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Compiled To Fulfill The Task Of Professional Ethics of Teachers

Lecturer: Mr. Aang Kunaepi, M. Ag.

Arranged by:

Group 1

Muh Helmi Labib 2103016063

Delvia Ulya Qonita 2103016211

PAI 4A ( ICP )





TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................ii
A. Background...........................................................................................................................ii
B. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................................iii
C. Writing Purpose...................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................1
A. The concept of teacher and lecturer competencies in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning
Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1)..........................................................................1
B. Definition, Wisdom and Criteria for Honest Educators.......................................................8
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................................11



A. Background

The world of education is something that can never be separated in human life. Education
is a human right, meaning that education is a basic right and need for humans. Since human
beings were born to the earth, they have needed education. For this reason, education is very
important in the history of human life. Education is proven to be able to develop human
resources which is a gift of Allah SWT, and has the ability to human values so that human life is
increasingly civilized.

Mukhtar and Iskandar suggest that education is a conscious effort that is deliberately
designed to achieve predetermined goals. Education aims to improve the quality of human
resources, one of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources is through the learning
process at school.

In its implementation, an educational institution or as an education provider is often faced

with learning system problems, starting from the preparation of infrastructure, learning materials,
goals and even up to the preparation process. And teachers are an important component and are
considered to have a great responsibility for the success of education. The high and low or good
and bad quality of learning in a school depends and is largely determined by the role of teacher

The main problem of education in Indonesia lies in the quality of teachers in various
levels of education. Qualified teachers will make quality education, and vice versa. So it is not
wrong to say that one of the main factors that determine the quality of education is the teacher. It
is the teacher who is at the forefront of creating human resources. Because he/she is directly
dealing with students in the classroom through the teaching and learning process. In this context,
teachers need to have good qualifications in conducting learning so that it becomes quality.
There are around 2.7 million teachers in Indonesia who actually hold the key to the solution of
the nation's problems. These teachers are expected to dedicate their entire lives and ideals to
nation building through education.

Finally, it is hoped that Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers should be able to
educate the nation's life and improve the quality of Indonesian human beings who have faith,
piety and noble character, and master science, technology and art to create an advanced, just,
prosperous and civilized society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia and the most important thing is Islamic education which aspires to form insan kamil or
complete Muslims, which will implicitly reflect the characteristics of the quality of a whole
human being. Which is then accompanied by an increase in quality and relevance and efficiency
in facing the challenges, demands of change and local, national and global needs.

In Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1)
teacher competence includes pedagogical competence, personality competence, social
competence, and professional competence obtained through professional education. So that we
take the discussion as follows:

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is the concept of teacher and lecturer competence in Law Number 14 of 2005
concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1)?
2. What are the Definition, Wisdom and Criteria for Honest Educators?

C. Writing Purpose

1. To understand how the concept of teacher and lecturer competence in Law Number
14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1)
2. To understand the meaning of honesty, wisdom and criteria for honest educators



A. The concept of teacher and lecturer competencies in Law Number 14 of 2005

concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1)

1. Definition of Competency

Competence comes from the English competence. The meaning is the same as being
competent, while competent is the same as having ability, power, authority, skill, knowledge,
attitude and so on. Thus competence is the ability, proficiency, skills, and knowledge of a person
in a particular field. So the word competence is defined as adequate ability to perform a task or a
required skill and proficiency.1

According to Uzer Usman (1997), competence is something that describes a person's

qualifications or abilities, both qualitative and quantitative. Competence is knowledge, skills, and
basic values that are reflected in habits of thought and action consistently and continuously so as
to enable a person to become competent, in the sense of having the knowledge, skills, and basic
values to do something.2

Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers defines competence as a set of
knowledge that must be owned, lived and mastered by teachers and lecturers in carrying out their
professional duties. Thus, teacher competence is the result of a combination of many types of
abilities, which can be a set of knowledge, behaviors that are owned and mastered in order to
carry out their professional duties.3

The definition of competence in this case is to view competence as a learning outcome in

an educational perspective, which includes three aspects, namely knowledge, skills, and work
attitudes. As an inherent individual characteristic, competence is a part and personality of an
individual that is relative and stable, can be seen, and measured from the behavior of the

Muh. Ilyas Ismail, “Kinerja dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran”, Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan, Vol. 13 No. 1
Juni 2010, hal. 53.
Rina Febriana, Kompetensi Guru ( Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara: 2019) , hal. 2.
Ferdinal Lafendry, “Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Dunia Pendidikan”, Jurnal Tarbawi, Vol. 3, Februari
2020 hal. 5.

individual concerned in the workplace or in various situations. Jordan, Carlile, and Stack (2008-
203) distinguish between competence and competent. Competence is the ability to perform a set
of tasks that require the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, while competent is the
ability to perform a role effectively in a context.

Competence according to Harris (1995: 20) is "The possession and development of

sufficient skills, appropriate attitudes and experience for successful performance in life roles" i.e.
Having and developing adequate skills, attitudes and experience appropriate to achieve
successful performance in life roles.

Meanwhile, according to Spencer and Spencer (1993: 9) competence is: An underlying

characteristic of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or
superior performance in a job or situation. Underlying characteristic means the competency is a
fairly deep and enduring part of a person's personality and can predict behavior in a wide variety
of situations and job tasks. Causally related means that a competency causes or predicts behavior
and performance. Criterion-referenced means that the competency actually predicts who does
something well or poorly, as measured on a specific criterion or standard.4

2. Pedagogical Competence

Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers states that pedagogical competence is "the
ability to manage student learning". In essence, competence refers to a person's ability to carry
out their duties. Depdiknas (2004:9) explains that "learning management competence" can be
seen from the ability to plan teaching and learning programs, the ability to carry out interactions
or manage the teaching and learning process, and the ability to conduct assessments.5

Pedagogical competence is the main component that greatly affects the improvement of
learning quality. pedagogical competence is closely related to mastery of the learning process,
the ability to master teaching materials and the ability to evaluate learning. Teachers who have
this competence can always prepare an interesting learning process. Teachers in the current era
must understand that the learning process is an integral part of the pedagogical competence that

Rina Febriana, Kompetensi Guru ( Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara: 2019) , hal. 3.
Hendri Rohman, “Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru”, Jurnal Managemen dan Keguruan, Vol. 1
No. 2, April 2020, hal. 96

every educator must have. It is part of common knowledge, if the management of the learning
process must be carried out and developed based on knowledge and skills.

To be a professional teacher, you must have pedagogical competence. A teacher must

have knowledge and understanding as well as abilities and skills in the field of the education
profession. The teacher is a manager in learning, who is responsible for planning, implementing
and assessing changes or improvements to the learning program. According to the Ministry of
Education, the knowledge and understanding that a teacher must have as an educational
profession includes: a) students, b) learning and learning theory, c) curriculum and teaching
planning, d) culture and society around schools, e) philosophy and theory of education, f)
evaluation, g) basic techniques in developing the learning process, h) technology and its
utilization in education, i) research, j) morals, ethics and professional rules.

Valente explained that pedagogical competence is one of the most important

competencies. Then it is stated that: This kind of competency is the main problem related to the
didacted and methodology used in classroom teaching. Pedagogical competence includes an
understanding of:

a. the nature, characteristics and development of students,

b. educational concepts that are useful for helping students,

c. learning methodologies that are developmentally appropriate, and

d. a good and appropriate evaluation system.

In the pedagogical field, a teacher must have the competencies:

a) able to identify and understand the characteristics of students from social, moral, cultural,
emotional and intellectual aspects,

b) able to facilitate the development of students' potential to actualize their various potentials,

c) master learning theories and principles of educational learning,

d) able to design educational learning,

e) able to carry out educational learning,

f) able to design assessment of learning processes and outcomes,

g) able to carry out assessment of learning processes and outcomes,

h) able to use assessment results for various learning and educational purposes.6

This is where every teacher is required to recognize, understand, and believe in the
importance of the science of teaching and the science of learning students. The science of
teaching is related to the ability in the realm of knowledge. Meanwhile, the science of learning
students is related to the ability in the realm of skills. To realize both, teachers in this era need to
really mature in mastering pedagogical abilities. That is, the ability that directs teachers to know
in detail about the learning process based on knowledge and skills. In the learning process,
knowledge and skills are two things that cannot be separated, positions like two sides of a coin.7

3. Personality Competence

In the explanation of Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is

stated that personality competence is the ability of a steady personality, noble character, wise and
authoritative and a role model for students. 8 Then according to Suprihatiningrum "Personality
competence is a personal ability that reflects a steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative
personality, a role model for students, and a noble character".9

Personality is closely related to individual character, so this competency is the personal

ability of a teacher. The teacher's personality has a very big contribution to the success of
education, especially in learning activities. The teacher's personality plays a very important role
in shaping the personality of students. This is understandable because humans are creatures who
like to imitate, including imitating their teacher's personality in shaping their personality. All of
this shows that the personal competence or personality of the teacher is needed by students in the
process of forming their personality. If the teacher's personality is associated with social
interaction, it is also closely related to attitude. For teachers, attitudes affect the success of
Muh. Ilyas Ismail, “Kinerja dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran”, Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan, Vol. 13 No. 1
Juni 2010, hal. 57.
Ferdinal Lafendry, “Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Dunia Pendidikan”, Jurnal Tarbawi, Vol. 3, Februari
2020, hal. 6.
Fitri Mulyani, “Konsep Kompetensi Guru dalam UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen”, Jurnal
Pendidikan, Vol. 03 No. 01, 2009, hal 5.
Hendri Rohman, “Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru”, Jurnal Managemen dan Keguruan, Vol. 1
No. 2, April 2020, hal. 96.

teaching and learning, because a good personality will give birth to a good attitude and will be
useful in the learning process.

4. Social Competence

In Law Number 14 of 2005 Jurnal MADINASIKA Manajemen dan Keguruan, Volume 1

Number 2, April 2020, Pages 92-102 97 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is explained that
social competence is "the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively and
efficiently with students, fellow teachers, parents/guardians of students, and the surrounding

In the National Education Standards, Article 28 paragraph (3), it is stated that what is
meant by social competence is the ability of teachers as part of the community to communicate
and associate effectively with students, fellow educators, education personnel, parents/guardians
of students, and the surrounding community. Understand and appreciate differences and have the
ability to manage conflicts and conflicts.10

As social beings, every human being is required to have social competence, including
teachers in schools. Without these competencies, teachers can have difficulty in conducting
social relationships not only with each other, but also with students and school residents. These
competencies play an important role in social interaction, both in the school and community

According to Arikunto (2005:239) "social competence requires teachers to have good

social communication skills with students, fellow teachers, principals, administrative staff, even
with community members".11 Thus, the social competence of teachers will be reflected through
several indicators such as:

1) Ability to interact and communicate with fellow teachers

In carrying out their duties, teachers in this era must be able to collaborate. Teachers need
to realize that the current era is an era of collaboration, not an era of competition. Collaboration
requires every teacher to be able to work in a positive way, in order to achieve positive results

E. Mulyasa, Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007), hlm 173.
Ibid. 97

together. Every teacher who wants to progress, grow and develop must be able to collaborate.
Collaboration can be done by teachers in improving the quality of learning.

Collaboration can also be carried out by teachers in various committees, for example
jointly organizing various events in the field of education, such as holding training related to
teacher competence, conducting social activities, building learning parks in the community and
so on. Collaboration in this context will not only produce results in the community, but teachers
can increasingly establish good communication with others. On the other hand, it can also
increase trust in peers and train themselves to work together in a community.

2) Ability to get along with students

In addition to having the ability to get along with colleagues, teachers are also required to
have the ability to get along with students. The ability to get along with students requires
teachers to consider students as friends or as colleagues. It is not wrong to say that good teachers
are those who are able to make friends with their students at school. On the other hand, this
ability can make teachers close to students.

The current era of education requires teachers to be close to their students. Closeness
with students can make teachers their confidant at school. This means that students will not
hesitate to communicate with the teacher regarding any problems they face, whether in the
school environment, home, or community environment. In fact, they will be happy when the
problems expressed to the teacher are responded to and given a good solution. In addition,
students' respect will increase for every teacher who always responds to every problem they

3) Ability to cooperate individually and in groups.

The ability to cooperate individually and in groups requires teachers to be able to work
together with school residents, starting from janitors, security, administration and other officers.
Every teacher should not assume that they are second-class citizens in the school environment.
Teachers must uphold the existence of these officers.

What teachers need to do is to collaborate well with school officials, such as involving
them in school activities, ranging from religious activities to social activities. Respect for each

school member can make teachers valuable in the eyes of school members. The more valuable
teachers are in front of the school community, the easier it is for teachers to get along and
collaborate with them. Therefore, the main key is that teachers must position them like other
school residents or humanize them like humans in general, regardless of their status and

4) Ability to establish communication with parents

This ability is closely related to the teacher's ability to communicate intensely with
parents. All student development activities can be conveyed to their parents so that parents know
where their children are developing at school.

5. Professional Competence

Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers explains that professional competence is
"the ability to master subject matter broadly and deeply". 13 This professional competence refers
to the field of expertise and task implementation. In accordance with Government Regulation
(PP) No 19 of 2017 that professional competence as referred to in article (1) is a professional
educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and
evaluating students in early childhood education through formal education, basic education, and
secondary education.

Professional competence is the ability to master learning materials broadly and deeply
which allows him to guide students to meet the competency standards set in the national
education standards.14 Thus, professional teachers are characterized by their ability to master in-
depth subject matter, the implication is related to the teacher's ability to conduct research and
write scientific papers as well as publish them. A teacher must convey something (according to
his expertise) to students in order to carry out his professional duties.

Ferdinal Lafendry, “Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Dunia Pendidikan”, Jurnal Tarbawi, Vol. 3, Februari
2020, hal. 10-11.

Fitri Mulyani, “Konsep Kompetensi Guru dalam UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen”, Jurnal
Pendidikan, Vol. 03 No. 01, 2009, hal. 6.
Fachruddin Saudagar Dkk, Pengembangan Profesionalitas Guru, Cet-3, hal.. 48.

A teacher has professional competence when the teacher has basic knowledge and
understanding in their field. Some of the basic disciplines that must be known and understood
by a teacher include: a) mastery of the subject area (learning material) broadly and deeply that
allows him to guide students to meet the competencies set out in the national education
standards, and b) selecting, developing curriculum and / or syllabus according to the
competency standards and basic competencies of the subjects taught.

From this knowledge and ability, the professional competence of teachers can be
categorized as: a) understand the competency standards and basic competencies of their field of
expertise, b) able to select and develop subject matter, c) master the material, structure, and
concepts of the scientific mindset that supports the field of expertise, d) master methods for
conducting knowledge development and critical analysis related to the field of expertise, e)
creative and innovative in the application of knowledge related to the field of expertise, f) able
to develop curriculum and syllabus related to the field of expertise, g) able to take reflective
action to improve the quality of learning, then h) able to communicate with their own
professional community and other professions orally and in writing, i) able to utilize
information technology and learning, j) communicate and develop themselves as a teacher.15

B. Definition, Wisdom and Criteria for Honest Educators

1. The Definition of Honest

Honest is a translation of the word shidq which means true, trustworthy. In other terms,
honesty is deeds and words in accordance with the truth. Honesty is the key to praiseworthy
traits (mahmudah). Honest is in accordance between words and actions. Honest is revealing
what it is without being manipulated. Lying is saying something that is not in accordance with
the actual facts (Rachmat Syafie, 2000: 30). There is also an opinion that honesty says frankly.
Therefore, honesty means that the information matches the existing reality. So if there is news in
accordance with the existing reality, it is said to be true in accordance with the existing reality,
but if not, it is said to be a lie.

Honesty is in one's words and deeds, as in a person who does something according to his
deeds, and in his heart. A person who is boastful and arrogant is not said to be honest because he

Muh. Ilyas Ismail, “Kinerja dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran”, Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan, Vol. 13 No. 1
Juni 2010, hal. 59.

shows what he hides in his heart, a hypocrite is not said to be honest because he shows himself
to be a monotheist, and vice versa. The same applies to the heretic who outwardly appears to be
a follower of the Prophet, but in fact he is different from the Prophet. More clearly, honesty is a
trait of believers, its opposite, treachery, is a trait of hypocrites.16

2. The Wisdom of Honest Behavior

Honest behavior is sometimes very bitter at first, but believe me, we will get sweet fruit
in the end. Dishonest behavior can only keep us out of trouble temporarily, not to eliminate it, it
will even complicate the problem. Once we behave dishonestly, then one day we will be in a
condition to add dishonesty to cover up the dishonesty done before. There are several lessons of
honest behavior that we can learn, among others, as follows:

a. Feeling comfortable and calm, honesty will make us calm, comfortable, not afraid of
being found out because we are not lying.
b. Obtaining ease in life.
c. Safe from punishment and danger.
d. Guaranteed to enter heaven.
e. Loved by Allah and His Messenger.

We must instill awareness in ourselves to always behave honestly, both to Allah SWT,
others, and ourselves. If we are able to behave honestly, we will get extraordinary wisdom in
everyday life. It may be difficult, but we must do it so that our lives will be blessed both in this
world and in the hereafter. We must also realize and know the consequences of lying so that we
can stay away from these bad traits. Examples of the consequences of dishonesty are the loss of
other people's trust in us, it is difficult to make friends and even have no friends, it is difficult to
get a job because it is not trusted.17

3. Criteria for an Honest Educator

Honesty is the key to Islamic teachings, a teacher must be honest, that is, must speak
according to the facts, convey the truth as it is, even though what is conveyed is hard for him.
Honesty must be upheld in education, and teachers must be the first to set an example in
Dr. Husaini, M.Ag, pembelajaran materi pendidikan akhlak, ( Medan: CV pusdikra Mitra Jaya: 2021), hal 102-103.

Aat Agustini, Wawan Kurniawan, Pendidikan Karakter untuk Perguruan Tinggi, (Cirebon: 2017), hal 90-91

everyday life, teachers must be honest in their words, honest in their dealings, and honest in
conveying the truth.

With concrete examples in the application of honesty in front of their students, it is hoped
that students can be conditioned to uphold honesty. Students try to be honest in all actions, do
not cheat in facing exams, do not manipulate the grades obtained, do not bribe in all matters,
and do all activities according to the correct rules. If honesty has become a way of life, a habit,
it is hoped that future generations will grow into a generation that is anti-corruption and
manipulative actions.

The emergence of a corrupt generation today is due to the failure of the honesty aspect to
be applied in all lines of life. A concrete example in the community, it is no secret that to
become a teacher (civil servant) a prospective teacher must bribe the official authorized to
accept teachers, since the 1980s to become a public teacher must provide money up to tens of
millions of rupiah. Because they have spent money on bribes, the break even point principle
applies, so to return their capital, a teacher must be corrupt, such as manipulating financial
report data, selling grades to students, leaking exam questions, accepting bribes in new student
admissions and other corruptive traits.

On the student side, there are also elements of irregularities, especially in the admission
of new students, many parents who enter their children into schools that are considered
"superior" are willing to bribe the new student selection committee at that school. This is
because the teachers (school) started the corrupt behavior, so the parents were made to do the
same thing. This habit does not necessarily stop here, instead the corrupt habit is actually
growing, this is due to the low potential possessed by the student so that in order to get a "good"
grade, he must go through cheating by cheating, this habit continues until he graduates and
enters work. This cycle will continue, meaning that corruption will always appear in people's
lives, if the chain is not broken. One of the efforts to break the corruptive chain is to apply the
requirement for teachers to be honest.18

Rijal Sabri, ”Karakteristik Pendidik Ideal dalam Tinjauan Alquran”, e-journal Sabilarrasyad, Vol. 02 No. 01 Januari
2017, hal. 20-22.



In the concept of teacher and lecturer competencies in Law Number 14 of 2005

concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 paragraph (1) there are 4 competency standards,

a. Pedagogical competence, namely "the ability to manage student learning".

Pedagogical competence is closely related to mastery of the learning process, the ability
to master teaching materials and the ability to evaluate learning. Teachers who have this
competence can always prepare an interesting learning process.

b. Personality Competence, namely "the ability to have a stable personality, have noble
character, be wise and authoritative and become a role model for students".
c. Social competence, namely "the ability of teachers to communicate and interact
effectively and efficiently with students, fellow teachers, parents/guardians of
students, and the surrounding community".
d. Professional competence, namely "the ability to master subject matter broadly and

Then educators must also have an honest attitude, where honesty is defined as actions and
words in accordance with the truth because by behaving honestly, educators can produce honest
students as well because basically when we plant good things, good fruit will grow.


Agustini, Aat & Wawan Kurniawan. (2017), Pendidikan Karakter untuk Perguruan Tinggi,

Fachruddin, Dkk. Pengembangan Profesionalitas Guru, Cet-3.

Febriana, Rina. (2019), Kompetensi Guru ( Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara)

Husaini. (2021), pembelajaran materi pendidikan akhlak, ( Medan: CV pusdikra Mitra Jaya).

Ismail, Muh. Ilyas. (2010),“Kinerja dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran”, Jurnal
Lentera Pendidikan, Vol. 13 No. 1

Lafendry, Ferdinal. (2020),“Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Dunia Pendidikan”, Jurnal
Tarbawi, Vol. 3.

Mulyani, Fitri. (2009), “Konsep Kompetensi Guru dalam UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru
dan Dosen”, Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 03 No. 01.

Mulyasa, E. (2007), Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru, (Bandung: PT Remaja


Rohman, Hendri. (2020),“Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru”, Jurnal

Managemen dan Keguruan, Vol. 1 No. 2.

Sabri, Rijal. (2017),”Karakteristik Pendidik Ideal dalam Tinjauan Alquran”, e-journal

Sabilarrasyad, Vol. 02 No. 01.


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