The Teacher I Like Best

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The Teacher I like Most

A teacher is a nation builder. He is held in high respect by all. But every

stone is not a gem. There are teachers and all are not alike, Nor equally
gifted. There are only a few shining gems among them, that may be called
the nation builders in the real sense of the word.

There are a number of teacher in my school who have taught me, but Mr.
R.P. Mittal has impressed me most for his learning and ability. I like him
most. He has an impressive personality.

He is a healthy young man with a graceful bearing. He teaches us Eng. Mr.

Mittal is M.A. in Eng. He is a trained and qualified teacher and has a
remarkable mastery over his subject. He believes in the maxim simple
living and high thinking. He is simple in dress and habits. Though a little
serious and stern in his appearance, he is tolerant and sympathetic at
heart. He knows the mi d of children. He never loses his temper, nor gets
excited. His behavior with the students is father like. He seldom uses a
cane for the acts on the rule use the rod and spoil the child.

Mr. Mittal believes in obedience and discipline on the part of the students.
While at school or outside, he keeps at a respectable distance from the
students and does not allow them to take an advantage of his leniency. He
acts upon whatever he says or asks others to do. He is himself regular and
punctual, and by his solitary example, he has improved the tone of his
classes. During his of discipline, obedience, regularity and punctuality.
According to Mr. Mittal, these are the four pillars on which erect the building
of their careers.

He knows how to teach effectively. He creates an interest even into the dull
and dry lessons on grammar. Not a single student is found inattentive in his
class. It is because he has won the confidence of the students by the
qualities of his head and heart. Students, and their parents too, cooperate
with him and value his guidance concerning education or vocation.

Mr. Mittal has sense of humor which other teachers mostly lack. He feels
the pulse of the students cleverly while he is teaching. He enjoys a joke
with them and sometime he correlates a witty story with the lesson of the
I shall always remember his with gratitude. I can say with full confidence
that he has a hand in preparing us for the struggle of life.

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