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20230127 答疑练习 (2-2&3-1&4-1 汇总版) 姓名:_________

八上 U1-U2
1. We took quite a few________ (photo) there.(赵柏雅)
2. A: Where did Tina go on vacation?
B: She________ (go) to the mountains.(孙可恕)
3. There ________ a concert by Jay Chou in the Beijing Concert Hall next month. (陶数)
4. I arrived in Penang ________ Malaysia this morning. (殷石丁丁)
5. -Did you do ________ fun on you vacation? -Yes, I did. I ________ camping with my sister. (彭家麒)
6. My sister and I tried paragliding, I ________ (feel) like I was a bird.(张宸阁)
1. American Teenager magazine ________(ask) Monica ________ her free time activities.(赵柏雅;殷石丁丁)
2. A: How often do you exercise?
B: I exercise________ ________ (每天) because I really enjoy exercising.(孙可恕)
3. - Your friend will come to our house tomorrow. -What ________ ________ (好消息) it is! (陶数)
4. ________ many students like to watch sports programs, game shows are still the most popular TV program. (彭家
5. Hamburgers have so much energy, so I don’t like it. I ________ (几乎不) eat it.(张宸阁)
6. He likes writing articles because he wants to be a ________.(叶耀锴)

1. He often________(help) to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ me (使我展现出最好的一面). (李
2. This song sounds ________. (张浥宁)
A. beauty B. beautifully C. to beauty D. beautiful
3. She’s different from me.(同义句转换)
She’s not ________ ________ ________ me. (李秉昕)
4. -Who did you think sings better? -I think Lisa sang ________ Nelly. (尹景程)
A. the best than B. better than C. better D. good as
5. It’s not ________ (必要的) to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite ________ ________ (不同于) me.(刘一
6. I think friends are like books — you don’t need a lot of them, ________ ________ ________ (只要) they’re good.
7. Molly studies ________ than Lisa.(郭思涵)
A. harder B. hardly C. hard D. the hardest
1. They usually________ ________ ________(发挥作用) in ________ (decide) the winner.(李荻宏)
2. Shanghai is bigger than ________city in China. (张浥宁)
A. any other B. the other C. any D. all the
3. ________ like sports and are outgoing.(刘子杨)
A. Both of them B. Both they C. They are both D. They both are
4. 你目前感觉它怎么样? (翻译句子)
How ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ? (李秉昕)
5. That’s ________ ________ ________ (由你做主;取决于你).(刘一诺)
6. Some think that the lives of the performers are ________ ________ (编造). For example , some people say they are
poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors.(邵一元)

1. Friends (老友记) is my favorite ________(情景喜剧) because it is so fun. (王亦鋆)
2. She dresses up like a boy and ________ her father’s place to fight in the army.(李家熠)
A. becomes B. comes to C. takes D. stands
3. This cartoon ________ ________ (出版,发行) in New York on November 18, 1928.(王欣悦)
4. However, he was ________ ________ ________ ________ his ________ (总是准备好去尽其所能). People went
to the cinema to see the “little man ” win.(杜曼竹)
5. One of the main ________ is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face ________ danger.
reason; some B. reasons; some C. reason; any D. reasons; any
6. - What do you think of talk shows? - I ________ ________(不介意)them. (邢家玮)
1. -Why you studying how to use computer so hard? -Because I want to be a ________ ________(程
2. Some people might say they are going to ________ ________ (培养;养成) a hobby like painting or taking photos.
3. Many resolutions ________ ________ ________ ________ (与…有关) self-improvement.(王欣悦)
4. It’s 9:00 am and Zhu Hui’s family are at home. His mom and aunt ________ _______ (make) zongzi.(郑文东)
5. Just ________ ________(确保)that you try your best. (邢家玮)
6. -What are you going to do next year? -I’m going to take ________ classes. I really love music.(单奕萱)
A. football B. guitar C. math D. dance
7. Lily wants to be a/an ________, because she loves movies.(沈婉怡)
A. engineer B. actor C. actress D. dancer

1. Emily should ________ ________ ________ ________ (在…中发挥作用) the team works of ________(protect) the
safe of animals. (王诗惠)
2. People should keep the ________ (和平) between countries. (宋昀泽)
3. 有些机器人可以帮忙制造汽车,它们一遍又一遍地做简单的工作。 (雷晨鹭;芈家棋)
Some robots can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs ________ ________ ________ ________.
4. If buildings ________ ________ (跌倒)with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the
5.- Will people use money in 100 years? -No, ________ ________. (张睿坤)
6.未来会是什么样? What ________ the future ________ ________?(夏维萱;李嘉祺)
7. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are ________ (无聊), but robots will never get _______
(无聊). (王羽菲)
1. 火鸡里面装满了捣烂的肉汁。 The turkey ________ ________(fill) with ________ ________.(王诗惠)
2. How ________ bananas do we need? How________ bread do we need?(宋泽磊;雷晨鹭;李嘉祺;孙靖雯;张
3. 这里有相当多的鸟。There are ________ ________ ________birds here. (吴至轩)
4. I’m sorry. There is ________ juice in the bottle. Do you want some coffee?(宋昀泽)
A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
5. What kind of _________(noodle) would you like? (王柳莎)

1. She often goes ________ work________ eight o’clock ________ the morning. (赵昕漪)
2. - Can you come to my party on Saturday? - ________. But I have to study for a math test. (王葭而)
A. I’d love to B. I’m afraid I can’t C. You’re welcome D. I’ll be right there
3. - Let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday! - I’d love to, but I’m not ________. (任祖辰)
A. glad B. surprised C. comfortable D. available
4. Lucy had to leave last week. (改为一般疑问句)
_________ Lucy________ ________ leave last week? (付晨伊)
5. We plan to buy a new machine to ________(打印) photos. (张幽悠)

1. _________ you take the bus, you’ll be late. (赵昕漪)
A. Although B. For C. If D. Because
2. I _________ to the school tomorrow. (王葭而)
3. In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really________(理解的;善解人意的).(任祖辰;张幽悠)
4. He often _________ _________ (闲逛) on the street. (杨奕程)
答案:hangs out
5. Sharing a problem is like _________ _________ _________ _________(把它切成两半).

八下 U1-U2
1. - What’s the matter with you? - Last night, I got a ________ (胃痛,腹痛). (回瑾瑶)
2. Aron 讲述了做出正确决定的重要性,以及掌控自己生活的重要性。
Aron tells ________ the importance ________ making good decisions, and ________ being in control ________
one’s life. (王勉兮)
3. The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping, ________(stop) the bus without ________ ________(再三思索). (梅馨月)
4. When they went in, they________(see) some children________(play) happily in the garden. (陈若玉)
5. But when his water ________ ________(用尽;耗尽), he knew that he would have to do something to ________ (拯救)
his own life. (李笑楠)
6. 但出乎他的意料,他们都同意跟他一起去 (王笑颜)
But ________ ________ ________, they all agree to go with him
7. She ________ ________ ________ (说的太多) yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. She has a very ________
________ (嗓子疼) now. (罗敏祺)
1. Our class is trying to ________ ________ ________ (想出) some ideas to ________ ________ ________ (使振
作;激励) sick children.(王勉兮;王笑颜)
2. The old woman lives ________, but she doesn’t feel ________. (成昱萱)
A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely
3. I can do what I love to do and help others ________ ________ ________ ________(在此同时).(梅馨月)
4. She could read ________ ________(自己;独自) at the age of four. (陈若玉)
5. I get such a strong feeling of ________(满足) when I see the pets and the look of joy on their owners’ faces. (李笑楠)
6. Last year, she ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (决定参加选拔) a volunteer in the after-school
reading program. (罗敏祺)

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