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Difference of Anxiety Speaking in English

Between Third Semester and Fifth Semester


Muhammad Bagas Anugrah (22001073005)

La’ichatul Masruroh (220010730220)
Rafly Rivaldo (22001073052)


Difference of Anxiety Speaking in English
Between Third Semester and Fifth Semester
Muhammad Bagas Anugrah 1 La’ichatul Masruroh 2 Rafly Rivaldo M.S 3(
Atik Umamah4(

English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas

Islam Malang, JL. M. T. Haryono No. 193 Malang, East Java 65145, Indonesia

Communication as a symbolic process in which people create meaning together. As an English
students, of course we have to communicate using English. but still discovered that students who are still
feeling anxiety. The study aim to find out the difference in the students speaking anxiety based an their
proficiency level. The researcher was about to discover how much anxiety there was between the third-
semester students and the fifth-semester students at a distance of just one year and whether there was a
significant or no significant difference. The population of the student in semester 3 and the student in
semester 5 role in this study they’re given a questionnaire where the result of the questionnaire will be
differentiated into two parts, which is the result of the average semester 3 and the average semester 5, the
result for the found the result that researchers are looking for, and it was found that the tendency of
anxiety speaks higher by third semester and the study found the dominant factor is anxiety due to a fear of
making a mistake
Keywords: Anxiety, Speaking, Indonesian EFL Studemt,


Lustig and Koester (1996:29) have defined communication as a symbolic process in which
people create meaning together. In this perspective, a symbol focus on the words we speak when
interacting with those around us and its purpose to convey some meaning, perception, feeling,
knowledge, skill and experience. They also say that “communication is interpreted in nature and
people actively strive to understand and govern their experience in the world. Supiatun (2012)
suggests the term “Communicative Competence) in contradistinction to Chomsky’s concept of
linguistic competence. The latter emphasized the ability of speakers to produce grammatically
correct sentences and the former include linguistic competence and socio-cultural dimensions.
Type of Speaking, Brown (2001:251) there are two types of spoken language: monologue and
The Monologue is one speaker uses spoken language without any interruption. For Example
Speeches, Lectures, Reading, and Broadcasting. And Dialogue is involves two or more speakers
with any interruption or responses and expression. For example Interview, Meeting, and Debate.
Factor influence speaking in students, most students are afraid or unsure of communicating in
English because of being afraid of making mistakes. Usually, students think being wrong in
speaking can be scolded by the teacher, ridiculed, or laughed at by their friends so students prefer
to be silent and sit passively. While others believe that English is very difficult so it can make
students much more anxious to speak in class. Ardhi (2016) stated that the most problems faced
by students to feel anxiety in learning speaking skills were limited vocabulary, inability to
pronounce words clearly and lack of speaking confidence, and fear of making mistakes when
speaking. In addition, students feel not confident and shy to express opinions and ideas because
they were afraid of making mistakes in pronouncing the words and have a lack of vocabulary.
Speaking ability, According to Wijarwardi (2008:18) Stated that speaking is a complex skill
requiring the simultaneous use of different ability which often develops at different rates. Are
generally five components in analyzing: that are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency,
and comprehension.
affective issue. It is the issue that can obstruct students‟ speaking performance which is
originated from inside the students related to their feelings, emotions, and belief. Thornbury also
(2005:25-26) stated that affective factors as the emotional side of human behavior can influence
speaking fluency. This topic is language anxiety. Students feel shy and nervous when they are
asked to speak in front of people since they get more grammatical language learning and reading
comprehension instead of doing speaking practices. As Katemba (2013) found that even students
who are coming from city and village schools feel shy and nervous when they are asked to speak
English in front of people.
The Next topic is the lack of self-confidence. Students believe that they have no
capability to acquire the language. Students don’t want to speak English since they believe that
their performance won’t be good. Juhana (2012) found that a lack of self-confidence is caused by
fear of making mistakes, feeling shy of being laughed, and getting bad scores. As a result,
students who have less self-confidence in speaking class will do few practices and it makes them
hard for expressing their feeling or idea using English. First, affective factor influences students‟
second language achievement, especially speaking skill. It means that as the emotional side of
human behaviour, affective factor influences students‟ attitude and participation during the
language learning process dealing with the speaking activity. Some studies showed that affective
factors could give influence students‟ speaking performance
Students frequently experience language anxiety, which is a regular occurrence. Students
generally struggle with learning languages. Huda & Ma’mun (2020) generally speaking, anxiety
can be characterized as a complicated idea that does not just depend on a person's level of self-
efficacy, and assessment of potential and perceived threats in some cases. When students must
develop an important talent for speaking in public. But sometimes people often hesitate to speak
in public because they can’t control their fear when speaking in front of others. According to
Peng (2014) as cited in (Liu, 2018), the anxiety that comes with learning a second or foreign
language is said to be triggered by the dread of speaking. While speaking English, some of them
even experience mental blocks (as cited in Liu, 2006). Anxiety over learning a foreign language
has long been studied. Researchers and academics discovered that worry has a crippling impact
on the process of learning a second language, which can negatively impact performance over
time and even prevent the growth of language proficiency.
Anxiety disorder is a mental disorder that causes excessive anxiety and fear. This makes
you not enthusiastic about daily activities, including hobbies that are commonly loved.
Furthermore, this anxiety will be intense over a long period of time. Often this fear makes the
sufferer quickly physically weak. WHO states that there are 301 million people with this mental
disorder in the world, of which 58 million people with anxiety disorder are children and
adolescents. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, anxiety disorders were
ranked 2nd out of the 10 most common diseases suffered by the Indonesian people from the
1990s to 2017.
The initial symptoms of anxiety disorder felt by the sufferer are feelings of nervousness
until the heart beats faster. Then, it is difficult for your body and mind to control emotions when
facing an object. That fear and worry can make you have a panic attack. here are the common
symptoms of anxiety disorder, Anxiety that is difficult to control, Restlessness and panic, Fatigue
but difficulty sleeping, Difficulty concentrating, Irritable and emotionally provoked, Aches and
pains in the body, Muscle tension, nausea, dry mouth, Hands and feet tingling and sweating. 
A study conducted by Yasti & Suswati (2016) investigated student Anxiety in Learning
Speaking find that the students’ anxiety is caused by the students themselves and the lecturer
who teaches the Speaking subjects. Young, An Investigation of Student’ Perspective on Anxiety
and Speaking (1990) the debiltating language anxiety can have a profound consequence on
language learning. P Tasee, Factor Affecting English Major Student Anxiety About Speaking
English (2009) Anxiety Feelings are considered to affect learners speaking and the degree of
speaking anxiety experienced by an English major. Ningsih, English Speaking Anxiety of The
Fourth Semester Student of Foreign Language Academy of Balikpapan (Politeknik Negeri, 2017)
The main concern of the study is how feeling anxiety has an adverse effect on Students' ability to
speak in the implementation of teaching and learning. Damanyanti and Listyani. An Analysis of
Student Speaking Anxiety in Academic Speaking Class (2020) About Anxiety when speaking or
having to speak English in the classroom, and found many students suffered from anxiety in
speaking. Tyana, Maulina and Setyobudi. Investigating Student Anxiety in Speaking English as a
Second Language (2021) The purpose of this study was to increase student confidence in
speaking English daily. Student lack confidence in speaking English because they know little
about vocabulary, are afraid of wrong pronunciation and are afraid of making the wrong word
From the previous statement that has been the problem of the research being studied to
know that at the distance from semester three to semester five, there is a very different difference
in anxiety. Especially in speaking, So the hope the purpose of this research study for the future
will be there a re-improvement in the development of English language students. Therefore, the
researcher conducted a study entitled "Difference of Anxiety Speaking in English Between Third
Semester and Fifth Semester". That focused on student anxiety levels and finding a solution to
reduce anxiety in students.
As we can see there are some problems with students' anxiety in speaking in English, so we can
conclude with some questions that we can examine to overcome the existing problems :
1. What is the English students’ level of anxiety in Speaking?
2. Is there any significant difference in the English students’ speaking anxiety based an their
proficiency levels?
Research Design
This research used a quantitative research approach it applied survey research to answer
research question about the level of students’ anxiety in reading and speaking, and causal-
comparative research design to answer research question about significant difference in the
English Students’ speaking anxiety based an their proficiency levels.

This study targeted a populations at Universitas Islam Malang, where focused for
Students’ of English Education put from students’ semester 3 and students’ in semester 5.
However, during the data collection process, there were 73 respondents, of which 34 respondents
from semester 3 and 39 student respondents from semester 5. For sampling techniques we use
the Cluster Sampling technique

To find out the different in the English students’ speaking anxiety based an their
proficiency levels. We adapted the questionnaire from utami fauziyah (2015) and the use of a
web-based survey (Google form) there are 20 questions that are translated into Indonesian so that
participants (students) can understand or have no difficulty in answering the questions given and
this questionnaire is valid by an English expert.

Data Collection
Data will be taken from the results of the participants answers in the Web-based (google
form) And the participants fill the questionnaire around 15 minutes. And the data collected for 2
weeks by maintaining the confidentiality of the participans information.

Data Analysis
Analysis data use software SPSS 15.0. In the process of analysis of the data researcher use
Descriptive Statistic process to establish the average result from questionnaire. After establishing
the average result of questionnaire. divide to be two part, the average for Students’ Semester 3rd
and average for students’ semester 5th, Researcher use T-test to Compare levels anxiety of
students’ semester 3rd and levels anxiety of students’ semester 5th.
The interpretation of the mean score was done using Oxford 1990 in Kurniasih at all 2022. The
frequency of different anxiety speaking is considered high if the mean score is between 3.45
and 5.00, moderate if it is between 2.45 and 3.44, and categorized low if it is between 1.00
and 2.44. There is significant difference in English students speaking anxiety based on their
proficiency levels, were analyzed using Independent sample T-test. To compare the different
anxiety speaking in English students between third and fifth semester across corelate
proficiency levels, this analyzed would show the differences among them. In addition, the
anxiety speaking between English students in third and fifth semester factors generally
because of fear and self-ability.

Research Finding
This chapter present and discusses the finding of the research.This research conducted to
search the differences of speaking anxiety in Third semester and Fifth semester. This research
was held at English Departement University of islam Malang.This research finding is answering
the problem statement the formulated before. In this chapter,we are present the answer to the
problem statement contained in this chapter.The problem statement is to know the differences
speaking anxiety in the Sophomore year and junior.This research involved 73 student form
English Departement from academic years 2020 and 2021.The result showed following the data.

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.Deviation

Semester 3 34 2.75 4.10 3.3750 .38832

Semester 5 39 2.50 4.75 3.2667 .42245

Source: SPSS 15.0 data processing results

Anxiety Level F Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal Variances .260

Assumed .009 .258

Equal Variances

Not assumed
Based on the result of this google form with participants,the following was the description of the
research questions:

What are the differences of anxiety in speaking English between third semester and fifth
To answer the first question, it can be explained in the table " Descriptive Statistics "
above it can be seen that the variable semester 5 and variable semester 3 have a minimum value
of 2,75, and the maximum value of the variable semester 5 has a maximum value of 4,75 with an
average score of 3.37, and for semester 3 it has a maximum value of 4,10 with an average score
of 3.26, As for the standard deviation between semester 3 and semester 5, it has a fairly wide
variation in grades.
According to the researcher’s observation, there is a result found after we inspect the
participant’s answers in the google form. The result of the questionnaire can help complete this
research. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the participants can be concluded that there is
no significant value in the level of anxiety between students in semester 3 and semester 5. In the
sense that students who are first or one year ahead of a year entering college have almost the
same level of anxiety as the relatively new students to college.

This section presents the discussion based on the findings of the study. In the previous
statement, the problem in the study was to find out whether there was a difference between
semester 3 and semester 5 in the anxiety of speaking English.
Anxiety disorders are mental disorders that cause excessive anxiety and fear. This makes
you not enthusiastic about daily activities, including hobbies that are commonly loved.
Furthermore, this anxiety will be intense over a long period of time. Often this fear makes the
sufferer quickly physically weak. WHO states that there are 301 million people with this mental
disorder in the world, of which 58 million people with anxiety disorders are children and
adolescents. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, anxiety disorders were
ranked 2nd out of the 10 most common diseases suffered by Indonesians from the 1990s to 2017.
The initial symptoms of anxiety disorders felt by the sufferer are feelings of nervousness
until the heart beats more quickly Then, it is difficult for your body and mind to control emotions
when facing an object
Based on the overall findings of the study above, the researcher found that students in the
third semesters and fifth semesters have almost the same level of anxiety and in the results
obtained from the questionnaire there are some students who have a high sense of anxiety have a
sense of fear in making a mistake in class, Damanyanti and Listyani. An Analysis of Student
Speaking Anxiety in Academic Speaking Class (2020) About Anxiety when speaking or having
to speak English in the classroom, and found many students suffered from anxiety in speaking.
Tyana and Setyobudi in Anxiety in Speaking English as a second language (2021) explained that
students lack confidence in speaking English because they do not know much about vocabulary,
are afraid of wrong pronunciation and are afraid to make the wrong word structure. Most studies
reveal that anxiety is the main negative predictor of students in speaking performance. the
studies above prove that speech anxiety is felt by third-semester and fifth-semester students at
the Islamic University of Malang with the same level of anxiety. We also found that the
dominant factor of students is the fear of making mistakes.

Based on the research and discussion above, the researcher found that students in the
third semesters and fifth semesters have almost the same level of anxiety and in the results
obtained from the questionnaire there are some students who have a high sense of anxiety have a
sense of fear in making a mistake in class,


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Adapted Questionnaire
We adapted the questionare from Utami Fauziyah (2015)

Bahasa Indonesia
1. Saya tidak merasa percaya diri ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas.
2. Saya tidak pernah khawatir membuat kesalahan saat berbicara atau menulis bahasa inggris
3. Saya gemetar ketika tahu nama saya akan dipanggil untuk berbicara bahasa inggris
4. Saya takut ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang dosen saya katakan menggunakan bahasa
5. Tidak masalah bagi saya untuk mengikuti berbagai kelas bahasa asing.
6. Di kelas , saya sering memikirkan hal lain yang tidak berkaitan dengan pelajaran.
7. Saya selalu berpikir kalau kemampuan bahasa Inggris teman di kelas lebih baik dari saya.
8. Saya biasanya tidak merasa kesulitan ketika mengerjakan ulangan bahasa Inggris.
9. Saya mulai panik ketika harus berbicara dikelas bahasa Inggris tanpa persiapan sebelumnya.
10.Saya khawatir dengan konsekuensi yang saya dapatkan jika saya mendapatkan nilai jelek .
11. Saya tidak mengerti kenapa sebagian orang tidak suka dengan bahasa Inggris.
12. Di kelas , saya bisa sangat gugup ketika saya lupa hal yang saya tahu sebelumnya.
13. Saya malu mengajukan diri untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari dosen bahasa Inggris.
14. Saya tidak akan gugup ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan native speakers (penutur asli
15. Saya kesal ketika saya tidak mengerti apa yang dosen saya maksud ketika mengajari saya.
16. Meskipun saya sudah menyiapkan semuanya dengan baik, saya tetap merasa cemas.
17. Saya sering berpikir untuk meninggalkan kelas.
18. Saya merasa percaya diri ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris di kelas maupun diluar kelas.
19. Saya takut apabila dosen saya siap mengoreksi setiap kesalahan yang saya buat.
20.Saya bisa merasakan jantung saya berdetak kencang ketika nama saya dipanggil untuk
menjelaskan materi dengan bahasa inggris

1. I do not feel confident when I speak English in class.
2. I never worry about making mistakes when speaking or writing English
3. I tremble when I know my name will be called to speak English
4. I am afraid when I do not understand what the lecturer is say using English.
5. It is not a problem for me to follow a variety of foreign language classes.
6. In class , I often think about things others that have nothing to do with the lesson.
7. I always think that language skills British friends in the class are better than me.
8. I do not usually find it difficult when do the English test paper.
9. I start to panic when it comes to talking in class English without prior preparation.
10.I am worried about the consequences that I get it if i get bad grades.
11. I do not understand why some people do not like the English language.
12. In class , I can be very nervous when I forgot the thing I knew before.
13. I am ashamed to volunteer to answer questions from English lecturers.
14. I will not be nervous when speaking a language English with native speakers.
15. I am upset when I do not understand what the lecturer is I mean when teaching me.
16. Although I have everything prepared with well, I feel anxious anyway.
17. I often think about leaving the classroom.
18. I feel confident when I speak a language english in the classroom as well as outside the
19. I am afraid that my lecturer will be ready to correct any mistakes I made.
20.I can feel my heart beating fast When my name is called to explain the material in English

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