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MaxNovA Marketing Agency

Colombia Artesanal has been characterized by its trajectory at national and international
level for its optimal quality in all areas, with more than 50 years of experience in the
textile/artisanal market. It operates in several countries, mainly in the United States,
Germany, France and Spain, however, it only has physical production and sales
establishments in Colombia.

Through its contacts with suppliers and others involved, the company guarantees a
product, in this case, "Hammest", in optimal conditions and with all the characteristics
to meet the needs of customers.

The Colombia Artesanal company stands out for its incredible designs, incredible
customer service and excellent supply chain management; In addition to its ability to
innovate, which gives it great added value compared to other manufacturers and traders
of hammocks.

It is an honor for MaxNovA Marketing Agency to launch its new product "Hammest" in
Sydney, Australia. Product that seeks to satisfy the need for relaxation and rest in a
comfortable and quiet environment. By providing a suspended and comfortable space,
it allows people to disconnect from daily stress and find moments of peace and
tranquility. In addition, it provides an ergonomic rest experience, helping to relieve
muscle tension and promoting physical and mental relaxation. In short, it seeks to satisfy
the need to create an environment conducive to rest, relaxation and renewal of energy.

With the launch of its new product Colombia Artesanal aims to achieve the following

1. Brand positioning. By May 15, 2024, reach a 35% share of the Sydney market for
artisanal hammocks.
2. Increase sales. By February 10, 2025, reach a profitability of 40% in the sales of
artisanal hammocks.
3. Penetration into new markets. By July 15, 2026, venture into new potential
markets for artisanal hammocks.

The name "Hammest" comes from the union of the word "hammock" and the word
"rest", considering that the main purpose of our product is developed on the tranquility,
calm and peace that we want to transmit as a company to the user. Hammocks
"Hammest" are structures made of a soft cotton fabric, the fabrics form a fine net that
ergonomically adapts to the body.

One of the relevant features of "Hammest" is that it does not have transverse supports
of wood or metal, allowing the fabric to mold completely to the user's body giving a firm
hold, being in turn more secure and stable. "Hammest" has at its ends two fixing points
made of iron that can be tied on trees or hooked on the walls of different spaces.
Hammest measurements make it easy for users to lie diagonally or transversely, keeping
the back straight and protected..

Its reference is NAM-001, but its trade name is

"Hammest" is a traditional handmade hammock with
100% cotton fabric, at its ends it has two ironworks,
the default color for the product is light green and
blue, with a pattern of horizontal lines. It has a length
of 2.10m, a width of 1.42m and a weight of 1.7kg.

Hammest colorimetry.

These two bright colours were chosen especially thinking about the safety of consumers,
Australia is the target market country, which is characterized by its abundant and exotic
wildlife, with which the residents of this beautiful paradise are accustomed to living in
their day to day, but it is common knowledge that some of the animals and insects
threaten the physical integrity of humans and especially the terrible domestic accidents
that occur because these animals are hidden in objects of daily use of people, for this
reason, the vivacity of the blue and green colours, will allow the quick and easy
recognition of animals and insects, in addition, these colours represent the nature that
surrounds the country and its characteristic waters that surround it.

Hammest design.

The hammock has a pattern of horizontal lines across the width that ends in braids at
each end of it, interspersed in the two chosen colors (blue and light green) hammock
that harmonize and represent the characteristics of the destination country (Australia).

Hammest Terms and Warranties.

1. Due to the nature of the product, it may not be available for various reasons, such
as delayed shipping by suppliers. In case of this situation Hammest will notify you in a
timely manner to offer you another of our products in stock in the shortest possible time.
2. The hammocks presented in the images on the website may vary slightly in terms
of shape, color, and accessories of the product. However, Hammest undertakes as far as
possible to match or improve the product sold, always for the benefit of the customer.
3. Hammest undertakes to make international deliveries within 10 to 15 working
days once your order is paid, for deliveries abroad the delivery time will be approximately
10 working days, it is important to note that shipments are made through an
independent airline service to Hammest so we cannot be held responsible for delays
outside our company.
4. The customer undertakes to settle his order in full before being shipped. Payment
can be via bank deposit, bank transfer or credit card via PayPal.
5. If for any reason the product arrives damaged and you want to return it, the
customer has a period not exceeding 5 days from receipt to make its return, returns will
only be accepted when the hammock is in poor condition and prevents its correct use
and operation. There will be no returns of hammocks that over time present wear or
discoloration due to use or weather conditions, we recommend that if your hammock is
placed outdoors it is covered to avoid immediate wear.

Care and washing of Hammest.

Hammocks should be washed by hand, never in a washing machine, you must use a mild
soap, wash your hands and cold water; For this you must use water with a maximum
temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. Important information does not use bleach. It is
convenient, the first time you wash the hammock, add a handful of coarse salt or a splash
of vinegar in the water, both salt and vinegar serve to fix the colours.

To prevent the threads of the arms from becoming entangled, the two ends are usually
joined with a rope or carabiner. Then you must spread the hammock in the sun to dry,
the hammocks should never be kept wet because the fabric can be damaged.
The fabric hammocks can be washed in a washing machine, always with cold water and
a mild soap, although as our hammocks are handmade, we recommend washing them
by hand preferably.

Australia, a country known for its stunning natural beauty and laid-back lifestyle, is home
to a population of around 25,767,000 diverse and vibrant people. (Australia: Economy
and Demography 2023, n.d.)

Through a careful segmentation based on lifestyle, different interest groups were

identified as potential customers of HAMMEST, taking advantage of the advantages
offered by HAMMEST for each segment:

1. Nature and outdoor lovers: For those who enjoy outdoor activities, hammocks
offer a comfortable and relaxing way to rest in the middle of nature. Its advantages
include the ease of installation between trees or poles, allowing you to enjoy incredible
panoramic views while relaxing. In addition, their portability makes them an essential
accessory for camping, hiking, or spending time at the beach.

2. Relaxed lifestyle enthusiasts: Hammocks are a perfect symbol of a calm and

relaxed lifestyle. For those looking for moments of peace and relaxation in their home or
garden, hammocks offer a comfortable and cosy space to disconnect from daily stress.
Its ergonomic design promotes comfort and rest, providing an unparalleled relaxation

3. Parents and families: Hammocks offer a playful and comfortable experience for
parents and children. For parents, they provide a safe and comfortable place to rest while
caring for their children. In addition, hammocks encourage family interaction and allow
lasting memories to be created in a calm and relaxed environment, whether in the
garden or on the beach.

4. Travelers and backpackers: It are well known that Australia is one of the main
destinations chosen by foreigners, according to the latest data published by the UN, only
29.98% of the population of Australia are immigrants, among this population stand out
backpackers who travel the country for several months. (Development and importance
of tourism for Australia, n.d.) For this reason, hammocks are the ideal choice for
travellers and backpackers, as they take up little space and are easy to transport. Its
lightness and ease of assembly allow you to enjoy a comfortable rest anywhere. Whether
in a lush jungle or on a paradisiacal beach, hammocks provide a practical and comfortable
solution for those looking for a good night's sleep during their adventures.

The target market of our hammocks is focused on the 46,705 families in Sydney,
Australia, who seek to create special moments of relaxation and fun in a family
environment. We recognize the importance of providing families with a cozy and
comfortable space to enjoy quality moments together, and the hammocks are designed
with their specific needs in mind. (2021 Sydney, Census All Persons QuickStats |
Australian Bureau of Statistics, n.d.)

In Sydney, a vibrant and dynamic city, families seek to escape the daily grind and find
moments of tranquility and connection. “Hammest” become the perfect choice to meet
these needs, as they offer families a place where they can relax, unwind, and enjoy each
other's company.

With the product, Sydney families will be able to create their own oasis of relaxation in
the comfort of their garden, patio or even in the parks and beaches that the city offers.
Imagine the laughter of the children as they sway gently, the sincere talks and the

moments of complicity between parents and children, all this in a relaxed and welcoming

It is understood that safety is a priority for families, so the hammocks are designed with
durable and resistant materials, ensuring the peace of mind of parents while children
enjoy their rocking experience.

By choosing “Hammest”, Sydney families can create unforgettable memories in a

peaceful and natural setting, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We
provide them with a space to escape stress, revitalize and enjoy the company of their
loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere.

The commitment is to offer Sydney families an exceptional hammock experience, where

each member of the family can find their place of rest and enjoyment. We want to be
part of those magical moments that are created at home, fostering family connection,
and strengthening emotional bonds.

“Hammest: Creating unforgettable moments of relaxation and family connection in


“Hammest” is the ultimate choice for families seeking exceptional moments of relaxation
and togetherness. Unlike our competitors, we have crafted a hammock specifically
designed to meet the unique needs of families in Sydney. With its spacious and secure
design, our hammock provides a cozy sanctuary where families can unwind and create
cherished memories together. Our commitment to quality is evident in the use of
premium materials, ensuring utmost comfort and durability for the entire family. With
“Hammest”, families can experience unparalleled relaxation and bonding, making it the
preferred choice for those seeking a serene and comfortable retreat that caters to their
unique family dynamics.

The unique value of our product lies in its ability to provide an emotionally meaningful
factor to families. We recognize that families seek not only a practical and functional
experience, but also a deeper emotional bond when using “Hammest”.

It offers a cozy space where families can relax together, create special memories, and
strengthen their emotional bonds. Moments of rest and fun shared as a family are
conceived to be invaluable, and “Hammest” has the power to provide those unique and
memorable experiences.


Hammocks offer a cozy and comfortable place where
Space for family moments Sydney families can relax, unwind, and create lasting
memories together
Designed with durable and resistant materials, the
Quality and safety hammocks guarantee the safety of the whole family
while enjoying moments of rocking and rest
From gardens and patios to parks and beaches,
Versatility for the Sydney hammocks fit perfectly into Sydney's active and
lifestyle diverse lifestyle, providing a space of relaxation in any
Hammocks are designed to foster connection
Fostering Family between parents and children, siblings, and
Connection grandparents, providing an environment conducive to
meaningful conversations and moments of complicity

Immerse yourself in unforgettable moments of relaxation and family connection with our
quality hammocks. Designed to fit Sydney's active lifestyle, our hammocks offer a
welcoming and haven where families can escape the daily hustle and bustle and create
lasting memories. Discover the comfort, versatility, and magic of our hammocks, and
enjoy moments of relaxation and connection in Sydney.

In the hammock market in Sydney, there is an active competition that has directed its
marketing efforts towards nature lovers and backpackers, leaving aside an important
segment of customers: families. In contrast to this strategy, Colombia Artesanal is
committed to meeting the needs and preferences of families, recognizing the importance
of providing them with a unique and rewarding experience.

The company is proud to offer “Hammest” specifically designed to meet the demands of
families. Recognizing that families are looking for a cozy space to relax, read books, tell
stories, or simply enjoy the company of their loved ones. That is why they have
developed spacious hammocks, with soft and resistant fabrics that offer maximum
comfort for all members of the family. In addition, they ensure that they meet the highest
safety standards, giving parents peace of mind that their loved ones are protected while
enjoying time together.

To establish the price of "Hammest" to the Sydney market, production costs and logistics
costs were considered, however, as an advertising agency we conducted a
comprehensive study on the price range handled by the main competition.

1. HammockShop: It is the leading online hammock shop for Sydney and the
surrounding areas of New South Wales, and sources products from all over
Australia and around the world. Range: $60.00 - $180.00.
2. Wild Earth: It is an adventure and camping equipment shop that offers a variety
of hammocks for outdoor activities in Sydney. Range: $24.45 - $48.91.
3. Hammock Heaven: It is a store specialized in hammocks and products related to
rest and relaxation. They have a selection of hammocks of different styles and
materials. Range: $73.50 - $118.50.

According to the ranges handled by the competition of "Hammest" present in Sydney,

the price of $70.00 was set.
Monthly production 1.000 Unit value $70 .00
Monthly sales 700 Monthly sales $49000.00
Break-even point 455 Monthly production expenses $26.600
Monthly Profit $22.300

The company Colombia Artesanal through strategic alliances with suppliers, distributors,
and other collaborators, can enhance their strengths and optimize processes to provide
the customer with optimal attention and deliver the product in question, in perfect
condition. In addition to the importance of the company's employees, that with the
necessary incentives (bonuses, discounts for agreements, recognition for performance
and others) and a healthy work environment (spaces for integrations and recreations
among co-workers, provision of psychological and physical help and others) we can
achieve optimal results in all areas.

It is important that the company is clear about the following questions: Who is my ally?
How can I improve my relationship with X company? (benefit), Who can provide the best
in the price-quality ratio to my customers? And the most important: By using the
communication channels and making an anonymous purchase... Do I feel satisfied with
the results?

There are several cultural, technological, and legal factors that could limit the
commercialization of hammocks in Australia:

Cultural factors.

1. Climate and seasonal preferences: Australia's climate can vary significantly by region.
In colder areas or with long winters, the demand for hammocks may be lower. In
addition, seasonal and cultural preferences can influence the acceptance and adoption
of hammocks as part of the lifestyle.
2. Lifestyle and furniture preferences: Lifestyles and furniture preferences vary among
different demographic groups and regions of Australia. Some people may prefer other
types of furniture or accessories for rest and relaxation, which could limit the demand
for hammocks in certain market segments.

Technological factors.

1. Space and housing limitations: Hammocks require adequate space to be installed
correctly. In small apartments or homes with limited outdoor areas, there may be
restrictions on the use and installation of hammocks.
2. Innovations in furniture and accessories: The home furnishings and accessories
market are constantly evolving, with new innovations and products emerging. Other
furniture and accessory options could capture consumers' attention, which could affect
the demand for hammocks.

Legal factors.

1. Safety and Construction Regulations: There are regulations and regulations related to
the safety and construction of products, including hammocks such as the Australian
Consumer Product Safety Act 2010, which address the safety and responsibility of the
manufacturer or supplier in relation to products that are marketed in the country.
Hammocks must meet established safety standards, which could affect the availability
and marketing of certain models.

In order to acquire much more recognition before potential customers and get the non-
customer or occasional user, make the purchase decision; The company will use and
make use of alternatives mentioned above, such as: Strategies through digital marketing
on different platforms where the company can be visible and reach the desired audience,
be part of fairs, events and international exhibitions and achieve the positioning of the
brand, to achieve the so-called "top of mind" at the time of purchase.

These strategies would be part of the company's marketing plan, with the aim of
attracting the attention of the viewer, either through the website or the catalogue on
the available platforms (Telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and

It is important that the company is aware that if the customer does not feel comfortable
with the product or with the customer service provided, it is very unlikely to meet its
objective which is to sell There are exceptions where the customer even when the service
is terrible, makes the purchase decision because the product in question meets their
needs or in other cases, there are people who even when the product does not meet
their expectations or is not to their liking, proceed to buy it for the treatment and service
provided by the company's work team.
To maintain interest, taste for hammocks and gradually improve for customers, the
company can choose to:

• Through the reviews of the hammocks and the opinion of your customer service,
identify weaknesses to turn them into strengths. They can make use of strategies such
as user beta, establish a platform where customers feel safe to give their honest opinion
to improve.
• The client needs and most of the time will look for ease, so it is important that
everything is within reach of this; Routes / guides of the website, conventional means of
payment (the more means, the better), period of immediate response to the doubts or
requests of the client about the product.
• Incentives, organize customer loyalty programs where they reward the constancy
of customers (discounts, memberships, and others)
• Personalized service every time a customer "knocks on the door" and stay on top
of what the customer prefers. A clear example of "train" would be the stickers on the
WhatsApp platform, many customers make use of these and exchange these, in the
company-client relationship a link and some complicities are generated.
• Make use of software such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with the
aim of determining organizations streamline processes, build customer relationships,
increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability. (Use computer
applications such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to help organizations
streamline processes, build customer relationships, increase sales, improve customer
service, and increase profitability.)

The company has a presence in different countries, mainly the United States, Germany,
France, and Spain, but only has its own physical production and marketing stores in
Colombia. However, the company has strategic commercial allies, which are responsible
for the marketing and sale of products in other countries, with the purpose of publicizing
the product and the brand, obtaining the acceptance and loyalty of customers in
different countries.

Currently the company has its focus on Australia, as it is part of the ranking of the
countries that import more Colombian hammocks, in addition, the purchasing power of
the Australian population is relatively good, it has a solid and stable economy, the climate

of Australia is an important factor, since it is the main reason why the demand for
hammocks is so desired in Australian territory, especially in coastal areas.

"Hammest" will be available for purchase at renowned chain stores in Sydney, including
Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Big W, Target, Bunnings, and Harvey Norman. These
outstanding stores have partnered with Colombia Artisanal to make sure the hammock
is within reach of families throughout the region. At Coles and Woolworths, "Hammest"
can be found in the homeware and outdoor recreation section. These chain stores are
known for their wide variety of products and their commitment to quality. Kmart and Big
W offer a wide range of products for home and outdoor activities. You will find the
product in its camping and recreation sections, where you can explore the ideal option
for families looking for moments of relaxation and fun together. Target, with its focus on
household products and outdoor activities, is another place where "Hammest" can be
purchased. Enjoying the convenience of doing the usual shopping while finding the
perfect hammock to enjoy with the family. Bunnings and Harvey Norman, renowned for
their wide range of home and garden products, are ideal destinations for lovers of
comfort and style. Find "Hammest" in the garden furniture section and create a cozy
space for your family.

In addition to the renowned chain stores mentioned above, the prestigious Watsons Bay
and Prince Alfred Park Pool clubs are also authorized to offer the product to their
members and visitors.

Watsons Bay Club, located in a beautiful coastal location, is known for its focus on
outdoor activities and recreation. Now, club members will be able to enjoy the comfort
and pleasure of relaxing in "Hammest" while enjoying the panoramic views and peaceful

Prince Alfred Park Pool, a popular destination for swimming and wellness, now offers its
visitors the opportunity to enjoy moments of relaxation and rest in the hammock. After
an exercise session or an active day in the pool, visitors will be able to immerse
themselves in the comfort and serenity of "Hammest".

It is hoped that the presence of "Hammest" in these establishments will facilitate

accessibility and the shopping experience, allowing families to enjoy moments of
relaxation and connection in the comfort of their homes or outdoors.
In addition, the following investments will be made in advertising:

Participation in powerful events.

"Hammest" will be present in the different festivities that take place in Sydney for the
national day, which is celebrated January 26, will be the appropriate scenario to give
greater visibility to the brand, through 10 advertising stands distributed in the places of
greater agglomeration, each stand has a value of $ 200.00, with this strategy, The
advertising agency guarantees the sale of around 150 handmade hammocks.

Colombia Artisanal will have strategic allies with great potential such as clubs,
considering that these sites are attended by family and carry out recreational, sports or
cultural activities. For this, strategic alliances will be established with the two busiest
clubs in Sydney (Watsons Bay and Prince Alfred Park Pool) they will be provided with an
initial endowment of 15 hammocks for each club, which will be strategically located in
the recreation and relaxation areas. In addition, the two clubs will be authorized
distributors of "Hammest", in this way if any of its affiliates is interested in the product,
they can acquire it immediately in the same facilities of the club. It is the most successful
strategy since it is an investment of the own product, therefore, the only expense for this
advertising strategy will be the elaboration of the 30 handmade hammocks (15 in each
club), but the investment returns with subsequent sales, for this reason, the agency is
committed to the sale of around 250 handmade hammocks per month.


The investment also includes advertisements, which will be present in public transport,
mainly in three transport lines: Buses, trains, and light rail. The advertisement will consist
of an attractive design, an image alluding to the main use of Hammest, a relevant
message ("Hammest becomes the perfect hug for the family, where we can relax and
enjoy quality moments together") and a contact channel to provide more information
about the product. Each advertising campaign will have an investment of $ 400.00 for
each established line, and through the advertisements it is intended to sell approximately
85 handmade hammocks.

Social networks.

It will invest in social networks, through collaborations, advertising guidelines, blogs,
contests, raffles, coupons, and other activities that will allow the customer to connect
with the brand through a technological device, with this strategy it is intended to attract
the attention of the customer in a different way, generating a significant increase in
consumers (creating a preference for the brand) and increasing sales. For this
investment, $1999.99 will be available and sales of around 100 handmade hammocks are

By implementing all the above recommendations and carrying out the process to
penetrate the Australian market, specifically in Sidney, it’s estimated that the profits of
the company Colombia Artesanal would increase between 100% and 150% in an
estimated period of three (3) years (2023-2026) with assumptions of number of units of:
in the first year 8,400 units, in the second year 12,600 units and in the third and last year
of the plan would be estimated sales of 21,000 units. Using business strategies to reach
the desired audience. This considering that in Australia the demand for hammocks has
increased over the years and thanks to the constant hot seasons and tourists
(backpackers) looking for comfort and ease, make the decision to buy the product.


Australia: Economy and Demography 2023. (n.a.).

Australia - Population 2021. (n.a.).

Development and importance of tourism for Australia. (n.a.).

2021 Sydney, Census All persons QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics. (n.d.).
Australian Bureau of Statistics.

What is customer retention? (n.d.). Salesforce.

What is CRM? (n.d.). Salesforce.


De Hamacas, M. (n.d.). Misión y Visión: Un Mundo de Hamacas, para el Auténtico

amante de la hamaca.


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