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Name: Apolinar Reysan D. Date: 2/25/2022

Instructor: MR. SHAWN AREVALO Year and Section: BSN1-A

“When one throws to me a Peach, I return to him a Plum”, Mozi’s concept means
that we should care for all people equally, regardless of their status or relationship to us.
His concept emphasizes universal love which became known as Mohism that nourishes
and sustains all life. Mozi believes that there is always reciprocity in our actions. By
treating others as we should be treated ourselves, we will receive similar treatment in
return. This ethical framework was beneficial and important for me because this serves
as a guide and basis in my everyday life.
Mozi’s concept helps to avoid conflicts and war, when the same principle is
practiced by everyone, it leads to a more harmonious and more productive society that
we need today. I strongly believe that this concept is important if you learn to have self-
respect then people will respect you in return. In our family, we don’t have any conflict
between our family members because we treat each other fairly and equally so that we
can prevent war. I also have a loving and supportive family which I also make good in
my studies in return for their kindness towards me and when one of my friends and
classmates asks for help it’s very hard for me to say no because they also help me
when I am down so there is always a reciprocity of our actions. I also respect elders and
people that I am not close with despite of their gender, religion, and status in life. I
believe that respect starts from oneself, you will never gain respect from other people if
you will not respect yourself. We should show them that we are deserving of the respect
that we demand.
In other words, in order to respect and be respected we should always open our
minds to the possibility of change. Let us offer each other the respect, love and care
that we all deserve to avoid any problems.

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