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What does enviroment mean?

If you mean physical enviroment then it is defined as the surrounding
conditions and elements which a living thing interects with however apart from
the physical, they are types of elements that make up an enviroment. They are
the chemical and Biological atributs.
Thus, an enviroment contains alebiotics and abiotics factors that have a
robe in the survival, evolution and development of the organism occupying it.
A related term “environ” is defined as “to surround” or “to enclose”. The
scope of the enviroment varies from the tiniest, “micro” scale to the largest,
global scale.
The terms ecosystem and surroundings are the commom symonyms for
the word enviroment. However, they differ in such a way that that the term
ecosystem includes the interaction between the organism and its surroundings.
The surroundings in turn, refer to that which surrounds an organism or
In this regard, the enviroment is a rather vast concept where as the term
surrounding is relatively more specific.
Another related term is nature.
Whats the difference between enviroment and nature? Similarly, the
definition of nature includes all living and nonliving things on Earth but what
characterizes nature is that is a natural entity as apposed to the artificial that
implicates an atribute that is not accurring naturally and vut it is man-made or
The enviroment is the external conditions, resources, stimuli, etc. With
whic an organism interacts. It may also refer to the external surroundigings
including all of the biotic and abiotic factors.
A simple eclogycal definition would be is that an enviroment is essentially the
place over a particular time where organisms live or tha which is occuped by a
living thing. It includes all the physicolschemical and biological components of
the ecosystem.
Types of enviroments
The enviroments dirrers from one perpective to another. Let´s take a look
at the following ways to group or elassify enviroments.
Internal and external
In physiology yhe enviroment may be internal or external. An internal
enviroment would be the internal milieof a multicellular organism. Maintaining
the internal enviroment of an organism through homeostasis is erucial to the
organism´s surrival. An external enviroment refers to the enviroment out side of
the organism. The nesesection focus on the external enviroment.
Enviromentss may be natural or built. A natural enviroment is a type of
enviroment found in nature. It icludes all naturally occurringthings, both living
and complexe relationships of weather, elimate, living species and natural
Built enviroments unlike natural enviroments, are made by humans, such
as agricultural conversions or urban settings. With the current breadth of human
interventions and conversions, many natural enviroments have aequired some
degree or level of being built.
Aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric. Based on the components the
enviroment may also be classified into.
1) Aquatic enviroment-marine, such as oceans and seas, and fresh waters,
such as lakes and rivers.
2) Terrestial enviroment (land)
3) Atmospheric enviroment (air)
Exrenal enviroment components
The external enviroment includes all biotic (living) and abiotic (non living).
They are followings:
The earth´s crust is the solid surface of the earth and is also referred to as
litosphere. The lithosphere is part of the enviroment. On natural source of
lithosphere is the solidification of magmam.
Water (hydrosphere) is an of the main contituents of enviroment. It cover
about 71% of the earth surface. It is found in ocean rivers, seas, and lakes.
Ocean cover a great area of the earth´s surface. They contain saline water in a
continuos ocean body and small seas.
Unlike ocean and seas, rivers contain freshwater and they flow to ward a
sea, a lake, an ocean or another river. Few rivers flows to ward the ground
whithout reaching another water body and dry up.
Rivers flow in a channel. They complet the water cycle since the river water
is colected from glaciers, recharge of grondwater, and springs. Small rivers are
known as streams. They are im portant in the enviroment because they connect
different habitats and maintain biodiversity.
Sum Up
The enviroment is faceing main challenges due to humans tecnologies.
Enviromentalism is a social movement that aims to eliminate or minimize
the harmfull inffect of human on the enviroment. Enviromentalism is mainly
concerned witer natural enviroments and issues they are facing such extincion
of species, change in eliminate, loss os old dorent, poluuition. So, we must
behavior good with enviroments.

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