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Bacelides, Maricel C.

BSED Science 3 - 1

Answer the following questions:

Name one leader who inspired you the most. (Include
the picture)
➢ Park Ji Hyo (K-pop Girl group “Twice” leader)
Enumerate and explain the significant contributions of
that leader.
➢ Songs with a relatable and meaningful lyric that she
wrote and composed.
➢ She advocates anti-bullying as she experiences it
first hand and know how bad and damaging bullying
➢ She donates to the animal shelters and to the victims
of a disaster in or out of the country.
Which positive characteristics of that leader inspired
you? Why?
➢ She cares and love for everyone not only to her
members but also to anyone that surrounds her and especially to their fans.
➢ Her compassion for others. One of her characteristics that I admire is her compassion to
other. Just like how there is a disaster even in other country she sympathizes and donates
to the victims.
Do you believe that leaders are born? Why?
➢ No, I don’t believe leaders are born they are made. Being a leader is not an easy task it
takes a lot of courage, exemptional skills and time.
Did you experience to become a leader? Share something about it, and what leadership
characteristics did you manifest? What kind of leader do you think are you?
➢ I experience being a leader a lot in high school wherein when the teacher gives us a task,
we need to finish it for example when we need to report something about the lesson. One
of the characteristics that I do when I was a leader is I ask everyone in my group to share
something to report and then we decide as a group which topic should we discuss and
then I divide the members and assign them to their tasks. I think I am an Affiliative leader
as I prioritize my members first and I want a well-being, and peaceful group.
Bacelides, Maricel C.
BSED Science 3 - 1

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