Eapp Peta 3 Movie Analysis

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Menlo St. Corner Taft Avenue, Pasay City
Senior High School Department
School Year 2022-2023




Submitted by:
Marc Junell A. Tantuan -student’s name

ICT 11-A -strand and section

Submitted to:
Ms. Mary May C. Gontiñas
Title: "Edge of Tomorrow"

"Edge of Tomorrow," directed by Doug Liman, is a thrilling science fiction film that combines
intense action with a unique time-loop narrative. Set in a future Earth under attack by alien
invaders, the movie follows the journey of Major William Cage, who finds himself trapped in a
time loop, reliving the same day repeatedly. This exposition provides a comprehensive overview
of the film's plot, characters, themes, and critical elements.

Plot Summary:
In the near future, Earth is invaded by a highly adaptive alien species known as Mimics. Major
William Cage, a public relations officer with no combat experience, is unexpectedly thrown into
battle against the Mimics. During a fierce encounter, Cage is killed but inexplicably wakes up
back at the start of the same day. Caught in a time loop, he repeatedly experiences the same
day, retaining his memories each time.

Cage seeks out renowned soldier Rita Vrataski, known as the "Angel of Verdun," who previously
possessed the same time-loop ability. Together, they embark on a mission to defeat the Mimics
and uncover the source of their power. As Cage repeatedly relives the day, he gains combat skills
and knowledge, growing from a cowardly officer to a seasoned warrior. The duo faces numerous
challenges, including strategic battles and unraveling the true nature of the Mimics.

1. Major William Cage (Tom Cruise): Cage begins the story as an inexperienced officer, initially
motivated by self-preservation. Through the time loop, he undergoes character growth and
develops into a skilled and courageous soldier.

2. Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt): As a legendary soldier, Rita serves as Cage's mentor and guide. She
shares her knowledge and combat skills to help him navigate the time loop and defeat the
Mimics. Rita is driven, disciplined, and determined to end the alien threat.

1. Resilience and Growth: "Edge of Tomorrow" explores the themes of resilience and personal
growth. Through the time-loop narrative, the film emphasizes the importance of learning from
mistakes, adapting to challenges, and evolving as individuals.

2. Fate and Free Will: The concept of fate versus free will is a central theme. Cage's time loop
challenges the notion of predetermined destiny, presenting opportunities for him to alter the
course of events and potentially shape the outcome of the war.

3. Sacrifice and Redemption: The film also delves into themes of sacrifice and redemption. Cage
and Rita face constant danger and make significant sacrifices to protect humanity, highlighting
the value of selflessness and the possibility of redemption.

Critical Elements:
1. Visual Effects and Action Sequences: "Edge of Tomorrow" showcases visually stunning and
realistic visual effects, particularly during the intense battle sequences. The film's action
sequences are intricately choreographed, heightening the sense of danger and excitement.

2. Time-loop Narrative Structure: The time-loop concept serves as a narrative device that drives
the plot and adds complexity to the story. It creates suspense, anticipation, and a cyclical
structure, keeping the audience engaged as they witness Cage's repeated experiences.

Formalist Approach:
The formalist approach examines the film’s formal elements, such as visual style, editing
techniques, sound design, and narrative structure. “Edge of Tomorrow” employs visually
stunning visual effects to create intense battle sequences and a visually immersive experience.
The editing techniques enhance the film’s fast-paced rhythm and repetition, reflecting the time-
loop concept. The sound design adds depth to the action sequences, while the narrative
structure engages the audience through its cyclical nature and anticipation.

Biographical Approach:
The biographical approach explores the life and experiences of the individuals involved in
making the film. Director Doug Liman’s background in action filmmaking influences the dynamic
and thrilling nature of the film. The performances of actors Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, shaped
by their previous works, contribute to the characterization and chemistry between their
respective roles.

Historical Approach:
The historical approach examines the film within its historical and cultural context. “Edge of
Tomorrow” was released in 2014, a time when audiences were familiar with science fiction films
and the post-apocalyptic genre. It reflects the anxieties and concerns of the time, such as global
conflicts and the uncertainty of the future. The film’s portrayal of warfare and its impact on
society can be analyzed in relation to historical events and military strategies.

Feminist/Gender Approach:
The feminist/gender approach focuses on gender representation and power dynamics within
the film. “Edge of Tomorrow” features Emily Blunt’s character, Rita Vrataski, as a strong and
capable soldier. The film challenges traditional gender roles by portraying Vrataski as a mentor
and equal to the male protagonist, Major William Cage. The dynamics between the male and
female characters, the agency and empowerment of female characters, and the subversion of
gender norms can be explored through this approach.

Marxist Approach:
The Marxist approach analyzes the film in terms of social and economic structures, class
relations, and power dynamics. “Edge of Tomorrow” highlights the hierarchical military
structure and the exploitation of soldiers in the war against the Mimics. The film explores
themes of resistance against authority and the struggle for power, examining the impact of
capitalism, militarism, and social inequalities on the characters and society as a whole.

Reader-Response Approach:
As a viewer, my response to "Edge of Tomorrow" was one of exhilaration and intrigue. The film's
unique time-loop narrative captivated me from the start, immersing me in a thrilling and
suspenseful experience. The concept of reliving the same day repeatedly, alongside the
protagonist Major William Cage, created a sense of anticipation and curiosity, making me eager
to uncover the mysteries within the story.
The character development of Major Cage was particularly compelling. Initially portrayed as a
reluctant and inexperienced officer, Cage's transformation throughout the film resonated with
me on a personal level. Witnessing his growth, courage, and resourcefulness as he gained
combat skills and knowledge with each iteration of the time loop was empowering. It served as
a reminder of the potential for growth and resilience within ourselves, even in the face of
daunting challenges.
The dynamic between Cage and Rita Vrataski, the "Angel of Verdun," also left a strong
impression. Rita's expertise and determination, coupled with Cage's evolving abilities, created a
partnership that felt genuine and engaging. Their interactions added depth to the story and
showcased the power of teamwork and trust in overcoming adversity.
The film's visual effects and action sequences were visually stunning and exhilarating. The
intense battle scenes, combined with the imaginative and formidable Mimic creatures, kept me
on the edge of my seat. The seamless integration of CGI and practical effects added to the
realism and enhanced the overall cinematic experience.
Thematically, "Edge of Tomorrow" touched upon concepts of fate, free will, sacrifice, and
redemption. It prompted me to reflect on the choices we make in our own lives and how they
can shape our destinies. The recurring motif of second chances and the possibility of altering
the course of events resonated deeply, urging me to contemplate the potential for personal
growth and the importance of seizing opportunities.
As a viewer, my response to "Edge of Tomorrow" was a blend of excitement, reflection, and
satisfaction. The film engaged me both intellectually and emotionally, prompting me to consider
themes of resilience, personal growth, and the power of choice. The captivating narrative, well-
developed characters, and visually stunning action sequences made for an immersive and
memorable cinematic experience.

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