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中⽂构词: 视觉
英语构词: 听觉

① subject

• the education is subject to groundless doubts (英语⼀

• a greater emphasis on theoretical subjects (英语⼀

• subjects chose a falsely attering image (英语⼆

• the homework is appropriate to their age and the subject (英语⼆)


② decline

• the fashion industry would decline (英语⼀

• high GDP foreshadows an economic decline (英语⼀

• the decline of middle-class incomes (英语⼆

• outside directors will decline incentives from the rm (英语⼆)



③ perform

• top performers used to cling to their posts (英语⼀

• recordings are no substitute for live performance (英语⼀

• the students performed well on the tests (英语⼆

• the price and performance of technology (英语⼆)


④ that

1. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape (英语⼀

2. the program in Indonesia is valuable in that (英语⼀

3. factories shed workers so fast that…(英语⼆

4. I was that scared (考研作⽂)


⑤ on

1. opposing views on the problem (英语⼀

2. her conservative view on astronomy (英语⼀

3. Ms. Simmons sat on the committee (英语⼆

4. going off to college on the G. I. Bill (英语⼆)


⑥ respect

1. owing to their undoubted and respectable status (英语⼀

2. respected public gure (英语⼀

3. in limited respects (英语⼆

4. 69% and 31% respectively (考研作⽂)


⑦ follow

1. Supreme Court followed California’s advice (英语⼀

2. follows improved productivity (英语⼀

3. America should follow (英语⼀

4. outside directors will follow the example of Ms. Simmons (英语⼆)


⑧ against

1. against the risk of unemployment (英语⼀

2. Fors and Againsts of DNA Testing (英语⼀

3. the race against machine (英语⼆

4. struggle against each other (英语⼆)


⑨ but

1. a non-controversial but respected public gure. (英语⼀) 递进

2. not only the fact but the terms (英语⼀) 平⾏

3. the whirlwind harmed everybody, but much of the damage (英语⼆) 递进

4. Not the 20% pro t, but pro t all the same (英语⼆) 转折
⑩ last

1. Cline argues that lasting change can only be effected by customers (英语⼀)

2. produce a long-lasting social effect (英语⼀

3. Hooray! At last (英语⼀)

4. in the last decade or so (英语⼀)

⑪ critical

1. Critical (英语⼀)

2. scienti c work calls for a critical mind (英语⼀

3. the rst few critical years (英语⼆)

4. critical assessment (英语⼆)


⑫ care

1. top performers care more about reputations (英语⼀)

2. It’s the hardest thing to take care of a teenager (英语⼀

3. voluntary part-time relates to Obamacare (英语⼆)

4. home health-care aides (英语⼆)

⑬ cause

1. cause more harm than good (英语⼀)

2. donate to the good causes it helps (英语⼀

3. a cause of undesirable behaviors (英语⼀

4. the cause of the lack of focus time (英语⼆)

⑭ adopt

1. adopt an optimistic view of the world (英语⼀)

2. adopting a new rate-increase mechanism (英语⼀

3. track down kids put up for adoption (英语⼀

4. adopt an average lifestyle (英语⼆)


⑮ fall

1. the importance of education has fallen victim of bias (英语⼀)

2. falling outside the boundaries (英语⼀

3. the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate (英语⼆

4. everyone you know is going to college in the fall (英语⼆)


⑯ found / find

1. Vanity has more often been found in idealists (英语⼀) 发现

2. the founders of the new award. (英语⼀) 建⽴

3. more journalists may be found guilty (英语⼀) 判决

4. the ndings hold true for both those with children and without (英语⼆) 结论
⑰ share

1. in response to shareholder pressure (英语⼀)

2. credibility process requires shared efforts (英语⼀

3. on Facebook, people can share only the most attering photos (英语⼆

4. They shared some characteristics of abstract art (英语⼆)


⑱ counter

1. over-the-counter (英语⼀)

2. a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem (英语⼀

3. Compared with American counterparts, Japanese newspapers (英语⼆

4. quotas run counter to my belief (英语⼆)

⑲ use

1. underused PreCheck lanes (英语⼀)

2. top performers used to cling to their posts (英语⼀

3. Being average just won’t earn you what it used to (英语⼆

4. it is easy for children to get used to blank expressions (英语⼆)

⑳ account

1. John Dane left an account of his reasons (英语⼀)

2. executives should not be accountable for what happens (英语⼀

3. it should account for a signi cant portion (英语⼆

4. took far too little account of the patients (英语⼀

5. The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd

㉑ charge

1. if Peretti were in charge at the Times (英语⼀)

2. is there any charge left in the batter

3. Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the charge (英语⼀

4. Delivery is free of charge


㉒ paper

1. the authors of the paper are from different universities (英语⼆)

2. Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages (英语⼀

3. Many papers stayed a oat by pushing journalists overboard (英语⼆

4. marking exam papers


㉓ critic

1. Her critique of the lameness of many public-health campaigns (英语⼀)

2. some observers are skeptical…critics also argue (英语⼀

3. Alex Ross, a classical-music critic (英语⼀)

㉔ approach

1. A Faulty Approach to Homework (英语⼆)

2. an approach can close 63 percent of the achievement gap (英语⼆

3. To take this approach to the New Englanders (英语⼀

4. to approach challenges in four primary ways (英语⼀)

㉕ line

1. across generational lines (英语⼆

2. the rst line he saw would settle his fate (英语⼀

3. Getting Stuck in Security Lines (英语⼀

4. lining up at the marriage bureaus (英语⼆

5. the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line (英语⼀

6. the nish line of a ful lling life (英语⼆)


① down

• terrorists may have downed Flight 804 (英语⼀

• kings undoubtedly have a downside (英语⼀

• during economic downturns (英语⼆

• goose down comforter


② credit

• be given credit for achievements (英语⼀

• it can be costly to make up credits (英语⼆

• earned income tax credit (英语⼀

• Madame Curie was credited with the discovery of Ra


③ address

• to address the misuse of body ideals (英语⼀

• the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions (英语⼆)

④ screen

• Less Screening for More Safety (英语⼀)

• Science Joins Push to Screen Statistics in Papers (英语⼀

• female job screeners are more likely to reject female applicants (英语⼆)

• a child isn’t learning from the screen (英语⼆)

⑤ novel

• Novelty as an Engine of Scienti c Development. (英语⼀)

• novel applications of the Constitution’s protections (英语⼀)


⑥ interest

• interest groups exert self-interested pressure on the USPS (英语⼀)

• postal special-interest groups seem to have killed it (英语⼀

• Interest rates have risen by 1%

⑦ writing

• the writing is on the wall for all European royals (英语⼀)

• were famous in the New World for their writings (英语⼀)

⑧ house

• compete not only with opera houses (英语⼀)

• a vast storehouse of digital information (英语⼀

• news from the White House to be through other source (英语⼀

• Legislation is moving through the House (英语⼀)

⑨ body

• an emerging body of research (英语⼀)

• the rigid bodies governing the profession. (英语⼀)

⑩ upset

• upset the old assumptions (英语⼀)

• upset all our arrangements.

⑪ keep

• keep one's word (考研写作)

• keep their outside directors through tough times (英语⼆

• keeping sensitive information on these devices (英语⼀)

⑫ employ

• we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies (英语⼆)

• he employed metal and glass (英语⼆)

⑬ train

• jump our trains of thought onto new tracks. (英语⼀)

• follow purely abstract train of thought (英语⼀)

⑭ mix

• a healthier mix of revenues from readers and advertisers (英语⼆) (配⽐

• a variety of national polls have shown mixed results (英语⼆) (良莠不⻬)

⑮ leave

• perhaps the recession will leave society better off. (英语⼆

• leave no room for “individual initiative (英语⼆

• This leaves law-school graduates with $100,000 of debt (英语⼀)

• left few formal records for later reference (英语⼀)


⑯ average

• today, average is of cially over (英语⼆) 差不多先⽣

• different types of access for average people and the wealthy. (英语⼀)
⑰ impressive / excellent

• an impressive variety of interesting compositions (英语⼀)

• The early settlers are of impressive education and in uence (英语⼀

• we have an excellent chance of surviving (英语⼀)


⑱ take

• takes republicans as his potential allies (英语⼀)

• consumers may take CSR spending as a "signal" (英语⼀

• the construction of education system takes efforts of generations (英语⼀

• it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance (英语⼀)

⑲ sense

• phones are used to store sensitive information (英语⼀

• reliable snap reactions are based on sensible explanation (英语⼆

• it was a time of common sense that less could truly be more (英语⼆)

• it does make sense (英语⼆)

⑳ alone

• in the London area alone (英语⼀

• This alone demonstrates that the TV business is not easy (英语⼀)


㉑ ocean

• Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research (英语⼆

• she wept an ocean of tears

㉒ reflect

• Not choice, but habit rules the unre ecting herd (英语⼀

• leaving without a position lined up gave him time to re ect (英语⼀)


㉓ meet

• having a very hard time making ends meet (英语⼆) 相互连接

• immigration system should be adapted to meet challenges (英语⼀) 应对

• The jobseekers’ allowance has met their actual needs (英语⼀) 满⾜

• does not meet a government-de ned index of body mass (英语⼀) 达到

㉔ very

• the very phrase “jobseeker’s allowance” (英语⼀

• this very dif culty may have had the compensating advantage (英语⼀)

㉕ do / does / did

• it does look as if a fairer world must be temporarily ordered (英语⼆

• I do believe that (考研写作

• The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise (英语⼆)


1. u 14.for
2. di 15.pr
3. i 16.inter
4. les 17.c
5. d 18.un
6. unde 19.aut
7. ove 20.mo
8. r 21.vi
9. ex 22.spec
10.o 23.jec
11.is 24.lo
12.es 25.viv

① un=no

• uncertain 不确定 have no idea

• uneasy 不容易?不安!《让⼦弹⻜》鸿⻔宴、剑拔弩张 take it easy

• unusual 罕⻅ uncommon

• unfold 不折叠=打开

• unemployment 失业

• uninstall 卸载

• unlike 区分dislike

• unprecedented ⽆法往前找=史⽆前例
② dis=no

• disable 丧失能⼒ the disabled 残障⼈⼠

• disclose = unfold
• discount 往下数数=100、50、90、60、80 成交!折扣
• discourage 没有勇⽓=劝阻;使灰⼼
• discover 第⼀次发现
• disengage 不参与=脱离
• dishonour 丧失荣誉=耻辱;违背
• disorder 混乱 in order
• disposable 不可回收=⼀次性
③ in=no
• inability ⽆能 (客观/物) unable ⽆法 (客观/⼈) disable 残障
• inactive 不活跃 inactive volcano 死⽕⼭
• incapable=inability=unable
• ineligible 不符合资格
• incomplete 残缺的
• incredible 没有信⽤;难以置信
• independent 不依赖=独⽴
• indirect 间接的
• individual 不分开=独⽴个体
• in nite ⽆限=英菲尼迪
• invisible ⽆形

④ less=no

• homeless ⽆家可归
• careless 粗⼼⼤意
• fearless ⽆惧
• reckless 不顾虑、不关⼼=不计后果
• nameless ⽆名;佚名
• groundless 毫⽆根据
• endless ⽆休⽆⽌
• hairless 秃
• childless ⽆⼦⼥
⑤ de=no

• decline cline=转、弯;婉拒;下降;衰退
• descend scend=爬、上升=下降 ascend=上升
• debug 排除故障
• deforest 砍伐树林
• delay 往后放=延迟
• depart 离开
• depression 向下压=抑郁
• deception cept=拿、握=拿⾛=欺骗;accept=接受
• degrade 贬低
• detail tail切=向下切⼩块=细节;tailor
⑥ under=下⾯;不充分
• undercover 秘密的;卧底的
• underdeveloped ⽋发达的
• underemploy 不充分就业;⼤材⼩⽤;杀鸡焉⽤⽜⼑
• underestimate 低估
• underrate 低估
• undergo 在底下⾛=经受=experience
• undergraduate 没有毕业=本科⽣
• underline 在底下画线=强调
• undermine 削弱
• underperform 没有充分的表现;发挥失常;希望考试当天不要underperform
• underuse 形同虚设
• under-the-counter 私下⾮法交易
⑦ over=上⽅、过分
• overview view观看景⾊书籍=概览
• overlook look短暂观看=灵魂画⼿=碰到对头=⽆视
• oversee see⻓期观看=监督
• overlap laptop → lap腿+over上⽅=重叠
• overshadow 上⽅蒙上阴影=黯然失⾊
• overhead 头顶、运营成本
• overseas 越过海洋=国外
• overwhelm 压倒
• overturn 推翻
• overestimate ⾼估
• over-the-counter ⾮处⽅药
⑧ re=again

• renew 再次新=更新 • repress 不断按压=压制

• reproduce l再次⽣产=复制+ov
• reform 改变结构=改⾰ → lap腿+over上⽅=重叠
• research 重复搜索=研究
• represent 每次出现都是你=代表⼿ 碰到对头
• reaction 对⽅给动作,你回动作=反应• reshape 重塑
• recall 重复呼唤=回想⾊
• revise 重复看=修改
• review 重复看=评论、审查
• replace 更换地⽅=替换
• resource 多个来源=资源
• revive 再次活=复活;振兴

⑨ ex=向外;前任

• ex-president 前任总统

• ex-wife 前妻

• ex-girlfriend 前男友

• exclude 出去+关闭=排除;include 近来+关闭=包括

• expose 向外+放置=暴露、接触 expose sb to st

• export port=港⼝=出⼝

• expel 向外+驱使=驱逐

• exit it=⾛;出⼝

⑩ or、er、ee=⼈
• director 导演 总监 董事 经理
• ancestor 祖先
• labor 劳动⼒
• governor 主管;州⻓
• sponsor 赞助商
• interviewer 采访者
• interviewee 采访对象
• payer 付款⽅
• payee 收款⽅
• employee 员⼯
• employer 雇主
⑪ ist=专者
• specialist 专家
• violinist ⼩提琴家 ??? violist 中提琴家 cellist ⼤提琴家 bassist 低⾳提琴家
• pianist 钢琴家
• dentist ⽛医
• novelist ⼩说家
• moralist 卫道⼠ (道德说教)
• physicist 物理学家
• socialist 社会主义者
• communist 共产主义者
• materialist 唯物主义者;享乐主义者
⑫ ess=⼥性

• acto
• actress ⼥演员
• governo
• governess 家庭⼥教师
• go
• godess ⼥神;“⼥神” a screen goddess 银幕⼥神
• poe
• poetess ⼥诗⼈
• hos
• hostess ⼥主持、⼥房东、⼥主⼈
• lio
• lioness ⺟狮

⑬ pre=before

• precaution 提前⼩⼼=预防、避孕

• predecessor 过去的⼈=前任

• predict 提前说=预测

• preview 预览

• preface 前⾔;序⾔;楔⼦

• premise 向前投掷=前提

• pretax 税前

• previously 前情提要
⑭ fore=提前

• foresight=提前看到=forefather 前⼈,祖先先⻅之明

• foresee=foresee
• foreseeable=可预⻅的

• foreshadow 提前看到影⼦=预示

• forefather 前⼈,祖先

• forearm 前臂

• forename 名

• forehead 额头
⑮ pro=向前、提前、⽀持
• project 向前投掷=计划
• prospect 向前看=前景、希望
• progress 向前⾛=进步
• prolong 向前变⻓=延伸
• promote 向前移动=晋升;促进
• prologue 提前说=序⾔、楔⼦、歌剧序幕、blog
• proactive 提前采取⾏动=先发制⼈
• pros and cons ⽀持和反对、利与弊
• pro-democracy ⽀持⺠主
• pro-British 亲英派
⑯ inter=向前、提前、⽀持

• international 国际

• interpersonal ⼈际

• interchange 交换;互换

• interaction 互相作⽤;交流

• interpose 放在两者中间=介⼊

• intercontinental 洲际酒店

• interview 互相看着=采访
⑰ co=together

• cooperation 合作

• coexist 共存

• coworker 同事 简词替换 colleague

• copartner 合伙⼈

• cofounder 共同创始⼈

• coincidence 巧合(co+in进+cide掉下→共同掉进来→巧合

• coeducation 男⼥同校

⑱ uni=one

• uniform 单⼀形式=没有差异=制服 uniformly

• unicycle 单循环=单轮⾃⾏⻋;bicycle=双循环;tricycle=三轮⾃⾏⻋
• unite 团结统⼀US UK UN
• unilateral 单边 bilateral
• union 协会 student union
• unique 形容词后缀que=独⼀⽆⼆
• unit 单元
• universe verse 转=宇宙=说唱⾳乐的verse重复的副歌部分
• unicorn 🦄 corn ⻆=独⻆兽
⑲ auto=⾃动、本身

• autobiography 本身+⽣物+书写=⾃传
• autocue ⾃动提词器
• autofocus ⾃动对焦
• autograph 本身+书写=亲笔签名
• automaker 汽⻋制造商
• automobile 汽⻋
• autonomous ⾃治
• autopilot ⾃动驾驶
• automation ⾃动化
⑳ mov; mob; mot=移动

• motor 移动者=汽⻋、⻢达

• motion mot+ion=移动、动议 motion picture 电影

• promote 向前移动=促进;晋升

• movement 运动 Labor Movement ⼯⼈运动

• remove 再次移动=移⾛;取消

• mobilize 使动=ize;动员;调动

• immobile 不移动=静⽌
㉑ vis=see

• vision 看+名词=视野;想象
• visual 看+形容词=视觉的;visual effect;visual recognition
• visible 看+形容词+能⼒=可⻅的
• invisible 否定+可⻅的=隐形的
• television 电+看+名词=电视
• previse 提前看到=预知
• revise 重复看=修改
• revision 同上
• supervise 从上⾯看=监督
• improvise 不+提前+看=临场发挥;即兴表演
㉒ spect

expect 过去看=期待

inspect 向⾥看=检查

respect 多次看=尊重;谨慎 respected respectful respectable respective

prospect 向前看=希望;前景

retrospect 往回看=回顾

introspect 向内看=反省

spectator 观察者

despicable 向下看=卑鄙的 despicable me

㉓ ject=投掷

inject 向⾥投掷=注射

reject 再次投掷=不要=拒绝

project 向前投掷=⽅案计划

eject 向外投掷=驱逐

deject 向下投掷=沮丧

subject 投掷到下⾯去=实验对象;受制于

object 相反⽅向+投掷=拒绝

interject 两者之间投掷=插话
㉔ loc=地⽅









㉕ viv、vit=live









① little

• pay little attention to southern intellectual life (英语⼀

• showing little concern for health factors (英语⼀

• students skip homework and see little difference on report cards (英语⼆

• with little or no apparent deliberation (英语⼆)(no vs little)


② few

• to renew their wardrobe every few weeks (英语⼀

• women today cope with a lot of obligations, with few breaks (英语⼀

• at least for the rst few critical years (英语⼆

• few American families acquired helicopters (英语⼆)


③ rigid

• the nancial problem is caused partly by its rigid management. (英语⼀

• the rigid bodies governing the profession (英语⼀

• educational requirements became less rigid (英语⼆

• we are much more rigid about immigrants (英语⼆)


④ process

• two paradoxes exist throughout credibility process (英语⼀

• pay $85 every ve years to process their background checks (英语⼀

• an automatic psychological process, occurring intuitively (英语⼆

• transform their thought processes (英语⼆)


⑤ adequate

• adequately probe social and biological factors (英语⼀

• High GDP But Inadequate Well-being, a UK Lesson (英语⼀

• only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained (英语⼆

• family labor is often adequately rewarded (英语⼆)


⑥ beyond

• the ban on ultra-thin models…go beyond protecting models (英语⼀

• it is essential to consider factors beyond GDP (英语⼀

• look beyond strict de nitions of legal and illegal (英语⼆

• working beyond retirement age (英语⼆)


⑦ adjust

• to adjust its operations to the new reality (英语⼀

• middle-class workers may need a lot of help adjusting. (英语⼀

• adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment (英语⼆

• the home lags behind…in making adjustments for…women (英语⼆)


⑧ available

• since PTKs rst became available without prescriptions (英语⼀

• the availability of jobs at the job centre (英语⼀

• the availability of clean energy to power their data centers (英语⼆

• McDonald’s restricts the availability of its popular McRib (英语⼆)


⑨ expose

• women are exposed to more stress (英语⼀

• exposure of a mass-market secret (英语⼀

• early exposure to computer science is bene cial (英语⼆

• if you don’t expose your child to 30000 words you’re neglecting them (英语⼆)


⑩ positive

• our visions of the future were glowingly positive (英语⼀

• peer pressure can also be a positive force (英语⼀

• the most positively doctored pictures (英语⼆

• made small, ef cient housing positively stylish (英语⼆)


⑪ flexible

• the Constitution should be implemented exibly (英语⼀

• exibility in pricing (英语⼀

• L.A. Uni ed has produced an in exible policy (英语⼆

• more exible than it was before (英语⼆)



⑫ desire

• our desire for lives of ful llment (英语⼀

• teenagers desire nothing more than tting in (英语⼀

• is subject to undesirable changes. (英语⼀

• a desirable mental state for busy people (英语⼆)


⑬ fail

• the report’s failure to address the true nature (英语⼀

• they fail to mobilize peer pressure (英语⼀

• failing to ful ll her duty (英语⼆

• failed to get state subsidies (英语⼆)


⑭ access

• to deny access for designers to Copenhagen Fashion Week (英语⼀

• recordings are easily accessible to the general public. (英语⼀

• has access to post-high school education (英语⼆

• more employers have much more access to much more labor (英语⼆)

⑮ obsession

• obsession with high fashion (英语⼀

• obsessed with religious innovations (英语⼀

• adult women do not remember being so obsessed with pink (英语⼆

• turned the pork sandwich into an object of obsession (英语⼆)


⑯ application

• New, disruptive technology demands novel applications (英语⼀

• the application of emerging technologies (英语⼀

• What’s App (英语⼆

• listing one major on their college applications (英语⼆)


⑰ curb

• we have to curb the problem from deteriorating (考研作⽂

• the use of privacy law to curb the tech giants (英语⼀

• companies have made efforts to curb their impact (英语⼀

• senior executives’ quitting was spurred by new career goals (英语⼀)


⑱ financial

• offset the nancial burden (英语⼀

• the expectation of better nancial status (英语⼀

• nancially secure before getting married 先⽴业后成家 (英语⼆

• undergraduates with nancial need (英语⼆)


⑲ involve

• saving time for everyone involved. (英语⼀

• bans outsiders’ involvement in the profession (英语⼀

• Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions of fancy cars (英语⼆

• getting involved in providing goods (英语⼆)


⑳ range

• the range of threats facing us (英语⼀

• ranging in price from hundred dollars to $2,500 (英语⼀

• lag other students on a range of education achievements (英语⼆

• which range from mandating holiday time to reducing tax (英语⼆)


㉑ incentive

• there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print (英语⼀

• decline incentives from the rm (英语⼀

• Firms who want to keep outside director have to create incentives (英语⼆

• reducing tax incentives for American homebuyers (英语⼆)


㉒ generate

• takes efforts of generations (英语⼀

• wealth generation (英语⼀

• home generated more stress than the workplace (英语⼆

• fossil fuels still generate 85% of the world’s energy supply (英语⼆)

㉓ through

• going through one’s wallet (英语⼀

• putting enough people through educational systems (英语⼀

• keep their outside directors through tough times (英语⼆

• the only way to get insurance was through a job (英语⼆)


㉔ gain

• gained increasing importance in religious affairs (英语⼀

• we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats (英语⼀

• Simmons was criticized for gaining excessive pro ts (英语⼆

• homework is gaining more preferences (英语⼆) fi


㉕ priority

• demands priority from the government (英语⼀

• gives rural development priority over conservation (英语⼀

• how you prioritise your day (英语⼆

• Young people were more likely to prioritize personal ful llment (英语⼆)


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