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Colonies Comparison Chart Please use your reading notes and text to compare the American colonies by region: Southern, Middle, and New England. Southern Chesapeake TE New Eagnd Cotonies | Now Carona South | Virgina. Maryland” | NewYork New rey, | Nasachusews, Rhode Wand, Carlin, Georgia Pennayvenia Delaware | New Hampshire, Connecti eso oa eT SEES STE | — thw nie le — [The Nr aga co at ny | "AeBlaescetnem | "Stat ere | gcty‘escd om suteto | mcr Tee ty oumnty | iuagyTwasjowhe | ermne tee ret | Site'erecute oy | cote bt bce ore “aaa fein | oui cen rig hse | “yr a The bl tmubicwnimourtte wee |wtney route ria or fink rede. aaa a ger ea eae] — arama Sonadocoone [maaonriemmte [pnigemucaaetcme’ | donner mclerhony nner |e Seto |eecetee aoa” [eineeccaciaicpce | sient retiy popSermes ces [Ramee | errata, | Sele pene ey tate spree Ex Ecnsny thy ed | eeepc he may faced Engl ect eee Eee | eee eee ae cen tasyen | ere oncom | close wu yey dvs Alct | Foto whtogsnd pouing seonony | year ecewe tay [iegtrngecer iter | ranaeneuntchsimany | "nrc pan te New iSrcptatomiceane’ |scegananrapee™ | toes hada, |, eye moran. The No "Digan srcdsletemiuyig ee ytolced pon ofthe late. | wer produced ‘contributed othe economy-The | "trom West Atnea dung the SS cotati hepato and tana ala Paden mar pig pone grayed Secjagien‘izeseam | Caizicotarist | setgon rp theme | pray Partars fara Religion saeguntne sada Seana colonies, Pennsylvania was, ‘believed that they had to parity. Colonies Comparison Chart Please use your reading notes and text to compare the American colonies by region: Southern, Middle, and New England. ‘Quaker, even though he was ‘Qualer he encouraged people of a ith and eigions tree is colon ‘arid in the New England ‘colonies, “Siren war a ery para parol tock forthe southers Varghinvar tesla icky. en gh Farming was aig pan afore, orthe mde colonies The Tew England's worieny was very centered around reign since the society | “homer tgrlone raver | alvncponermerhelaty’ | majoryyof middle aercitzens. | Purtan religion war ery st The ‘mperametheroiare™ |aleudeweralthe | mae aving of farming Society | Yams werlarge At fjobe i ‘in the middle colonies grew ‘were based on fishing and boating sical pbor wa dane by | done ee ‘qully and wos Givers Since they weve nen Ube coast.” “Tere were orf dave nthe New England colonic whch payed Wisp nibs toceyin Ses thir economy Thema ia FST | aaa cars meen or —| Navas Roe nT and Government |srctare wt prvinead wach | VEO oles! | Rework ada propriety Connecticut were charter colonies. intharresecre | rcaen oer That cans et et Fever Growthe row = Tae SeiLR cart te Be ASegstate esrb The rota governos cold ‘eso my dretons mae ‘hewlett ‘ovormont there wore eneral asvemtes but rouncal governors Sppobtcd by the Boh ng could veto any ‘dedltons made by the (oneral ascombes Marans government wae ver sar excopt that governors were appobted by alert Propel who wes Someone who purenased the colon rom te Bish government Mayland ype ‘goverment was called Propriety, ppomted by lo proper: whieh ould roan decisions mae ye ln general secs New York ta prin yoverme ich overt except thatthe governs ‘terse by he Beit Ka warmade up of poten! gaia oinveret ru, have politcal organization made a charter that pected how power trould work befween the exacunve, judiciary and fegistaive branches of ‘the government Instead of the governors being appointed by one person thee colonies elected their ‘own. New Hampshire was provincial which means there wasa ‘general asembly but the governor Could veto any of their decisions. ‘This governor wns picked by the Bris King

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