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Summative Test in English 10

Third Quarter (Modules 1,2 and 3)

Name: ___________________________________________ Section:_______ Score :______

Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer and please be honest in answering the test. God Bless!
1. It attempts to change the readers’ perception and persuade them to accept a new behavior.
a. Persuasive Essay b. Informative c. Assessment d. Argumentative Essay
2. It is the main idea of the essay and introduces your reasons.
a. Hook b. Background Information c. Thesis Statement d. Reasons
3. It is usually composed of three paragraphs.
a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion d. Stand Point
4. It presents the author’s summary of and reflections on the arguments.
a. Conclusion b. Background Information c. Introduction d. Body
5. It is a piece of writing that gives the author’s own argument.
a. Essay b. Novel c. Poetry d. Paragraph
6. It is a type of essay that speaks about academic writings where you use logic and reason.
a. Argumentative b. Informative c. Persuasive d. Narrative
7. It is used to educate the reader on a certain topic.
a. Expository b. Argumentative c. Persuasive d. Informative
For items 8-17. (10 POINTS)
Rewrite all pronouns used in the sentences then identify whether they are used as DEMONSTRATIVE, INTERROGATIVE,
8. These are trying times.
9. Someone will have to help us.
10. Which vaccine would you recommend?
11. We made a deal which is satisfactory.
12. The person whom you met yesterday is a doctor.

On the space provided before the number, write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

__________ 18. An argumentative essay is composed of the following: introduction, body, and conclusion.

__________ 19. Everyone is capable of making an argument over an issue.

__________ 20. Opinionated statement contradicts the real meaning of a topic.

__________ 21. A writer needs to use a hook at the introductory paragraph to grab a reader’s attention.

__________ 22. The argumentative essay must be composed of 5 paragraphs only.

__________ 23. To argue is to contradict.

__________ 24. An informative writing technique describes almost everything in an essay.

__________ 25. Three or more reasons must be cited to support the main point of the argumentative essay.
Summative Test in English 10
Third Quarter (Modules 4,5,6,& 7)
Name: ___________________________________________ Section:_______ Score :______

Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer and please be honest in answering the test. God Bless!
1. It is the author’s feelings or emotions towards his/her writing.
a. mood b. purpose c. technique d. tone
2. It is the feeling that the reader gets when the text is read.
a. mood b. purpose c. technique d. tone
3. It pertains to the author’s written motive or intention.
a. purpose b. technique c. mood d. tone
4. It is a way of of telling one’s thoughts on how he/she liiks at something.
a. critique b. elements c. sharing viewpoints d. techniques
5. It pertains to your own attitude as critic when you read the literary piece.
a. Literary Devices b. Literary Technique c. Reaction d. Context
6. It keeps the reader thinking about the story and leaves a feeling of satisfaction.
a. Beginning b. Critique c. Ending d. Middle
7. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight into the story.
a.abstract b. critique writing c. precis d. quick writes
8. It is the data that helps to make sense of a literary text’s message.
a. Context b. Reaction c. Literary Technique d. Literary Devices
9. These are tools used by authors to create impact on their writing.
a. Literary Technique b. Context c. Literary Devices d. Reaction
10. It is a literary device used to compare two unlike things with the use of as and like.
a. Hyperbole b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Simile
11. It is a type of author’s purpose that includes information or data that is useful, valuable or important.
a. to describe b. to entertain c. to inform d. to persuade
12. It is a genre of academic writing that summarizes and critically evaluates a piece of work.
a. creative works b. research c. critique d. media
13. It is a statement used to make a declaration or to express a strong belief.
a. facts b. ideas c. topics d. opinion
14. It is a literary approach that involves close reading of the text and emphasizes the value of literature.
a.Formalism b. Marxism c. Moralism d. Social Criticism
15. It emphasizes the role of class and ideology as they reflect, propagate and even challenge the prevailing social order.
a. Formalism b. Marxism c. Moralism d. Social Criticism
16. It is the central conflict identified by Marxism.
a. nation vs other nations b. rich vs poor c. right vs wrong d. white vs black
17. It is the element of the story which is not considered important in Formlaist criticism.
a. character development b.character’s motivation c. point of view d. reader’s emotion
18. It focuses on how the actions of the protagonist are rewarded and the actions of antagonist are punished.
a. Feminism b. Formalism c. Marxism d. Moralism
19. It is NOT a use of moralistic criticism.
a. Appeal b. Background c. Education d. Propaganda
20. It adapts the critical question “How is the narrator, speaker, or character revealed to readers”?
a. Feminism b. Marxism c. Formalism d. Moralism
21. It is a literary task that considers how the text has been together.
a. Analyze b. Criticize c. Evaluate d . Synthesize
22. It signifies the art of interpreting, analyzing and making judgments of individual.
a. Analysis b. Criticism c. Evaluate d.Synthesis
23. It is against a patriarchal society.
a. Feminist b. Historical c. Redaers- response d. Sexism
24. It emphasizes how religion, culture and social values affect readings.
a. Feminist b. Historical c. Redaers- response d. Sexism
25. It is the involvement of reading, interpreting and commentary of a specific text.
a. Literature b. literary criticism c. literary texts d.literary theory

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