The House On Maple Street

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The House on Maple Street D.


It was a dark and stormy night when Emma and her friends decided to explore the
abandoned house on Maple Street. They had heard rumors of strange noises and
sightings of a ghostly figure in the windows, but they were convinced it was just an
urban legend.

As they crept through the overgrown yard, the house loomed before them like a dark,
foreboding presence. The front door creaked open with a deafening screech, and they
stepped inside, hearts pounding with excitement and fear.

The air inside the house was musty and stale, the only light coming from the flickering
candles they had brought with them. As they explored the first floor, they heard strange
noises coming from upstairs - footsteps, whispers, and the sound of something dragging
across the floor.

Despite their growing unease, Emma and her friends pressed on, determined to
uncover the truth about the mysterious house on Maple Street. But as they climbed the
creaking stairs to the second floor, they were met with an eerie sight.

The walls were covered in ancient symbols and strange, unrecognizable writing. And in
the center of the room stood a figure, dressed in black robes and holding a smoking

At first, Emma and her friends were frozen with fear. But as the figure began to move
towards them, they turned and ran, stumbling down the stairs in a panic.

But the door at the bottom of the stairs was stuck, and they realized with growing terror
that they were trapped inside the house on Maple Street. They could hear the figure
coming closer, its footsteps echoing through the halls, and they knew that they were in
grave danger.

As they huddled together, praying for a way out, they suddenly heard a voice - a soft,
gentle voice that whispered in their ears.

"Run," it said. "Run, and don't look back."

Emma and her friends hesitated for a moment, but the urgency in the voice was enough
to spur them into action. They sprinted towards the door, throwing themselves against it
with all their might.

And miraculously, it gave way, and they stumbled out into the rain-soaked night. They
didn't stop running until they were miles away from the house on Maple Street, and they
never went back again.

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