Відпрацювання 27

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Відпрацювання 27.03.

Activity 5. Taking Control of Tests (Prof. Michael Geisen, Lecture 11)
1.Transcribe the following words. Do you remember how they are used in the lecture?
You also have to meet often enough to start to find a rhythm and build some
camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/ товариський дух
Groups got to be disciplined /ˈdɪsəplɪnd/ and focused about what you are doing.
Cramming doesn’t work. Your long-term retention утримання of that material is
approximately zero. Spread out your study periods for at least a week before the exam.
Know the test format- /ˈfɔːmæt/ is it multiple choice, short answer, essay, performance
If you struggle with test anxiety, I’d highly recommend practicing answering questions
at your actual test conditions.
Mixing up questions works really well. Just like athletes often in 1 practice will do
straight training a little bit endurance /ɪnˈdjʊərəns/ витривалість, some drills. Practice
in a bunch of different ways.

2. Listen out for the words/phrasal verbs that have the following meaning. Use them in
your sentences.
1. (AmEngl, infl) to do very well in an examination, a piece of written work etc. TO ACE
Being overwhelmed I managed to calm down and ace the test.
2. a belief in the moral value and importance of work TO WORK ETHIC
You need to poses a good work ethic to reach higher results.
3. to spend time or use energy working or practising sth TO PUT IN
To master something, you should put in hours of practicing as well as learning.
4. (AmEngl) to look at sb/sth to see what they are like TO SCOPE OUT
Before you start this project, devote some time to scope out some material and
5. (infl) to immediately start dealing with the most important part of sth TO CUT TO
To complete this task successfully learn how to cut to the chase with self-confidence.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. How do tests/exams make you feel?
As an ordinary student, tests/exams can make me feel a variety of emotions, including
nervousness, anxiety, pressure, and stress.
2. What do tests measure?
Tests generally measure a student's knowledge, understanding, and ability to retrieve
info quickly. This mainly includes recalling information.
3. What stages do we go through when we take tests?
During preparation, students study and review material, identify key concepts and
areas of weakness, and develop a study plan. During execution, students take the test,
manage their time, and demonstrate their knowledge and skills. During reflection,
students evaluate their performance, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their
study strategies for future tests.
4. What should students do in the days before the test?
In the days before a test, students should review their notes and study materials,
identify key concepts and areas of weakness, practice recalling information, and
manage their time effectively. It is also important to get enough sleep, eat well, and
stay hydrated to maintain focus and concentration.
5. What study strategies and study techniques help you take tests with confidence?
Effective study strategies for taking tests with confidence include creating study stuff
such as flashcards, summarizing notes, practicing past exams and taking frequent
breaks to avoid burnout. Additionally, it can be helpful to study with peers or friends in
order to feel motivated and gain needed support.
6. What tips come in handy on the actual day of the test?
On the actual day of the test, students should arrive early, ensure they have all
necessary materials, manage their time effectively, and remain focused and calm. It can
also be helpful to take deep breaths or engage in some techniques to reduce anxiety.
7. How should students plan their time during essays?
During essays, students should plan their time carefully to have enough time to
brainstorm, outline, and write a coherent essay. It is also important to carefully
proofread and analyze the essay, use evidence to support arguments, and use proper
grammar and vocabulary.
8. Can you complete Albert Einstein's quote: “Not everything that counts can be
measured and ….........”? What do you make of it?
Not everything that counts can be measured and not everything that can be measured
This is a famous quote by Albert Einstein which means that there are some important
things in life that cannot be quantified or measured by numbers, such as love,
happiness, or personal fulfillment. On the other hand, some things can be easily
measured, but they may not be as important as we think they are. For instance, success
or wealth can be measured by money or material possessions, but they may not
necessarily lead to true happiness or fulfillment in life.

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