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Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)

For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
While this article is about creating a flow pattern it makes sense to understand what a flow pattern is and the
need/importance/advantages of using the same. In simple words a Flow pattern is a combination of multiple
Task Flows (seeded / manual actions) along with a provision of creating security options (to ensure who would
be allowed to view/edit and execute the same).
One important thing to note here is that while Flow Patterns are generally associated with Payroll the same is
used through-out the Application with Create Accounting, Create Batch,……… being the commonly used
We may add single or multiple tasks within a flow pattern and the same holds true for BI Publisher Reports
and HCM Extracts too. Imagine a situation where you want to run a BI Report, verify the data using some
checklists and then perform another task. Designing a Flow pattern would help you in accomplishing the same.
In this example we will create a Flow pattern for a Custom BIP Report and we would be able to view the
output. The Output file will be based on the template of the BIP Report.
So let-us begin with creating a Flow Pattern based upon a BIP Report.
As a first step login to the application with a user having appropriate roles (user should have access to Payroll
Checklist and Data Exchange Area which are present in the Application Roles Payroll Administrator and
Human Capital Management Integration Specialist Role).
We would be using hcm_impl user (who has the required roles as mentioned above) in this example.

Next we would need to navigate to the ‘Manage Flow Patterns Task’ and there could be multiple ways of
reaching the same. They are:

1) Using Checklists
From the navigator icon click on ‘Checklists’ link which would take you to a new page where in you should be
able to locate the Manage Payroll Flow Patterns as shown below (with help of two images)

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

2) Via Data Exchange -> Refine Extracts

We may even navigate to the Flow Pattern area using the Data Exchange-> Refine Extract Option (shown

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

3) From Setup and Maintenance

A click on the ‘Go to Task’ Icon takes us to the following screen:

One important observation at this point is the fact that out of the above 3 options mentioned only the 3 rd option

(Setup and Maintenance) provides us the feature of creating new payroll pattern. As we can clearly see the
icon only on this page the other two pages are used for search and making edits ( only after a Pattern has been

So we will now click on the icon and a new page will appear which would ask for a specific legislative
data group for which we want this pattern to be created. We are interested in running a BIP Report here which
would fetch data for all Legislative data groups hence we would keep the same as blank and proceed.
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

When you click on the ‘Continue’ button, a new page will appear where we need to fill the relevant details as
Payroll Flow Pattern: Basic Information
Attribute Name Attribute Value
Flow Pattern CustomFlowPattern-
Description This is a custom payroll flow
pattern created for
demonstration purpose
LDG Required No
Default Flow Yes
Activities to Include Statutory
Selected Tasks Run BI Publisher Report

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Click on Next and choose the ‘Yes’ radio buttons for ‘Flow Task Start Notifications’ / ‘Flow Task End
Notifications’ / ‘Warning Notification’ and ‘Error Notification’

Once the appropriate radio button options are selected move on the next train stop (using the ‘Next’ Button)
which will take you to the ‘Task Sequence’

The first task is the Start Task followed by Run BI Publisher Report and the last one being the End Task.
In the next step we should de defining the parameters for the flow pattern as shown below (Yes we need to
click on the next button to move on to next train stop)

As shown above we do not need to enter any detail ( for this example as we are using a BIP Report which do
not has any parameters and this is done specifically ) and move to the next step where we need to enter the
Report name and Report path

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

Next use the icon to delete all parameters except the report name. We do not need all the other parameters
namely: Legislative Data Group (The Report we are going to use fetches data which is independent of any
specific legislation) and the other parameters (argument 1, 2 ,3 .. are used in case the BIP report needs input
parameter, the current report being used in this example does not has any input parameter).

After you remove the parameters there will be two parameters left as shown:

Payroll Flow Pattern: Text Parameters

Parameter Attribute Attribute Value
Name Name
Name Report Name
Task Run BI Publisher Report
Parameter Constant Bind
Report Name
Basis Value PersonBIReport
Description Report Name
Name Report Path
Report Path
Task Run BI Publisher Report

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Parameter Constant Bind
Basis Value /Custom/Practice
Description Path of the BI publisher

Report Name Details Screenshot (post populating the details as displayed in table above)

Report Path Details Screenshot(after populating the details as displayed in table above)

Once we have populated all the tabs we may move to the review tab to verify the same.

Once the verification is complete click on the Submit button (on the top right hand side of the screen)
Now the setup part is complete and we would now try to run the newly created Payroll Flow Pattern and try to
understand the behavior.
For the same navigate to the Payroll Checklist Workarea (Navigator -> Checklists) and click on ‘Submit a
Process or Report’ as shown:
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

Select the appropriate payroll flow pattern (CustomFlowPattern-SubmitBIPReport) and proceed to next train
stop (by pressing the ‘Next’ Button)

Give a name to the payroll flow (for example TestRun1)

Again choose the familiar next button to advance to the next train-stop.

Next we should move to the schedule tab and choose the ‘As soon as possible’ option to run the payroll flow:

Now, we are ready to have a quick review of the entire payroll flow before doing a submission of the same.
Once we click on the submit button we should get a confirmation message along with an informational text
guiding us about what to do next.

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

A click on the ‘Ok and View Checklist’ takes us to the following screen:

We now need to click on the ‘Go to Task’ to view the results

Summary Tab give us the following view:

Reports and processes tab displays a snapshot which when captured appears as:

Next Click on ‘View Results’

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

And the below screen will appear

Click on the ‘Default Document.pdf’ and the Output appears as shown:

Thus we have now seen how to create a very simple Custom Payroll Flow Pattern making use of a BIP Report.
We may add multiple tasks before or after the same to create a complex flow pattern.
This brings me to the end of this article and I hope this was a nice thing to learn.
Do explore more on similar lines and unravel the mystery which is waiting to be discovered
Good Bye ..!!

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact
Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application
By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

Creating Flow Pattern In Oracle HCM Cloud Application

By: Ashish Harbhajanka (Oracle ACE)
For Business Inquiries, ERP Implementation, Training and Support contact

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