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Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time
is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say
that there are more important environmental problems.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Protection of biodiversity is one of many difficult questions we need
to resolve in 21st century. However, I strongly believe that there are
many other environmental problems which are worth paying attention
to. I suppose that exactly these issues leads to loss of particular species
and I want to discuss this in my essay.
In my opinion, pollution is a major issue today. It affects main
aspects of life: air and water. According to world statistics 90% of
humanity breathes polluted air and drink polluted water and swim in
polluted ocean. Extinction of particular species is a consequences of
polluted areas which are not conductive for life, all living creatures die
there. Generally, pollution leads to global warming. Ecological issues
I mentioned above threatens the survival of millions of people, plants
and animals by causing natural disasters like droughts, fires and
floods. This means we need to take measures to mitigate its effects
and adapt to its consequences.
I have to admit that loss of particular species of plants and animals
becoming increasingly frequent and more extreme. Because of
deforestation we have already lost 8% of known animal and plants and
22% are at risk of extinction. Today, the world community is making
every possible effort, creating protected areas, natural reserves, zoos
in order to prevent the extinction of rare animals and plants in every
possible way to put an end to these threats and conserve our natural
I would like to sum up world community should focus on related
problems such as pollution and global climate changes, because, like I
mentioned above, they are leads to the loss of particular species of
plants and animals. World community has called for conclusive
actions to prevent major issues to conserve our natural heritage.
293 words

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