Restaurant Service

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RESTAURANT SERVICE A. WELCOMING AND SEATING THE GUESTS 1. Be familiar with set up in the dining room. 2.

Stay at the outlet entrance. Approach the guest, look at each one and greet them with a smile and mention their name and position (if known). 3. With hands outstretched, show the way to the table and say This way please. 4. If there is no available table, tactfully inform the guests and advise them to wait at the lounge. Im sorry sir but all seats have been taken, would you mind waiting at the lounge and Ill call you once a table would be available. 5. If the guest has a reservation, make sure his table is prepared in advance. Tell the host: We have prepared a nice table for your party Mr. Smith. This way please. 6. If the guests come in groups, ask: How many are we expecting in your party sir? rather than How many are you? Or Do you have companions? 7. Lead the guest toward the table. Walk a little ahead of them when escorting them to their table. As you approach the table ask: Will this table be alright for you sir? 8. Endorse them to the captain or waiter and assist them in getting seated (if no waiter is available). Our waiter Jill will attend to you sir. Our waiter will be with you in a short while sir. 9. Waiter or captain shall assist the guest in getting seated by pulling the chair a little away from the table to allow the guest to get in, then by pushing the chair back towards the table to make the guest get seated comfortably. 10. Once the guests get seated, waiter may assist in unfolding the napkin on the lap of the guest. This is done on the right side of the guest. 11. Record in the receptionist logbook the number of guests, time of arrival and other remarks. B. TAKING FOOD ORDER 1. With pen, menu and order slip, approach the table and stand at the right side of the host. 2. Stand erect. Look at each guest, smile and greet him or her by name and title. If you dont know the name, address them with sir or maam. A pleasant greeting with a warm smile gives an impression of graciousness and warm hospitality. 3. Present the menu. Present it with the cover facing the customer if the menu is a book type, if not, present it open. 4. Take the food order if the guests have made their choice. If they are taking time to review the menu say: Ill be back to get your order. Ask the customers if they are ready to order May I take your order now? Take the order beginning with ladies, then the gentlemen and lastly the host. If there is an honoree, take his/her order first. 5. Write all orders in an order slip in triplicate 1 copy goes to the kitchen and 1 copy for waiter, 1 for cashier. Do not forget to write the date, table number, dishes ordered together with the quantity and the manner of desired preparation. The name of the waiter/server must also be indicated. Use standard abbreviations than can be understood by booth the waiters and the cook. Bring one copy of the order slip to the kitchen and another one to the cashier. 6. Take efforts to sell a complete meal. Suggest appetizers, soup and salads to complement the main dish; offer variety of items; suggest wines that will best complement the meal. 1 JSHAGANASFBS2011

7. If the order is out of stock, suggest appropriate alternatives or substitutes. Tell the guest outright when his order is not available. Im sorry sir, but we run short of ______. But you might want to try ______ 8. If applicable, ask the guest how he wants his dish prepared. How would you like the steak done rare, medium rare or well done? How would you like the eggs done, sir? What dressing would you like to go with your salad thousand island, vinaigrette dressing, French What dish would you like for your Filipino breakfast beef tapa or boneless bangus? Care must be taken in verifying orders and its preparation. Likewise any special instruction or request of the customer regarding his order must be properly disseminated to the kitchen to make sure the customer gets what he wants.

Order Slip No. _____

Date: ________ Table No. _______ No. of guests _______ Waiter: ______ -----------------------------------------------------QUANTITY ITEMS 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 Shrimp Cocktail Kilawin Tanguigue Minestrone Soup Cream of Mushroom Tossed green salad US sirloin Steak a la pobre Mango sabayon Ice cream


Separate the appetizers, soup, salad and main dishes with a line to facilitate preparation and food dispatching. In writing the order, start with the first dish like appetizer, soup or salad, followed by the main course then dessert (same sequence used in service).

9. Be able to identify the diners who order each item. This can be done by the color of the dress or by using a coding method as follows: Establish a reference point may be an entrance, counter, etc. Identify each guest with a number This coding system helps in preventing the embarrassing situation whereby a wrong order is served to the customer. 10. To prevent misunderstanding, repeat the order to the customer. As you repeat, mention the items ordered, number of orders and the manner of preparation. May I repeat your order sir? Youll have 1 order of fillet-mignon-medium rare, one portion of minestrone soup and a green salad. Did I get your order right? 11. Place the order to the kitchen or order station/terminal. If an order is manually written, give one copy of the order slip to the foo checker and another one for the cashier for billing purposes. The last copy is for the waiter. 2 JSHAGANASFBS2011

C. OFFERING WINES After the guest has ordered hiss entre, offer wine that would best complement his/her selection. 1. If the guests are eating a combination of fish for an appetizer and meat or steak for a main dish, suggest both a white wine for the fish and a red wine to complement the main dish. 2. Make sure to pronounce the name of the wine correctly and to describe it. How would you like a glass of Chablis to complement your smoked salmon madame? May I bring youre a glass of red wine to complement your steak? MENU AND BEVERAGE MERCHANDISING The income of a restaurant is not only dependent on the number of covers sold but more on the average check the cost of every cover sold. Even if a thousand covers are sold, if the average check is only P100.00, the gross revenue will only be P100,000.00. But with lesser covers of 500, but higher average check like P300.00, the gross revenue will be P150,000.00. The big difference in the above sales comes from the average check. The additional effort exerted by a waiter in pushing for more sales and in making appropriate suggestions is the key factor in maximizing the average check. As much as possible, the server must be able to sell a complete meal that will include appetizer, soup, salad and dessert, on top of the chosen main dish. Effective menu and beverage merchandising requires product knowledge, good customer relations and effective sales presentation. One cannot make appropriate suggestions unless he is familiar with the menu. So, all dining staff must be oriented on the house specialties and all other items. They should be well oriented on the following information inasmuch as these are important in suggestive selling: 1. Manner of Preparation and Basic Ingredients Food maybe prepared in various methods grilled, simmered, roasted, marinated, sauted, pan fried, etc.. The basic preparation and the basic ingredients used are usually mentioned when describing a dish like a chicken and pork adobo is described as: a flavorful combination of chicken and pork, simmered in vinegar and spices, served with rice and achara. 2. Preparation Time A guest maybe in a hurry or must be really hungry that he wants his order to be served immediately. But he may unknowingly order a dish that takes time to prepare. It will irritate him if he is made to wait without being informed how long the waiting time is. Your order will take a little longer to prepare sir, do you mind waiting? 3. Standard Portioning The size of a serving is usually measured in terms of weight, quantity, etc. For example, a standard a la carte serving of steak may be 250 grams. Some items are served family style that they come in varying size or weight like a small order means good for 1-2, medium for 2-3 and large 4-5 persons. 4. Standard Accompaniments This refers to the sidings that accompany the dish. The waiter must know what goes with a set meal so that he can inform the guest right away. Some orders also go with a standard accompaniment like a regular burger maybe served with coleslaw and French fries. It often helps to mention the accompaniments for a more persuasive sales presentation. May I suggest a sizeable serving of our chefs special a tender and juicy sirloin served with onion soup and side salad. 3 JSHAGANASFBS2011

5. Complementary Items One way of increasing sales is to push for items that best complement a food ordered. Wines, for instance are designed to complement a dish. A white wine goes well with white meat and red wine with red meat. May I bring you a glass of red wine to complement your steak? A waiter can make his presentation more appealing by mentioning complimentary items. Our consomm goes perfectly well with your steak. Shall I get you a portion sir? 6. Special Qualities of the Dish Effective sales presentation usually requires an attempt to highlight the special qualities of the dish. What is it in the dish that makes it a better choice its uniqueness, lower fat-calorie content, tenderness, juiciness, freshness, portion size, etc.? These must be mentioned by the waiter. May I suggest a light yet sumptuous meal for you sir? A sizzling bean curd with vegetables rich in nutrients but low in fats and cholesterol. You might want to try our special Mackerel Ceviche for a starter. It is a marinated fresh meat of Mackerel fish, prepared Filipino style, a little spicy but truly appetizing. It goes very well with your beer. May I serve you a tender and juicy pepper steak, served with a side salad? Below are some of the descriptive words that can be used for a more convincing sales presentation: BEVERAGES Refreshing juice Light and refreshing cocktail Ice cold or chilled beer Nutritious and refreshing fruit juice Fascinating drink of the month APPETIZER Fresh and appetizing kilawin tanguigue Tender beef tapa Spicy gambas or shrimp cocktail Crispy fried spinach Light serving of our famous mango prawn delight SOUP Hot steaming soup of the day Hot creamy mushroom soup Special consomm soup SALAD Tossed, green or crispy salad Fresh and nutritious coleslaw Light serving of chef salad MAIN DISH Fresh seafoods Hot and spicy kaldereta 4 JSHAGANASFBS2011

Most saleable dish Bicol express House specialty Special, local delicacy pork adobo Tender pork loin Sizeable serving of our crispy pata Tender and juicy sirloin, grilled to your liking Perfectly grilled, fresh pompano DESSERT Fresh papaya or fresh fruits in season Creamy fruit salad Delicious ice cream or halo-halo Native delicacy leche flan or sapin-sapin Use descriptive words that will describe the: 1. TASTE delicious, tasty, savory, appetizing, sweet, sour, spicy 2. COLOR tossed green, pearly white onions, rich-red tomatoes 3. SIZE sizeable serving of prime rib, substantial 4. TEXTURE juicy, tender, crispy, creamy, soft, fresh 5. SMELL fragrant, bouquet, sweet Sample Order Taking with suggestive selling Waiter Guest Waiter Guest Waiter Guest Waiter Guest Waiter Guest Waiter : Sir, may I take your order now? : Id like to have something light. : May I suggest a light serving of grilled pompano - surely nutritious yet low in calories and cholesterol. : Give me one serving. : Anything else sir? : Just give me rice. : Your order of pompano already goes with rice sir. How about starting your meal with a light appetizer like shrimp cocktail? : No. : You might want to start with a hot steaming soup instead? You will surely love our soup of the day, known as RM, or you can try our minestrone or French onion soup, a perfect match to your pompano. : Id like to have a minestrone soup. : Since you seem to be a weight watcher, it might interest you to have your pompano accompanied by a light, yet nutritious vegetable salad. Shall I serve you a Ceasar salad, tossed green salad or waldorf salad? : Give me a Ceasar salad. : Anything else sir? : That will be all. : Sir, may I repeat your order? Youll have one serving of grilled pompano, a minestrone soup and a Ceasars salad. Did I get your order right sir?

Guest Waiter Guest Waiter


SAMPLE PHRASEOLOGIES FOR SUGGESTIVE SELLING For your dinner, would you go for meat, chicken or seafoods? As a steak lover, Im sure you will love our roast prime rib, served with side salad. How about a lobster thermidor for a seafood lover like you? Its one of our chefs specialties. Or you can try our top selling items like sizzling blue marlin or sizzling squid. As a chicken lover, you will surely love our Roast chicken, Or you can try some other best selling items like chicken galantine or Chicken Inasal. Our hainanese chicken is a healthy option for you. And it goes well with a light serving of tossed green salad. Im sure you will like any of our Classic favorites like a very tender Texas BBQ, US short plate beef or roast chicken or chicken galantina. We are known for our pasta and pizza. For pasta, you have a choice of Aligue, Putanesca, Alfredo, Bolognes, Pescadore, or Plato Italiano. Since you are dining for a special celebration, may I suggest our house specialties tender and juicy steak? You have a choice of porter house pepper steak or roast prime rib, all served with side salad. Before we serve your main dish, may I bring you a hot steaming soup. You have a choice of _____, _____, ___. Our fresh green salad or Ceasars salad will make a perfect match to your steak. Shall I get you a portion? Our grilled blue marlin will make light yet sumptuous dish for a weight watcher like you. Would you like to try one serving? For a weight watcher or a calorie conscious diner like you, Id like to suggest a light serving of seafoods like sizzling squid or bangus. Our restaurant is well known for its special version of pastas. You might want to try for yourself our unique and mouth-watering pasta specialties like Aligue, Pescadore , Seafood pasta, Bolognese, Pasta Alfredo. Our chef just came out with new specialties. How about a taste of his special _____________________? You will surely enjoy our chefs special for the day, a serving of ____________________. Im sure you would not want to miss our famous cakes for your dessert. May I bring you a serving of black forest, carrot cake, etc. Or would you rather have a taste of our local delicacies like banana split, halo-halo or leche flan? Our fruit juices are truly refreshing and nutritious. They are prepared out of fresh fruits, high in nutrients and low in calories. TIPS TO EFFECTIVE SALES PRESENTATION 1. Be familiar with the menu basic ingredients, preparation time, etc. 2. To command attention, approach the guest with poise, eye contact and smile. 3. Have enough guts and determination to sell. Do not be discouraged if what is offered is turned down. 4. In making suggestions, try to find out guests preference then mention what is available. 5. Try to upsell. There are items that are more expensive and more profitable to sell. Mention them when appropriate. 6. Create desire and interest on the product Mention your house specialties and elaborate why they are special. Offer your best sellers Highlight the special features of the items and the benefits one can derive from it Mention what in the dish that makes it a better choice Suggest items that will suit the needs, taste and preferences of the customer. Use convincing words or adjectives that will stimulate interest on the dish you wish to suggest 6 JSHAGANASFBS2011

7. 8. 9. 10.

Mention complementary items Offer variety of items meat, fish, seafoods, vegetables, etc. Attempt to sell a complete meal. To close a meal, offer dessert, coffee or tea or some liqueurs.

D. PICKING UP/ASSEMBLING ORDERS 1. Pick up of orders is normally done by busboys who act as dining runners. 2. Assemble the order and gather required condiments, accompaniment, i.e. sauces and supplies and place them in a tray. 3. Pick up orders by sequence from lightest to heaviest. Follow sequence as: appetizer, soup, then salad followed by main course. 4. Check whether the food is for the right table and that it meets the standard portion size, accompaniments and garnish. Check also for possible contamination. 5. Handle trays properly. Let the tray rest on the shoulder with the palm of the hand supporting the tray underneath. If it is still off-balanced, use the other hand to support the tray. Rest the elbow close to the hip when carrying tray. Make sure the bottom of the tray is clean. 6. If the order is picked by another person like the busboy and not the waiter, he should place the food on top of the service station or a portable tray beside the guest table. Then he shall inform the waiter that the order is now ready to be served. 7. Waiter shall pick up the assembled order from the service station, then check the table number if correct. He shall also check completeness of items before serving them. If there are missing side dish, accompaniments, condiments, sauce, dressing, etc. he shall call the attention of the busboy and advise him to pick up the missing item. TABLE SERVICE Service in dine in restaurants can be classified as follows: 1. AMERICAN SERVICE also called Plate Service because the food is already arranged in individual plates at the kitchen, ready to be served to guests. It is usually done for a la carte orders, good for one serving. Plated foods usually go with garnish and accompaniments and are served on the right side of the guest. This type of service is ideal in a coffee shop where there is a need for fast service. Serving Procedures: Check the order and make sure the needed cutleries are set up before starting to serve. Assemble the orders in a tray, making sure that all accompaniments and side dish or sauces, dressings, condiments are complete. Carry the plated foods in a rectangular or oval tray and let the tray rest on the palm of your hand. Carefully bring down the tray towards the table counter or place them in a portable side tray. Serve plated foods on the right side of the guest with the left hand holding the tray and right hand holding the food to be served to the guest. Position the meat/fish directly in front of the guest with the logo positioned on the top center of the plate 7 JSHAGANASFBS2011

2. RUSSIAN OR SILVER SERVICE in this type of service, the food is pre-arranged in a platter with enough servings for one table; then the waiter dishes it out from the platter to the individual plates of guests. Russian service is usually done in lieu of plated service when there are plenty of guests to be served and where there are no heaters/food warmers for plated dishes. Serving Procedures: Kitchen shall prepare and dispatch foods in individual platters or containers, insuring that one platter will have sufficient servings for one table, usually good for 1012 persons. Waiter shall pick up the platters/serving dish with a side towel on the left side. Get them from the dispatching counter and bring them to the dining area using a trolley or oval trays, whichever is appropriate. To alert the guest of your presence, excuse yourself as you approach the table to serve and say: Excuse me sir/madame. Stay on the left side of the guest and the do Russian service from the left side, with the left foot forward. Announce the name of the dish before serving and then present it to the guests: Sir/ladies, your very special chicken galantine. Hold platters with the left hand and dish out using the right hand. Provide equal servings for each guest on the table. Be familiar with the serving size or portions to be placed in the customers plate. Move in clockwise position and serve quickly from one person to another, while food is still hot. Since the food is usually hot, protect yourself from burns by placing a neatly folded serving cloth at the bottom of the dish, with the palm of your hand outstretched and the large dish resting on your wrist and lower arm. Position the serving dish/platter very close to the guests plate or just on top of the plate so that dishing out of food is easier and spills can be avoided. To avoid slips, serve soup in a soup tureen with a napkin under liner. Bring the tureen close to the guests soup bowl. Use the serving spoon and fork when dishing out food. The serving cutleries shall be positioned in the hand such that the curve of fork shall be at the bowl of the spoon. Hold the fork and spoon together with the palm of the hand and all the fingers holding all handles, making sure that both are comfortably balanced. Insert the first finger midway between the spoon and the fork handles to act as lever so that the fork prongs and spoon can be easily opened and closed to securely hold the food items. The finger acts as lever to open. Then apply pressure to open. Before serving sauce, ask the customer if he prefers it to be over the meat or placed on one side. Serve the dish just above waist level, bending forward with your back insuring you are within a convenient serving height. Position the serving dish in a horizontal way and tilt it slightly to avoid spills. The order of serving starts with the main dish followed by potatoes and vegetables. Usually, one waiter advances to serve the meat and another one serves the sauce and other accompaniments or side dish. Change serving spoon/fork as you serve other dishes. 8 JSHAGANASFBS2011

In placing the main course, position it on the lower center of the plate, then place the vegetables on top left and the potatoes on top right. 3. FRENCH SERVICE - this type of service involves tableside preparation. The food is partially prepared and pre-cut at the kitchen. Then the preparation is completed in a gueridon at the side of the guests table, usually with some showmanship. This is usually done by a chef or captain or a headwaiter. French service is very elegant and entertaining but takes a lot of time. It is not advisable for diners who are in a hurry. 4.



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