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(Assignment no “01”)

To: Dr Raz Muhammad.

From: Zia Ur Rahman.
Department of physics.
Class :Bs 4th (B).
AWKUM garden campus.

(1) Reversible and irreversible process with examples
(2) Thermodynamics process?
(a)isothermal process. (b)isobaric process. (c)isochoric process. (d) adiabatic
process. with their examples.
Reversible process:
The process can be turned back to such that both the system and the surroundings return to their original
states is called reversible process.

Examples of Reversible Processes:

a few examples of Reversible Processes:
 extension of springs
 slow adiabatic compression or expansion of gases
 electrolysis (with no resistance in the electrolyte)
 the frictionless motion of solids
 slow isothermal compression or expansion of gases

Irreversible Process:
 A process in which the system and the surroundings do not return to their original condition is called
irreversible process.

Take an example of an automobile engine that has travelled a distance with the aid of fuel equal to an
amount ‘x’. During the process, the fuel burns to provide energy to the engine, converting itself into smoke
and heat energy.

Examples of Irreversible Processes

A few examples of Irreversible Processes are:
 Relative motion with friction
 Throttling
 Heat transfer
 Diffusion
 Electricity flow through a resistance

Thermodynamic Processes:
.A thermodynamic process involves a change from one type of equilibrium microstate to another type of
system. The process can be interpreted by the initial and final states of the system.

(1) Isothermal process:

The thermodynamics process in which the whole temperature of a system remains the
same until the process is completed is called an isothermal process .

Isothermal Process Example:

Some common isothermal process examples are listed as:
1. When ice melts at a temperature of zero degree then whole ice melts but the temperature of
the system remains the same over the period of time, hence this is an example of an
isothermal process.
2. All the thermodynamic reactions which occur inside the refrigerator are isothermal
processes because the temperature of the refrigerator remains the same.
And, all such thermodynamic processes which are carried out at constant magnitude of
temperature will be considered as isothermal processes.

(2)Isobaric Process:
The term isobaric has been derived from the Greek words “iso” and “baros” meaning equal pressure. As
such, the constant pressure is obtained when the volume is expanded or contracted. This basically
neutralizes any pressure change due to the transfer of heat .

Isobaric Process Example:

An example of the isobaric process includes the boiling of water to steam or the freezing of water to ice.
In the process, a gas either expands or contracts to maintain constant pressure and hence the net
amount of work is done by the system or on the system

(3) Isochoric Process:
An isochoric process, (sometimes called isovolumetric or isometric process) is a thermodynamic
process that occurs at a constant volume. Because the volume doesn't change, the relationship
between pressure and temperature maintains a constant value

Isochoric Process Example:

A good example of an isochoric process is the ideal Otto cycle. In this, when the gasoline-air mixture is
burnt in a car’s engine there is an increase in the temperature and the pressure of the gas inside the
engine. Meanwhile, the volume of the gas remains exactly the same. also example include steam turbines
and automotive engines

(4) Adiabatic Process:

The thermodynamic process in which there is no exchange of heat from the system to its surrounding
neither during expansion nor during compression.

The adiabatic process can be either reversible or irreversible.  Following are the essential conditions for
the adiabatic process to take place:
 The system must be perfectly insulated from the surrounding.
 The process must be carried out quickly so that there is a sufficient amount of time for heat
transfer to take place.

Adiabatic Process Example:

There are several instances, some are stated below:
 It is a process where there is a gas compression and heat is generated. One of the simplest
examples would be the release of air from a pneumatic tire.
 Adiabatic Efficiency is applied to devices such as nozzles, compressors, and turbines. One of the
good applications of the adiabatic process.
 The pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane is an example of it.
 A quantum harmonic oscillator is also an example of an adiabatic system.
 When we put the ice into the icebox, no heat goes out and no heat comes in.

The end

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