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Assignment # 1

Name: Reg #
Pakistan Studies Spring 2023(Eve)

Answer the following. /5

Q # 1: List some of the prominent Sufi poets of Islamic mysticism. Do some research
on their doctrine and explain how they were successful in spreading the message of
God to various communities. Do you think that Sufi rules of preaching are still
applicable today? If yes, then explain?

Ans # 1: Through their poetry, Sufi poets have contributed significantly to

the spreading of the word of Islam. Their works of literature were
widely read and recited, and they significantly contributed to the spread
of Sufi practices and ideas.
Some of the prominent Sufi poets and the examples of their doctrines
and how they were successful in spreading the message are:
1- Jalaluddin Rumi was a Persian poet and Sufi poet who lived in the
13th century. His poetry captures the spiritual feeling of union with the
divine and his doctrine stresses the value of love and devotion to God.
Rumi's followers, who established the Mevlevi order of Sufism, also
referred to as the "whirling dervishes," contributed to the popularity of
his poems. The Mevlevi order spread Rumi's teachings to different
communities by using music, poetry, and dance to convey their devotion
to God.
2- Khwaja Shams-ud-Din, Hafiz Persian poet and Sufi mystic
Muhammad Hafiz Shirazi, also known as Hafiz, lived in the 14th
century. His Sufi beliefs, which place a strong emphasis on love,
devotion, and the search for interior truth, are reflected in his poetry.
During his tenure, Hafiz's poetry received widespread acclaim, and he
was regarded as a master poet. His writings had a significant impact on
the spread of the concept of the "wine of love," which alludes to the
mystic union with the divine being.
3- Fariduddin Attar was a Persian poet and Sufi mystic who lived in the
12th century. The Conference of the Birds, a poetic allegory that explores
the soul's path toward union with the deity, is his most well-known
composition. The doctrine of Attar places a high value on interior
knowledge acquisition, spiritual purification, and separation from
worldly desires. Attar's poetry was widely read and repeated, and his
works had a big impact on spreading Sufi ideas and customs outside of
The message of God was successfully communicated to different
communities by Sufi poets, in conclusion. Their writings were widely
read and recited, and they significantly contributed to the spread of Sufi
practices and ideas. They were able to share their mystical encounters
with others through their poems, encouraging them to seek out a closer
relationship with God. Their teachings, which still hold true today and
can motivate people to develop a more profound sense of spiritual well
being, placed a strong emphasis on the value of love, devotion, and
inner transformation.

Do you think that Sufi rules of preaching are still applicable today? If yes, then

Yes, I think that modern preaching still adheres to the Sufi principles.
Sufi teachings place a strong emphasis on the value of one's own inner
growth and personal experience, which are crucial in today's society
where people must contend with numerous issues relating to their
mental health, societal cohesion, and spiritual well-being.
Through spiritual disciplines including meditation, prayer, and
devotion, the Sufi method of preaching emphasizes forging a strong
bond with God. In the modern world, when there is a rising sense of
isolation and alienation, these activities can assist people in developing
compassion, empathy, and a sense of connecting with others.
Sufi poetry also continues to uplift and inspire individuals from all
walks of life and can be used to foster understanding and peace amongst
many populations. Since the poetry of Sufi poets like Rumi, Hafiz, and
Attar addresses universal themes like love, compassion, and the search
for inner truth, their message is still relevant today.
The Sufi norms of preaching are still relevant today because they offer a
helpful foundation for both spiritual and personal development. These
guidelines can help people develop a strong relationship with God and
the inner traits required to lead a happy, purposeful life.

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