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om All the Years of Her Life Mortey CALLAGHAN Preparinc To READ 1 Think Before You Read ‘Answer the following questions: {1 Why do you think some people steal - take things from other people oF places without paying for them? 2 What should employers do if one oftheir employees steals things from them? 3 What should parents do when their children steal? 2 Picture Focus ‘With a partner, talk about the picture. Who are the three people? What are the man and woman talking about? ie Words to Know ee ‘Study the following key words and expressions from the story. bid all relate to stealing, Then complete the paragraph wsingsth word or expression once, ous worried or frightened | jal a place thatthe police for people ee fy thief a person who steals oe apis) someting ay (hs ae aN in he hs obs steals something from ane red bay is id doin, soneme of some leee(Ga[meyhf Sens ind doing “ag ESR yal alana arrest when the plc ake a vl Person and put hn : There ate ‘many different types of stealing. Some people take small things from family or friends. Other people steal from their enlployan or ‘or shoplift from stores. a___+hye, is a person who usually makes a career joxofstealing.Heorsheoten_CobS houses arbanks and does 1 re HE —PLECVOUS_ easly. This type of person keeps stealing until he arses Caueht ced ~ havled 1 is happens, andthe police come tothe ene the police wilh C€S+ is penton and path erdein_jgi| Story Preview I, gets into rouble when he is ng fom bis employer, Me. Cart Hs mether comes to help ‘many times before. But his time, lied is surprised fen they walk home, Alied's mother is quit and Sh ease waking nest te. oN atten aan 1 id 5 Making Predictions ite, From the Story Preview, try to predict what will happen. Circle one choice ‘below or write your own answer, Discuss your prediction with a partner. ‘What will Alfred's mother do when they get home? 1 She will tell Alfred to leave home. eS 2 She will never speak to Alfred again. « 3 snk ‘will tell Alfred’s father about the stealing. tk a ans ene, ee ee 6 Idioms and Expressions. ‘You will find these idioms and expressions in the story: just a moment a short time; thang around with spend alot people say this or "ust a of time with someone Tali Inrca ininute” when they want | | fire someone when an someone to wat Bic cletkilG employer tells someone to leave ‘catch your breath return. |_a job because the person did tonormal reaming ater | someting bad Eas txcement or ay /UPZES pa gona eon sy ‘get in trouble co somethi this when they are happy that wrong Bazinin Leloya Sirmeyi] something good happened that hold a job havea job; kes they expected tobebad Col working at ajob js Hut whaie | shows the writer's feelings about the subject and characters ofthe story. tone may be happy or sad, calm or angry, funny or serious. Through on and dialogue, the writer ses, or creates, the tone. Tue Story About the Author Morley Edward Callaghan (1903-1990) was born and rajsed in Toronto, infario, He attended the University of Toronto Law School, bit he never practiced law. Instead, he became a newspaper reporter for the Toronto Daily Sta. Callaghan became friends with the mous American author mest Hemingway, wio was working in Canada att ine asa reporter was Hemingway who encouraged Callaghan to write short stories. After Callaghan married, he and his wite went to Paris. They spent several months in Paris and were part ofa group of walters that included jamingway, James Joyce, and R, Scott Fitgerald. During this time in Paris, Hemingway challenged Callaghan to a fighting match, Callaghan, svho had been a fighter in college, knceked Hemingway to the ground, \d Hemingway never forgave him. Callaghan wrote short stories, short novels, and nonfiction, He ‘became a well-knovin writer in Canada and the United Slates. One of his two sons, Barry Callaghan, also became a waiter and poet. He wrote about his father in Barrelhouse Kings (1998) ‘All the Years of Her Life Terone Ale tg wre i ne o be was eig teady te eave for the day he took of his white jacket and put on hig Sa Care ho owned the drugstore, was standing near the cashtefiser Most nights, he didn aged anus 0 God sian. Tonight he sid soil, Jt > RORGH, Ae. Tsta momen Retr ope” pag x ice sated o Boat and tet nde his heart began to peat sp oud twas har for him catch is breath, "What Me Car?™ aye you shuld take afew tings out of your pocket bear you go.rsal Me Car Fea veto « wacin wid in ore fr aepng money fom ae ron ane Chater 12 All the Years of Her Life 157 A “What things? What ae you talking about! tall maccury -fops "You have a eat a lipstick and two tabes of Wathpast in your pocket, Alfred.” . “What do you mean? Are you. calling me a‘thief?" Alired’s face 1s got red, and he knew he looked intsufted- sam Cafr’s blue eyes were shining behind his glasses, and his lips were moving undermeath his gray mustache, He nodded his head a few timés, and Alfred became frightened. Slowly he put his hand in the deep pocket of his coat. He never looked at Sam Carrs eyes as he took out a compact, a lipstick and 20 two tubes of toothpaste. He put them one on the counter. “How long have you been stealing fromi me?” asked Mr. Cart. “This isthe first time I took anything’’M: Car.” “Do you expect me to believe « thal? You've probably been robbing How long have you thé store for a while. I liked you, een stealing from me?" Alfred. 1 tsted you, and nov, have to call a policeman. You're a fool, and maybe I should call your father and tell him you're a fool. Maybe I should let him know I'm going 30 to have you arrested and put in jail.” stL.aacy “My father’s not at home. He's a/printer, and he works nights,” said Alfred. “Who's at home?” nici, gy mother, 06." Fe 1en we'll see what she says,” and he went to the telephone and “Afaled her number. "Just a minute, Do you have to tell her?” ' He waned to so gg ble gu who could ake care of Ninel Dut there was stil 2 Thope that someone at home would come co and help him. ‘Alfred left school and lived at home with his parents. His older brothers were married and his sister just got married, so it was finally easier for his parents. But Alired always got in trouble and couldn't hold 2 jab for very long, 4s "¥85, that's right, Mrs. Higgins. Your boy's in rouble, I'm afraid You better come here in a ARB" Alited heard Mr. Carr speaking to his smother cactle ‘Allred knew his mother would come fushing in. Maybe she would be crying, and she would push him away when he tried to talk to her. Yet he 50 hoped she woul arrive before Mr. Carr saw the policeman who usually walked by the store. ‘hile they waited, they didn’t speak. Then they heard someone compact: 2 smal box for womens face power 138 Close Relationships wuartore stole Sneed, tee Unters BOO ed | hespipce vurmals “Tapping on the glass ddor. Mr. Carr opened the door and said, “Come in, | MIS. Higgins.” He looked angry i Higins looked sf she was going to bed when she gotihe phone af feall. Her aly ag tied and covered with a hat, Her coat was wrapped Jaround her dig she was ange and ound and had » friendly smile on her face. Most ofthe store lights were tured off, and at ‘rst, she didn’t bee Ale. He wa standing the sk te of the counter. When (she saw him, te Jopked at him with her blue eyes and smiled. She was jgaim and ditifed'She gave bt. Car her hand and sa, “I'h ig (Higgins, Pm Alfred's mother. 1s he in troubleg” pif Cart was alittle surprised by her lack of fear “He is. He's been Ftealing from the store. 1 caught him red-handed, He took litle things Perms oo an Ws lin eh © “Isit true, Aled?” : pe © Why have you been doing it?” 4 / “Lyanted to have more money, I guess.” “Rowan es |) Widnes un ney gs | Mis. His aig Me Ca aPS Ges soe as hough she aT, ‘idn’t want to 1¢ Was serious and shy as she asked, “What ‘did you plan to do, Mr, Carr?” | ‘twas going to call a policeman. That's what I should do,” "Yes, maybe. I can't tell you what to do because he's my son. Yet jometimes I think a little good advice isthe best thing for a boy when Ate was amaaed sts moe’ que behav. I they were at ome and someone sid Aled was ging ie Be raced ring Yet here she vas sang thee thease ee eee fain, Maybe way be bet fost le He ef [Heloise dosnt het akeswons ee fio get amy 82 aiatik Pea AEE ses ata nC HEE sero [ear teaicd that hs mother as relya fre waste tine ne being excited or Frightened) Mis Magne showed ESR EE |) Mr. Carr nodded his head. “Of cours Jearn to do ‘What is right. I tell you what I'l do. Ill just i a ti a tell the neve rp your inne te care Chapter 12 All he Years of Her Life 159 _ ay “Good night, Mrs. Higgins. 'm truly sony.” ‘The mother and son walked along the street together. Mrs, Higgins took long steps, and her serious face looked worried, Alfred was afraid xo to speak to her, He was afraid ofthe silence between them. The longer they walked in silence, the more he realized how strong his mother was. He wondered what she was thinking. She seemed to forget that he was ‘walking beside her. Finally, he said, “Thank goodiness it turned out like that cerainly won't get in trouble like that again. was “Be quiet. Don’t speak to me. You've digaela me again and again,” she said angrily. i “That's the last time. That's all 'm saying, Mom.” When they arrived home and his mother Sook off her coat, Alfred saw that she had put on a dress quickly Before she went to the store. sno "You're a bad one, You are always in trouble. Why do you stand there? Go to bed, I'm going to make a cup of tea. Remember now, don't say anything about tonight 0 your a ag Aled pastas and eo uA heard his mother in the vienen HS ea ete, puting ton he HF, and moving achat i 1 gu emer Me Catt listening to her talk Simply. Allred felt a pela in her streigth and calmness when she spoke to Mr. Cart. "I'd like to tell her she was great with Mr. Cat.” ‘Allred went downstairs to the kitchen. He watched his mother pour 4 cup of tea. He watched silently as his mother sat there. Her face was sao frightened and not like the face of the woman who was so confident before in the drugstore. inihe chal she ey ad He The cup to her lips. She sWalfowed the hot ‘seemed to be over. All the years of her” 160 lose Relationships [UNDERSTANDING THE STorY ‘geading Comprehension jith a partner or in a small group, discuss the fol im to take things out of jlowing-questions How does Alfred act when Mr. Carr asks hi his pocket? How does Alfred expect his mother to act when she comes (0 the drugstore? ‘What does Mrs. Higgins say to Mr. Cai? sled surprised? + Hour does Mrs. Higgins behave when she and Alfred walk home? 4 what does Aired notice about is mother when she is drinking her tea? suessing Meaning from Context stand the sentences that follow are in the story. Read ‘words inthe lis ler ofthe best meaning of the bold word in sentences and circle the let agate poodde (205 cain Bia Icharli SUraizel vag a, Teme | figs Bea SF a ce Ene sages natal gota he knew he looked insulted fed’ face (2 alraid of Mr. Carr ike eh a ohh aC sd Dany car 1 Yen they beard someon png ni dt Otani pecking fe eo 2 rcs ws wrapped ound hes iy 2 peer open ved Seascale relaxed § Sne was calm and dignified Drespeciable inely charming Chapter 12 allthe Yeats of erate 16. 6 Mr. Carr was a litle surprised by her lack of fe: BDanaces Prhappy ay 7 “I's stuff he can sel easily.” ci food ¢ olditems rings oe ‘8 Mrs, Higgins touched Mr. Carr's arm sey and spoke as ie she didn't want to disturb him, hol aJannoy ea boret ‘ee 9 “takes some of them along time to get any sense" a money ’€ touch Qed judgmenp Jit oe 10 There was only the sound of his mother’s soft, confident voice in the store. hase! ‘a positive and clear Qawver and encosiging 7"! Lr quiet and seared 11 “Vl never forget your kindness, Mr. Can," she sai. family ooaness bravery yifitl le 12 “You've disgraced me again and agsn,” she said angrily. "_Actnade other people hate © made other people aise ‘other people lose ‘uncomfortable with, respect for 1en she reached for the kettle, her hand was trembling, and she spilled A ot moving inthe chai, she sighed and lifted the cup to her lips. ss she breathed out smiled as she breathed out | spied JL 4 rank > Grammai: Forming Questions ‘Two types of questions in English are Yes/No questions and Wh- questions, Yes/No questions can be answered with yes or no, ‘To turn a simple present or simple past statement into a Yes/No | Guestion, use do, does, or did + the subject + the main form of the verb, x Examples: 7 Statement: Alfred has two tubes of toothpaste in his pocket. Question: Does Alfred have two tubes of toothpaste in his pocket? Statement: Alfred stole the toothpaste from Mr. Carr Question: Did Alfred steal the toothpaste from Mr. Carr? ‘To tum a present continuous or past continuous statement into a | Yes/No question, change the order ofthe subject and the be verb | Examples: Statement: Mrs. Higgins is talking to Mr. Carr Question: Is Mrs. Higgins tatking to Mr. Car? | Statement: Alfred and his mother were walking silently | Question: Wine Alf and his mather walking slenly? Wh- questions ask for information. They begin with words like who, what, when, where, why, and how. Examples: Statement: Alfred has two tubes of toothpaste in his pocket Question: Why dos Alfred have two tubes of toothpaste in his pocket? Statement: Alfred stole the coothpaste from Mr. Cart Question: What did Alfred steal from Mr. Carr? ‘To tum a present continuous or past continuous statement into a Wh question, add a Wh- question word and change the order of the subject and the be verb, Example: Statement: Mrs. Higgins is tatking to Mt, Carr. (Question: Why is Ms Higgins talking to Mr. Carr? Chapter 12 All he Years of Her Life 163, Application 1 Correct the folloing questions fom the story, Some questions are missing words. Some use the wvrang verb form, Some use the wrong word order. Then capitalize the fst eter fhe question, and put question mark at the end. 1 what you talking about What are you talking about? == 2 axe calling me a thief 3 you expect me to believe that 4 do you has to tell her 5 he isin trouble 66 what you does plan to do, Mr. Carr ‘Application 2 Now write two questions to ask Alfred, Mr. Car, or ‘Mes. Higgins something about thei feelings or actions, Use Yes/No or Whe questions. 1 Alfred, 2 Allred, 3 Mr. Carn 4-Mr.Cart, 5 rs Higgins, 6 Mis. Higgins, 164 Chose Relationships (©) Tuwxine Criticanty Discussing the Story ‘With a partner or ina small group, discuss the following’ questions: 1 Why do you think Alfred doesn’t want Mr Carr to call his mother? 2 Do you think Alfred wil steal again? Why or why not?" his father? Explain your answer 4 What does Alfed undetsand abou his motherand her life when he sees her hand trembling? . Making Inferences tows the author's meaning, If you ned help, look back ane story. Discuss your answers. Bp ait Blends he desn understand wha Me Cars tng Died is insued that Mt. Cae ins he is a thier © Alied hopes Mr. Carr wl think he's scare. 2 Aled asks Mr Car, "Do you have teller”, @. Alfred wants Me. Cart call the police insta mother b Aled knows his mother isnt at home, DMitedis seared and hopes Me. cart wil change his mind 3 On the walk home, Aled tl his mother, “That's the let me* Gite isting his mother that he wil not teal agin Alte is ying to his mother © Aled docsa't want to tak to ls moter anymore, 4 Aled sys tke ttl her she was grat with Me Carn® a. Aled wants bg athe o fee! rou of hi Dated recs the Way nis mater behaved wits Me Car © Allied hes Mr. Cae ‘Chapter 12 All he Years of Her Life 165 : Analyzing the Story: Tone i {As you read on page 156, tone shows the writer's feelings about the subject and characters. The writer sets the tone through description and logue. Thee types of tone from the tory ate inthe chart. Examples of descriptions or dialogue are shown for each type of fone, Read the story again and look for more examples to add to the chart. Nenvousness Suuence Ace “What things? ‘Mrs, Higgins took long “Be quiet Don't speak What are yon talking stg aned her serous fo me. Yon disgraced about?” ficelooked worried, —— meagain and again.” 4 Summarizing ‘ut the following sentences in the correct order to summarize the story Taste the numbers 1 t06 to show the order. The first one has been done for you. 2. br Carr calls Mrs. Higgins on the telephone, ‘fed and his mother walk home in silence. f slink se carr S808 eof tang rom the sor Slat 3 Ms Higgins scan an ied in te store 4 Mr, Carr agrees not to call the police. su ‘fred watches his mother drink the tea with a trembling hand. ©» Writing pretend you are Alfred, Write a leterto ME, Cart Explain how sorry yout rercpout stealing from him and about the lesson you learned 166. Close Relationships

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