Ethics (Purcom)

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Ethics in communication refers to speaking in a way that is clear, brief,

responsible, and honest. There are different types of ethics in

communication such as Utilitarian ethics, Virtue Ethics, and Situational or
Contextual Ethics. My reaction to Utilitarian ethics is that it determines right
or wrong based on the outcomes. This type of ethics is good for people
who weigh their decision based on the outcome if it is for everyone’s
greater good or not. This type of ethics attempts to bring about the greatest
good for the largest number of people while causing the least harm or
reducing the most pain. A good illustration of rule utilitarianism is traffic
regulations. Although it is occasionally possible to drive safely even when
ignoring a speed limit sign, it is ideal for everyone to abide by a uniform set
of traffic laws regardless of specific circumstances. Next is Virtue Ethics,
although it shows good moral character such as courage, loyalty, or
wisdom. An example of this is a person who devotes themselves to others
and shows their utmost loyalty to them. As we are part of a society where
not everyone lives the same way as others and often acts in a way that
surprises us, this can be abused frequently by others. Lastly, Situational or
Contextual Ethics is founded on the understanding that an evolving world
affects how to fit or "good" our activities are. For instance, if one believes
that abortion is inherently evil, one will never permit it, regardless of the
circumstances surrounding the pregnancy.

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