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Content marketing

Marketing Theory and Marketing Management in the Digital

Age - lecture Nr. 10
21 November 2019
Prof. Rita Lukács PhD
Learning objectives

Understand the importance of content marketing in the marketing mix.

Identify the main steps of content marketing process.
Identify latest content marketing trends.
Literature: Kotler 4.0 / Chapter 9
Meaning and importance of content marketing
What is content marketing?

Creating and distributing content to create conversation with the audience

A form of brand journalism
Story-telling about the brand
The future of advertising in the digital economy

Marketing 4.0 – online & offline interaction between companies and customers
Why to use content marketing?

Changes in „traditional” media consumption

Use of ad-blockers
Low level of trust in companies

B2B and B2C content marketing

What are the main differences?

Type of content
What is the difference from company / customer point-of-view?

Advertisement Content marketing

• … • …
• … • …
Content marketing planning
Content marketing – step by step

3. Content
1. Goal 2. Audience
ideation &
setting mapping

4. Content 5. Content 6. Content

creation distribution amplification

7. Content- 8. Content-
marketing marketing
evaluation improvement
1. Goal setting

What is our goal? What do we want to achieve? How will we measure it?

Brand awareness
Brand association
Brand loyalty / advocacy

Lead generation
Sales closing
Sales referral
2. Audience mapping

Who is our audience? What do we know about them?

Customer profiling and persona
Sources: Facebook, Google Analytics, CRM etc.
Content focusing on
Customer anxieties / pain points
Desires / aspirations
Customer segmentation

Customer characteristics
• Geographic variables: country, region, city etc.
• Demographic variables: age, gender, race,
income, education Consumer personas
• Psychographic and behavioural variables: • Fictional profile that
perceptions, beliefs and attitudes represents a particular
target audience
• Summary of the
The buying process characteristics, needs,
• Awareness motivations and
• Interest environment
• Evaluation
• Trial
• Adoption
Customer personas
3. Content ideation & planning

Content theme
Relevance (anxieties, desires)
Stories reflecting the brand’s characters and codes
Content formats and mix
90% of all media interactions appear on some kind of a screen
Multiple formats, visibility, accessibility
Content storyline and calendar
Small stories, episodes
What is a content?

Post (text)
Game, quiz, competition
Wasteful High-cost


Slow & Star

steady performer
Content Marketing Matrix
4. Content creation

Who creates the content and when?

Content creators: in-house / agency
Continuous activity
Content production schedule
Typical content marketing mistakes

Not enough content (not frequent and organised enough, not good quality)
Too much content (overload of ad-hoc content, missing priorities & timing)
Not enough resources for creating content (money, people)
Not interesting content (not relevant for the target group, not the right channel)
Not converting people (good content but no call-to-action)
Too many, not coordinated channels
Write-only modus (you do not reply, do not interact with your audience)
Not up-to-date knowledge (changes in Facebook-algorithm, users’ preferences)
Not measuring your performance (nr. of followers, level of engagement etc.)
Your competitors are better (do you know them? do you follow them?)
Content marketing plan
5. Content distribution

Where do we want to distribute the content?

Paid / owned / earned media
Consistent use of digital / non-digital channels (print, event etc.)
Use of POE during the customer journey
6. Content amplification

How do we want to leverage content and interact with

Creating conversation around the content & reacting to the
conversations (questions, votings, quizzes)
Use of buzzers and influencers (experts, key opinion leaders)
7. Content-marketing evaluation

How successful is our content-marketing campaign?

Overall objective achievements (sales-related, brand-related goals)
Content-marketing metrics
Visible (aware) – reach, awareness: impressions, unique viewers, brand recall
Relatable (appeal) – how well the content attracts interest: page views per visitor,
bounce rate, time on site
Searchable (ask) – discoverable content: search-engine position, search engine referrals
Actionable (act) – click-through-rate (CTR), call-to-action conversation rates (e.g.
Shareable (advocate) – share ratio, engagement rate
8. Content-marketing improvement

How do we improve existing content marketing?

Tracking performance (content theme, content format, distribution channel)
Content theme change
Content improvement
Content distribution and amplification improvement
TikTok as a marketing instrument
Next week we will continue with

Omnichannel marketing

Literature: Kotler 4.0 / Chapter 10

Thank you for your attention!

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