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Oral Communication

Quarter 1/Activity Sheet No. 1

Communication helps people to adapt to or survive in the community they live in.
Communication is an essential tool for us to let others know how we feel, what we feel
and why we feel that way. Good communication ensures good results.
As a Grade 11 learner, you are expected to understand the nature, elements, and
process of oral communication in context as well as the various models of
communication and the strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

Specifically, this learning material will help you to:

a. Define communication
b. Identify the elements of communication
c. Explain the process and importance of communication


Oral skills – both speaking and listening – are at the very foundation of literacy. Classroom
talk helps students to learn, to reflect on what they are learning, and to communicate their
knowledge and understanding. In this course, students are given opportunities to learn how to
listen and speak effectively in various situations. In this LM, we will explore on the
fundamentals of communication based on the following: definition, elements and process of
communication. We will also tackle the different models of communication as well as various
strategies that we may use in order to avoid communication breakdown.

A. Etymological meaning of communication
The word communication is derived from two Latin words “communis” (noun) and communicare
(verb) which means commonality and to make common respectively. From the viewpoint of
etymological depth, communication refers to sharing of something.

B. Other meanings of communication

Communication is the process of expressing and exchanging information, thoughts, ideas and
feelings. According to Wood (2004), communication is a systematic process in which individuals
interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meaning.
Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one
person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures (Mc Comack,
Communication is a structured two-way process essential in
transmitting information and expressing ideas among individuals . This two-way process
may come in two forms: verbal with the use of words or utterances, speeches, presentations and
announcements among others and nonverbal communication with the use of gestures, body
movements, facial expressions, posture, and eye contact. Human beings communicate in two
types of settings: informal and formal. Informal communication is the casual and unofficial form
of communication wherein the information is exchanged spontaneously between two or more
persons without conforming the prescribed official rules, processes, system, formalities and
chain of command. Formal communication refers to interchange of information officially. The
flow of communication is controlled. An example of this formal communication are the following:
meetings within an organization, memos, reports, legal documents and publications.

Elements of Communication
Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics or
process. These elements are the following:
1. Speaker- the source of information or message
2. Message- the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in
3. Encoding- the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands
4. Channel- the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or
nonverbal, in which the encoded message is conveyed or transmitted.
5. Decoding- the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver
6. Receiver- the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message
7. Feedback- the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver
8. Context- the environment where communication takes place
9. Barrier- the factors that affect the flow of communication

Process of Communication
Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to
another. The communication process involves six basic elements: sender (encoder), message,
channel, receiver (decoder), noise/barrier and feedback.

Our everyday transactions with people follow the communication process.
Communication begins when the speaker or source of communication responds to a stimulus
and decides to encode or transmit it in the form of a message (or a “code”) through a particular
channel or means of communication.
The receiver decodes or interprets the message sent and responds accordingly based on his
interpretation of the message. This response comes in the form of a feedback sent to the original
source of communication (sender). As the communication transaction continues, the sender and
receiver may exchange roles until understanding is achieved. Barriers to communication
sometimes block the transmission of the message thereby creating misunderstanding.
Through this process, we are able to understand that communication is systematic. In the
advent of technology, the exchange of information and messages in society has advanced and
has been a subject of many studies.

Why do we communicate?
Since communication is certain in our lives, it comes naturally and unknowingly.
Communication serves many purposes. The following are some of the many reasons
why we communicate:
Inform Inspire Counsel Sell
Clarify Question Express Promote
Buy Understand Confirm Advise
Teach Learn Persuade Reveal
Accept Affirm Clarify Motivate
Criticize Deny Conceal And many

Name:____________________________________ Date of Submission:_______________
Oral Communication
Quarter 1/ Answer Sheet of Activity No. 1

Activity 1.
Think of communication transactions in your daily life. Enumerate situations where
communication takes place. Then, indicate the result of the communication transaction and tell
whether it is successful or not by writing the elements that made it so and specify its function
on the third column. An example is provided for you.

Situation Result of the communication Function of

transaction Communication
When I was 12, my father told
Message was clear that I need to
me that I am in-charge of
perform my task. At first the
cooking rice for lunch
communication was successful. I
everyday whenever I am to inform
thought other family members will do
available. One time, I forgot to and
my task because I am doing other
cook rice because I got busy to clarify
things. My fault there was I failed to
on my assignment. As a result
communicate to them that I am busy
we did not have rice to eat. My
doing my assignment. Should I have
father reminded me about the
communicated this earlier, we would
task assigned to me.
have rice to eat.

Activity 2.
Explain what you have learned and realized in this lesson and how you will be able to
apply your learnings in your life. Write your reflections using the following paragraph

Today, I learned ….
I realized …
Therefore, I will…

Performance Task
Comic Strip
Create a comic strip in each grid (with 8 scenes) showing how you would communicate to your
community the advantages of following health protocols and guidelines amidst COVID-19
pandemic in your municipality or province. You may cut-out pictures of people or authorities to
depict your character, but be sure to write your own original script and text in each grid.

1st scene 2nd scene

3rd scene 4th scene 5th scene

6th scene 7th scene

NOTE: Submit only the answer sheet.


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