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Language is a means of Communication

Language is also a means of communication non-linguistic symbols such as signals of

various kinds, traffic lights, road signs, and flags are also means of communication, but
language is the best means of self-expression. With the help of language human beings
express their thoughts, desires, emotions,- feelings, happiness, sadness then human
beings store knowledge, transmit message, transfer of knowledge and experience from
one person to another, from one place to another place, from one generation to another
generation. It is language which links present, past and future together.

So we have discussed 6 communication models and those are Aristotle's Model of

Communication, Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication, Shannon and Weaver’s
Model of Communication, Schramm's Model of Communication, Helical Model of
Communication and lastly Westley and Maclean's Model of Communication.
For me Shannon and Weaver’s Model of Communication is the best to describe the
process of communication because the model is a media effectiveness model, as it
considers the external impact of language and provides solutions for optimization. This
communication model was developed as early as 1940 and has been continuously
developed and taken up ever since. The core statement is as follows:

 Communication always includes sender and receiver

 Sender and receiver decode codes of communication in their own way.
 If the code differs from verbal and non-verbal aspects, misunderstandings and conflicts
can occur.

The classical model, however, lacks social aspects such as motivation, interpersonal
relationships and recipient feedback. This makes it less flexible and less able to
describe modern communication and give recommendations for action. Nevertheless,
the core idea of an individual communication code that can be changed and adapted is
very interesting.

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