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{TECH/EE/ODD SEM/SEM-7/EE-702/2016-17 TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : EE-702 UTILIZATION OF ELECTRIC POWER ym Allotted 3 Hours ull Marks : 70 “The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their on words es far as practeable {Multiple Choice Type Questions ) Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following 10. The filament of GLS 1s made of 3) Tungsten b) Copper 6) Carbon 2) Alurimnum i) The average working Ife of a fuorescent lamp 1s a) 1000 hrs b) 4000 hes ©) 3000 hes 8) 5000 hes es/B-TECH/RE/ODD iy Py 7170108 Electric traction in comparison to other tract system has the advantages of 1) higher acceleration and braking eetardanon b) cleanest system ideally su underground and tube rascay 9) better speed control 4) all ofthese When the speed of the train is estimated taking addition to the actual running time between stops is known as fa} average speed b}_ schedule speed €} notching speed €)_free running speed In underground traction system, the supply system a) S00V-1000V DE b}_-2SKV, SOM” AC ©) 25KV,25Hz AC) one of these 2 vin Eo 7/70108 (CS/B TECH/EE/ODD SEM/SEM-1/EE-702/2016-17 Radiant heat is used for 2) melting of ferrous by annealing of metals 1 drying of points and metal 4) allot these. Non-condueting materials are heated by a) Eddy current heating by Are heating 8) Induction heating 4) Dielectric heating During plugging the dissipated energy comes from fa) the supply 1) the rotating (moving) masses ©) both fa) and () 6) none of these Steel rails are welded by 1) argon are welding —b) gas welding ©) resistance welding 4) none of these. 3 {Tum over (¢S/B.TECH/EE/ODD SEM/SEM-7/EE-702/2016-17 770108 Voltage current characteristics of the supply for a) dropping by Hsing steady A none of these Colour of tight depends on 4a) frequency by wavelenest 1@) both frequency and wavelength 8) speed of ight Hysteresis and Eddy current heating are used in 1) resistance heating Db) dielectric heating 6) induction heating of steet 4) induction heating of brass. ¢S/8.TECH/£E/ODD SEM/SEN-T/ER.702/2016-17 (€5/18 TECH/£E/ODD SEM, SeN.7/£E.702/2016.17 cRovP-B. Db) Estimate the number and wattage of lamps which (Short Answer Type Questions | Ficanpenapinnpe trop tainting would be required to illuminate a workshop space 2, State the advantages of electric heating (60 m x 15m by means of lamps mounted 5 m above the working plane. The average ‘What is stroboscopic effect ? What is its harmful effect, in case of rotating machines ? How is it avoided ? illumination required is about 100 lux, caelicient of utilization 0.4, luminous efficacy 16 lumens Jon of the following with cirewit 4. Explain the oper ao per watt. Assume a space height ratio of unity a) LP sodium vapour lamp land candle power depreciation of 20% 7B b) HP mercury vapour lamp 8. 2} Define the term “Coefficient of adhesion’ and 5. What is tractive effort ? Explain the component for the ‘explain the factors on which it depends tractive efor, b) The distance between two stations is 16 km and the average speed of the train 18 40 kmph. The 6. Explain “tree running’, “coasting and braking” sith eee e acceler jon, retardation during coasting and reference t the electric traction system a braking are 2 km/h/s, 0.16 km/h/s and 3.2 lem/h/s respectively. Assume quadrilateral ‘Angwer any three of the following, 9 18 = 45 approximation of the speed:time curve. Determine Seca peer ge eee ue naeesele ait the duration of accelerating, coasting and braking do you mean period and the distance covered during this by MS.CPand M1H.C.P? How do you find MSCP period. +9 and MHCP from polar curve ? 770108 5 {tur over r/70108 ‘ oa » 10 a >» a 770108 (68/8 TECH /£&/O00 SeM/SEM-7/#E.702/ 2019-17 What do you mean by dielectric heating and dielectric loss ? having relative permittivity 4 and p.£ 0.04 is 10 be heated using dicleeic heating, The power required is 200 watts at a frequency of 30MM Determine the voltage required and the eurzent that wil Now through the material. I the voltage were to be limited to 600V, what should be the equency for the same power requirement 7 6 #9 Describe the working principle of direct core type Induction furnace. What are the advantages in ‘Ajex Wyatt induction furnace, Describe the advantages of coreless wpe Induction furnace over core type A low frequency induction furnace, whose secondary voltage is maintained constant at 10 volts, takes 400 KW at 0.6 pf when the hearth is full, Assuming the resistance of the secondary circuit to vary inversely asthe height of charge and reactance to retain constant, find the height up to which hearth should be filed 10 orate obtain maximum heat 7 [Turn over 11. Write short notes on any thro of the following fa) nergy efficient lamp by Laser welding, ©) Application of ditectrie heating dd) Anodizing and its application Current collector 7/7010 *

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