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Smaller-scale attempts at measuring the association between naturalistic use

of classic psychedelics, on one hand, and misuse of other addictive substances,
including alcohol, cannabis, and stimulants, on the other, have yielded results
suggesting an association between psychedelic use and large-scale remission
from abuse disorders. In addition, recent evidence has emerged to suggest that the
naturalistic use of mescaline, specifically, is associated with reductions in the
symptoms of alcohol and drug use disorders
In addition, tens of millions of individuals suffer from a range of avoidable respiratory,
cardiovascular, and other illnesses as a result of smoking tobacco, and over the past
two years, studies have demonstrated that cigarette smokers are more likely to be
hospitalized or die from COVID-19
Authors used multivariable logistic regression to assess
the associations between each independent variable and the two
main nicotine dependence measures
Pshychodelis can protect you from future nicotine dependence.
Additionally, to test the specificity of any observed associations, we included as
independent variables items assessing lifetime use of various legal/medicinal and
illegal substances: MDMA/ecstasy, heroin, PCP, inhalants, cocaine, pain relievers,
tranquilizers, stimulants, sedatives, and marijuana
Demographic differences between those who do versus do not meet criteria for
past-month nicotine dependence are presented in Table
This study provides preliminary evidence supporting the association between use
of classic psychedelics of both the tryptamine and phenethylamine classes, and
lowered odds of nicotine dependence. Future clinical trials are needed to test
whether this link is causal. Additional inquiry may also identify mediators and third-
variable factors underlying our findings, which may act as protective factors
against nicotine dependence. This study represents an important step toward
understanding the link between use of classic psychedelics and smoking behavior
in a naturalistic, large-sample context, as well as incremental progress towards
reducing rates of nicotine addiction and stemming a significant source of morbidity
and mortality worldwide.

My opinion
Other illnesses, other problems like stress, depression, maybe can protect you from
nicotine dependence, but will give you other problems
Several studies have investigated the relationship between emotional attachment to pets and
mental health with the majority of studies finding a negative relationship between emotional
attachment to pets and mental health. Interestingly, attachment to pets differs from
attachment to humans with studies showing that humans with an insecure attachment style
form a particularly strong emotional attachment to their companion animals. Human
attachment style is also related to mental health with secure attachment being associated with
superior mental health. Building on those findings, the current study aimed at exploring the
role of attachment to humans in the relationship between emotional attachment to pets and
mental health
Pet ownership has been linked to better mental health and enhanced well-being in the general
population as well as in patients with physical and mental disorders (for a review see Wells
[1]). For instance, pet ownership has been shown to be associated with lower levels of
loneliness and depression and better perceived general health in older populations [2].
However, at the same time, some studies also find null or even negative effects of pet
ownership on physical and mental health, raising the question whether pet ownership is
robustly associated with better health

Respondents were recruited online by distributing the link to the survey on special webpages
for dog owners and social media (i.e., Facebook groups, websites of dog schools). Sample
recruitment for the 20-minute online survey took place between June and August 2019. All
respondents gave written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
and its latest amendments
The online form started with several questions assessing socio-demographic information (i.e.,
gender, age) and dog-related information (i.e., age of dog and duration of ownership, sex and
neutering status, origin of the dog [e.g., breeder, animal welfare]) and average daily time
spent with the dog. S
Our findings suggest that the positive link between emotional attachment to pets and mental
health burden is fully accounted for by its shared variance with insecure attachment to
humans in a sample mostly comprising self-identified women. Future studies need to
examine whether strong emotional bonds with pets may evolve as a compensatory strategy to
buffer difficult childhood bonding experiences

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