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Dear Teacher :

I am a survivor of war.
My eyes saw what no man should see
Gas chambers built by learned engineers; Children poisoned by educated physicians;Infants
killed by trained nurses; woman and babies shot and burned by highschool and college graduates.
My request is : Help your students BECOME HUMAN.
Your efforts MUST NEVER PRODUCE LEARNED MONSTERS and skilled Psychopaths

Reading. Writing and arithmetic are important ONLY if they serve to make our children MORE HUMAN

Teaching may not be a lucrative position. It cannot guarantee financial security. It even means
investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes it means disappointments,
heartaches, and pains. But touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give
you joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments I teach for. These are
the moments I live for.
Dr. J.Biyo

Teaching: Mission and/or Job?

If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job;
If you are doing it only for the pay but also for service,
it’s a mission.
If you quit because your boss is colleague criticized you,
it’s a job;
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission.
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it’s a job.
If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities,
it’s a mission.
If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do,
it’s a job.
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your effort, it’s a mission.
It’s hard to get excited about a teaching job;
It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.
If our concern is success, it’s a job;
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, It’s a mission
An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job;
A great school is filled with teachers involved in
a mission of teaching.


Write your answers for items 1,2 and 4 in you notebook and memorize your answer for number 3.

1. Compare Teaching as a vocation/ mission/profession to something by completing this statement:

2. With the qualities of a professional in mind, write other Filipino traits that work against the making
of a true Filipino Professional. Propose some remedial measures.
3. Once more, read the letter to the teacher then state the mission of a professional teacher.
4.. Research on the other elements of a profession. Does the teaching profession fulfill all the

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