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Profile perfil
Must deber
How about? ¿Qué te parece?
Early temprano
Whole completo o completa
Whom a quién
Parents padres
Let me know avísame

2. Lee la siguiente conversación y luego responde las preguntas de forma correcta.

Anastasia: Tomorrow is Raul’s birthday.

Rebecca: Isn’t it next week?
Anastasia: No, I looked at his Facebook profile and confirmed that it is tomorrow.
Rebecca: We must do something to celebrate his birthday.
Anastasia: Yes. How about a surprise party on Friday?
Rebecca: Great idea. What time?
Anastasia: I think at 7 pm it is fine.
Rebecca: I think it is too early, how about at 9?
Anastasia: OK. But I have to work early on Saturday, so I can’t stay for the whole party.
Rebecca: No problem. And whom should we invite?
Anastasia: Well, his wife and his parents.
Rebecca: We should also invite his friends from work.
Anastasia: Sure, where is the party?
Rebecca: Well, it will be in your house, right?
Anastasia: I do not know. I should ask John first.
Rebecca: OK. Let me know as soon as possible to start organizing everything.
4. Cuestionario

1. -Do Anastasia and Rebecca know Raul?

o No, they don't

o Yes, they do
o They haven't met him before

2. Why does Anastasia know Raul’s birthday is tomorrow?

3. because they work for the same company.

4. because he is her best friend.
5. because she checked on Facebook.

3. -Anastasia has to ___________________________________ .

• work on Saturday
• call Raul's parents
• organize the party

4. -What’s Raul’s marital status?

• He is single
• He is married
• Not mentioned

5. -The party will take place __________________________.

• On Friday at 7 pm
• early on Saturday
• On Friday at 9 pm

6. -Is the surprise party going to be at Anastasia’s house?

-¿La fiesta sorpresa será en la casa de Anastasia?

• No

• Yes

• Probably

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