SIEMENS Cybersecurity Training Certificate - Trusted Guardian - Dennis J. O'Boyle

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Cybersecurity - trusted Guardian for

Siemens and its Customers!

Dennis OBoyle


successfully completed the above mentioned course on 27-SEP-2022

(duration:  00:30 hours).

Cybersecurity is very important in any place and environment. Every

day, at Siemens and in our customers’ or vendors’ systems, there are
intrusion attempts and incidents can occur. Cybercriminals are
constantly trying to gain access, steal confidential information, make
money, or cause harm in some way. This can endanger information,
computer systems, operations, and ultimately, everything!

This training has been developed for you to understand how you can
protect yourself, Siemens and its Customers - in the best possible
way and in all environments!

The topics covered are as follows:

- secure use of programs and tools;

- phishing methods;

- password security and MFA;

- information classification;

- mobile working/home office security;

- secure communication

from PSS (Product & Solution Security) to OT (Operational

Technology) and IT (Information Technology) environment.

Roland Busch

President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG

Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG

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