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We hear about quarrels every day. Sometimes it takes place in the neighborhood.

it happens on the road, in the street. It can be seen anywhere any time. It is a common
phenomenon in villages, cities, even in metro cities.

A common feature of quarrels is that it starts over a trivial issue but sometimes takes a
disastrous turn. Many a times, it leads to
the tragedy of killing and death. Often it becomes the cause of communal tension and
violence also.

Last Monday when I was preparing to go to office, I happened to see a quarrel in the
street. There was a loud noise and lots of people had gathered at a spot. Out of
curiosity, I stopped and went to see what actually had happened. I was shocked to learn
that the cricket ball of a neighborhood boy had come inside the house of other neighbor
which had damaged his flower pot. The crowd was silently seeing the whole spectacle.
In fact, they were enjoying the quarrel. Even some of them were adding fuel to the
flame. There was none to pacify them.


In fact, the two have had never a good relationship. They were always having a strained
relation. To say, quarrel over such issues had been frequent in the past. Their tolerance
level is zero in terms of their relation. Sometimes it appeared that they were looking for
ways to quarrel. Soon the heated exchange of words turned into calling names. From
exchange of hot words, calling names, they came to blows. One of them gave a slap to
other, who in turn gave a sharp blow to other. When the quarrel was taking a serious
turn, some elderly persons in the neighborhood intervened and tried to calm them down.

But none of them was ready to down their anger. Seeing all these someone in the
crowd rang the police station. Within a few minutes, the police force was there.
However, with the mediating of the mature person of the locality, it was agreed that the
man whose son’s ball had damaged the flower pot would compensate for the same.

Thus, with a great deal of efforts some solution could be reached. In fact, lack of rational
thinking and fellow feeling had led to the occurrence of such an event.

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