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1.1 Vocabulary 2.2 Vocabulary B

a 4  b  5  c  1  d  3  e  6  f  2
1  d  2  e  3  a  4  h  hair:  bald, curly, brown, gray, mustache, 4.1 Grammar
5  g  6  c  7  f  8  b short, straight, (green), (blue)
eyes:  blue, green, brown, gray 
B 1  Do  2  Does  3  Does  4  Do 
height:  short, tall  build:  fat, slim
1  Australian 5  German 5  Does  6  Does
2  Chilean
3  Greek
6  Moroccan
7  South Korean
2.3 Vocabulary a doesn’t  b  does  c  does  d  don’t 
e  do  f  doesn’t
4  Danish 8  Filipino A
From left to right: Chilean flag 2, Greek positive:  happy, friendly, funny, neat
1  e  2  f  3  c  4  d  5  a  6  b
flag 3, South Korean flag 7, Danish flag 4, negative:  messy, sad, noisy,
unhappy, unfriendly  both:  quiet, serious
From left to right: Australian flag 1, Filipino
flag 8, Moroccan flag 6, German flag 5
4.2 Grammar
2.3 Grammar A
1.1 Grammar A
1  Do you have to wear / I don’t 
2  Do you have to work / I do 
A 1  It’s a very expensive dress. 
3  Does your husband have to travel / he
1  Maple syrup  2  Pizza  3  Spain  2  My boyfriend is really tall. 
4  Australian flag  5  Pyramids of Giza 3  It’s a very sad movie. 
4  Does you sister have to work / she
4  My sister’s bedroom is fairly messy. 
B 5  My grandmother’s neighbors are really
1  is  2  aren’t / are  3  isn’t  4  are  5  is noisy. 
6  I think he’s fairly tired.
4.2 Vocabulary
1.2 Vocabulary A
A 3.1 Grammar 1  e  2  c  3  d  4  a  5  b

3  five thousand   A B
4  one hundred and twenty-eight    1  My friend listens to the radio every 1  nine to five  2  early in the morning 
5  seventy thousand  morning.  3  noon  4  midnight  5  late in the
6  sixty-eight thousand    2  My English class starts at 5:30 pm afternoon
7  one hundred and twenty-five thousand  every day. 
8  two million   3  I drive to work in the morning. 
  4  My parents live in an apartment in the
4.3 Grammar
1.2 Grammar city center.  A
  1  What’s your favorite kind of music? 
  5  ✓ 
A   2  How many languages do you speak? 
  6  My brother cooks dinner every night. 
1  are   2  ‘m / am  3  is / ‘s  4  is / ‘s    3  When does your English course finish? 
  7  I have breakfast before I go to work. 
5  are  6  ‘m / am  7  Are  8  ‘m / am   4  Why do you want to learn English? 
  8  My best friend listens to classical music. 
  5  Who’s your favorite writer? 
1.3 Grammar   9  I work at a desk all day. 
10  I like to watch TV with my roommates   6  What time / When / How do you get
A every night.  to work every day? 
1  a  2  –  3  –  4  a  5  an  6  –  7  a  11  ✓   7  Where do your parents live? 
8  –  9  a  10  a  11  a   8  How much exercise do you do every
3.2 Vocabulary week? 
2.1 Vocabulary A
  9  What does your father do? 
10  What’s your favorite movie?
A 1  on  2  on  3  at  4  on  5  on 
female:  aunt, daughter, granddaughter,
niece, mother, sister
6  on  7  in  8  in  9  at  10  on
4.3 Vocabulary
male:  father, son, uncle, grandson, 3.3 Vocabualry A
1  study  2  get  3  go  4  train 
grandfather, nephew, brother
A 5  get  6  take  7  take
male or female:  children, parents, child,
1  put up  2  watch  3  have  4  eat 
grandchildren, grandparents, cousin
5  give  6  wear  7  watch
5.1 Vocabulary
2.1 Grammar 4.1 Vocabulary A
A places to stay in:  house, caravan,
A apartment
1  Ellen’s  2  ’s mother  3  ’s father 
1  pilot  2  teacher  3  designer  rooms and outdoor things:  swimming pool,
4  ’s grandmother  5  Brian’s 
4  doctor  5  businesswoman  6  actor living room, bathroom, yard, bedroom,
6  ’s husband  7  ’s sister  8  ’s
grandson  9  ’s son  10  Richard’s dining room 
furniture:  chair, bed, lamp, TV, couch, table

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Answer key

5.2 Vocabulary 7.1 Grammar vegetables:  broccoli, beans, carrot,

mushroom, onion  meat and fish: 
A A chicken, shrimp  drinks:  water, coffee,
1  airport  2  theater  3  library  4  park  You could drive a car. tea  others:  sandwich, bread, pizza, cake,
5  museum  6  restaurant  7  café  You could watch a movie at a movie chips, egg, butter, pasta
8  subway station  9  market  theater.
10  grocery store  11  school  12  store  You couldn’t use the internet at home. 8.1 Grammar
13  gym  14  hospital  15  movie theater You could fly to another country.
You could study at a university. A
You could eat traditional food. Countable: banana, shrimp, bean, carrot,
5.2 Grammar You couldn’t eat fast food. sandwich; Uncountable: water, tea,
broccoli, bread, pasta; Both: chicken,
You couldn’t watch TV on a computer.
A cake, chocolate
You couldn’t buy things online.
1  play / can  2  work / can’t  3  make /
You could learn a language.
can  4  ride / can’t  5  speak / can 8.2 Vocabulary
5.3 Grammar 7.2 Grammar A
A a bag of a bottle of
A chips orange juice
  1  I didn’t like rock music when I was
1  g  2  b  3  a  4  d  5  f  6  c  7  e pasta water
carrots cola
6.1 Vocabulary   2  He didn’t go to work last week.
  3  They didn’t study French at school. shrimp
A   4  I didn’t live with my parents when I onions
1  comedy  2  concert  3  magazine was a teenager. beans
4  festival  5  internet  6  movie theater   5  I didn’t go on vacation last summer. a can of a carton, package or
7  exhibit   6  She didn’t study at Harvard University. tomatoes box of
  7  They didn’t come here by boat. beans mushrooms
6.2 Grammar   8  She didn’t become a professional dancer. cola tea
A   9  We didn’t take a lot of luggage. pasta
1  were / was  10  We didn’t arrive on time. cake
2  was / was  eggs
3  Was / wasn’t  7.2 Vocabulary coffee
4  was / was A
1  arrived  2  didn’t miss  3  took  8.2 Grammar
6.2 Vocabulary 4  didn’t leave  5  returned A
A 1  How many  2  How much 
in:  2006, July of last year, the summer  7.3 Grammar 3  How much  4  How many 
ago:  four months, six years A 5  How many  6  How many 
last:  month, Saturday, year   1  Did you go to Canada on your last 7  How much
6.3 Grammar   2  Did you meet many people last 8.3 Grammar
A year?  A
irregular:  became, got, met, went, gave,   3  Did you fly anywhere last year?  1  –  2  –  3  a  4  a  5  an  6  – 
sent, had, was/were, bought    4  Did you arrive late at the airport last 7  a  8  –  9  the  10  the  11  – 
regular with -ed:  joined, played, started, time you went?  12  –  13  –  14  –  15  a  16  the
asked, worked   5  Were you happy yesterday? 
regular with -d:  moved, practiced,   6  Did you go swimming last week?  B
decided, lived    7  What time did you get up this 1  –   2  –  3  – / the  4  – / –  5  a / –
regular with -ied:  studied morning? 
  8  Did you visit a museum last month?  8.3 Vocabulary
6.3 Vocabulary   9  Did you have a good time on vacation
last year? 
A 1  Crack  2  Peel  3  Put  4  Put / add
10  When did you arrive here today?
1  was  2  went  3  learned  4  studied  5  fry  6  Add, serve
5  became  6  started  7  bought 
8  got  9  had  10  moved  11  went 
7.3 Vocabulary 9.1 Vocabulary
12  finished / went A
1  swim  2  visit  3  take  4  read 
1  hat   7  scarf
7.1 Vocabulary 5  get  6  meet  7  had  8  went
2  sunglasses  8  coat
1  bus  2  train  3  boat  4  ship 
8.1 Vocabulary 3  cap    9  dress 
4  sneakers 10  socks 
5  bus  6  scooter  7  bicycle  A 5  pants  11  gloves 
8  plane  9  motorcycle fruits:  banana, orange, apple,   6  skirt 12  shorts
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9.1 Grammar 10.1 Grammar   9  I really want to go to Paris one day, to

see the Eiffel Tower!
A A 10  Did you decide to wear a tie for the
  1  She’s playing video games in her 1  is closer, than  2  is bigger than interview?
bedroom. 3  is cheaper than  4  is more expensive
  2  I’m not going to the party on than  5  are more traditional than  6  is 11.1 Vocabulary
Saturday. bigger than  7  is hotter than  8  is more
  3  Are you watching the news? crowded than  9  are wetter than A
1  ear  2  nose  3  leg  4  arm  5  foot 
  4  They’re playing soccer in the yard.
  5  He’s listening to music on his phone. 10.2 Vocabulary 6  neck  7  eye  8  hand

  6  What are you doing now? 

 7  He’s waiting at the bus stop.
A 11.1 Grammar
1  raining 5  hot
  8  She’s wearing a Prada jacket. A
2  sunny 6  foggy
  9  He’s not working today. 1  should  2  shouldn’t  3  shouldn’t 
3  snowing 7  windy
10  What are you making for dinner? 4  should  5  shouldn’t  6  should 
4  cloudy 8  cold
7  should  8  should  9  should 
9.2 Vocabulary 10.2 Grammar 10  shouldn’t

1  at the moment 5  today 
A 11.2 Grammar
short adjectives
2  currently 6  at the moment A
the coldest
3  right now 7  right now   1  Have you ever seen the sunrise?
the hottest
4  At the moment 8  at the moment   2  Have you ever lived in another
the smallest
the highest country?
B   3  Have you ever made a meal for more
1  moment  2  days  3  right  4  today  the wettest
than five people?
5  now  6  these long adjectives   4  Have you ever tried to give
the most amazing something up?
9.2 Grammar the most boring   5  Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
A the most remote   6  Have you ever eaten a terrible meal?
1  ’m reading  2  goes  3  are / driving
the most expensive   7  Have you ever met a famous person?
4  tells  5  work  6  ’m watching 
the most traditional   8  Have ever won a competition?
7  is talking  8  loves  9  works / ’s irregular   9  Have you ever spent a lot of money on
working  10  do / get up the worst one thing?
10  Have you ever seen a movie more
9.3 Grammar 10.3 Vocabulary than five times?
11  Have you ever broken a bone in
your body?
subject object 1  put on  2  take off  3  give up
12  Have you ever cried during a movie?
I, you, she, he, it, me, you, her, him, it, 4  set off  5  look for
we, they us, them
B 11.2 Vocabulary
B 1  set off  2  give up  3  look for  A
1  I, he, he, me  2  I, him  3  she  4  put on  5  take off 1  h  2  i  3  g  4  j  5  c  6  a  7  d 
4  We, him, her, they  5  him, she / me  8  l  9  e  10  b  11  f  12  k 
6  we  7  they  8  them 10.3 Grammar
C A 11.3 Grammar
1  him/her  2  you/it  3  you/it    1  I plan to go to Italy on vacation A
4  you/them  5  you/them  6  it next year. 1  Have you ever won / won
  2  You don’t need to leave home before 2  Did you go / went
9.3 Vocabulary six o’clock.
  3  Please remember to bring warm
3  Did you go / stayed
4  Have you ever lived / worked
A clothes – it’s cold here. 5  Was that / ’ve been
1  b  2  e  3  f  4  a  5  d  6  c   4  I decided not to cook meat, because

10.1 Vocabulary
she doesn’t like it. 11.3 Vocabulary
  5  If you want to watch TV, you can.
  6  What time do you plan to arrive at the A
concert? do play
1  beach  2  desert  3  jungle  4  ocean 
  7  I don’t think my mother remembered yoga soccer
5  hill  6  mountain  7  lake  8  forest 
to add sugar! judo badminton
9  island 
  8  Do you think we need to buy some boxing basketball
cake for the children? karate tennis

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12.1 Vocabulary B
1  f  2  d  3  a  4  e  5  b  6  c
bike riding A
horseback riding 1  this afternoon 12.3 Vocabulary
running 2  this evening 
3  tonight
1  share  2  tag  3  trend  4  like 
4  tomorrow
5  tweet  6  upload  7  chat 
12.1 Grammar 5  on the weekend
8  connect
6  next week
A 7  next month
 1 Where are you going to have dinner B
8  next year
tonight? 1  chat  2  tag  3  tweet  4  connect 
9  one day
 2 I’m going to play basketball with my 5  share
one day is different because it is not a
friends this afternoon.
 3 What time are you going to arrive?
fixed point in the future
12.3 Grammar
 4 Your friend is going to be very happy
when he sees you!
12.2 Grammar A
1  might see  2  might get  3  might go
 5 Why are you going to watch that A 4  might not have  5  might make
boring movie? 1  g  2  c  3  f  4  a  5  d  6  b  7  e
 6 When are you going to do your
homework? 12.2 Vocabulary
 7 I’m not going to swim a kilometer this A
evening. 1  get lost   6  get hungry
 8 That man is going to fall off his chair! 2  get wet   7  get sick
 9 We aren’t going to eat chicken 3  get thirsty   8  get money
tomorrow, we are going to eat fish. 4  get to school   9  get organized
10  Why isn’t your brother going to study 5  get home 10  get cold
at a university?

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