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Project Report

Project Management Plan

Project Aims and Objectives

Remote working is a practice that has become a lot more common in recent times, with many
companies already moving towards the format even before the global pandemic forced many people
to work partially or fully from home.

This project aims to look at a variety of job roles and situations, and evaluate how suitable remote
work will be in these situations, taking into account the perspective of both managers and staff.


As this is primarily a research project, the only cost is the time invested in research gathering and
producing the report.


This project aims to look at a series of roles within AFD Software, and evaluate their suitability for
remote working, as well as looking at some of the challenges and benefits for each role. Some of
these roles will take little time to cover, but others will require more in-depth study, however the
report should be able to summarise the important points for each in about a minute.


This project has a deadline of the end of May, so steady work will need to be done in the meantime.
I have produced a GANTT Chart to break down the study time.


The aim of this project is to produce a report to present, so this must be a professional piece of work
that is well researched and backed up by both quantitative and qualitative research.


As I am working on this project alone, the communication is entirely in how I document and present
my work and findings. Presenting the work well will be very important in how it is received, and
having adequate research to back up my findings and give weight to my points.


There are few risks involved in this project, as it is just producing a report, no significant resources
are being committed or expended, and there is no risk of Perhaps the greatest risk to the project
might come from preconceived ideas regarding remote work from its intended audience.


The main resource as stated above is time, and I expect to spend some time each week over the next
few months to produce the work. I will also be speaking to my colleagues at AFD Software, getting
feedback and information from them of their experiences of remote working both there and with
other companies.

Project Research

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is research that can be

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research are research methods that collect objective data, such as numerical or
statistical analyses. It is often gathered using structured research tools, such as set questionnaires or
numerical evaluation of data.

Something that separates Quantitative from Qualitative research is that when doing Quantitative
research, you have set the parameters of the data beforehand, whereas with Qualitative research
the questions are open-ended and up to the participants to interpret and answer as they wish.

Both types of research have their place, but both must be done together to provide a complete
picture of most situations. Research must also be thorough and carefully done, particularly
Quantitative research, as it can risk creating an artificial result through leading questions or specific
data gathering techniques.

My quantitative research will be gathered both through questionnaires and gathering of existing
data, looking at examples of remote working both short- and long-term within AFD Software.

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