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Ufone BSMS Portal

and API Password


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
BSMS Customer Portal Password Change............................................................................................... 3
OTP at Login ............................................................................................................................................ 4
API Password Change.............................................................................................................................. 5

This document is to provide guidance on how to change passwords for Ufone BSMS customer portal
and API after the planned launch of security developments on Saturday September 4, 2021 at 00:00
AM. PTA had recommended security updates to be integrated into A2P solutions and changing
portal and API passwords is in line with those recommendations.

BSMS Customer Portal Password Change

After the security updates are made live as per scheduled plan on Saturday September 4, 2021 at
00:00 AM any user who will attempt to login the account with the correct credentials will be
redirected to the page shown in Figure 1. Over here the user is asked to ask enter the old password
and new password along with their own MSISDN and email.

After entering the required information, the user will press the “Generate OTP” button which will
send the OTP to the MSISDN which the user had provided. After the user enters the OTP they will be
redirected to the usual home screen.
Note: New password policy requires lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters with minimum
length of 8 in which username cannot be part of password. Password will have validity of 30 days
and last 5 passwords cannot be reused.

OTP at Login


Once the customer portal password has been reset, all future login attempts will also require OTP
when the correct credentials are provided. OTP will be sent on the MSISDN which was provided at
the time of password change.
API Password Change




API password can be changed by visiting the “Change API Password” page under the “Manage User”
tab in the side menu. User will first have to enable the API status using the drop down menu then
press on the “Change Password Button”. Enter the new password and it will be updated.

Note: New password policy requires lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters with minimum
length of 8 in which username cannot be part of password. Password will have validity of 30 days
and last 5 passwords cannot be reused.

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