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Checklist for Positioning of Patients

Steps Rationalization
1. Silently recite a prayer.
2. Place patient on a Fowler’s position
2.1 Elevate head of bed 45 to 60 degrees.
2.2 Rest client’s head aginst mattress or
2.3 Use pillows to support client’s arms and
hands if client does not have control of use
on them.
3. Place client on a semi- Fowler’s position
3.1 Elevate head of bed 15 to 45 degrees
3.2 Rest client’s head against mattress of
3.3 Use pillow to support client’s arms and
hands if client does not have control of use of
4. Place patient on a high- fwler’s position.
4.1Elevate head of bed 60 to 90 degrees.
4.2Rest clients’ head against mattress of
4.3 Use pillows to support client’s arms and
hands if client does not have control use of
5. Place patient on an erect position
5.1 Ask patient to stand beside the bed.
5.2 Give slippers or place paper towels at the
6. Place patient on a prone position
6.1 Assist client to lie on his abdomen
6.2 Turn client’s head to one side.
6.3 Support head with small pillow
6.4 Use pillows to elevate toes.
7. Place patient on a supine position.
7.1 Place clients on his back with head of bed
7.2 Place pillow under client’s upper
shoulders, neck, or head.
7.3 Place small pillow or roll under client’s
ankles to elevate heels.
7.4 Place foot board or firm pillows against
bottom of client’s feet.
7.5 Place pillows client’s pronated forearms,
and keep client’s upper arms parallel to
client’s body
8. Place client on a Sim’s position
8.1 Help patient to lie on either on his right or
left side.
8.2 Assist patient to rest his left arm behind
his body.
8.3 The right arm is forward with the elbow
flexed and the arm resting on a pillow placed
under the head.
8.4 Assist client to bent right knee.
9. Place patient on a dorsal recumbent position.
9.1 Assist client to lie on his back close to the
examining table
9.2 Separate the client’s leg and knees are
bent, the soles of the feet rest flat on the bed
or table.
9.3 Place a pillow under the head of the
10. Place client on a lithotomy position
10.1 Follow first three step of the dorsal
recumbent position
10.2 Bring the buttocks close to the edge of
the table.
10.3 The knees are flexed and the feet are
supported in a stirrup
11. Place client on the knee- chest or
genupectoral position.
11.1 The patient rests on his knees and
11.2 The body is flexed approximately 90
degrees at the hips.
11.3 The head is turned at one side resting
on a pillow
11.4 The chest may be supported by a small
11.5 The arms are flexed at the elbows and
rests alongside the patient’s head.
11.6 The lower legs are perpendicular to the
12. Record each position change and include
amount of assistance needed and client’s
response and tolerance.
13. Record and report any signs of redness (e.g.,
in areas over bony prominences).

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