PA Scoring Sheet-1

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RM 5–FM: Barriers to Being Active Quiz

What Keeps You from Being More Active?

Scoring Sheet

__2___ + __0___ + ___2__ = _________4___________

1 8 15 Lack of time

___2__ + __0___ + __2___ = ___________4_________

2 9 16 Social influence

___3__ + ___3__ + ___3__ = __________9__________

3 10 17 Lack of energy

___2__ + ___0__ + __2___ = __________4__________

4 11 18 Lack of willpower

___0__ + __0___ + __0___ = _________0___________

5 12 19 Fear of injury

__0___ + __0___ + __0___ = __________0__________

6 13 20 Lack of skill

__0___ + __0___ + ___2__ = _________2___________

7 14 21 Lack of resources

1. Which of the following barriers to physical activity is preventing you from including
physical activity in your daily life and why? (What is your top category or the category with
a  score of > 5)
- I think the barrier to physical activity that is preventing me the most is my lack of
energy maybe because of the school workloads, hospital duties, studying and other
activities that consumes all of my time and energy that makes me not to do any physical
exercises and just sleep whenever I have free time.
2. Provide at least three (3) strategies in which you can overcome such barrier.
- In order to overcome such barrier, I must first prioritize the things that I need to do
first because in that way I will not rush them and it will not consume all my time and
energy. I will do them one at a time to avoid making me bombarded whenever I start to
do them. Next is time management. I must plan all the things that I can do all day so
that in that way I could catch up even just an hour of my time in doing physical
exercises. Lastly is fixing my sleeping schedule. I usually sleep around midnight that’s
why my body demands to sleep all the time after doing all of the activities that I need to
do making me tired and consume all the energy I have. By doing this I can manage to
get up early, prioritize, and manage on how I will start my day in doing physical

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