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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18

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Research paper

Development of a biphasic dissolution test for Deferasirox dispersible

tablets and its application in establishing an in vitro–in vivo correlation
Amal Al Durdunji 1, Hatim S. AlKhatib, Mutasim Al-Ghazawi ⇑
Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In a biphasic dissolution medium, the integration of the in vitro dissolution of a drug in an aqueous phase
Received 23 July 2015 and its subsequent partitioning into an organic phase is hypothesized to simulate the in vivo drug absorp-
Revised 4 February 2016 tion. Such a methodology is expected to improve the probability of achieving a successful in vitro–in vivo
Accepted in revised form 10 February 2016
correlation. Dissolution of Dispersible tablets of Deferasirox, a biopharmaceutics classification system
Available online 16 February 2016
type II compound, was studied in a biphasic dissolution medium using a flow-through dissolution
apparatus coupled to a paddle apparatus. The experimental parameters associated with dissolution were
optimized to discriminate between Deferasirox dispersible tablets of different formulations. The dissolu-
In vitro/in vivo correlations
tion profiles obtained from this system were subsequently used to construct a level A in vitro–in vivo
Flow-through apparatus correlation.
Paddle apparatus Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biphasic dissolution medium

1. Introduction the aqueous phase then partitions to the organic layer depending
on its distribution coefficient. The movement of the dissolved drug
Drug absorption is a composite process where the in vivo into the organic layer allows dissolution in the aqueous phase to
dissolution, partitioning into and permeation through intestinal continue by preventing the drug from accumulating in the aqueous
mucosal cells as well as stability against the gastrointestinal envi- phase thus creating a sink condition.
ronment and first pass metabolism contributes to the rate and Gibaldi and Feldman [2] were the first to use a biphasic dissolu-
extent of appearance of the drug in systemic circulation [1]. tion medium to maintain a sink condition. They suggested that in a
Dissolution testing has been extensively used by the pharma- dissolution rate – limited absorption, drug removal from the disso-
ceutical industry as a first line tool for evaluating the potential lution medium by partitioning is analogous to drug removal from
ability of a dosage form to deliver a drug and make it bioavailable. intestinal fluids by partitioning and permeation, in that both pro-
The ability of a dissolution testing procedure to predict the cesses do not allow the drug to accumulate in the release medium.
performance of the dosage form in vivo is usually dependent on Besides overcoming the non-sink problems and mimicking a
the relevance of the in vitro dissolution test to the in vivo dissolu- larger portion of sequence of events involved in drug absorption,
tion–permeation processes. The routinely used dissolution tests a biphasic dissolution system can simplify the analytical task by
are usually performed in aqueous buffered solutions. Such tests the action of the partitioning process as a filter that prevents
are well suited for a quality control role; however, for understand- undissolved particles from moving into the organic phase, thus
ing the in vivo performance, more sophisticated media and condi- removing interference/contribution of undissolved particles in
tions which are more relevant to the physiological environment the analytical response when assaying the organic phase [3,4].
found in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are needed. Different system configurations were reported when using
A biphasic dissolution system is expected to be particularly biphasic dissolution media. Hoa and Kinget [5] used a biphasic dis-
suitable to study the in vitro dissolution and predict in vivo behav- solution medium to obtain sink conditions for the water insoluble
ior of formulations of BCS class II compounds. It involves the use of drug, Artemisinin. They used USP apparatus II and added a second
two immiscible liquid layers, one is an aqueous phase and the two-blade stirrer to the paddle shaft to maximize the mixing effi-
other is an organic one. In such a system, a drug is dissolved into ciency between the two phases which were water and chloroform.
In such an arrangement, a tablet was placed in a small glass cylin-
der; the bottom of the cylinder was closed by a paper filter and
⇑ Corresponding author. attached to a disintegration apparatus motor in order to be moved
E-mail address: (M. Al-Ghazawi).
up and down in the aqueous phase. Another modification for USP
Current address: Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Amman, Jordan.
0939-6411/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
10 A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18

apparatus II was used by Grundy et al. [6,7] for the dissolution test 10 mLs of each of the above solvents. The vials were shaken over-
of nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system in a biphasic night while maintained at 37 °C in a shaking water bath (Grant
medium. They used a basket-paddle hybrid stirrer to prevent the OLS200, Grant Instruments, UK). Thereafter, samples were with-
tablet or the released nifedipine suspension from depositing at drawn and filtered through 0.7 lm glass syringe filters (Titan 3
the bottom of the dissolution vessel (coning) and to provide glass syringe filters, Thermo Scientific, Germany) and the absor-
enough mixing at the interface between the organic and aqueous bance of DFX dissolved in the each sample was measured spec-
layers. trophotometrically at a wavelength of 300 nm (UV-1700,
Vangani et al. [3] and Shi et al. [4] combined the use of a USP IV Shimadzu, Japan) and used to calculate DFX concentrations using
flow cell to study the dissolution phase with the use of a USP II ves- linear calibration curves.
sel to study the permeation phase using a bi-phasic dissolution The distribution coefficient of DFX between 1-octanol and phos-
medium to achieve sink conditions. phate buffer pH 6.8 was determined by dissolving 100 mg of DFX
In this report, we describe the application of a biphasic dissolu- in 50 mLs of 1-octanol in a 100 mL separatory funnel before adding
tion system in constructing an ‘‘In Vitro–In Vivo Correlation” 50 mL of the buffer to the separatory funnel and shaking for 30 min
(IVIVC) for dispersible tablets containing 500 mg of Deferasirox (Gerhardt LS 500, Gerhardt, UK). After that, the two phases were
(DFX). DFX is an orally active iron chelating agent that it is highly allowed to separate. A sample from the lower aqueous layer was
selective to iron (III) [8]. It is a tridentate ligand that binds iron with drained into a beaker for analysis and a sample from the upper
high affinity in a 2:1 ratio [7]. DFX is mainly eliminated in the feces organic phase was withdrawn and analyzed spectrophotometri-
due to hepatobiliary elimination of Deferasirox (including first-pass cally. The concentration of DFX in each phase was calculated using
elimination) and of its glucuronide. Renal excretion was only 8% of linear calibration curves.
the dose and included mainly the glucuronide conjugate [8]. The distribution coefficient (log D) was calculated using the fol-
DFX is classified as a BCS II type drug that is rapidly absorbed lowing equation:
following oral administration with a median time to maximum
plasma concentration of about 1.5–4 h [9], extensive protein bind- Concentration in octanol
Log D ¼ log ð1Þ
ing (>98%) and a low plasma clearance of 3.53 (±0.87) L/h allowing Concentration in aqueous phase
a single daily dosing [10].
The absolute bioavailability of DFX from ExjadeÒ, the originator
product, is about 70% [8,9]. 2.2.2. In vitro dissolution
The dissolution test was performed on four tablets of each of
the three formulations of DFX dispersible tablets manufactured
2. Experimental by Hikma Pharmaceuticals (Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3) in addition
to the reference product, ExjadeÒ (Novartis, Batch Number S0063).
2.1. Materials The bi-phasic dissolution medium, consisting of 500 mL of 1-
octanol as an organic phase and 300 mL of phosphate buffer pH
The following materials and supplies were purchased from their 6.8 as an aqueous phase, was placed in a USP apparatus II vessel
stated suppliers and used as provided: 1-octanol (Fisher Scientific, (Varian VK7010, Vankel, United States) and stirred for 30 min to
UK), sodium dihydrogen phosphate (VWR International, UK), allow equilibration between the two phases before the dissolution
sodium hydroxide (Fisher Scientific, UK), sodium acetate anhy- run. An additional Teflon blade was fitted to the conventional USP
drous (Acros Organics, US), glacial acetic acid (Scharlau, Spain), apparatus II shaft, and the two-blade configuration was intended
hydrochloric acid 37% (Merck, Germany), DFX (MSN Laboratories, to enhance the efficiency of mixing of the two phases. A flow-
India), Titan 3 glass syringe filters with 0.7 lm pore size (Thermo through apparatus (USP IV, CE 7 Smart, Sotax, Switzerland with
Scientific, Germany), glass beads of 1 mm diameter (Sotax, CP-7 Sotax piston pump) was coupled with the USP apparatus II.
Switzerland), and WhatmanÒ glass microfiber filters GF/F 25 mm A schematic presentation of the configuration of the dissolution
U (GE Healthcare, UK). testing system used is shown in Fig. 1.
Three batches of different formulations of DFX 500 mg dis- Each DFX tablet was dispersed in 10 mLs of deionized water for
persible tablets (Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3) manufactured by Hikma about 1 min and the prepared suspension was transferred to the
Pharmaceuticals, Jordan, were used in this study in addition to one USP apparatus IV cell (22.5 mm, 14 mL). The aqueous phase was
batch of ExjadeÒ500 mg dispersible tablets (Novartis, Batch Num- pumped from USP apparatus II to the USP apparatus IV cell at rate
ber S0063), the reference product of DFX 500 mg dispersible tablets of 30 mL/min. The return line from the USP apparatus IV cell was
which was purchased from a local pharmacy in Amman, Jordan. kept immersed in the aqueous phase stirred in the USP apparatus
The three Hikma formulations were prepared using wet granu- II vessel at rate of 120 rpm. Samples (5 mL) were withdrawn from
lation technology and contained the following excipients: crospovi- each phase at predetermined time intervals and were analyzed
done, povidone, sodium lauryl sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 300 nm (UV-1700, Shi-
silicon dioxide, Mg stearate. Test formulation 2 included also lac- madzu, Japan) and DFX concentrations were calculated using linear
tose monohydrate in addition to the abovementioned materials. calibration curves to determine the percentage released at each
The DFX material used in all formulations was crystalline in time point using the following equation:
nature and the main difference between the three formulations
was the particle size of DFX with d90 of 42 lm for Test 1 and ðmg mg
AbsðSn ÞStd: Conc: VðmLÞF
þ RSð1Þ C
10 lm for both Test 2 and Test 3. Abs ðStdÞ mL
 5 mL
% Released ¼  100%
500 mg
2.2. Methods ð2Þ

2.2.1. Determination of DFX solubility and distribution coefficient where Abs(Sn) is the sample’s absorbance, Std. conc. is the standard
The solubility of DFX at 37 °C in each of USP Phosphate Buffer concentration in mg/mL, V is the volume of the medium in mL, F is
pH 6.8, USP Acetate buffer pH 4.5, 0.1 N HCl, 0.5% Tween 20 in the sample’s dilution factor, Abs(std) is the standard’s absorbance, C
USP Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and 1-octanol was determined in is the sample’s concentration, and 500 mg is the tablet labeled
duplicate. Excess of DFX was placed in glass vials containing claim.
A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18 11

The first two studies comparing ExjadeÒ to Test 1 and Test 2 for-
mulations enrolled Healthy male subjects, 18–50 years old, of Mid-
dle Eastern ethnicity with 8 subjects completing the first study and
6 completing the second study. The last study comparing ExjadeÒ
to Test 3 formulation enrolled Healthy male subjects, above
18 years old, of white, black, Asian or Latin ethnicity with 40 sub-
jects completing the study.
Total plasma concentrations of DFX were determined using a
validated LC-MS MS analytical method. The pharmacokinetic
parameters were calculated using non-compartmental analysis of
average plasma concentration–time profiles using WinNonlin (ver-
sion 5.3; Pharsight Corporation, Mountain View, CA), AUC was cal-
culated by trapezoidal rule, and maximum plasma concentration
(Cmax) and time to peak concentration (Tmax) were directly
obtained from the average plasma concentration–time profiles.

2.2.4. Data analysis and IVIVC

The fraction–absorbed of DFX from each of the tested formula-
tions was determined from the plasma concentration–time data
and calculated by numerical deconvolution using WinNonlin. The
plasma concentration–time profiles of the different formulations
were fitted to different compartmental models to determine the
Fig. 1. A schematic presentation of the configuration of the biphasic dissolution
system used. best fit model based on Akaike information criterion (AIC) [14].
The obtained distribution and elimination rate constants (from
the best fit model) were then used to simulate an intravenous
Additionally, dissolution testing was performed in a single- (IV) plasma profile for each formula in order to fit a unit impulse
phase dissolution medium to compare the discriminatory power response (UIR). The plasma concentration–time profiles of the for-
of the two media types. The dissolution medium and testing condi- mulations were then deconvoluted using the UIRs to determine the
tions recommended by the FDA dissolution database [11] for DFX fraction absorbed versus time or the input function in vivo for each
tablets were used for the single-phase dissolution method. The rec- formulation.
ommended method uses 900 mL of phosphate buffer pH 6.8 + 0.5% The in vitro dissolution data representing the appearance of
tween 20 as a dissolution medium stirred in USP apparatus II at a DFX in the organic phase of the dissolution medium were fitted
paddle speed of 50 rpm. In the single-phase dissolution experi- to double Weibull model to obtain the in vitro input function. Lin-
ments, each of the six DFX tablets tested was dispersed in ear regression analysis was applied to the in vivo and in vitro input
100 mLs of the dissolution medium for about 1 min and the resul- functions.
tant suspension was transferred to the dissolution vessel contain- The predicted plasma concentrations were obtained from the
ing the rest of the medium. Samples (5 mL) were taken at in vitro data by convolution using the IVIVC model and UIR; there-
predetermined time intervals and were analyzed spectrophoto- after, the predicted and observed Cmax and AUC calculated by non-
metrically at a wavelength of 300 nm (UV-1700, Shimadzu, Japan) compartmental analysis were compared to calculate the prediction
and concentrations were calculated using linear calibration curves error by the following equation:
to determine the percentage released at each time point as
described above. Predicted value  Observed value
%Prediction Error ¼  100%
To compare the dissolution profiles of different formulas, the Observed value
model-independent similarity factor (f2) was used [12]: ð4Þ
8" #0:5 9
< Xn =
f 2 ¼ 50  log 1 þ ð1=nÞ ðRt  T t Þ2  100 ð3Þ 3. Results and discussion
: t¼1
3.1. Solubility and distribution coefficient of DFX
where n is the number of data points and Rt and Tt are the % dis-
DFX solubility results are shown in Table 1. At lower pH values,
solved from each of the two formulations at a specific time point.
DFX is poorly soluble; the solubility was highest at pH 6.8 which
The dissolution profiles are considered similar if f2 is P50.
was expected considering the weakly acidic nature of DFX. How-
ever, even with the improvement of solubility at higher pH values,
2.2.3. Pharmacokinetic studies on DFX dispersible tablets formulations DFX solubility classification remains ‘‘practically insoluble”. The
Human in vivo data were generated in three single-dose, fasted- distribution coefficient values of DFX between phosphate buffer
state, bioequivalence studies of crossover design for the three test pH 6.8 and 1-octanol were found to be 2.08, confirming the relative
formulations against the originator ExjadeÒ. Data were generously lipophilic nature of DFX.
provided by Hikma Pharmaceuticals (Amman, Jordan).
The studies were all sponsored by Hikma Pharmaceuticals and 3.2. Pharmacokinetic data
performed in the International Pharmaceutical Research Center
(IPRC, Amman, Jordan) and Pharma Medica (Toronto, Canada) in The average plasma concentration–time profiles of DFX from
compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki [13] after obtaining the four formulations are shown in Fig. 2.
the respective Institutional Review Board’s approval of the protocol The obtained AUC, Cmax and Tmax from the average plasma con-
in each case. A written informed consent was read, understood and centration–time profiles for the four formulations of DFX dis-
signed by each volunteer before the start of the study. persible tablets are summarized in Table 2.
12 A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18

Table 1 release in the aqueous phase using the biphasic dissolution condi-
Solubility of DFX at 37 °C in different aqueous media. tions described above.
Solvent Solubility (mg/mL) Standard The appearance of DFX in the organic phase is the result of two
average, n = 2 deviation (mg/mL) consecutive processes, the dissolution of DFX in the aqueous phase
0.1 N HCl <0.004 – followed by the partitioning of DFX into the organic phase. The
Acetate buffer pH 4.5 <0.004 – apparent rate of appearance of DFX in the organic phase is a reflec-
Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 0.054 0.002 tion of the slower of these two processes which is expected to be
0.5% Tween 20 in USP 0.620 0.004
Phosphate buffer pH 6.8
the dissolution into the aqueous phase with the organic phase act-
1-Octanol 3.220 0.149 ing to generate a sink condition in this arrangement.
The f2 values calculated using the profiles generated from the
organic phase and with ExjadeÒ as a reference and either of Test
The analysis of the data showed that ExjadeÒ and Test 3 were 2 and Test 3 as test formulations were 73 and 80 respectively.
bioequivalent while ExjadeÒ and either of Test 1 or Test 2 were The f2 values suggest that the test formulations are similar to the
not; however, the point estimates for Cmax and AUCinf in case of reference. However, in the case of Test 1, the f2 value calculated
Test 2 and ExjadeÒ were 90.2% and 106.6% respectively suggesting using ExjadeÒ as a reference was 42.7 suggesting a lack of similar-
that lack of bioequivalence is due to insufficient sample size of sub- ity of the dissolution profiles.
jects (n = 6) that yielded a wide confidence interval rather than a These results correlate well with the observations from the
formulation difference. The 90% confidence intervals of the ratios bioequivalence study where Test 3 was bioequivalent to ExjadeÒ.
of the means of the point estimates of the bioequivalence studies While Test 2 and Test 1 were not bioequivalent, Test 2 had very
are summarized in Table 3. close point estimates of the ratios of Cmax and AUCinf (90.2% and
106.6% respectively) while those of Test 1 study were 60.08% and
3.3. Dissolution results: biphasic medium 76.84% respectively indicating a more obvious difference in perfor-
mance between Test 1 and ExjadeÒ.
The aqueous phase used in the biphasic testing was composed The above results show the ability of the dissolution profiles in
of phosphate buffer pH 6.8, and it was chosen because of the rela- the organic phase of a biphasic dissolution medium to rank order
tively higher solubility of DFX at this pH. Similarly, 1-octanol was formulations based on their in vivo performance.
chosen as the organic phase based on the solubility consideration The DFX appearance in the aqueous phase of the dissolution
(3.2 mg/mL) in addition to the facts that it is immiscible with medium is the net result of same processes described above; how-
water, does not evaporate at 37 °C, has relatively low viscosity ever, their arrangement in this case is not consecutive but rather
and has properties that mimic biological membranes [15]. concomitant. The dissolution of DFX in the aqueous phase causes
Log D (1-octanol/phosphate buffer pH 6.8) of DFX was found to DFX aqueous concentration to rise and the partitioning of DFX into
be 2.08 and was judged enough to allow for effective partitioning the organic phase causes it to decline. The rate of change of DFX
into the organic phase. concentration in the aqueous phase is the net result of the two pro-
The volume of the organic phase we used was 500 mL. This cesses. Reviewing the release profile of DFX in the aqueous phase
volume was chosen to allow for the establishment of a sink condi- (Fig. 4) shows a rate of change of almost zero suggesting that a
tion during dissolution testing of 500 mg DFX tablets based on a steady state condition was established in the aqueous phase and
calculation that the DFX concentration in the organic phase upon the rate of DFX appearance in the organic phase is equivalent to
complete release and partitioning of the drug into the organic DFX dissolution rate in the aqueous phase. This qualifies the suit-
phase is less than one-third of DFX saturation solubility in ability of the chosen conditions in characterizing the dissolution
1-octanol. The volume of the aqueous phase needed to be as low behavior of DFX tablets.
as possible to encourage partitioning of DFX into the organic phase
while still allowing for practical sampling and stirring in a USP 3.4. Dissolution results: single phase medium
apparatus 2. An aqueous phase volume of 300 mLs was chosen as
a compromise. Fig. 5 shows the dissolution results of DFX dispersible tablets
The paddle speed showed a significant influence on DFX parti- applying the single phase dissolution method. The % release
tioning. A speed of 100 rpm did not discriminate between DFX for- reached plateau within 10 min of the start of the run. More than
mulations which showed different in vivo performance. On the 85% of DFX was released from ExjadeÒ, Test 2, Test 3 and as such,
other hand, rotation speeds higher than 120 rpm resulted in vigor- an f2 value is not needed to indicate a similarity between Test 2,
ous stirring and emulsification at the interface and were consid- Test 3 and ExjadeÒ. On the other hand, the f2 value comparing Test
ered unsuitable. A paddle rotation speed of 120 rpm was able to 1 and ExjadeÒ was 49 suggesting a borderline lack of similarity.
differentiate between formulations and was chosen for testing. These findings resemble what was obtained in the biphasic dis-
Considering the poor solubility of DFX in the aqueous phase, a solution system. However, the fact that the release profiles had
high rate of flow of the aqueous phase through the flow cell of almost similar release rates and reached the plateau state within
USP apparatus IV (30 mL/min) was used. Although this flow rate 10 min from the beginning of the dissolution runs reduces the
is higher than the fluid flow rate through the intestine which has potential for correlation of these dissolution profiles with the
been reported to vary from an average of 2.5 mL/min in fasting plasma concentration–time profiles which show a much longer
subjects to as high as 20 mL/min after meals [16], it was chosen time frame.
to allow a complete dissolution within a reasonable time frame.
The presence or absence of glass beads inside the flow through 3.5. Exploring IVIVC
cell was also investigated. Glass beads in the cell are usually used
to provide laminar flow of the dissolution medium inside the cell; The development of an IVIVC for an immediate release product
otherwise, turbulent flow can develop [17]. Similar release profiles is a specific challenge that can be expected to be successful if the
were found regardless of the presence of glass beads and it was dissolution is the rate limiting step for drug absorption, in such
decided to use glass beads in the flow through cell. case, biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) type II com-
Fig. 3 shows the DFX cumulative release from the tested formu- pounds which have high intestinal permeability and low solubility
lations in the organic phase while Fig. 4 shows DFX cumulative are most suitable [18,19]. The low expectations for a successful
A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18 13

Fig. 2. Average total plasma concentration – time profiles after administration of a dose of 500 mg of Deferasirox in dispersible tablets formulations.

Table 2 so the model is capable of predicting the plasma drug concentra-

Observed pharmacokinetic parameters of 500 mg of Deferasirox administered in four tion from the in vitro dissolution profile while in a Multiple Level
dispersible tablets formulations.
C correlation, one or several pharmacokinetic parameters are cor-
Formula AUCinf (lg h/mL) Cmax (lg/mL) Tmax (h) related to the amount of drug dissolved at several time points [20].
Test 1 Average: 87.70 Average: 5.68 Average: 4.00 To explore a level ‘‘A” correlation, all formulations were used to
min: 30.94 min: 4.06 min: 3.00 build the model using IVIVC toolkit of the WinNonlin software. The
max: 331.39 max: 9.56 max: 6.00 biphasic dissolution profiles were fitted to double Weibull model
SD: 100.34 SD: 1.73 SD: 0.96
as shown in Fig. 6.
Test 2 Average: 153.53 Average: 10.68 Average: 4.50
min: 69.08 min: 8.41 min: 2.50 The plasma concentration–time profile of each formula was
max: 325.15 max: 15.70 max: 5.00 deconvoluted using its UIR (fitted from simulated IV data) to esti-
SD: 95.50 SD: 3.13 SD: 0.97 mate the fractions of DFX absorbed versus time for each formula.
Test 3 Average: 128.58 Average: 10.93 Average: 3.67
The simpler Wagner–Nelson deconvolution method could not be
min: 53.41 min: 3.52 min: 1.50
max: 202.04 max: 21.20 max: 4.50
used because DFX follows a multi-compartment model. The results
SD: 38.70 SD: 3.72 SD: 0.87 of the deconvolution process are shown in Fig. 7 as the fractions
ExjadeÒ Average: 128.39 Average: 10.29 Average: 3.33 absorbed versus time for the different formulations.
min: 54.02 min: 5.41 min: 1.50 A Levy plot which plots the time needed to have some percent-
max: 242.37 max: 25.60 max: 8.00
age absorbed in vivo on the Y-axis versus the time needed to have
SD: 41.76 SD: 4.12 SD: 1.25
the same percentage of drug dissolved in vitro on the X axis [31]
was used to estimate the time scaling (Fig. 8).
IVIVC for immediate release products show in the fact that com- Afterward, the fractions dissolved and absorbed were correlated
pendial and regulatory guidance have been provided for controlled (Fig. 9) to obtain the correlation model:
release products but not for immediate release ones [20,21].
A few examples of IVIVC for immediate release dosage forms
Fraction absorb: ¼ 2:322  Fraction diss:  ð0:161707
are available in the literature. They describe either Multiple Level
C correlations [22–26] or Level A correlations [27–30] since these  Time  0:000021Þ ð5Þ
are the correlations that are most useful in product development
and with regulatory acceptance. where 2.322 and 0.161707 are respectively the absorption and time
A Level A correlation is a point-to-point relationship between scaling factors, and 0.000021 is the time shift.
the in vitro dissolution and the in vivo input rate, and it utilizes To validate the model, fractions absorbed for all formulations
the entire dissolution profile and the entire in vivo plasma input were estimated using the correlation model, and then convolution

Table 3
Summary of the 90% confidence interval for the ratios of point estimates derived from the bioequivalence studies comparing the test formulations of 500 mg DFX dispersible
tablets to the reference product ExjadeÒ.

Study 90% confidence interval for the ratio (point estimate)

Cmax AUC0t AUCinf
Test 1 against ExjadeÒ (n = 8) 53.16–70.18% 61.81–76.69% 60.78–90.91%
(61.08%) (68.85%) (76.84%)
Test 2 against ExjadeÒ (n = 6) 61.74–131.78% 69.77–159.38% 75.38–150.89%
(90.20%) (105.45%) (106.65%)
Test 3 against ExjadeÒ (n = 40) 93.56–106.57% 95.11–104.40% 95.93–104.96%
(99.86%) (99.65%) (100.34%)
14 A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18

Fig. 3. The release profiles of 500 mg of Deferasirox in dispersible tablet formulations from Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3 in the organic phase of
the biphasic dissolution medium (n = 4, results show average ± SD).

Fig. 4. The release profiles of 500 mg of Deferasirox in dispersible tablets formulations from Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3 in the aqueous phase of
the biphasic dissolution medium (n = 4, results show average ± SD).

Fig. 5. The release profiles of 500 mg of Deferasirox in dispersible tablet formulations from Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3 in the single phase
dissolution medium (n = 6, results show average ± SD).
A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18 15

Fig. 6. In vitro dissolved fractions of Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3 in the organic phase of the biphasic dissolution medium, fitted to double
Weibull model.

Fig. 7. Fractions absorbed over time of the tested 500 mg dispersible DFX tablet formulations: Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3.

was performed to obtain the predicted plasma concentration pro- Employing the one-phase dissolution data to IVIVC modeling
files as shown in Fig. 10. produced the following correlation:
Finally, the prediction errors for Cmax and AUCinf values were
Fraction absorb: ¼ 1:179  Fraction diss:  ð0:0172  TimeÞ ð6Þ
calculated and are summarized in Table 4.

Fig. 8. Levy plot for the tested 500 mg dispersible DFX tablet formulations: Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3.
16 A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18

Fig. 9. Correlation between the Fraction Absorbed and the Fraction Dissolved (in the organic phase of a biphasic medium) for the tested 500 mg dispersible DFX tablet
formulations: Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3.

Fig. 10. Predicted plasma concentration–time profiles for the evaluated 500 mg dispersible DFX tablet formulations: Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test
3 calculated using the biphasic dissolution data.

where 1.179 and 0.0172 are respectively the absorption and time We have considered using actual intravenous bolus pharma-
scaling factors. cokinetic data instead of simulating it based on choosing the best
The predicted plasma concentration–time profiles and the pre- fitting multicompartment model. However, the only available data
diction errors for Cmax and AUCinf using single phase dissolution to us were that published by Séchaud et al. [10], which we tried to
data are illustrated in Fig. 11 and Table 5. use. However, the quality of the IVIVC developed using it was poor
Level A correlation, which is the most preferred level by the reg- and inferior to that generated using simulated IV data. This is prob-
ulatory authorities, was successfully achieved employing the two- ably the result of the nature of the abovementioned study which
phase dissolution. The internal validation results were conclusive, was conducted with a bioavailability objective in mind reflected
the prediction error values for Cmax and AUCinf for each formulation in the limited frequency of sampling in earlier time points and lim-
used in building the model were below 15% and the average abso- ited duration of sampling (8 h). The previous fact coupled with the
lute prediction error was below 10% for both pharmacokinetic infusion nature of the study resulted in the masking, or at least dis-
parameters, which is the acceptance criterion by the FDA for an torting the distribution characteristics of DFX.
IVIVC model [20]. None of the previous studies employing biphasic dissolution
system by coupling USP apparatus IV with USP apparatus II
achieved a level A correlation. Vangani et al. [3] combined USP IV
Table 4
with USP II to study the permeation phase using a bi-phasic disso-
Prediction errors for Cmax and AUCinf values based on the correlation model
constructed using the biphasic dissolution method. lution medium to achieve sink conditions. The dissolved drug
(AMG 517), a BCS class II compound, was continuously removed
Formulation Parameter Predicted Observed Prediction error %
from the aqueous phase (phosphate buffer, pH 6.8) into the organic
Test 1 Cmax (lg/mL) 5.3 5.7 6.9 phase (mixture of nonanol and cyclohexane 1:1) mimicking the
AUCinf (lg h/mL) 89.4 87.7 2.0
process of absorption. This dissolution system was able to provide
Test 2 Cmax (lg/mL) 9.6 10.7 10.4 a rank order correlation between in vitro and in vivo data (animal
AUCinf (lg h/mL) 154.5 153.5 0.6
data) for the different capsules and tablet formulations of AMG 517
Test 3 Cmax (lg/mL) 10.5 10.9 4.0 and discriminated bioequivalent and non-bioequivalent commer-
AUCinf (lg h/mL) 138.5 128.6 7.7
cial formulations of different drugs.
ExjadeÒ Cmax (lg/mL) 9.5 10.3 7.3 A similar biphasic in vitro test was used by Shi et al. [4] for
AUCinf (lg h/mL) 134.1 128.4 4.5
studying the release of Celecoxib, a BCS class II compound, from
A. Al Durdunji et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102 (2016) 9–18 17

Fig. 11. Predicted plasma concentration–time profiles for the evaluated 500 mg dispersible DFX tablet formulations: Reference formulation (ExjadeÒ), Test 1, Test 2 and Test
3 calculated using the single phase dissolution method.

Table 5 4. Conclusion
Prediction errors for Cmax and AUCinf values based on the correlation model
constructed using the single phase dissolution method.
A biphasic dissolution method employing the flow-through
Formulation Parameter Predicted Observed Prediction error % apparatus and the USP paddle apparatus for discriminating the
Test 1 Cmax (lg/mL) 5.8 5.7 2.6 performance of different formulations of DFX dispersible tablets
AUCinf 78.8 87.7 10.1 was developed. It simulated two in vivo processes that contribute
(lg h/mL)
to drug absorption, dissolution and permeation, and it also pro-
Test 2 Cmax (lg/mL) 15.6 10.7 46.0 vided sink condition which is critical for the dissolution of drugs
AUCinf 158.2 153.5 3.1
of low solubility and high permeability. A level A IVIVC was suc-
(lg h/mL)
cessfully established. This system was shown to be superior to
Test 3 Cmax (lg/mL) 15.5 10.9 41.6
the one phase system in terms of discriminatory power between
AUCinf 123.2 128.6 4.2
(lg h/mL)
different formulations and ability to contribute to a successful
ExjadeÒ Cmax (lg/mL) 14.7 10.3 43.0
AUCinf 124.8 128.4 2.8
(lg h/mL) Acknowledgments

The authors would like to acknowledge Hikma Pharmaceuticals

for providing the results for the bioequivalence studies. Amal Al
three different immediate release formulations. The organic phase Durdunji would like to acknowledge the support she received from
in this study was 1-octanol while the aqueous one was phosphate the Deanship of Academic Research at the University of Jordan to
buffer pH 6.8. The aqueous phase was pumped from a vessel con- support her MSc thesis under the supervision of Mutasim Al-
taining the biphasic medium into a flow-through setup that con- Ghazawi and Hatim S. AlKhatib.
tained the dosage unit. The human pharmacokinetics were
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