of the Nayaka rulers of south India
1. Was Akbar’s policy of sulh-i-kul guided by his political needs, or an outcome of his
electric religious ideology?
2. Pol needs? Liberal ?
3. Akhlaqi tradition contributing extent

1) briefly, analyze the recent historiographical debate related to nature of the Mughal

1) Shaikh Ahmed sirhindi political, and religious ideas.

2) Overseas trade, Indian merchants
3) Mahzarnama
4) Internal trade and commerce

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