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Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

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Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology

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A epsB mutant of Ralstonia solanacearum as novel biocontrol agent of

tobacco bacterial wilt via activating salicylic acid signalling
Shili Li, Liang Yang, Yuao Ran, Wei Ding *
Laboratory of Natural Products Pesticides, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China


Keywords: Extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) is the most important virulence factor of R. solanacearum and promotes rapid
Ralstonia solanacearum systemic colonization and induces plant wilting symptoms. In this study, biological control mechanism and effect
Bacterial wilt of EPS biosynthesis genes mutants (ΔepsB, ΔepsC and ΔwecC) on bacterial wilt were evaluated. The expression
epsB mutant
level of virulence-associated genes, such as xpsR, epsE, vsrB, vsrC and phcA, were significantly decreased in the
Salicylic acid signalling
Δeps strains. Furthermore, application of ΔepsB strain was observed to delay the development of wilt progress for
two days and the WT population in rhizosphere soil was significantly reduced by 46.77-fold after ΔepsB strain
treatment. If the ΔepsB was applied earlier than WT population, the control efficiencies of ΔepsB were 84.67%,
72.74%, 60.68%, 56.38% and 53.29% at 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 d after inoculation, respectively. What ‘s more, the
ΔepsB mutant significantly induced the expression of plant defence associated genes involved in salicylic acid
pathway, but did not affect the expression of genes associated with the jasmonic acid and ethylene pathways.
Compared with plant inoculated with WT treatment, the expression of PR1a/c, PR2 and NPR1 was induced 4.5-
fold, 6.9-fold and 2.2-fold, respectively, in the plant colonized by ΔepsB mutant. Meanwhile, application of ΔepsB
strain in tobacco rhizosphere significantly induced the accumulation of salicylic acid, with increases of 1.58-fold
compared with the control. Taken together, the results suggested that the ΔepsB mutant suppressed bacterial wilt
disease by activating salicylic acid signalling and has the potential to be used as biocontrol agents for controlling
bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum.

1. Introduction phytopathogenic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas syringae, Erwinia amy­

lovora and Xanthomonas campestris [11]. In addition, the high protective
Bacterial wilt is a lethal systemic vascular disease caused by Ralstonia effect of ΔhrpG against bacterial wilt is associated with the upregulated
solanacearum, one of the most devastating plant bacterial pathogens, genes involved in the biosynthesis and signalling of abscisic acid (ABA)
which heavily infects more than 250 plant species [1,2]. Recently, to­ [8]. Meanwhile, the ΔphcA mutant is considered to serve as a potential
bacco bacterial wilt has been widely observed in the southern of China biocontrol agent of tomato bacterial wilt by stimulating gene expression
and has caused serious economic losses [3,4]. Streptomycin and of the salicylic acid pathway [12]. The phenotypic conversion (PC)
thiodiazole-copper are used for controlling bacterial wilt in China, but mutants of R. solanacearum show highly suppressive effects against
exert few positive effects in the field [5,6]. The breeding of cultivars bacterial wilt in many eggplant cultivars [13]. Moreover, a type III
resistant to bacterial wilt is the most effective method for disease con­ secretion system mutant of Acidovorax citrulli, AAC00-1ΔhrcC could
trol. However, in many crops, cultivars that are resistant for bacterial signifianctly reduce the bacterial fruit blotch seedling transmission [14].
wilt are negatively correlated with quality and yield [7]. Consequently, Similary, Freeman [15] found that the avirulent mutant strains 4/4 of
development of new biocontrol strategies is evidently needed. Fusarium oxysporum was able to significantly reduce mortality of
Avirulent mutants of R. solanacearum have been evaluated as alter­ watermelon seedings cause by wild strain. Therefore, construction of
native biocontrol strategies for controlling bacterial wilt [8,9]. Certain avirulent mutants of R. solanacearum are considered as new, effective
The Δhrp mutants have demonstrated biological activity against bacte­ strategies for controlling bacterial wilt.
rial wilt [10]. What is more, Δhrp mutants had been shown to signifi­ Extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) is a key virulence factor of
cantly reduce and abolish disease symptoms caused by other R. solanacearum that is produced in massive amounts in planta, thereby

* Corresponding author. Laboratory of Natural Products Pesticides, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, 400716, BeiBei Chongqing, China.
E-mail address: dwing818@163.com (W. Ding).

Received 9 February 2022; Received in revised form 29 March 2022; Accepted 5 April 2022
Available online 8 April 2022
0885-5765/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

Table 1 2.3. Effect of Δeps mutants on virulence associated gene expression

Primers for virulence associated genes expression in R. solanacearum.
Primers Name Primer sequence (5’>3′ ) Reference R. solanacearum and Δeps mutants were inoculated overnight in B
medium. After centrifugation at 8000 for 5 min, bacteria were resus­
xpsR_R TTACTTTGCGGACCTGCTCT pensed in M63 medium (OD600 adjusted to 0.2) [22]. Next, bacterial
epsE_F CTGGATAAAGCCACGCAAAG [25] suspensions were transferred in tubes and at 180 rpm for 4–5 h at 30 ◦ C.
epsE_R CAGTGGTACATCGCCATCAC The samples were harvested by centrifuging at 5000 for 10 min at 4 ◦ C,
phcA_F TTGTAGGTCTCGCACACCAG [25] and the supernatants were removed. Then, RNA was extracted by using
TRNzol reagent (Tiangen Biotech Co. Ltd, Beijing, China) and treated
hrpB_R CTTCTTCCGCTTCTTCATCG with RNase-free DNase I (Tiangen Biotech Co. Ltd, Beijing, China) to
hrpG_F GTCTTCACGGTCTGCGAACT [25] remove genomic DNA contaminations. RNA degradation and contami­
hrpG_R ATTGACCTCCAATCCATCCA nation were checked on 1% agarose gels and RNA concentration and
purity were monitored using the Nanovue UV-Vs spectrophotometer.
vsrC_F ACCACCCTCTCGCCTTATCT This study Then, 1 μg of purified RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA using the
vsrC_R ACAGCCAGACATCCAGCAG iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Quantitative
vsrB_F GCGGCACAATCCGTTATTCC This study real-time analysis was according to Yang et al. [20]. The primer se­
vsrB_R GCCCGAGTTTGGTCAAGAGA quences are listed in Table 1.
2.4. Control efficiency of Δeps mutants on tobacco bacterial wilt

promoting rapid systemic colonization and inducing plant wilting The control efficiency of Δeps mutants on tobacco bacterial wilt was
symptoms [1]. Under high cell density conditions, the global tran­ evaluated by the naturalistic soil infiltration assay as described in a
scriptional regulator PhcA activates the expression of XpsR, which previous study with minor modifications [23]. Briefly, six-week-old to­
directly activates the transcription of the eps operon to produce EPS bacco plants (Yunyan 87) were pre-inoculated with Δeps mutants of
[16]. The two-component regulatory system VsrA/VsrD is also required R. solanacearum (bacterial density, 1 × 108 CFU/mL, 10 mL/pot)
to fully activate xpsR transcription, and consequently EPS synthesis without wounding roots. After 3 days of pre-inoculation, individual
[17]. The production of EPS I, which mainly contains EPS, requires the plants were inoculated by pouring 10 mL R. solanacearum CQPS-1 sus­
transcriptional expression of the 18-kb eps gene cluster that includes pension (1 × 108 CFU/mL) into the soil. All plants were placed in a
epsAPBCDEF [16]. EPS mutants of R. solanacearum rarely wilt or kill climate cabin at 28 ◦ C with a 14/10 h light/dark cycle. Bacterial wilt
plants, even when bacteria directly infect the xylem [18]. However, symptoms were scored daily using a disease index scale from 0 to 4 (0,
whether EPS deleted strains could be used as biocontrol agents for no symptoms appeared; 1, 1–25% of leaves wilted; 2, 26–50% of leaves
controlling bacterial wilt has not been determined. wilted; 3, 51–75% of leaves wilted; 4, 76–100% of leaves wilted). In­
In this study, EPS biosynthesis genes mutants (ΔepsB, ΔepsC and dividual treatments contained 16 plants for each independent experi­
ΔwecC) were utilized to elucidate the mechanism by which Δeps mutants ment, and the assay was repeated three times. The disease index was
inhibit tobacco bacterial wilt. We evaluated the biocontrol activity of the calculated as a weighted average.
Δeps mutants on bacterial wilt in a greenhouse experiment, and To measure the bacterial population in the rhizosphere soil, we
expression of virulence-associated genes and plant defence genes was collected eight tobacco roots 7 d after inoculation with R. solanacearum
measured using RT-PCR. Finally, we determined the content of free CQPS-1. The soil was gently shaken from the roots, and to measure the
salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) in tobacco plants after inoc­ bacterial population, the remaining soil adhering closely to roots was
ulation with ΔepsB strain. considered rhizosphere soil. One gram of soil was diluted into 9 mL of
sterilized water and incubated in a shaker with 170 rpm at 30 ◦ C for 30
2. Materials and methods min, and cultured in the room temperature for 20 min. Next, the soil
suspension was serially diluted serial dilutions and the bacterial sus­
2.1. Bacterial strains and growth conditions pension was spread on SMSA medium as described previously [24]. The
wild-type CQPS-1 and Δeps mutants were distinguished by colony
The plant pathogen R. solanacearum CQPS-1 (phylotype I, race 1, morphology.
biovar 3) [19] and the Δeps strains (ΔepsB, ΔepsC and ΔwecC) of
R. solanacearum [20] utilized in this study were all provided by the 2.5. Effect of Δeps mutants on the expression of plant defence associated
Laboratory of Natural Products Pesticides, Southwest University, genes
Chongqing, China (accession number NZ_CP016914.1). R. solanacearum
and mutants were grown in nutrient-rich medium (B medium) at 30 ◦ C To evaluate the effect of Δeps mutants on plant defence gene
[21]. expression, six-week-old tobacco plants (Yunyan 87) were pre-
inoculated with Δeps mutants (ΔepsB, ΔepsC and ΔwecC) without
wounding roots. After 24 h pre-inoculation, individual plants were
2.2. Pathogenicity test inoculated by pouring 10 mL R. solanacearum CQPS-1 suspension (1 ×
108 CFU/mL) into the soil. After incubation for 6 h, 0.2 g leaves were
The plant used in this study was tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum Yun­ collected for each sample in a microtube and placed into liquid nitrogen.
yan87) and tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum cv. Ailsa Craig, AC++). These samples were utilized for RNA extraction. Eight samples were
Three-weeks-old tobacco and tomato seedling was used to tested the collected for each treatment.
virulence of the Δeps strains. Plant growth and pot experiment were Total RNA isolation and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were
conducted in climate room at 28 ◦ C with a 14 h/10 h light/dark cycle. performed as previously described with minor modifications [25]. The
The pathogenicity of the wild-type and mutant strains were tested total RNA of collected bacterial cells and tobacco leaves was extracted
using tobacco and tomato plants. 10 mL wild-type and mutant strains (1 by using Trizol reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions
× 108 CFU/mL) were added to plant rhizosphere and wilt symptoms (Tiangen Biotech Co. Ltd, Beijing, China) and was subsequently treated
were investigated every day after inoculation. Individual treatments with RNase-free DNase I (Tiangen Biotech Co. Ltd, Beijing, China) to
contained 10 plants for each independent experiment. remove contaminated genomic DNA.

S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

Table 2
Primers for plant defense associated genes.
Gene Accession no. Forward primer (5′ to 3′ ) Reverse primer (5′ to 3′ )



Fig. 1. The pathogenicity and toxicity of ΔepsB mutant on young tobacco and tomato seedlings. (A–C) Diease symptoms of WT and ΔepsB mutant strain on tobacco
plants. (D–F) Diease symptoms of WT and ΔepsB mutant strain on tomato plants.

After extracting total RNA from samples, first-strand cDNA was Guangzhou, China) (Table 2). All quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)
synthesized using the iScript gDNA clear cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-Rad, analyses were performed in 96-well plates in a 20-μL reaction system.
Hercules, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RT- Three technical replicate reactions were used for each sample.
PCR was performed on C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA,
USA). The primers for the tested genes were designed using the primer 2.6. Analysis of plant salicylic acid and jasmonic acid
program from NCBI and synthesized by BGI Technologies (Shenzhen,
To determine the content of free salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid
(JA), six-week-old tobacco plants (Yunyan 87) were inoculated with
ΔepsB strain (1 × 108 CFU/mL, 10 mL/pot) in rhizosphere. Then, we
collected tobacco leaves 1, 3 and 5 d after inoculation with ΔepsB strain.
SA and JA were detected in 50 mg of fresh tobacco crude leaf extracts.
And high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry was
used for the quantification of SA and JA, as previously described [26].

2.7. Statistical analysis

SPSS version 17.0 was used for the statistical analyses. And the data
analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan’s mul­
tiple range tests with a p value of 0.05, and independent sample t-tests
with p values of 0.05 and 0.01.

3. Results

3.1. Pathogenicity of the Δeps mutants of R. solanacearum

Fig. 2. Expression of some virulence-associated genes of R. solanacearum
(CQPS-1, Δeps mutants and complemented ΔepsB (epsB-comp)). SerC was used The colony morphology of the Δepsmutants were different from the
as the reference gene to normalize the gene expression using the ΔΔCq method. wild type on B medium (Fig. S1A), forming red and small colonies with
Each bar represents the mean ± SE of three replications. Different letters less mucoid compared with wild strain (Fig. S1B). In addition, we
indicate significant differences between different treatments according to one- observed that the Δeps mutants (epsB, epsC and wecC) significantly
way ANOVA with Duncan test (P < 0.05). decreased the pathogenicity of R. solanacearum on tobacco compared to

S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

Fig. 3. Control effect of Δeps mutants

(ΔepsB, ΔepsC, ΔwecC) against tobacco bac­
terial wilt. (A) The disease index of tobacco
wilt pre-treated with ΔepsB, ΔepsC, or ΔwecC
mutant bacterial suspension. WT means only
infected with CQPS-1, and ΔepsB, ΔepsC and
ΔwecC indicates pre-inoculation with ΔepsB,
ΔepsC and ΔwecC strains, respectively. Error
bars indicate the standard errors. (B) Control
efficiency of the Δeps mutants pre-treatment
on tobacco bacterial wilt. Each value in­
dicates the mean ± SE. Different letters
within each column indicate significant dif­
ferences between treatments according to
one-way ANOVA with Duncan test. The dpi
means days post inoculation with
R. solanacearum (CQPS-1). (C) Disease
symptoms of representative tobacco seed­
lings inoculated with R. solanacearum under
different treatments.

WT (Fig. S1C). Furthermore, we evaluated pathogenicity and toxicity of R. solanacearum CQPS-1 and epsB-comp strain (Fig. 2).
ΔepsB mutant on young tobacco and tomato seedlings with wounded
and healthy roots. The results showed that wild type strain represented 3.3. Biocontrol of Δeps mutants against tobacco bacterial wilt
strong pathogenic activity on seedlings. And all tobacco and tomato
seedlings died at 9 d in WT strain treatment (Fig. 1A, D). However, To investigate the biocontrol efficiency of Δeps mutants (ΔepsB,
ΔepsB mutant showed virulence on young seedlings with wounded and ΔepsC and ΔwecC) against tobacco bacterial wilt, we performed a pot
healthy roots (Fig. 1B, C, E, F). experiment in a greenhouse. We found that ΔepsB strain significantly
reduced the disease index of tobacco bacterial wilt (Fig. 3A). After
3.2. Expression of virulence-associated genes in Δeps mutants and wild inoculation for 18 d, the disease index of the ΔepsB strain pre-
type inoculation treatment was observed to be 1.87, which was signifi­
cantly lower than the disease index of plants infected with CQPS-1 with
Previous experiments have shown that Δeps mutants (epsB, epsC and 3.98. Furthermore, the ΔepsB strain treatment exhibited significantly
wecC) significantly decreased the pathogenicity of R. solanacearum on control efficiencies which were higher significantly higher than ΔepsC
tobacco. Furthermore, we investigated the expression of several and ΔwecC strains treatment, reaching values of 84.67%, 72.74%,
virulence-associated genes in R. solanacearum CQPS-1 and Δeps strains. 60.68%, 56.38% and 53.29% at 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 d after inoculation,
As shown in Fig. 2, the expression of virulence-associated genes was respectively. The control efficiency of the ΔepsC pre-treatment was
differentially down-regulated in Δeps strains, whereas the expression of 65.45%, 60.18%, 51.73%, 48.32% and 42.06%, respectively, on the
hrpB, hrpG and filC were not significant difference among same days after inoculation (Fig. 3B).
R. solanacearum CQPS-1, epsB-comp and Δeps strains. In addition, the To evaluate the bacterial population of WT and Δeps mutants in the
expression of xpsR, epsE, phcA, vsrC, and vsrB were significantly down­ rhizosphere soil of tobacco, we analyzed the number of different col­
regulated in Δeps strains showing a 2.3–15.6-fold compared with onies of monospheres to distinguish WT and Δeps mutants. As shown in

S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

expression in tobacco, we collected tobacco leaves 4 d after inoculation

with R. solanacearum CQPS-1. We found that the pre-inoculation ΔepsB
strain induced the expression of genes involved in the salicylic acid
pathway, including PR1a/c, PR2 and NPR1 (Fig. 5). Compared with WT
bacteria, the expression of PR1a/c, PR2 and NRP1 in the ΔepsB strain
treatment increased 4.5-fold, 6.9-fold and 2.2-fold, respectively.

3.5. SA levels accumulation in tobacco induced by ΔepsB mutant

Previous experiments have shown that ΔepsB mutant significantly

activated the defence gene expression in tobacco, we determined
whether the endogenous levels were affected after ΔepsB strain inocu­
lation. As shown in Fig. 6, SA levels increased dramatically 1 d and 3
d after ΔepsB strain inoculation, showing enhancements of 0.06 and
0.09 μg/g FW compared with control (P < 0.05) (Fig. 6). Especially, SA
levels increased markedly to a high level at 5 d in ΔepsB strain treatment,
with increases of 1.58-fold compared with the control (P < 0.01)
Fig. 4. Population sizes of R. solanacearum strains in the rhizosphere soil of (Fig. 6A). Whereas, the mount of JA was no significant change after
tobacco. Six-week-old tobacco plants were pre-inoculated with Δeps mutants of ΔepsB strain inoculation (Fig. 6B). These findings suggest that ΔepsB
R. solanacearum (bacterial density, 1 × 108 CFU/mL, 10 mL/pot) without strain promote the accumulation of salicylic acid in tobacco.
wounding roots. The soil was gently shaken from the roots 7 d after inoculation.
One gram of soil was diluted into 9 mL of sterilized water and the soil sus­ 4. Discussion
pension was serially diluted serial dilutions and the bacterial suspension was
spread on SMSA medium. Colony counts were normalized to CFU/g soil. Each
Discovering new biocontrol agents is considered to be a new and
bar represents the mean ± SE of three replications. ** indicate significant dif­
efficient method for controlling bacterial wilt [27]. Use of avirulent
ferences between different treatments according to Student’s t-test (P < 0.01).
mutants of pathogens employed as alternative biocontrol agents have
been studied for decades [28]. The effect of the avirulent mutants on
ecological competition and induction of plant systemic resistance were
also investigated [12]. In previous study, we constructed three Δeps
mutants (yang et al., 2021), which confirmed that these mutant strains
were avirulent to the plant (Fig. 1). Therefore, we did research into the
effect and mechanism of mutants on tobacco bacterial wilt.
Certain avirulent mutants of R. solanacearum were demonstrated for
controlling bacterial wilt by competing with the pathogen and activating
host plant resistance [11]. In previous study, we constructed three Δeps
mutants (ΔepsB, ΔepsC and ΔwecC) which showed non-pathogenicity on
tobacco, exhibited significantly reduced biofilm formation and induced
swimming activity [20]. In this study, we further found that the
pre-application of Δeps mutants significantly inhibited bacterial density
in the rhizosphere soil and reduced the disease index of tobacco bacte­
rial wilt. Indeed, one of the main biocontrol mechanisms is that mutant
strains can effectively compete with pathogenic bacteria and reduce the
colonization and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in plants. Trigalet
et al. [29] demonstrated that P. solanacearum avirulent strain GMI1299
could colonize tomato plants and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic
Fig. 5. Effect of Δeps mutants (ΔepsB, ΔepsC, ΔwecC) pretreatment on bacteria. In addition, Δhrp mutants of P. solanacearum could control
expression of tobacco defence genes. We used mock-inoculation with sterile bacterial wilt by excluding the pathogen from colonizing parts of the
water (CK) as the control treatment. Defence genes represent salicylic acid
plant [30]. To a certain extent, the number of pathogenic bacteria and
pathway (PR1a/c, PR2), jasmonic acid pathway (PR1b, PDF1.2), ethylene
the early occupation of ecological niche in rhizospheres are the key to
pathway (EFF26, ACC) and systemic acquired resistance gene (NRP1). Each bar
represents the mean ± SE of three replications. Different letters indicate sig­ pathogen infection. Chen et al. [12] found that pre-inoculation of the
nificant differences between different treatments according to one-way ANOVA ΔphcA mutant R. solanacearum three days earlier than pathogen can
with Duncan test (P < 0.05). inhibit the populations of the pathogen more effectively than inocula­
tion with the pathogen at the same time. As well, Yang et al. [31] found
Fig. 4, the pathogen population in rhizosphere soil treated with ΔepsB that Δhrp mutant could not inhibit R. solanacearum growth directly, but
strain pre-inoculation treatment was the lowest, being significantly could be colonized in plant and prevented virutent strain reproduction
reduced by 46.77-fold compared with WT bacteria. Moreover, the after pre-inoculation. Similarly, in this study, we found that the path­
populations of ΔepsB strain were 0.44 × 107 CFU/g, reaching nearly ogen population in rhizosphere soil treated with ΔepsB mutant
7.08-fold higher than pathogen population in rhizospheres soil (P < pre-inoculation treatment was significantly reduced compared with WT
0.01) (Fig. 4). However, the bacterial densities of the ΔepsC and ΔwecC bacteria. Moreover, the populations of ΔepsB mutant were nearly
pre-inoculation treatments were all lower than pathogen population. 7.08-fold higher than pathogen population in rhizospheres. Taken
together, avirulent mutant strain of R. solanacearum reduced the number
of pathogenic bacteria and infection by locus and spatial competition.
3.4. Effect of ΔepsB mutant on defence-associate gene expression in The accumulation of EPS in the vascular system requires efficient
tobacco colonization and the ensuing collapse of the water flow, which can cause
wilting symptoms and eventually plant death [32]. And the eps operon
To investigate the effect of the ΔepsB mutant on defence gene containing epsB is involved in the production and extracellular secretion

S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

Fig. 6. Effect of ΔepsB mutant on endoge­

nous levels of free SA and JA in tobacco
Six-week-old tobacco plants were inoculated
with ΔepsB mutant (1 × 108 CFU/mL, 10
mL/pot). SA and JA were detected in fresh
tobacco crude leaf extracts 1, 3 and 5 d after
inoculation. Each bar represents the mean
± SE of three replications. * and ** indicate
significant differences between different
treatments according to Student’s t-test (P <
0.05 and P < 0.01).

of EPS I [1]. In previous study, we found that the epsB-deletion mutant and whether these compounds could be recognized by plants warrant
ΔepsB produced less EPS [20] and the expression of xpsR and epsE genes further research.
were significant down-regulation in ΔepsB strains. These results are Inducing host plant resistance by avirulent mutants is considered as
consistent with findings reported previously from Hayashi et al. [33]. In main mechanism for controlling bacterial wilt. Ethylene (ET), salicylic
addition, the expression level of fliC was no significant difference among acid (SA) jasmonic acid (JA) are critical components of plant systemic
strains (Fig. 2). And Hayashi et al. [33] observed a significantly greater responses of plants response to pathogen invasion [41]. Recent study
expression level of fliC in ΔepsB than in the strain OE1-1. However, we demonstrated that the ΔhrpG mutant upregulated genes involved in the
found that ΔepsB strain exhibited significantly greater swimming biosynthesis and signalling of abscisic acid (ABA) in Arabidopsis, acti­
motility than WT strain, which consistent with the report of Hayashi vated the plant defence system and exhibited a strong protection effect
et al. [33]. So, we speculate that ΔepsB mutant of R. solanacearum against bacterial wilt [8]. Meanwhile, the ΔPhcA mutant of
CQPS-1 affect flagellar motility-related genes. Additionally, the R. solanacearum induced salicylic acid gene expression [12]. These re­
vsrB/vsrC two-component regulatory systems upregulate the expression sults indicated that the primary mechanism by which avirulent mutants
of the eps operon [34]. And these two-component systems regulate xpsR control bacterial wilt is associated with inducing plant defence resis­
and affect EPS I production [1]. In this research, the RT-PCR results tance. In this study, ΔepsB strain significantly induced the expression of
showed that eletion of epsB led to significantly reduced expression levels PR-1a/c, PR2 and NPR1, which is associated with the salicylic acid
of vsrB and vsrC. Therefore, the deficiency of epsB may be induce a pathway, without affecting the expression of genes involved in jasmonic
negative feedback effect of the vsrB and vsrC expression. However, acid and ethylene pathways. Different mutants could activate different
Hayashi et al. [33] determined that the expression of vsrB and vsrC were plant defence pathways, and the mechanism of the ΔepsB mutant
not affected by the ΔepsB strain base on transcriptome analysis. This regulating the plant defence pathway in tobacco is worthy of future
difference in results may be related to the measurement method. Thus, study.
whether epsB can positively vsrB/vsrC remains to be further studied. In this study, we found a novel biocontrol agent, the ΔepsB mutant,
Furthermore, the decreased expressions of the virulence-associated which effectively reduced R. solanacearum colonization in the tobacco
genes in the Δeps mutants suggest that EPS I or its intermediate prod­ rhizosphere, and suppressed bacterial wilt disease by activated the
uct of the EPS biosynthesis pathway act as a signalling molecule in a robust expression of resistance genes in tobacco. ΔepsB mutant dis­
feedback loop of gene expression. Similarly, Hayashi et al. [33] played activating host plant systemic resistance by salicylic acid
demonstrated that EPS I is associated with the feedback loop in the signalling.
quorum sensing of R. solanacearum strain.
On the other hand, EPS could activates the defence response against Author statement
R. solanacearum in wilt-resistant tomato [35]) and eggplant plants [36].
As well, we observed that the ΔepsB mutant induced the expression of Li Shili and Yang Liang: Data curation, Ding Wei and Li Shili:
defense resistance genes and accumulation of salicylic acid (Figs. 5 and Funding acquisition, Yang Liang and Ran Yuao: Investigation, Li Shili
6). A previous study found that the ΔphcA mutant of R. solanacearum and Yang Liang: Methodology, Ding Wei: Supervision, Shili Li and Liang
produced less EPS but still significantly induced the expression of Yang: Writing – original draft, Li Shili and Ding Wei: Writing – review
defence pathway genes [12]. Additionally, a recent study showed that and editing.
heat-killed virulent R. solanacearum GMI1000 induced a higher level of
protection than Escherichia coli when inoculating Arabidopsis roots with Declaration of competing interest
R. solanacearum [8]. These results indicated that pathogen surface
components could be recognized by plants and could induced plant The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
system resistance. LPS is identified as a cell surface component that interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
elicits plant defence responses [37,38]; Wang et al., 2020). Cell-surface the work reported in this paper.
pattern-recognition receptors, as the first layer of the plant immune
surveillance system, recognize conserved molecular features of microbes Acknowledgments
such as bacterial flagellin to activate PTI [24,39]. Furthermore, plant
intracellular nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat This work was supported by the science and technology projects of
(NLR)-containing receptors can recognize individual T3Es and cause ETI Sichuan Company of China Tobacco Corporation (SCYC201908) and by
[40]. Previous studies have shown that whether increasing or decreasing the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M653320), Natural
EPS production could activate plant system resistance. And we speculate Science Foundation of Chongqing (cstc2019jcyj-bshX0114).
that plants might recognize the LPS or flagellin of mutant bacteria
without the protection of surrounding biofilm formation provided by
EPS. However, whether Δeps mutants change the structure of EPS or LPS

S. Li et al. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 119 (2022) 101834

Appendix A. Supplementary data [20] L. Yang, Z.L. Wei, S.L. Li, R. Xiao, Q.Q. Xu, Y.A. Ran, W. Ding, Plant secondary
metabolite, daphnetin reduces extracellular polysaccharides production and
virulence factors of Ralstonia solanacearum, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 179 (2021).
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