Activity 3 (9-A Indang and Anti Jima)

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LINUX is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus

Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the
GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to
everyone. A widely used Open Source Unix-like operating system.

Linux was first released by its inventor Linus Torvalds in 1991. There are
versions of Linus for almost every available type of computer hardware
from desktop machines to IBM mainframes. The inner workings of
Linux are open and available for anyone to examine and change
as long as they make their changes available to the public.
Various aspects of Linux and adaption of
Linux for a huge variety of purposes.
from servers to TV-recording

A free
version of the Unix operating system,
primarily composed of tools developed over a 15-year period
by Richard Stallman and Project GNU. However, the final spectacular
push was provided by Linus Torvalds who wrote a
kernel (complete in 1994), organized a
bunch of programmers Internet-wide,
and managed

Florenda Mae Florendo

Jhemalyn Penales

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