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Leadership Style
2. Expert Power
3. Democratic Leader
4. Self Understanding
5. Labor Agreement
6. Employee Assistance Program ( EAP )
7. Soft Skills
8. Human Relations
9. Open Leader
10. Position Power
11. Autocratic Leader
12. Labor Union
13. Situational leader
14. Identity Power
15. Work Rules
16. Leadership

17. C
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. B
22. C

23. I don't think an executive of a company and a mayor should have the same leadership
characteristics because the goal of each position is inherently different.The goal of a
company executive is to obtain as much profit as possible. The leadership
characteristics that needed to achieve this need to come from the mindset of destroying
competitors and dominating the market.The goal of the mayor on the other hand is to
improve the prosperity of the people. The leadership characteristics that needed to
achieve this need to come from the mindset of providing a public service and doing good
for the benefit of a community as a whole.
24. Effective human relations are directly linked to effective leadership. The fact is due to the
benefits accruing upright human relations skills in the working place. Basically, leaders
should promote an environment that is capable of addressing employees? needs as well
as supporting a conducive working environment.
25. Honesty, Courage, Confidence, Understanding, Intelligence
26. A manager using a lower ranked employee to do work that they don't want to do, a
manager not liking an employee because of their race, sex, gender, sexuallity etc. And a
manager using power the right way helps to resolve a problem in the workplace making
sure to see both sides of the argument but still being able to do the right thing in the end.
27. Just always make sure to separate work and personal life problem never talk about a
personal problem to someone you cant trust at work make sure to go to a trusted friend/
manager at work if things start to become a really big issue at work
28. I think whatever a manager thinks is right for their employees is how they should go
about changing or creating work rules as long as the rules are also far for the employees
as well.

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