ENP-00060 Rev06 Engineering Change Procedure140722

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Engineering Change Procedure



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Document Confidential Level: 1

Revision History
Revision Author Description of Change Date Issued
Create global document for change control, Replaces
E N P - 0 0 0 0 0 1 , F I B - Q P - 0 7 a n d E N P - 0
01 Vicky Carl individual facilities 2010-2-25
000001, FIB-QP-07 和 ENP-00045

02 Vicky Carl Add validation 2011-11-30

Add PCN link Requirements. Update responsibilities.

03 Vicky Carl 2013-02-05
Add IPQA audit at implementation

04 Vicky Carl Add time to complete per Ericsson audit finding 2013-02-13

Clarify use of MCO for mass changes. (DNV audit

05 Vicky Carl 2013-11-07
finding in Taiwan)

06 Becky Xu Change to SP standard system document template 2014-07-22

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Doc. No.: ENP-00060
Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014


1. Objective/目的......................................................................................................................4
2. Scope/适用范围....................................................................................................................4
3. Definition/定义......................................................................................................................4
4. Responsibility/职责.............................................................................................................4
5. Work Process/工作程序......................................................................................................6
6. Related Documents and Records/相关文件和记录....................................................13
7. Flow Charts/流程图...........................................................................................................13

1. Objective/目的

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Doc. No.: ENP-00060
Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014

The purpose of this document is to define the process for creating, approving and
i m p l e m e n t i n g c

2. Scope/适用范围

This document applies to all documentation relating to the design, manufacture,

test and inspection of Source Photonics products.

3. Definition/定义

ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知

LCO Lifecycle Change Order 生命周期变更指令
MCO Manufacturer Change Order 制造商变更指令
PCN Product Change Notice 产品变更通知

4. Responsibility/职责

Each approver is responsible for reviewing changes when assigned and carrying
out any tasks required to implement the changes


4.1 Originator is responsible for generating ECN with sufficient detail to enable others
to approve, selecting correct workflow criteria and attaching required validation


4.2 Change Analyst is responsible for checking that the above requirements are met.

Change Analyst检查是否符合上述要求。

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Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014

4.3 Material Control is responsible for setting effectivity dates, determining disposition
and carrying out any purges, etc required by the ECN.


4.4 Planning is responsible for determining impact on W

implementing changes in WIP and any updates required to Oracle system such
as yield.


4.5 PD Manager and XDL are responsible for verifying that the change is technically


4.6 QE is responsible for determining impact on quality of product and co-ordinating

implementation tasks.


4.7 SQE is responsible for determining any supplier issues that need to be addressed
and checking if parts have been properly qualified.


4.8 S o u r c i n g i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r c h e c k i n g i t e m s a g a i n s t k e y
ensuring suppliers of parts are in active status.


4.9 NPIE is responsible for determining and carrying out any test changes that may
be required by the ECN.


4.10 PE is responsible for any changes in manufacturing process required by the ECN.

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Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014


4.11 PLM i s responsi bl e for determi ni ng customer i mpact



4.12 Document Control is responsible for final release of ECN and

documents as needed.


5. Work Process/工作程序
All Changes to documents and parts are managed through the Agile PDM System.
Upon release all changes that affect parts and BOMS are automatically transferred into
the Oracle ERP System via SCMnet software.
对文件和器件的所有变更通过Agile PDM系统进行管理,发布后,所有对部件和BOM有
影响的更改就通过SCMnet软件自动转到Oracle ERP系统。
5.1 Change Classifications变更类型
There are multiple change types in Agile. Each serves a specific function.
5.2 Change Approvals变更审批
Approval routings are managed in Agile via workflows. Workflows are determined
b a s e d o n S o u r c e P h o t o n i c s i n t e r n a l r e q u i r e m e
ISO 和 TL9000要求为基础确定的。
C h a n g e s t o w o r k f l o w s c a n b e m a d e o n l y b y G l
Management or local DCC (Document Control) Manager.

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Version No.: 06
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Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014

工作流程只能由Global Product Information Management或local DCC manager进行

Minor changes such as change in personnel are made with the approval o
appropriate manager. Major changes such as adding or removing a functional approval
group are made only with the approval of management team.
For specified reviewers of LCOs, see LCM-000001.
For specified reviewers of other changes, see ENP-00063.
Below is the current workflow for production ECNS.
以下是目前production ECN的工作流程。

Change Analyst
Pending (PMG,Product Data Materials/Planning
Information Group)

PLM Released

Implemented (QE.IPQA)

5.3 ECN Process time/ECN流程时间

For standard ECNs the time from submission to release should be no longer than
10 days.
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Version No.: 06
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Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014


For emergency ECNs the time from submission to release should be no longer than
2 days.


Exceptions to standard processing time are acceptable only if t

pending customer approval.


Each reviewer must approve or reject ECNs within 2 days.


5.4 Customer Notification/Approval客户通知/审批

If it is determined by PLM (Product Line Management) that customer notification

and/or approval is required on an ECN or if design chan
commitments, PLM will send a PCN (Product Change Notice) to customer(s).


Changes that require customer approval will not be released until such approval is


There are required fields on ECNs that must be completed by PLM. The fields are
“PCN Required” and “PCN Number”. PLM shall not approve EC
approval (if required) is received.

ECN的“PCN Required” 和 “PCN Number”栏位必须由PLM完成。收到客户的批准


5.5 Traceability of Changes变更的可追溯性

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Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014

When changes are incorporated into products, the revision levels are updated by
the Agile system and transferred into the ERP system.


When Manufacturing Orders are released to build product, the curre

level appears on the printed MO. This revision level is programmed into final product,
enabling traceability of changes to the part.


For lower level parts and assemblies, the rev level will be marked on the parts by
the vendors when practicable


5.6 Validation of Changes 变更验证

Ma j or ch an g e s to d e sig n , man u fa ctu ri ng pro ce ss o r t est sp ecs re qu i re va li d at

testing. Test results must be attached to ECNs prior to submission.


5.7 Implementation Validation 实施验证

After ECNs are released, they move to implementation status. QE reviews E

requirements for implementation. Working with other teams, they ensure all tasks ar
performed, including scrapping of material, etc.


QE notifies IPQA of ECN implementation. IPQA audits ECN imple

production and notes the results of the audit on the ECN.

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Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014


QE determines what activities are required to implement the ECN and

those activities are carried out. QE then signs the ECN and
comments section what activities were performed and
performed. No ECN should be signed in implementation stage without comments. If no
implementation activities are required this should be stated.

注 释 一 栏 里 填 上 所 有 执 行 的 活 动 和 实 行 的 日 期 。 没 有 注 释 的 E C N一 律 不 予 通 过

IPQA audits the ECN implementation in production. IPQA MU

comments section exactly what they checked and the results of the check. If an ECN is
not implemented correctly, IPQA shall report results to QE for implementation follow-up.
After follow-up is complete IPQA shall re-audit and sign the ECN.


5.8 Deviations偏差

Deviations are short term changes to standard process. They

requirements defined in ENP-00059. Deviations to production products have the same
approval requirements as production ECNS. If needed custom
obtained prior to implementing deviations.


5.9 Emergency Changes紧急变更

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Doc. No.: ENP-00060
Version No.: 06
Engineering Change
Effective Date: Jul.22, 2014

Emergency Changes are defined as ECNs that must be processed in an extremely

short amount of time, usually due to production impact.


Details of Emergency Change Procedure may be found in ENP-00037 and ENP-



Emergency process may be used to implement certain changes

approval and formal release.


5.10 Mass Changes/批量变更

From time to time it is determined by management that mass changes need to be

made to many part n umb ers. The se chang es a re ge nerally done w ith MCO and on
DCC management is permitted to create these changes。


6. Related Documents and Records/相关文件和记录

6.1 Quality Manual/质量手册 SP-IMS
6.2 Deviation/偏差 ENP-00059
6.3 Updating Test Tables /测试表格的更新 ENP-00037
6.4 Label Creation and Release /标签的创建和发行 ENP-00053
6.5 Change Approval Matrix /变更审批矩阵 ENP-00063
6.6 Emergency Engineering Change Procedure /紧急工程变更 ENP-00064
6.7 TL 9000 Quality Management System Requirements Handbook/

7. Flow Charts/流程图

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