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Disini vs Sandiganbayan Morong, Bataan, all for and in consideration of accused

Disini seeking and obtaining for Burns and Roe and

DECISION Westinghouse Electrical Corporation (Westinghouse), the
contracts to do the engineering and architectural design
and to construct, respectively, the Project, as in fact said
Ferdinand E. Marcos, taking undue advantage of his
position and committing the offense in relation to his office
The Sandiganbayan has exclusive original jurisdiction over and in consideration of the aforesaid gifts and presents, did
the criminal action involving petitioner notwithstanding award or cause to be awarded to said Burns and Roe and
that he is a private individual considering that his criminal Westinghouse, the contracts to do the engineering and
prosecution is intimately related to the recovery of ill- architectural design and to construct the Project,
gotten wealth of the Marcoses, their immediate family, respectively, which acts constitute the crime of corruption
subordinates and close associates. of public officials.


Petitioner Herminio T. Disini assails via petition for Criminal Case No. 28002
certiorari there solutions promulgated by the
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 28001and Criminal
That during the period 1974 to February 1986, in Manila,
Case No. 28002, both entitled People v. Herminio T. Disini,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of the Honorable
on January 17, 2005 (denying his motion to quash the
Court, accused HERMINIO T. DISINI, conspiring together
informations)1 and August 10, 2005 (denying his motion for
and confederating with the then President of the
reconsideration of the denial of his motion to
Philippines, Ferdinand E. Marcos, being then the close
quash),2 alleging that the Sandiganbayan (First Division)
personal friend and golfing partner of said Ferdinand E.
thereby committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to
Marcos, and being further the husband of Paciencia
lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Escolin-Disini who was the first cousin of then First Lady
Imelda Romualdez-Marcos and family physicianof the
Antecedents Marcos family, taking advantage of such close personal
relation, intimacy and free access, did then and there,
The Office of the Ombudsman filed two informations dated willfully, unlawfully and criminally, in connection with the
June 30,2004 charging Disini in the Sandiganbayan with Philippine Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP)Project
corruption of public officials, penalized under Article 212 in ("PROJECT") of the National Power Corporation (NPC) at
relation to Article 210 of the Revised Penal Code (Criminal Morong, Bataan, request and receive from Burns and Roe, a
Case No. 28001), and with a violation of Section 4(a) of foreign consultant, the total amount of One Million U.S.
Republic Act 3019 (R.A. No. 3019), also known as the Anti- Dollars ($1,000,000.00),more or less, and also from
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (Criminal Case No. 28002). Westinghouse Electric Corporation(WESTINGHOUSE), the
total amount of Seventeen Million U.S.
The accusatory portions of the informations read as follows: Dollars($17,000,000.00), more or less, both of which entities
were then having business, transaction, and application
Criminal Case No. 28001 with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, all
for and in consideration of accused DISINI securing and
obtaining, as accused Disini did secure and obtain, the
That during the period from 1974 to February 1986, in
contract for the said Burns and Roe and Westinghouse to
Manila, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
do the engineering and architectural design, and construct,
Honorable Court, accused HERMINIO T. DISINI,
respectively, the said PROJECT, and subsequently, request
conspiring together and confederating with the then
and receive subcontracts for Power Contractors, Inc. owned
President of the Philippines Ferdinand E. Marcos, did then
by accused DISINI, and Engineering and Construction
and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously offer,
Company of Asia (ECCO-Asia), owned and controlled by
promise and give gifts and presents to said Ferdinand E.
said Ferdinand E. Marcos, which stated amounts and
Marcos, consisting of accused DISINI’s ownership of two
subcontracts constituted kickbacks, commissions and gifts
billion and five hundred (2.5 billion) shares of stock in
as material or pecuniary advantages, for securing and
Vulcan Industrial and Mining Corporation and four billion
obtaining, as accused DISINI did secure and obtain,
(4 billion)shares of stock in The Energy Corporation, with
through the direct intervention of said Ferdinand E.
both shares of stock having then a book value of ₱100.00
Marcos, for Burns and Roe the engineering and
per share of stock, and subcontracts, to Engineering and
architectural contract, and for Westinghouse the
Construction Company of Asia, owned and controlled by
construction contract, for the PROJECT.
said Ferdinand E. Marcos, on the mechanical and electrical
construction work on the Philippine Nuclear Power Plant
Project("Project") of the National Power Corporation at CONTRARY TO LAW.4

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 1

On August 2, 2004, Disini filed a motion to quash, 5 alleging 2. THE RESPONDENT COURT
that the criminal actions had been extinguished by GRAVELY ERRED INDETERMINING
prescription, and that the informations did not conform to THE COMMENCEMENT OF
the prescribed form. The Prosecution opposed the motion THEPRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD.
to quash.6
On September 16, 2004, Disini voluntarily submitted GRAVELY ERRED INDETERMINING
himself for arraignment to obtain the Sandiganbayan’s THE POINT OF INTERRUPTION OF
favorable action on his motion for permission to travel THEPRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD.
abroad.7 He then entered a plea of not guilty to both
As stated, on January 17, 2005, the Sandiganbayan (First OFFENSES CHARGED TOUPHOLD THE
Division) promulgated its first assailed resolution denying ‘SUFFICIENCY’ OF THE INFORMATIONS
the motion to quash.8 INCRIMINAL CASE NOS. 28001 AND 28002, THE
Disini moved for the reconsideration of the resolution PREJUDGMENT OVER THE SUBJECT CASES
dated January 17, 2005,9 but the Sandiganbayan (First AND ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF
Division) denied his motion on August 10, 2005 through the ITSDISCRETION.
second assailed resolution.10
Undaunted, Disini commenced this special civil action for
certiorari, alleging that:


The petition for certiorari has no merit.
THEINFORMATIONS WERE "FILED 1.Preliminary Considerations
14-A". To properly resolve this case, reference is made to the
ruling of the Court in G.R. No. 175730 entitled Herminio
2. THE RESPONDENT COURT Disini v. Sandiganbayan,12 which involved the civil action
GRAVELY ERRED WHEN ITASSUMED for reconveyance, reversion, accounting, restitution, and
JURISDICTION WITHOUT HAVING damages (Civil Case No. 0013 entitled Republic v.
MET THEREQUISITE UNDER SECTION HerminioT. Disini, et al.) filed by the Presidential
4 OF R.A. 8249 THAT THEACCUSED Commission on Good Government(PCGG) against Disini
MUST BE A PUBLIC OFFICER. and others.13 The amended complaint in Civil Case No.
0013 alleged that Disini had acted in unlawful concert with
his co-defendants in acquiring and accumulating ill-gotten
wealth through them is appropriation of public funds,
plunder of the nation’s wealth, extortion, embezzlement,
and other acts of corruption,14 as follows:
4. Defendant HERMINIO T. DISINI is a close associate of
defendant Ferdinand E. Marcos and the husband of the first
cousin of Defendant Imelda R. Marcos. By reason of this
relationship xxx defendant Herminio Disini obtained
staggering commissions from the Westinghouse in

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 2

exchange for securing the nuclear power plant contract the Solicitor General filed with the PCGG for preliminary
from the Philippine government. investigation. x x x.

13. Defendants Herminio T. Disini and Rodolfo Jacob, by Moreover, when the PCGG issued the sequestration and
themselves and/or in unlawful concert, active collaboration freeze orders against petitioner’s properties, it was on the
and willing participation of defendants Ferdinand E. basis of a prima facie finding that the same were ill-gotten
Marcos and Imelda R. Marcos, and taking undue advantage and/or were acquired in relation to the illegal disposition
of their association and influence with the latter defendant of coconut levy funds. Thus, the Court finds that the PCGG
spouses in order to prevent disclosure and recovery of ill- cannot possibly conduct the preliminary investigation of
gotten assets, engaged in devices, schemes, and stratagems said criminal complaints with the "cold neutrality of an
such as: impartial judge," as it has prejudged the matter. x x x18

(c) unlawfully utilizing the Herdis Group of Companies The Court finds that under the circumstances of the case,
and Asia Industries, Inc. as conduits through which the PCGG cannot inspire belief that it could be impartial in
defendants received, kept, and/or invested improper the conduct of the preliminary investigation of the
payments such as unconscionably large commissions from aforesaid complaints against petitioner and intervenors. It
foreign corporations like the Westinghouse Corporation; cannot possibly preside in the said preliminary
(d) secured special concessions, privileges and/or benefits investigation with an even hand.
from defendants Ferdinand E. Marcos and Imelda R.
Marcos, such as a contract awarded to Westinghouse The Court holds that a just and fair administration of justice
Corporation which built an inoperable nuclear facility in can be promoted if the PCGG would be prohibited from
the country for a scandalously exorbitant amount that conducting the preliminary investigation of the complaints
included defendant’s staggering commissions – defendant subject of this petition and the petition for intervention and
Rodolfo Jacob executed for HGI the contract for the that the records of the same should be forwarded to the
aforesaid nuclear plant;15 Ombudsman, who as an independent constitutional officer
has primary jurisdiction over cases of this nature, to
Through its letter dated April 8, 1991, 16 the PCGG conduct such preliminary investigation and take
transmitted the records of Criminal Case No. 28001 and appropriate action.19 (Bold emphasis supplied)
Criminal Case No. 28002 to then Ombudsman Conrado M.
Vasquez for appropriate action, to wit: It appears that the resolutions of the Office of the
Ombudsman, following its conduct of the preliminary
In line with the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of investigation on the criminal complaints thus transmitted
EduardoM. Cojuangco, Jr. versus the PCGG (G.R. Nos. by the PCGG, were reversed and set aside by the Court in
92319–92320) dated October 2, 1990, we are hereby Presidential Commission on Good Government v.
transmitting to your Office for appropriate action the Desierto,20
records of the attached criminal case which we believe is
similar to the said Cojuangco case in certain aspects, such with the Court requiring the Office of the Ombudsman to
as: (i) some parts or elements are also parts of the causes of file the informations that became the subject of Disini’s
action in the civil complaints[-]filed with the motion to quash in Criminal Case No.28001 and Criminal
Sandiganbayan; (ii) some properties or assets of the Case No. 28002.
respondents have been sequestered; (iii) some of the
respondents are also party defendants in the civil cases.

Although the authority of the PCGG has been upheld by

Sandiganbayan has exclusive and
the Supreme Court, we are constrained to refer to you for
proper action the herein-attached case in view of the
suspicion that the PCGG cannot conduct an impartial original jurisdiction over the offenses charged
investigation in cases similar to that of the Cojuangco case.
xxx Disini challenges the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan
over the offenses charged in Criminal Case No. 28001 and
Ostensibly, the PCGG’s letter of transmittal was adverting Criminal Case No. 28002.He contends that: (1) the
to the ruling in Cojuangco, Jr. v. Presidential Commission informations did not allege that the charges were being
on Good Government (Cojuangco, Jr.),17 viz: filed pursuant to and in connection with Executive Order
(E.O.) Nos.1, 2, 14 and 14-A; (2) the offenses charged were
not of the nature contemplated by E.O. Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-
x x x The PCGG and the Solicitor General finding a prima
A because the allegations in the informations neither
facie basis filed a civil complaint against petitioner and
pertained to the recovery of ill-gotten wealth, nor involved
intervenors alleging substantially the same illegal or
sequestration cases; (3) the cases were filed by the Office of
criminal acts subject of the subsequent criminal complaints
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 3
the Ombudsman instead of by the PCGG; and (4) being a employees, including those employed in government-
private individual not charged as a co-principal, accomplice owned or controlled corporations, they shall be tried jointly
or accessory of a public officer, he should be prosecuted in with said public officers and employees in the proper
the regular courts instead of in the Sandiganbayan. courts which shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction over them.

The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) counters that the It is underscored that it was the PCGG that had initially
Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over the offenses charged filed the criminal complaints in the Sandiganbayan, with
because Criminal Case No. 28001 and Criminal Case No. the Office of the Ombudsman taking over the investigation
28002 were filed within the purview of Section 4 (c) of R.A. of Disini only after the Court issued in Cojuangco, Jr. the
No. 8249; and that both cases stemmed from the criminal directive to the PCGG to refer the criminal cases to the
complaints initially filed by the PCGG pursuant to its Office of the Ombudsman on the ground that the PCGG
mandate under E.O. Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A to investigate would not be an impartial office following its finding of a
and file the appropriate civil or criminal cases to recover ill- prima facie case being established against Disini to sustain
gotten wealth not only of the Marcoses and their the institution of Civil Case No. 0013.
immediately family but also of their relatives, subordinates
and close associates. Also underscored is that the complaint in Civil Case No.
0013 and the informations in Criminal Case No. 28001 and
We hold that the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over Criminal Case No. 28002involved the same transaction,
Criminal Case No. 28001 and Criminal Case No. 28002. specifically the contracts awarded through the intervention
of Disini and President Marcos in favor of Burns & Roe to
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1606 was the law that do the engineering and architectural design, and
established the Sandiganbayan and defined its jurisdiction. Westinghouse to do the construction of the Philippine
The law was amended by R.A. No. 7975 and R.A. No. 8249. Nuclear Power Plant Project (PNPPP). Given their
Under Section 4 of R.A. No. 8249, the Sandiganbayan was sameness in subject matter, to still expressly aver in
vested with original and exclusive jurisdiction over all Criminal Case No.28001 and Criminal Case No. 28002 that
cases involving: the charges involved the recovery of ill-gotten wealth was
no longer necessary.21 With Criminal Case No.28001 and
Criminal Case No. 28002 being intertwined with Civil Case
a. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended,
No.0013, the PCGG had the authority to institute the
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
criminal prosecutions against Disini pursuant to E.O. Nos.
Act, Republic Act No.1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title
1, 2, 14 and 14-A.
VII, Book II of the Revised Penal Code, where one or more
of the accused are officials occupying the following
positions in the government whether in a permanent, acting That Disini was a private individual did not remove the
or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the offenses charged from the jurisdiction of the
offense: Sandiganbayan. Section 2 of E.O. No.1, which tasked the
PCGG with assisting the President in "the recovery of all ill-
gotten wealth accumulated by former President Ferdinand
b. Other offenses or felonies whether simple or complexed
E. Marcos, his immediate family, relatives, subordinates
with other crimes committed by the public officials and
and close associates, whether located in the Philippines or
employees mentioned in subsection (a) of this section in
abroad, including the takeover or sequestration of all
relation to their office.
business enterprises and entities owned or controlled by
them, during his administration, directly or through
c. Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in nominees, by taking undue advantage of their public office
connection with Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, and/or using their powers, authority, influence,
issued in 1986. (Bold emphasis supplied) connections or relationship," expressly granted the
authority of the PCGG to recover ill-gotten wealth covered
In cases where none of the accused are occupying positions President Marcos’ immediate family, relatives,
corresponding to salary grade ‘27’ or higher, as prescribed subordinates and close associates, without distinction as to
in the said Republic Act No. 6758, or military or PNP their private or public status.
officers mentioned above, exclusive original jurisdiction
thereof shall be vested in the proper regional trial court, Contrary to Disini’s argument, too, the qualifying clause
metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court and found in Section 4 of R.A. No. 824922
municipal circuit trial court, as the case may be, pursuant to
their respective jurisdiction as provided in Batas Pambansa
applied only to the cases listed in Subsection 4aand
Blg. 129, as amended.
Subsection 4b of R.A. No. 8249, the full text of which
In case private individuals are charged as co-principals,
accomplices or accessories with the public officers or

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 4

a. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, subsection a of this section in relation to their office. (bold
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices emphasis supplied)
Act, Republic Act No.1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title
VII, Book II of the Revised Penal Code, where one or more Unquestionably, public officials occupying positions
of the accused are officials occupying the following classified as Grade 27 or higher are mentioned only in
positions in the government whether in a permanent, acting Subsection 4a and Subsection 4b,signifying the plain
or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the legislative intent of limiting the qualifying clause to such
offense: public officials. To include within the ambit of the
qualifying clause the persons covered by Subsection 4c
(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying the would contravene the exclusive mandate of the PCGG to
positions of regional director and higher, otherwise bring the civil and criminal cases pursuant to and in
classified as Grade ‘27’ and higher, of the connection with E.O. Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A. In view of this,
Compensation and Position Classification Act of the Sandiganbayan properly took cognizance of Criminal
1989(Republic Act No. 6758), specifically including: Case No. 28001 and Criminal Case No. 28002 despite
Disini’s being a private individual, and despite the lack of
(a) Provincial governors, vice-governors, members of the any allegation of his being the co-principal, accomplice or
sangguniang panlalawigan and provincial treasurers, accessory of a public official in the commission of the
assessors, engineers and other provincial department offenses charged.
(b) City mayors, vice-mayors, members of the sangguniang
panlungsod, city treasurers, assessors engineers and other The offenses charged in the
city department heads; informations have not yet prescribed

(c) Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the In resolving the issue of prescription, the following must be
position of consul and higher; considered, namely: (1) the period of prescription for the
offense charged;(2) the time when the period of
(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, prescription starts to run; and (3) the time when the
and all officers of higher rank; prescriptive period is interrupted.23

(e) Officers of the Philippine National Police while The information in Criminal Case No. 28001 alleged that
occupying the position of provincial director and those Disini had offered, promised and given gifts and presents
holding the rank of senior superintendent or higher; to Ferdinand E. Marcos; that said gifts were in
consideration of Disini obtaining for Burns & Roe and
Westinghouse Electrical Corporation (Westinghouse) the
(f) City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and
contracts, respectively, to do the engineering and
officials and prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman
architectural design of and to construct the PNPPP; and
and special prosecutor;
that President Marcos did award or cause to be awarded
the respective contracts to Burns & Roe and Westinghouse,
(g) Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of which acts constituted the crime of corruption of public
government-owned or -controlled corporations, state officials.24
universities or educational institutions or foundations;
The crime of corruption of public officials charged in
(2) Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as Criminal Case No. 28001 is punished by Article 212 of the
Grade‘27’ and up under the Compensation and Position Revised Penal Code with the" same penalties imposed
Classification Act of 1989; upon the officer corrupted."25 Under the second paragraph
of Article 210 of the Revised Penal Code (direct bribery), 26 if
(3) Members of the judiciary without prejudice to the the gift was accepted by the officer in consideration of the
provisions of the Constitution; execution of an act that does not constitute a crime, and the
officer executes the act, he shall suffer the penalty of prision
(4) Chairmen and members of Constitutional Commissions, mayor in its medium and minimum periods and a fine of
without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution; and not less than three times the value of the gift. Conformably
with Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, 27 the period of
(5) All other national and local officials classified as Grade prescription for this specie of corruption of public officials
‘27’and higher under the Compensation and Position charged against Disini is 15 years.
Classification Act of 1989. b. Other offenses or felonies
whether simple or complexed with other crimes committed As for Criminal Case No. 28002, Disini was charged with a
by the public officials and employees mentioned in violation of Section 4(a) of R.A. No. 3019. By express
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 5
provision of Section 11 of R.A. No. 3019, as amended by known at the time of its commission, the prescription
Batas Pambansa Blg. 195, the offenses committed under begins to run only from the discovery thereof, i.e.,
R.A. No. 3019 shall prescribe in 15 years. Prior to the discovery of the unlawful nature of the constitutive act or
amendment, the prescriptive period was only 10 years. It acts.
became settled in People v. Pacificador, 28 however, that the
longer prescriptive period of 15years would not apply to Corollary, it is safe to conclude that the prescriptive period
crimes committed prior to the effectivity of Batas Pambansa for the crime which is the subject herein, commenced from
Blg. 195, which was approved on March 16, 1982, because the date of its discovery in 1992 after the Committee made
the longer period could not be given retroactive effect for an exhaustive investigation. When the complaint was filed
not being favorable to the accused. With the information in 1997, only five years have elapsed, and, hence,
alleging the period from 1974 to February1986 as the time prescription has not yet set in. The rationale for this was
of the commission of the crime charged, the applicable succinctly discussed in the 1999 Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-
prescriptive period is 10 years in order to accord with Finding Committee on Behest Loans, that "it was well-high
People v. Pacificador . impossible for the State, the aggrieved party, to have
known these crimes committed prior to the 1986EDSA
For crimes punishable by the Revised Penal Code, Article Revolution, because of the alleged connivance and
91 thereof provides that prescription starts to run from the conspiracy among involved public officials and the
day on which the crime is discovered by the offended beneficiaries of the loans." In yet another pronouncement,
party, the authorities, or their agents. As to offenses in the 2001 Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on
punishable by R.A. No. 3019, Section 2 of R.A. No. Behest Loans v. Desierto (G.R. No. 130817), the Court held
332629 states: that during the Marcos regime, no person would have
dared to question the legality of these transactions.
Section 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the day of (Citations omitted)31
the commission of the violation of the law, and if the same
be not known at the time, from the discovery thereof and Accordingly, we are not persuaded to hold here that the
the institution of judicial proceedings for its investigation prescriptive period began to run from 1974, the time when
and punishment. the contracts for the PNPP Project were awarded to Burns
& Roe and Westinghouse. Although the criminal cases were
The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings are the offshoot of the sequestration case to recover ill-gotten
instituted against the guilty person, and shall begin to run wealth instead of behest loans like in Presidential Ad Hoc
again if the proceedings are dismissed for reasons not Fact-Finding Committee on Behest Loans v. Desierto, the
constituting double jeopardy. connivance and conspiracy among the public officials
involved and the beneficiaries of the favors illegally
extended rendered it similarly well-nigh impossible for the
The ruling on the issue of prescription in Presidential Ad
State, as the aggrieved party, to have known of the
Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest Loans v.
commission of the crimes charged prior to the EDSA
Desierto30 is also enlightening, viz:
Revolution in 1986. Notwithstanding the highly publicized
and widely-known nature of the PNPPP, the unlawful acts
Generally, the prescriptive period shall commence to run or transactions in relation to it were discovered only
on the day the crime is committed. That an aggrieved through the PCGG’s exhaustive investigation, resulting in
person "entitled to an action has no knowledge of his right the establishment of a prima facie case sufficient for the
to sue or of the facts out of which his right arises," does not PCGG to institute Civil Case No. 0013 against Disini. Before
prevent the running of the prescriptive period. An the discovery, the PNPPP contracts, which partook of a
exception to this rule is the "blameless ignorance" doctrine, public character, enjoyed the presumption of their
incorporated in Section 2 of Act No. 3326. Under this execution having been regularly done in the course of
doctrine, "the statute of limitations runs only upon official functions.32
discovery of the fact of the invasion of a right which will
support a cause of action. In other words, the courts would
Considering further that during the Marcos regime, no
decline to apply the statute of limitations where the
person would have dared to assail the legality of the
plaintiff does not know or has no reasonable means of
transactions, it would be unreasonable to expect that the
knowing the existence of a cause of action." It was in this
discovery of the unlawful transactions was possible prior to
accord that the Court confronted the question on the
running of the prescriptive period in People v. Duque
which became the cornerstone of our 1999 Decision in
Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest We note, too, that the criminal complaints were filed and
Loans v. Desierto (G.R. No. 130149), and the subsequent their records transmitted by the PCGG to the Office of the
cases which Ombudsman Desierto dismissed, emphatically, Ombudsman on April 8, 1991for the conduct the
on the ground of prescription too. Thus, we held in a catena preliminary investigation.33 In accordance with Article 91 of
of cases, that if the violation of the special law was not the

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Revised Penal Code34 and the ruling in Panaguiton, Jr. v. charged; otherwise, a motion to dismiss or to quash on the
Department of Justice,35 the filing of the criminal complaints ground that the complaint or information charges no
in the Office of the Ombudsman effectively interrupted the offense may be properly sustained. The fundamental test in
running of the period of prescription. According to determining whether a motion to quash may be sustained
Panaguiton:36 based on this ground is whether the facts alleged, if
hypothetically admitted, will establish the essential
In Ingco v. Sandiganbayan and Sanrio Company Limited v. elements of the offense as defined in the law. 37 Extrinsic
Lim, which involved violations of the Anti-Graft and matters or evidence aliunde are not considered.38
Corrupt Practices Act(R.A. No. 3019) and the Intellectual
Property Code (R.A. No. 8293),which are both special laws, The test does not require absolute certainty as to the
the Court ruled that the prescriptive period is interrupted presence of the elements of the offense; otherwise, there
by the institution of proceedings for preliminary would no longer be any need for the Prosecution to proceed
investigation against the accused. In the more recent case of to trial.
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Interport
Resources Corporation, the Court ruled that the nature and The informations in Criminal Case No. 28001 (corruption of
purpose of the investigation conducted by the Securities public officials) and Criminal Case No. 28002 (violation of
and Exchange Commission on violations of the Revised Section 4(a) of RA No.3019) have sufficiently complied with
Securities Act, another special law, is equivalent to the the requirements of Section 6, Rule110 of the Rules of
preliminary investigation conducted by the DOJ in criminal Court, viz:
cases, and thus effectively interrupts the prescriptive
Section 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information. — A
complaint or information is sufficient if it states the name of
The following disquisition in the Interport Resources case is the accused; the designation of the offense given by the
instructive, thus: statute; the acts or omissions complained of as constituting
the offense; the name of the offended party; the
While it may be observed that the term "judicial approximate date of the commission of the offense; and the
proceedings" in Sec. 2 of Act No. 3326 appears before" place where the offense was committed.
investigation and punishment" in the old law, with the
subsequent change in set-up whereby the investigation of When the offense is committed by more than one person,
the charge for purposes of prosecution has become the all of them shall be included in the complaint or
exclusive function of the executive branch, the term information.
"proceedings" should now be understood either executive
or judicial in character: executive when it involves the
The information in Criminal Case No. 28001 alleging
investigation phase and judicial when it refers to the trial
corruption of public officers specifically put forth that
and judgment stage. With this clarification, any kind of
Disini, in the period from 1974 to February 1986 in Manila,
investigative proceeding instituted against the guilty
Philippines, conspiring and confederating with then
person which may ultimately lead to his prosecution
President Marcos, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
should be sufficient to toll prescription.
offered, promised and gave gifts and presents to President
Marcos, who, by taking undue advantage of his position as
Indeed, to rule otherwise would deprive the injured party President, committed the offense in relation to his office,
the right to obtain vindication on account of delays that are and in consideration of the gifts and presents offered,
not under his control. promised and given by Disini, President Marcos caused to
be awarded to Burns & Roe and Westinghouse the
The prevailing rule is, therefore, that irrespective of respective contracts to do the engineering and architectural
whether the offense charged is punishable by the Revised design of and to construct the PNPPP. The felonious act
Penal Code or by a special law, it is the filing of the consisted of causing the contracts for the PNPPP to be
complaint or information in the office of the public awarded to Burns & Roe and Westinghouse by reason of
prosecutor for purposes of the preliminary investigation the gifts and promises offered by Disini to President
that interrupts the period of prescription. Consequently, Marcos.
prescription did not yet set in because only five years
elapsed from 1986, the time of the discovery of the offenses The elements of corruption of public officials under Article
charged, up to April 1991, the time of the filing of the 212 of the Revised Penal Code are:
criminal complaints in the Office of the Ombudsman.
1. That the offender makes offers or promises, or
The informations were sufficient in form and substance gives gifts or presents to a public officer; and

It is axiomatic that a complaint or information must state

every single fact necessary to constitute the offense
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 7
2. That the offers or promises are made or the gifts relations, requested and received $1,000,000.00 from Burns
or presents are given to a public officer under & Roe and $17,000,000.00 from Westinghouse, the entities
circumstances that will make the public officer then having business, transaction, and application with the
liable for direct bribery or indirect bribery. Government in connection with the PNPPP; (3) President
Marcos, the public officer with whom Disini had family or
The allegations in the information for corruption of public close personal relations, intervened to secure and obtain for
officials, if hypothetically admitted, would establish the Burns & Roe the engineering and architectural contract, and
essential elements of the crime. The information stated that: for Westinghouse the construction of the PNPPP.
(1) Disini made an offer and promise, and gave gifts to
President Marcos, a public officer; and (2) in consideration WHEREFORE, the Court DISMISSES the petition for
of the offers, promises and gifts, President Marcos, in certiorari; AFFIRMS the resolutions promulgated on
causing the award of the contracts to Burns & Roe and January 17, 2005 and August 10, 2005 by the
Westinghouse by taking advantage of his position and in Sandiganbayan (First Division) in Criminal Case No. 28001
committing said act in relation to his office, was placed and Criminal Case No. 28002; and DIRECTS petitioner to
under circumstances that would make him liable for direct pay the costs of suit.
The second element of corruption of public officers simply
required the public officer to be placed under Section 5
circumstances, not absolute certainty, that would make him
liable for direct or indirect bribery. Thus, even without
[OCA IPI No. 04-1625-MTJ. July 4, 2005]
alleging that President Marcos received or accepted Disini’s
offers, promises and gifts – an essential element in direct
bribery – the allegation that President Marcos caused the RE: CRISOSTOMO vs. SINGH
award of the contracts to Burns & Roe and Westinghouse
sufficed to place him under circumstances of being liable SECOND DIVISION
for direct bribery.
The sufficiency of the allegations in the information
charging the violation of Section 4(a) of R.A. No. 3019 is Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution of
similarly upheld. The elements of the offense under Section this Court dated JUL 4 2005.
4(a) of R.A. No. 3019 are:
OCA IPI No. 04-1625-MTJ (Re: Estrella V. Crisostomo vs.
1. That the offender has family or close personal Presiding Judge Maria Filomena Singh-Paulite of the
relation with a public official; Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 31, Quezon City.)

2. That he capitalizes or exploits or takes A Complaint-Affidavit dated 13 September 2004, was filed
advantage of such family or close personal relation by Estrella V. Crisostomo charging Presiding Judge Maria
by directly or indirectly requesting or receiving Filomena Singh-Paulite with knowingly rendering an
any present, gift, material or pecuniary advantage unjust judgment, gross inefficiency and gross ignorance of
from any person having some business, the law relative to Criminal Case No. 108982 entitled
transaction, application, request or contract with "People of the Philippines v. Armi Candelaria" for violation
the government; of Presidential Decree No. 651 (requiring registration of
facts concerning the civil status of persons).
3. That the public official with whom the offender
has family or close personal relation has to Complainant Crisostomo alleged that she discovered her
intervene in the business transaction, application, husband Alexander C. Crisostomo has an illegitimate child
request, or contract with the government. with Armi Candelaria whose birth was registered with the
Office of the Civil Registrar of Quezon City. She avers that
The allegations in the information charging the violation of the birth certificate of the child contained a false declaration
Section 4(a) of R.A. No. 3019, if hypothetically admitted, that Armi Candelaria was married to her husband on 07
would establish the elements of the offense, considering July 2000 in Cotabato City. Based on this purported false
that: (1) Disini, being the husband of Paciencia Escolin- declaration, she filed a case for violation of P.D. No. 651
Disini, the first cousin of First Lady Imelda Romualdez- against Candelaria in the Metropolitan Trial Court of
Marcos, and at the same time the family physician of the Manila, docketed as Criminal Case No. 108982.
Marcoses, had close personal relations and intimacy with
and free access to President Marcos, a public official; (2) Eventually, and after several postponements, all upon the
Disini, taking advantage of such family and close personal instance of the prosecution, the decision dated 17 August
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 8
2004 of the respondent was promulgated on 07 September appreciation of evidence by the respondent judge. It bears
2004 which acquitted Armi Candelaria and dismissed the stressing that a trial judge's impression on the testimony of
Case for insufficiency of evidence. witnesses and his appreciation of evidence presented
before him are binding on the Court in the absence of a
Before this Court, complainant alleges that the dismissal is clear showing of grave abuse of discretion or an obvious
against the evidence on record. She further avers that the misapprehension of facts. The fact that the respondent's
promulgation of the assailed decision was postponed appreciation of the evidence differed from that of the
several times and that prior to the actual promulgation, the complainant's - which could be biased - does not warrant
Branch Clerk of Court, presumably upon orders of the the conclusion that the said judge has rendered an unjust
respondent judge, served "advance copies" of the said judgment nor that she is ignorant of the law.
decision to the parties.
In order to hold a judge administratively liable for
On 25 November 2004, Judge Paulite filed a verified knowingly rendering an unjust judgment, it must be shown
comment asserting that: indubitably that the judgment was made with a conscious
and deliberate intent to do an injustice. For liability to
attach, the assailed order, decision or actuation of the judge
a.  the instant administrative complaint is not proper
in the performance of official duties must not only be found
remedy to review or reverse the judgment of acquittal in
to be erroneous but, most importantly, also be established
Criminal Case No. 108982 citing Flores vs. Abesamis (275
that he was moved by bad faith, dishonesty, hatred or some
SCRA 302);
other like motive (De Guzman vs. Dy, A.M. No. RTJ-03-
1755, 3 July 2003, 405 SCRA311).
b.  the complainant has neither alleged nor submitted any
evidence of malice, bad faith, ignorance or inexcusable
negligence; and, the presumption that the respondent judge
has regularly performed her duties prevails;
The second issue relates to the release of the copies of the
Decision dated 17 August 2004 to the parties (the private
c.  as a settled principle, a judge may not be
prosecutor, the private complainant, the counsel for the
administratively charged for mere errors of judgment,
accused and the accused) before the promulgation of the
absent any showing of bad faith, malice, corrupt purpose or
same. Respondent Judge Paulite submits the following
a deliberate intent to do an injustice; and

d.  the respondent's decision to acquit the accused was

"[T]he Decision had been prepared and signed as early
proper, considering the absence of proof beyond reasonable
as 17 August 2004, the original scheduled date of the
promulgation of judgment. The Decision was in fact
dated 17 August 2004, as confirmed by the copy of the
Judge Paulite asserted that the prosecution failed to prove Decision attached as Annex "G" of the Complaint-Affidavit.
beyond reasonable doubt that accused made the false entry Though the Decision was ready, the promulgation in open
in the birth certificate or that the false entry was already court was delayed for reasons outside the control of the
there when the accused signed the same. She added that the respondent, to wit, the absence of the public prosecutor
State must rely on the strength of its own evidence and not on 17 August 2004 and 2 September 2004 and the
on the weakness of the defense. hospitalization of respondent's son on 24 August 2004.
Considering that the delays were not attributable to
On the allegation that "advance copies" of the decision were respondent's negligence, respondent cannot be charged
dubiously released on 02 September 2004 or five (5) days with gross inefficiency."
prior to the actual promulgation, respondent judge
contends that the release was made precisely to assure the .
parties that the promulgation was not being deliberately
delayed, notwithstanding the several postponements, and
"The only reason respondent released copies of the Decision
that the case was in fact already resolved. She said copies of
to all the parties on 2 September 2004 was precisely to
the decision were simultaneously released to and received
assure them that the promulgation was not being
by all the parties as shown in the acknowledgement receipt.
deliberately delayed and that the case had in fact been
resolve by respondent. More importantly, copies of the
After study and evaluation, the Office of the Court Decision were simultaneously released to, and receive by,
Administrator (OCA) recommended the dismissal of the all the parties, as shown by the acknowledgement receipt
complaint, ratiocinating as follows: on page 6 of the court copy of the Decision. The release of
the copies of the Decision was neither intended to favor any
The first issue in this administrative action dwells on an of the parties nor intended to extort some consideration
issue evidently judicial in nature since it involves the from either of the parties. Respondent thus acted in good
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 9
faith when she instructed the Branch Clerk of Court to the trial of criminal cases, it is the duty of the public
release copies of the Decision to all parties on 2 September prosecutor to appear for the government. As stated by this
2004, for which respondent should not be administratively Court, 'once a public prosecutor has been entrusted with
charged. Indeed, in the instances where this Honorable the investigation of a case and has acted thereon by filing
Court punished judges for advance release of decisions, the the necessary information in court, he is by law duty
release was to only one party." bound to take charge thereof until its final termination,
for under the law he assumes full responsibility for his
This explanation responds to the issues regarding the delay failure or success since he is the one more adequately
in the promulgation of the Decision dated 17 August 2004. prepared to pursue it to its termination.' (Salcedo vs.
Liwag, L-21068, November 29, 1963, 9 SCRA 609)." There
can be no doubt that the "final termination" of a criminal
Respondent Judge Paulite states that she "had the final
prosecution referred to is the promulgation of judgment in
version of the subject Decision printed in the morning of 17
the case. The presence of the Public Prosecutor during
August 2004, and she immediately signed it" (cf. Annex C,
promulgation of judgment is therefore indispensable. This
Affidavit of Clerk of Court Edilaida Alcantara). As of 17
supports the common practice and the policy of trial courts
August 2004, therefore, the case had been resolved.
of promulgating their judgments in criminal cases always
However, the scheduled promulgation of judgment on 17
in the presence of the assigned Public Prosecutor. The
August 2004 had to be postponed twice for reasons beyond
soundness of the rule is anchored on the equal opportunity
the control of the respondent Judge. In Annex A of
that must be afforded to the State, which has an immutable
respondent Judge Paulite's Comment, Assistant City
interest in the prosecution of criminal actions, specially in a
Prosecutor Joel Atanacio, the Public Prosecutor assigned to
case such as Criminal Case No. 108982 which involved a
respondent Judge's court, stated under oath that he failed to
supposed false entry in the Civil Registry. Public interest
attend the scheduled hearings on 17 August 2004 and 2
must at all times be safeguarded in the same manner that
September 2004. This caused the cancellation of all hearings
the rights of the accused are studiously protected.
calendared on the material dates, including the
promulgation of judgment in Criminal Case No. 108982.
Indeed, in this instance, the resetting was apparently at the
instance of Assistant City Prosecutor Atanacio who
Was such absence of the Public Prosecutor a valid reason
admitted in his supporting Affidavit that on both 17
for the deferment of promulgation? We find that it served
August 2004 and 2 September 2004, he informed the
as sufficient ground for the respondent Judge to reset the
respondent court that he would be unable to attend the
promulgation and, hence, the eventual promulgation of the
scheduled hearings (Annex A, Comment of Respondent
judgment on September 7, 2004, or 20 days after the
Judge). Given that the Public Prosecutor controls the
original date set for its promulgation, was not characteristic
conduct of the prosecution, the private complainant in
of gross inefficiency on the part of respondent Judge
Criminal Case No. 108982, who is the complainant in this
administrative charge, cannot object if proceedings are reset
at the request of the Public Prosecutor himself due to the
It should be noted that nowhere under Rule 120 of the 2000 latter's unavailability. At any rate, the record does not
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure is there any mention disclose that the private complainant objected to such
of the presence or absence of the prosecution. In fact, resettings of the promulgation of judgment.
Section 6 of Rule 120 clearly lays down the rule for
promulgation of the judgment in absentia, when the same
Lastly, we cannot but emphasize that the delay here, if any,
may proceed even in the absence of either or both the
was too insubstantial to qualify as "inefficiency," let alone
accused and the accused's counsel, without any word
"gross inefficiency," for inefficiency "implies negligence,
regarding the presence or absence of the prosecution.
incompetence, ignorance and carelessness. A judge would
Jurisprudence abounds on the issue of absence of the
be inexcusably negligent if he failed to observe in the
accused and/or accused's counsel during promulgation of
performance of his duties that diligence, prudence and
judgment (cf Pascua vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. no. 140243,
circumspection which the law requires in the rendition of
14 December 2000, 348 SCRA 197, and related cases), but
any public service" (Suroza vs. Hernando, 110 SCRA 388
none directly deals with the question of the necessity of the
[1981]). There is no showing that respondent Judge is even
Public Prosecutor's participation in such promulgation.
remotely guilty of any of the foregoing. The fact that
respondent Judge was ready with the judgment within the
In the absence of a specific rule on the matter, therefore, 30-day period required under the applicable rule negates
reference must be made to the general rule found in Section such charge, because formal promulgation was delayed
5 of Rule 110 which requires that "(A) 11 criminal actions only for reasons beyond the control of respondent Judge
commenced by complaint or information shall be and which are just under the circumstances, as found
prosecuted under the direction and control of the hereinabove.
prosecutor." In the case of People of the Philippines vs.
Beriales (G.R. No. L-39962, 17 April 1976, 70 SCRA 361), the
Just as significant is the fact that where the Supreme Court
Supreme Court defined this role of the Trial Fiscal, thus: "In
has penalized judges for gross inefficiency, the delay was
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 10
for periods much longer that the 20-day delay here. In PEOPLE of the PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
Cueva vs. Villanueva (305 SCRA 459 [1999]), it was one vs.
hundred days; in Reyes Garmsen vs. Bello (A.M. no. RTJ- ELMER YPARRAGUIRE y SEPE, accused-appellant.
04-1877, 21 December 2004), eleven months; one year and
six months in Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Generoso YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
(249 SCRA 477 [1995]); seven months in Gallego vs.
Doronilla (334 SCRA 339[2000]); and, one year and seven
After his indictment1 and trial, accused-appellant appeals
months in Asinas, Jr. vs. Trinidad (242 SCRA 716[1995]).
from his conviction for the crime of rape of a mental
Specifically, in Santos v.s Lorenzo )387 SCRA 416 [2002]), a
retardate. 2 Pursuant to Republic Act No. 8353, the Anti-
seven month delay was involved, yet the charge was
Rape Law of 1997, rape is a crime against person which
nevertheless dismissed by the Supreme Court which ruled
may be prosecuted de oficio. However, considering that the
as "well-taken" this Office's recommendation that the
alleged rape was committed in 1994, which was prior to the
charge be dismissed "considering the heavy case load of the
effectivity of R.A. 8353, we apply the old law and treat rape
courts within the National Capital Judicial Region. More so,
as a private crime.
there is nothing on record that will show the delay was
done maliciously or was caused with deliberate intent to
inflict damage." The facts as narrated by the trial court are:

As for the supposed release of the advance copies of the "On March 24, 1994, at about 11:00 o’clock in the evening,
decision, respondent Judge Paulite sufficiently established while complainant Charmelita D. Ruina, an invalid and
that such release on 2 September 2004 was not of "advance" mentally retarded, was on her bed at the store of her
copies of the Decision as the same was, by 17 August 2004, mother at the Public Market at Carrascal, Surigao del Sur,
already signed and in the hands of the Clerk of Court, and where she and her mother lived, accused Elmer
the release was made simultaneously to all parties, not to Yparraguirre alias "Lalo" entered her room, the door of
one party alone, as evidence (sic) by the record, in which was not locked because her mother went to the store
particular, the acknowledgement receipt signed by all of her elder sister. Upon getting inside, he undressed
parties on page 6 of the original copy of the Decision. himself and approached the Complainant who was
apparently awake. He caressed her and sucked her breasts.
She shouted for help but nobody came to rescue her,
Under the circumstances, therefore, the respondent Judge
perhaps because it was late already in the evening and her
cannot be held liable for gross inefficiency by reason of any
voice was not loud enough to be heard at the distance as, in
delay in the promulgation of the judgment in Criminal
fact, it could be heard at only about three to five meters
Case no. 108982.
away x x x. Accused told her to keep quiet and when she
put up some limpy resistance, he boxed her. He then
As to the premature release of copies of the decision, same removed her panty went on top of her and inserted his
should not have been done by respondent judge. The fact manhood into her most private part. She felt pain. After
that all the parties were furnished copies thereof is not the raping her, he left her room. Soon her mother, Sanselas
issue. What is in issue is the release of the copies of the Leongas Ruina, arrived. She reported to her the incident.
decision prior to its promulgation. Rendition of the The following morning, accused went back to the store and
judgment in trial courts refers to the filing of the signed apologized for what he did and promised not to do it again.
decision with the clerk of court. [1]cralaw Prior thereto, said But his plea would not mollify Sanselas. She took the
judgment may still be amended or changed by the judge. complainant to the Madrid (Surigao del Sur) District
cralaw Inasmuch as said judgment can still be amended Hospital for physical examination. Dr. Carlo P. Altrecha
or changed, it is only proper for respondent judge to have recorded the following findings in the Medical Certificate
waited for its promulgation before sending out copies that he issued on March 26, 1994:
thereof in order to avoid any anomalous consequences that
may arise on account of its early release. In one case,
cralaw the Supreme Court admonished a judge who
prematurely released a decision prior to its promulgation.
We agree in the findings of the Office of the Court
Administrator, save the premature release of the subject n ABRASION, AT THE LEVEL OF THE MID-
decision for which this Court ADMONISHES Judge Maria CLAVICULAR AREA, BOTH, LEFT AND RIGHT.


KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 11

n LABIA MAJORA: NO CONGESTION, NO provision is not determinative of the jurisdiction of courts
HEMATOMA. over the private offenses because the same is governed by
n LABIA MINORA: CONGESTED, SLIGHT SWOLLEN. the Judiciary law, not the Revised Penal Code which deals
n VAGINAL ORIPICE: CONGESTED, SLIGHT SWOLLEN with the definition of felonies and their punishment. Stated
HYMEN NOT INTACT. differently, the complaint required in Article 344 is but a
n VAGINAL SMEAR FOR THE PRESENCE OF condition precedent to the exercise by the proper
SPERMATOZOA: NO SPERMATOZOA SEEN."3 authorities of the power to prosecute the guilty parties.
Such condition was imposed out of consideration for the
Appellant did not testify in court but instead relied on the offended woman and her family who might prefer to suffer
lone testimony of his father, who alleged that the complaint the outrage in silence rather than go through with the
for rape was filed as a result of a "misunderstanding" scandal of a public trial.4 The complaint simply starts the
between appellant and the mother of the victim. prosecutory proceeding but does not confer jurisdiction on
the court to try the case5 because the overriding
consideration in determining whether the condition
In this appeal, the basic issue raised by appellant is that the
precedent in Article 344 has been complied with is the
trial court never acquired jurisdiction over the case because
intent of the aggrieved party to seek judicial redress for the
the complaint was signed and filed by the chief of police
affront committed.6
and not by the complainant.

Article 344 was not enacted for the specific purpose of

Appellant’s contention has no merit. Section 5, Rule 110 of
benefitting the accused. When it is said that the
the Rules on Criminal Procedure provides in part:
requirement in Article 344 (that there should be a complaint
of the offended party or her relatives) is jurisdictional, what
"The offense of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of is meant is that it is the complaint that starts the
lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except upon a prosecutory proceeding. It is not the complaint which
complaint filed by the offended party or her parents, confers jurisdiction in the court to try the case. The court’s
grandparents, or guardian, nor, in any case, if the offender jurisdiction is vested in it by the Judiciary Law.7
has been expressly pardoned by the above-named persons,
as the case may be. In case the offended party dies or
Going now to the merits of the case, the gravamen of the
becomes incapacitated before she could file the complaint
crime of rape is the sexual congress of a woman by force
and has no known parents, grandparents or guardian, the
and without consent.8 These elements have been proven
State shall initiate the criminal action in her behalf.
beyond reasonable doubt to concur in this case. The
evidence shows that appellant boxed the victim in the neck
The offended party, even if she were a minor, has the right and slapped her on the face while she was alone and lying
to initiate the prosecution for the above offenses, in bed on that fateful night. When she shouted for help,
independently of her parents, grandparents or guardian, appellant told her to keep quiet. Appellant then began
unless she is incompetent or incapable of doing so upon sucking her breasts and her vagina. Then he removed her
grounds other than her minority. Where the offended party panty and forcibly had sexual intercourse with the mentally
who is a minor fails to file the complaint, her parents, retarded victim causing pain in her private part. Her
grandparents, or guardian may file the same. The right to testimony in the oral deposition confirms the statements
file the action granted to the parents, grandparents or she made in the vernacular in her affidavit earlier executed.
guardian shall be exclusive of all other persons and shall be Thus,
exercised successively in the order herein provided, except
as stated in the immediately preceding paragraph."
P – Unsa may imong guibuhat paghikita nimo niadtong
tawo nga miduol kanimo.
Pursuant to the afore-quoted provision, the offended party
can initiate a prosecution for rape even if she is a minor,
T – Misinggit ako.
unless she is incompetent or incapable of doing so upon
grounds other than her minority. Although the victim in
this case is no longer a minor, it is undisputed that she is a P – Unsay guibuhat niadtong tawo sa imong pagsinggit?
mental retardate and suffering from physical deformity. No
woman would come out in the open, inform the authorities T – Iyang guitampa ang akong baba, dayon mipatong siya
of the injustice done to her, make a statement of what had kanako.
happened unless her purpose is to redress the wrong done
against her honor. Once the violation of the law becomes P– Unsay sunod nga guibuhat niadtong tawo sa dihang
known through a direct original participation initiated by mipatong na siya kanimo?
the victim, the requirements of Article 344 of the Revised
Penal Code (RPC), to the effect that the offense of rape
"shall not be prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by
the offended party or her parents," are satisfied. Said
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 12
T– Iyang guidun-an ang akong tiyan, apan kay mikisikisi On the alleged misunderstanding that appellant had with
man ako iyang guisumbag ang akong kilid dayon guihubo the victim’s mother which allegedly prompted the mother
ang akong baro ug guisunod usab dayon ang akong pante. to file the rape case against him, suffice it to say that no
mother would expose her own daughter to embarrassment
P – Unsay sunod nga guibuhat niadtong tawo kanimo sa and humiliation as well as to the trouble, inconvenience,
tapos niya paghubo sa imong baro ug imong pante? ridicule and scandal concomitant with a public trial if such
was not the truth and had not her intention been to bring
the culprit to the folds of justice. No mother, virtuous or
T – Iya akong gui-iyot senyor.
not, will voluntarily and without compelling reasons put
her own daughter to shame and humiliation 18 if she were
P – Unsay imong guibuhat sa dihang guiiyot sa tawo? not motivated by an honest desire to have her daughter’s
transgressor punished accordingly.19 Besides, it is unnatural
T – Misinggit ako senyor apan guipagngan ang akong baba busa for a parent to use her offspring as an engine of malice,
mikisikisi ako apan guisumbag na usab ug maoy nakapalipong especially if it will subject a daughter to embarrassment. 20
kanako.9 (Italics supplied).
In an apparent attempt to free himself from liability,
The victim’s narrations are corroborated by the medical appellant on the very same night after the assault, asked
findings of the physician who examined her and found that forgiveness from the victim’s mother and promised that the
her labia minora was "congested, slight swollen", and her same will never be repeated. Yet, no mother can just let
hymen no longer intact. She also suffered abrasions and pass an indignity committed against one of her own blood.
contusions on both breasts and near her right armpit, which It is easy to forgive, but justice for her would be no less
may have been caused by the blows. than punishment. Moreover, a plea for forgiveness may be
considered analogous to an attempt to compromise, which
In rape, it is not essential that the force employed in offer of compromise by the appellant may be received in
accomplishing the crime be so great or of such character or evidence as an implied admission of guilt pursuant to
could not be resisted.10 Force in rape is relative, depending Section 27, Rule 130 of the Rules on Evidence.21
on the age, size and strength of the parties. In the same
manner, intimidation must be viewed in the light of the With respect to the monetary awards, the P50,000.00
victim’s perception and judgment at the time of the "damages" granted by the trial court should be properly
commission of the crime and not by any hard and fast denominated as moral damages, which is allowed even if
rule.11 The victim was a mental retardate and suffering from there was no proof during the trial as basis therefor. 22 The
physical disability when appellant employed force by mental and physical suffering of the victims’ injury is
boxing and slapping her. And when she shouted for help inherently concomitant with and necessarily resulting from
he intimidated her to keep her quiet. The fact that the the odious crime which per se warrants the award of moral
victim did not offer a tenacious resistance is immaterial damages.23 In addition thereto, the complainant is also
considering her physical nature – she is an invalid and entitled to a civil indemnity of P50,000.00 24 which is
unable to rise from the bed unassisted. Physical resistance outrightly awarded to rape victims being in the category of
need not be established in rape when intimidation is actual or compensatory damages25 and because the rape
exercised upon the victim and the latter submits herself, herein is not effectively qualified by any circumstance
against her will, to the rapist’s advances because of fear for under which the death penalty is authorized by present
her life and personal safety. 12 Although the victim shouted amended law.26
for help, her voice could be heard only as far as three to five
meters away.13 This negates the contention of the father of WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court finding
appellant that the rape could not have been committed accused-appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
because the locus criminis of the crime was only about crime of Rape is AFFIRMED. Further, appellant is
fifteen meters away from the passengers’ terminal where ORDERED TO PAY the complainant fifty thousand pesos
there were people passing. In any case, it has been (P50,000.00) as civil indemnity in ADDITION to the fifty
consistently ruled that rape can be committed even in thousand pesos (P50,000.00) moral damages.
places where people congregate, in parks along the
roadsides, in a house where there are other occupants, 14 in
the same room where other members of the family are
sleeping,15 and even in places which to many would appear
unlikely and high risk venues for its commission. 16 For rape HE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
to be committed, it is not necessary for the place to be ideal, vs.
or the weather to be fine for rapists bear no respect for RODOLFO A. SCHNECKENBURGER, ET
locale and time when they carry out their evil AL., defendants-appellants.
deed.17 1âwphi1

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 13

On March 16, 1926, the accused Rodolfo A. Upon the other hand, we believe and so hold that the
Schneckenburger married the compliant Elena Ramirez accused should be acquitted of the crime of concubinage.
Cartagena and after seven years of martial life, they agreed, The document executed by and between the accused and
for reason of alleged incompatibility of character, to live the complaint in which they agreed to be "en completa
separately each other and on May 25, 1935 they executed a libertad de accion en cualquier acto y en todos conceptos,"
document which in part recites as follows: while illegal for the purpose for which it was executed,
constitutes nevertheless a valid consent to the act of
Que ambos comparecientes convienen en vivir concubinage within the meaning of section 344 of the
separados el uno del otro por el resto de su vida y Revised Penal Code. There can be no doubt that by such
se comprometen, y obligan reciprocamente a no agreement, each party clearly intended to forego to illicit
molastarse ni intervenir ni mezclarse bajo ningun acts of the other.
concepto en la vida publica o privada de los
mismos, entre si, quendado cada uno de los We said before (People vs. Guinucod, 58 Phil., 621) that the
otorgantes en completa libertad de accion en consent which bars the offended party from instituting a
calquier acto y todos concepto. criminal prosecution in cases of adultery, concubinage,
seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness is that
On June 15, 1935, the accused Schneckenburger, without which has been given expressly or impliedly after the crime
leaving the Philippines, secured a decree of divorce from has been committed. We are now convinced that this is a
the civil court of Juarez, Bravos District, State of narrow view in way warranted by the language, as well as
Chihuahua, Mexico. On May 11, 1936, he contracted the manifest policy, of the law. The second paragraph of
another marriage with his co-accused, Julia Medel, in the article 344 of the Revised Penal Code provides:
justice of the peace court of Malabon, Rizal, and since then
they lived together as husband and wife in the city of The offended party cannot institute criminal
Manila. Because of the nullity of the divorce decreed by the prosecution without including both the guilty
Mexico Court, complaint herein instituted two actions parties, if they are both alive, nor, in any case, if he
against the accused, one for bigamy in the Court of First shall have consented or pardoned the offenders.
Instance of Rizal and the other concubinage in the court of (Emphasis ours.)
First Instance of Manila. The first culminated in the
conviction of the accused for which he was sentenced to As the term "pardon" unquestionably refers to the offense
penalty of two months and one day of arresto mayor. On the after its commission, "consent" must have been intended
trial for the offense of concubinage accused interposed the agreeably with its ordinary usage, to refer to the offense
plea of double jeopardy, and the case was dismissed; but, prior to its commission. No logical difference can indeed be
upon appeal by the fiscal, this Court held the dismissal perceived between prior and subsequent consent, for in
before the trial to be premature this was under the former both instances as the offended party has chosen to
procedure and without deciding the question of double compromise with his/her dishonor, he/she becomes
jeopardy, remanded the case to the trial court for trial on unworthy to come to court and invoke its aid in the
the merits. Accused was convicted of concubinage through vindication of the wrong. For instance, a husband who
reckless imprudence and sentenced to a penalty of two believers his wife another man for adultery, is as unworthy,
months and one day of arresto mayor. Hence this appeal. if not more, as where, upon acquiring knowledge of the
adultery after its commission, he says or does nothing. We,
As to appellant's plea of double jeopardy, it need only be therefore, hold that the prior consent is as effective as
observed that the office of bigamy for which he was subsequent consent to bar the offended party from
convicted and that of concubinage for which he stood trial prosecuting the offense.
in the court below are two distinct offenses in law and in
fact as well as in the mode of their prosecution. The In this arriving at this conclusion we do not with to be
celebration of the second marriage, with the first still misconstrued as legalizing an agreement to do an illicit act,
existing, characterizes the crime of bigamy; on the other in violation of law. Our view must be taken only to mean
hand, in the present case, mere cohabitation by the husband that an agreement of the tenor entered into between the
with a woman who is not his wife characterizes the crime of parties herein, operates, within the plain language and
concubinage. The first in an offense against civil status manifest policy of the law, to bar the offended party from
which may be prosecuted at the instance of the state; the prosecuting the offense. If there is anything morally
second, an offense against chastity and may be prosecuted condemnatory in a situation of his character, the remedy
only at the instance of the offended party. And no rule is lies not with us but with the legislative department of the
more settled in law than that, on the matter of double government. What the law is, not what it should be, defines
jeopardy, the test is not whether the defendant has already the limits of our authority.
been tried for the same act, but whether he has been put in
jeopardy for the same offense. (Diaz v. U. S., 223 U. S., 422;
Judgment is reversed and the accused is hereby acquitted,
People v. Cabrera, 43 Phil., 82)
without costs.
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 14
Avanceña, C.J., Abad Santos, Diaz and Horilleno, JJ., concur. CONTRARY TO LAW.3

Section 6 Appellant pleaded not guilty to the charges. 4 Thereafter,

trial on the merits ensued.
vs. Complainant was born on August 26, 1983, and was 10
EDGARDO DIMAANO, Appellant. years old when she was first sexually abused in the
morning of September 1993. While inside their house in
DECISION Sucat, Paraaque, appellant entered her room and laid down
beside her. He removed her clothes and asked her to lie face
down then inserted his penis into her anus. Complainant
cried and felt so much pain, but she kept the incident to
herself as her father might hurt her.5
On January 26, 1996, Maricar Dimaano charged her father,
Edgardo Dimaano with two (2) counts of rape and one (1)
A few days later, appellant again ravished her. After
count of attempted rape in the complaints which read as
removing his clothes, he asked her to lie on her side facing
him and to place her thigh over his. While in that position,
appellant inserted his penis into her vagina which caused
Criminal Case No. 96-125 tremendous pain.6 As in the first incident, complainant kept
the ordeal to herself. It was only in November 1995 that she
That sometime in the year 1993 in the Municipality of confided the sexual abuses to her mother.
Paraaque, Metro Manila, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named On December 29, 1995, appellant again assaulted her
accused, by means of force and intimidation, did then and daughter. While leaning on the kitchen sink, he raised her t-
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have carnal shirt, fondled and kissed her breasts. He then removed
knowledge of the undersigned complainant Maricar their shorts, fondled her vagina and inserted his penis, but
Dimaano y Victoria, who is his own daughter, a minor 10 when her brother Edwin went out of his room, appellant
years of age, against her will and consent. immediately asked her to dress up.7

CONTRARY TO LAW.1 The last sexual assault happened in the afternoon of

January 1, 1996. Appellant laid complainant down on the
Criminal Case No. 96-150 sofa then placed himself on top of her and made pumping
motion even with their shorts on. Appellant stopped only
That on or about the 29th day of December 1995, in the when he heard the arrival of his wife.8
Municipality of Paraaque, Metro Manila, Philippines and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above- On January 3, 1996, complainant and her mother visited a
named accused, by means of force and intimidation, did relative in Cainta, Rizal, who upon learning of the abuses
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have done by the appellant, advised them to go to Camp Crame
carnal knowledge of the undersigned complainant Maricar where they filed a complaint. 9 The Medico-Legal Officer at
Dimaano y Victoria, who is his own daughter, a minor 12 the PNP Crime Laboratory examined complainant and
years of age, against her will and consent. found her to have suffered deep healed hymenal
lacerations and was in a non-virgin state.10
Appellant denied the accusations against him. He testified
Criminal Case No. 96-151 that he married Maria Loreto V. Dimaano on December 25,
1976 and begot three children with her, namely, Edwin,
That on or about the 1st day of January 1996, in the Eric, and Maricar. He alleged that he worked in several
Municipality of Paraaque, Metro Manila, Philippines and companies abroad11 but admitted that he was in the
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above- Philippines in September 1993. He contended though that
named accused, try and attempt to rape one Maricar he could not have raped complainant because he was
Dimaano y Victoria, thus commencing the commission of always in the office from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. waiting to
the crime of Rape, directly by overt acts, but nevertheless be dispatched to another assignment overseas.12
did not perform all the acts of execution which would
produce it, as a consequence by reason of cause other than He claimed it was impossible for him to rape his daughter
his spontaneous desistance that is due to the timely arrival on December 29, 1995 or January 1, 1996 because there were
of the complainant's mother. other people in the house. He argued that had he raped
complainant, then she would not have accompanied him to

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 15

the Paraaque Police Station and Barangay Hall of San In Criminal Case No. 96-150, the accused-appellant
Antonio to apply for police clearance and barangay I.D., EDGARDO DIMAANO, as found guilty of qualified rape
and to Uniwide Shopping Center at Sucat, Paraaque, where under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended
they applied for membership at the Video City Club. 13 He by Section 11 of Republic Act 7659, and sentenced to death
also maintained that the fact that his daughter was in a penalty, is also ordered to pay the victim MARICAR
non-virgin state did not conclusively prove that he was DIMAANO Php75,000.00 as civil indemnity; Php75,000.00
responsible for it because it is also possible that his as moral damages and Php25,000.00 as exemplary
daughter had sexual intercourse with another man her damages.
In Criminal Case No. 96-151, the accused-appellant
The trial court found the testimony of complainant to be EDGARDO DIMAANO as found guilty of attempted rape
spontaneous and credible. She narrated the obscene details under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended
of her harrowing experience which no girl of tender age by Section 11 of Republic Act 7659, is hereby sentenced to
would have known unless she herself had experienced it. It an indeterminate penalty of 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to
found the delay in reporting the rape understandable due 6 years of prision correccional as minimum to 8 years and 1
to the fear complainant had of her father who had moral day to 10 years of prision mayor as maximum. Accused-
ascendancy over her. Also, the quarrel between appellant is also ordered to pay the victim MARICAR
complainant's parents was not sufficient motive for the wife DIMAANO Php30,000.00 as civil indemnity, Php25,000.00
to lodge a serious charge of rape against appellant. It as moral damages, and Php10,000.00 as exemplary
disregarded the Compromise Agreement and the Salaysay damages.
sa Pag-uurong ng Sumbong since complainant was not
assisted by a lawyer when she signed the same. Besides, she In accordance with Sec. 13, Rule 124 of the Amended Rules
testified in open court that she was pursuing the case to Govern Review of Death Penalty Cases (A.M. No. 00-5-
against her father. The dispositive portion of the decision 03-SC, effective 15 October 2004), this case is CERTIFIED to
reads: the Supreme Court for review.

WHEREFORE, the accused Edgardo Dimaano is found Let the entire record of this case be elevated to the Supreme
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of rape (2 Court.
counts) and the crime of attempted rape. For the rape
committed in September 1993, he is sentenced to a penalty
of reclusion perpetua. For the rape on December 29, 1995, he
is imposed the supreme penalty of death. And for the crime
of attempted rape, applying the Indeterminate Sentence In his Brief, appellant raises the following issues:
Law (Act No. 4103 as amended), he is sentenced to a
penalty of 4 years and 2 months of prision I. WHETHER OR NOT THE EVIDENCE ADDUCED BY
correccional medium to 10 years and 1 day to 12 years THE PROSECUTION HAS OVERCOME THE
of prision mayor maximum. He is ordered to indemnify the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE OF THE ACCUSED.
victim the amount of P50,000.00 and to pay exemplary
damages in the amount of P50,000.00. II. WHETHER OR NOR THE VOLUNTARY AND DUE
The Court of Appeals affirmed with modifications the DOUBT THE REASONS BEHIND THE FILING OF THE
decision of the trial court, thus: CRIMINAL CHARGES OF RAPE AGAINST HEREIN
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision dated 31
May 2000 of the Regional Trial Court of Paraaque City, Appellant contends that if complainant's accusations were
Branch 257 convicting accused-appellant Edgardo Dimaano true, then she could have reported them to the authorities
of the crime of rape is AFFIRMED with the following when she accompanied him to Paraaque Police Station and
MODIFICATIONS: the Barangay Hall of San Antonio or to their relatives when
she had the opportunity to do so. He also argues that had
the trial court considered the Compromise Agreement
In Criminal Case No. 96-125, the accused-appellant
and Sinumpaang Salaysay ng Pag-uurong ng Sumbong, it
EDGARDO DIMAANO as found guilty of rape under
would have known that complainant was only pressured
Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code and sentenced to a
by her mother into filing the complaint.
penalty of reclusion perpetua is also ordered to pay the
victim MARICAR DIMAANO Php50,000.00 as civil
indemnity; Php50,000.00 as moral damages and We are not persuaded.
Php25,0000.00 as exemplary damages.
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 16
This credibility given by the trial court to the rape victim is A: He inserted in my anus ' ipinasok niya ang titi niya sa
an important aspect of evidence which appellate courts can puwet ko.
rely on because of its unique opportunity to observe the
witnesses, particularly their demeanor, conduct and Q: Did you tell anybody about what happened to you?
attitude during direct and cross-examination by
counsel.18 Absent any showing that the trial judge
A: No, Maam.
overlooked, misunderstood, or misapplied some facts or
circumstances of weight which would affect the result of
the case, his assessment of credibility deserves the appellate Q: Why not?
court's highest respect.19
A: Because I was afraid of my father.
It is likewise well established that the testimony of a rape
victim is generally given full weight and credit, more so if Q: Why are you afraid of your father?
she is a minor. The revelation of an innocent child whose
chastity has been abused deserves full credit, as her A: Because he might hurt me.
willingness to undergo the trouble and the humiliation of a
public trial is an eloquent testament to the truth of her Q: After that incident in September 1993, do you recall any
complaint. In so testifying, she could only have been other incident that occurred?
impelled to tell the truth, especially in the absence of proof
of ill motive.20
A: There is, Maam.

In the case at bar, the trial court and the Court of Appeals
Q: When was it?
gave credence to the testimony of the complainant who was
only 12 years old when she narrated to the court the
violations of her person as follows: A: After a few days after the first incident.

For rape committed in September 1993: Q: After he entered your room, what happened next?

ATTY. AMBROSIO: A: He laid beside me and he removed my clothes.

When was the first time that he committed sexual assault Q: What did your father do with the clothes he was
upon you? wearing?

A: September 1993. A: He removed his clothes.

COURT: Q: After removing his clothes, what happened next, if any?

No specific date? A: We were lying in my bed and he asked me to lie on my

side ' pinatagilid niya ako.
A: I cannot remember, Maam.
Q: After he asked you to lie down on your side, what
happened next, if any?

A: He asked me to raise my right leg and placed it on his

Can you remember how old were you at that time?
side because he was then lying on his side.

A: 10 years old, Maam.

Q: After he asked you to place your right thigh over his left
thigh, what happened next, if any?
Q: So, after he removed your T-shirt, bra and pan(t)y and
shorts, what happened next, if anything happened?
A: He inserted his penis into my organ.21

A: He asked me to lie face down. Pinadapa po niya ako.

For rape committed on December 29, 1995:

Q: After he asked you to lie face down, what happened

Q: On December 29, 1995, do you remember of any unusual
incident that happened?

RECORD: The witness is crying.

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 17
A: There was, Maam. Q: After putting down your panty, what happened next, if
Q: What is that incident?
A: He held my organ.
A: I was raped by my father on that day.
Q: Where were you on that day when you said he raped
you? At this juncture, Your Honor, may we request witness to be
more specific with respect to organ.
A: I was then at the kitchen of our house.
Q: What were you doing at the kitchen at that time?
When you say organ', what do you mean?
A: I was then sitting at our dining set.
A: Pekpek.
Q: What about your father, what he doing?
COURT: Proceed.
A: He was cooking.
Q: What happened while sitting at the dining set, if any?
After he held my vagina, he also put down his shorts and
A: He told me to approach him. brief.

Q: After you approached him, what happened next? Q: After putting down his shorts and brief, what happened
A: I was leaning then at the kitchen sink and he asked me to
embrace him. A: He inserted his penis into my vagina.22

Q: What happened after you embraced him? For Attempted rape committed on January 1, 1996:

A: After that, he raised my T-shirt. Q: Do you recall of any incident that happened on Jan 1,
199[6] 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.?
Q: After raising your T-shirt, what happened next?
A: We were in our sala on the sofa.
A: He held my breast.
Q: When you say 'we', who are those you are referring to?
Q: After that, what happened next?
A: Me and my father.
A: He kept kissing my breast.
Q: While you and your father were in the living room and
on the sofa, what happened?
Q: How many times did he kiss your breast?

A: While we were on the sofa, my father was then raising

A: Many times.
my T-shirt and kissing my breast.

Q: What happened next after he kissed you breast?

Q: What were you wearing at that time?

A: He put my shorts down.

A: Shorts, T-shirt, bra and panty.

Q: After putting your shorts down, what happened next, if

Q: What did your father do with your shorts, T-shirt and

A: He also put down my panty.

A: He raised them.

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 18

Q: What about your father, how was he dressed at that culprit to justice. The Court has thus considered justified
time? the filing of complaints for rape months, even years, after
the commission of the offense.25
A: Shorts and T-shirt.
In the case at bar, the delay of more than two years is not an
Q: After raising your bra and T-shirt, what happened next? indication that the charges were fabricated for
complainant's reactions were consistent with reason. Her
complete obedience to appellant, her lack of struggle and
A: While he was kissing my breast, we were already lying
the studied silence she kept about her ordeal were all
on the sofa, then he went on top of me.
brought about by genuine fear posed by her own father
against her.
Q: After he went on top of you, what happened next, if
Appellant's reliance on complainant's affidavit of
desistance deserves scant consideration. A survey of our
A: He was forcing to insert his penis while we were still jurisprudence reveals that the court attaches no persuasive
wearing shorts. value to a desistance, especially when executed as an
afterthought. The unreliable character of this document is
Q: So, you mean to say, you were still wearing shorts at that shown by the fact that it is quite incredible that a victim,
time? after going through the trouble of having the appellant
arrested by the police, positively identifying him as the
A: Yes, Maam. person who raped her, enduring the humiliation of a
physical examination of her private parts, repeating her
Q: What happened next when he was forcing to push his accusations in open court and recounting her anguish in
penis into your vagina? detail, will suddenly turn around and declare that she is no
longer interested in pursuing the case.26
A: It did not push through because my mother suddenly
arrived.23 Too, complainant repudiated the affidavit of desistance in
open court by stating that no lawyer assisted her when she
affixed her signature27 and had shown her resolve to
The trial court believed the complainant and held that:
continue with the prosecution of the cases.28 Besides, the
trial court is not bound to dismiss the cases, as it is still
The testimony of Maricar of her ignominious experience within its discretion whether or not to proceed with the
contains all the indicia of truth. It is spontaneous, direct and prosecution,29 considering that the compromise agreement
clear. It is vivid and complete with details. Her testimony is and the affidavit of desistance were executed long after the
truthful and convincing. Her credibility is beyond question. cases have been filed in court.

The Court believes that at her tender age, Maricar could not Moreover, a criminal offense is an outrage to the sovereign
make public the offense, undergo the troubles and State and to the State belongs the power to prosecute and
humiliation of public trial and endure the ordeal of punish crimes.30 By itself, an affidavit of desistance is not a
testifying to all its gory details if she has not in fact been ground for the dismissal of an action, once it has been
raped. The Court believes that a girl who is only twelve (12) instituted in court. A private complainant loses the right or
years old would not ordinarily file a rape complaint against absolute privilege to decide whether the rape charge should
anybody, much less her own father, if it is not true.24 proceed, because the case was already filed and must
therefore continue to be heard by the trial court. 31
We have painstakingly reviewed the evidence on record
and found no cogent reason to disturb the findings of the In addition, a careful scrutiny of the affidavit of desistance
trial court and the appellate court. reveals that complainant never retracted her allegation that
she was raped by her father. Neither did she give any
Contrary to appellant's assertion, complainant's credibility exculpatory fact that would raise doubts about the rape. All
was not diminished by her failure to report the sexual she stated in the affidavit was that she had decided to
abuses to the authorities and her relatives despite withdraw the complaints after the appellant agreed not to
opportunities to do so. Delay in reporting the rape disturb the complainant; to consent to annul his marriage;
incidents, especially in the face of threats of physical allow his wife to solely manage the conjugal properties;
violence, cannot be taken against the victim, more so when and entrust the custody of his children to his wife. Rather
the lecherous attacker is her own father. Strong than contradict, this affidavit reinforces complainant's
apprehensions brought about by fear, stress, or anxiety can testimony that appellant raped her on several occasions.
easily put the offended party to doubt or even distrust what
should otherwise be a positive attitude of bringing the
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 19
The gravamen of the offense of rape is sexual congress with common understanding to know what offense is intended
a woman by force and without consent.1âwphi1 If the to be charged, and enable the court to pronounce proper
woman is under 12 years of age, proof of force and consent judgment. No information for a crime will be sufficient if it
becomes immaterial not only because force is not an does not accurately and clearly allege the elements of the
element of statutory rape, but the absence of a free consent crime charged. Every element of the offense must be stated
is presumed. Conviction will therefore lie, provided sexual in the information. What facts and circumstances are
intercourse is proven. But if the woman is 12 years of age or necessary to be included therein must be determined by
over at the time she was violated, sexual intercourse must reference to the definitions and essentials of the specified
be proven and also that it was done through force, violence, crimes. The requirement of alleging the elements of a crime
intimidation or threat.32 in the information is to inform the accused of the nature of
the accusation against him so as to enable him to suitably
We have ruled that in incestuous rape of a minor, actual prepare his defense. The presumption is that the accused
force or intimidation need not even be employed where the has no independent knowledge of the facts that constitute
overpowering moral influence of appellant, who is private the offense.37
complainant's father, would suffice. The moral and physical
dominion of the father is sufficient to cow the victim into Notably, the above-cited complaint upon which the
submission to his beastly desires. 33 The instant case is no appellant was arraigned does not allege specific acts or
exception. Appellant took advantage of his moral and omission constituting the elements of the crime of rape.
physical ascendancy to unleash his lechery upon his Neither does it constitute sufficient allegation of elements
daughter. for crimes other than rape, i.e., Acts of Lasciviousness. The
allegation therein that the appellant 'tr[ied] and attempt[ed] to
Hence, under the above circumstances, we affirm the trial rape the complainant does not satisfy the test of sufficiency
court's conviction in Criminal Case Nos. 96-125 and 96-150 of a complaint or information, but is merely a conclusion of
for the crimes of rape committed in September 1993 and on law by the one who drafted the complaint. This
December 29, 1995. However, we acquit appellant in insufficiency therefore prevents this Court from rendering a
Criminal Case No. 96-151 for the crime of attempted rape judgment of conviction; otherwise we would be violating
for failure to allege in the complaint the specific acts the right of the appellant to be informed of the nature of the
constitutive of attempted rape. accusation against him.

The complaint for attempted rape in Criminal Case No. 96- The trial court correctly imposed the penalty of reclusion
151 is again quoted as follows: perpetua in Criminal Case No. 96-125 as the rape was
committed in September 1993 prior to the effectivity of R.A.
No. 7659, otherwise known as the Death Penalty Law, on
That on or about the 1st day of January 1996, in the
December 31, 1993. Prior to R.A. No. 7659, Article 335 of the
Municipality of Paraaque, Metro Manila, Philippines and
Revised Penal Code imposes the penalty of reclusion
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
perpetua for the the crime of rape, when committed against
named accused, try and attempt to rape one Maricar
a woman who is under 12 years old or is demented. Anent
Dimaano y Victoria, thus commencing the commission of
the rape in Criminal Case No. 96-150 which was committed
the crime of Rape, directly by overt acts, but nevertheless
on December 29, 1995, Article 335, as amended by R.A. No.
did not perform all the acts of execution which would
7659, thus applies. It provides:
produce it, as a consequence by reason of cause other than
his spontaneous desistance that is due to the timely arrival
of the complainant's mother. ART. 335. When and how rape is committed. - Rape is
committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman under
any of the following circumstances:

1. By using force or intimidation;

For complaint or information to be sufficient, it must state
the name of the accused; the designation of the offense
given by the statute; the acts or omissions complained of 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise
as constituting the offense; the name of the offended party; unconscious; and
the approximate time of the commission of the offense, and
the place wherein the offense was committed. 35 What is 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or is
controlling is not the title of the complaint, nor the demented.
designation of the offense charged or the particular law or
part thereof allegedly violated, these being mere The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua.
conclusions of law made by the prosecutor, but the
description of the crime charged and the particular facts
therein recited.36 The acts or omissions complained of must
be alleged in such form as is sufficient to enable a person of
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 20
The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of Finally, the awards of P50,000.00 45 and P75,000.0046 as moral
rape is committed with any of the following attendant damages in Criminal Case Nos. 96-125 and 96-150,
circumstances: respectively, by the Court of Appeals are also sustained in
line with the prevailing jurisprudence. The award of moral
1. When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and damages is automatically granted in rape cases without
the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, need of further proof other than the commission of the
relative by consanguinity or affinity within the third civil crime because it is assumed that a rape victim has actually
degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent of the suffered moral injuries entitling her to such award. 47
WHEREFORE , the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-
In Criminal Case No. 96-150, appellant was correctly G.R. CR No.00263 affirming the decision of the Regional
sentenced to death as the special qualifying circumstances Trial Court of Paraaque City, Branch 257, in Criminal Cases
of minority and relationship were properly alleged in the Nos. 96-125 and 96-150, finding appellant Edgardo
information and proved during trial by the testimonies of Dimaano GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
the complainant, her mother and the appellant himself; rape committed against his own daughter, Maricar
they were also supported by the photocopy of the marriage Dimaano, and sentencing him to reclusion
certificate and birth certificate, respectively. perpetua and DEATH, respectively; and ordering him to
pay the complainant in Criminal Case No. 96-125 the
amounts of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as
In the case of People v. Cayabyab,38 this Court, in affirming
moral damages, and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages, and
the death penalty, held that a photocopy of the birth
in Criminal Case No. 96-150 the amounts of 75,000.00 as
certificate is admissible to prove the age of the victim, as
civil indemnity, P75,000.00 as moral damages, and
the original thereof is a public record in the custody of a
P25,000.00 as exemplary damages, is AFFIRMED.
public officer. The admission of this secondary evidence is
Appellant is however ACQUITTED for the crime of
one of the exceptions to the 'best evidence rule under
attempted rape in Criminal Case No. 96-151 for failure of
Section 3, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules on Evidence.
the complaint to allege the specific acts or omissions
Further, we held that production of the original may be
constituting the offense.
dispensed with, in the trial court's discretion, whenever the
opponent does not bona fide dispute the contents of the
document and no other useful purpose will be served by SO ORDERED.
requiring its production.
Section 7
Indubitably, the marriage and birth certificates are public
People vs Padica
records in the custody of the local civil registrar who is a
public officer. The presentation, therefore of their REGALADO, J.:
photocopies is admissible as secondary evidence to prove
their contents. It is also well to note that appellant did not Accused-appellant Leon Marajas, Jr. y Ramos appeals from
dispute their contents when offered as evidence to prove the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City,
relationship and minority. Having failed to raise a valid Branch CXVI, dated January 8, 1990, finding him guilty
and timely objection against the presentation of this beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Kidnapping for
secondary evidence the same became a primary evidence, ransom with murder upon an amended information dated
and deemed admitted and the other party is bound November 16, 1984 and reading as follows:
"That on or about the 8th day of February, 1978, in the
Anent the awards of damages, the Court of Appeals Municipality of Parañaque, Metro Manila, Philippines,
correctly modified the awards of civil indemnity and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
exemplary damages, which the trial court lumped together named accused, conspiring, confederating together with
for all the crimes committed, by separately awarding the John Doe @ Boy Taga, Peter Doe @ Eddie Boy Marajas,
sums of P50,000.0040 and P75,000.0041 as civil indemnity in Richard Doe @ Tito and Edward Doe @ Elmer whose true
Criminal Case Nos. 96-125 and 96-150, respectively, and names, identities and whereabouts are still unknown and
P25,000.0042 as exemplary damages, for each count of rape, mutually helping and aiding one another, with the use of
in line with the prevailing jurisprudence. three (3) firearms with the different caliber (sic) by means of
craft, violence against and intimidation of person, did then
The award of civil indemnity, which is in the nature of and there kidnap Francis Banaga, detain and deprive him
actual or compensatory damages, is mandatory upon a of his liberty for a period of three (3) days and demanded
conviction for rape.43 On the other hand, exemplary (sic) five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) for his
damages is awarded when the commission of the offense is release and while thus illegally detaining the latter, said
attended by an aggravating circumstance, whether accused, pursuant to said conspiracy did then and there
ordinary or qualifying.44 wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with intent to kill and
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 21
with treachery shoot Francis Banaga, thereby inflicting on in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila. Leopoldo requested Padica,
him gunshot wounds on the head and other parts of his his compadre, to drive for Eddie Boy Marajas, a brother of
body which caused his instantaneous death as a Leopoldo and appellant, and his classmates, giving Padica
consequences." 1 P100.00 for the purpose. Upon receiving the amount,
Padica, pursuant to the instructions of Leopoldo, drove the
The records show that Leon Marajas, Jr., Romeo Padica, car, with Leopoldo and appellant on board, and proceeded
Leslie Gans, Florentino Fabrigas, Romeo Pradez, Leonardo to Samson Tech in Pasay City, arriving there at about 10:00
Marajas and Leopoldo Marajas were originally charged in A.M. Leopoldo left the vehicle and, upon coming back after
the latter part of 1978 with kidnapping for ransom with a while, he told Padica that they were going to Sukat,
murder and illegal possession of firearms before Military Parañaque. In Sukat, the three stopped at a restaurant when
Commission No. 27 in Criminal Case No 27-163 thereof. (sic) they ordered something to eat (TSN, November 17,
However, on January 11, 1979, counsel for accused Leon 1988, pp. 6-10).
Marajas, Jr. prayed for the transfer of the case to the civil
courts. 2 "Thereafter, with Padica still driving the car, they
proceeded to the Superville Subdivision, also in Sukat,
On August 17, 1981, the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of where they arrived at about 11:30 A.M. of the same date.
Rizal filed an information for kidnapping for ransom with Eddie Boy Marajas and Francis Banaga, both fourteen (14)
murder, docketed as Criminal Case No. Pq-81-1596-P, years of age, more or less, were in said subdivision.
before Branch III of the then Court of First Instance of Pasay Leopoldo alighted from the car and talked to them.
City against the aforementioned accused, but with the Subsequently, Leopoldo together with Francis and Eddie
exception of herein appellant whose name was Boy, boarded the car. All of them proceeded to Calamba,
inadvertently not included therein. 3 A separate charge for Laguna, with Padica still driving the vehicle. Seated beside
illegal possession of firearms was lodged before Branch 146 Padica was Leopoldo Marajas, while appellant and Eddie
of the Makati Regional Trial Court but the case was later Boy occupied the back seat, with Francis Banaga between
placed in the archives some time in 1985. 4 them (Ibid, pp.-10-13).

Accused Romeo Padica and herein appellant were both "Upon reaching Calamba at about 12:00 noon of the same
arraigned on January 15, 1982 and, with the assistance of date, Leopoldo Marajas told Padica, to drive the car into the
their respective counsel, both pleaded not guilty. 5 It sugarcane plantation at the side of the road. Once inside the
appears, however, that appellant entered his plea during plantation, Padica stopped the car when told to do so by
the arraignment under the name of "Leonardo Marajas." 6 Leopoldo, who then alighted from the vehicle and told
Trial thereafter ensued but, subsequently, the case was Francis Banaga to alight. However, Francis refused to get
reraffled to Branch CXVI, Pasay City, of the Regional Trial down from the car. Notwithstanding his resistance, he was
Court where it remained until the conclusion of the trial in forced out of the car by Leopoldo Marajas, Eddie Boy and
1990. appellant, who pulled him out of the vehicle. Thereafter,
the three brought Francis Banaga to a place inside the
Earlier thereto, however, upon discovery of the omission of sugarcane plantation, more or less ten (10) meters away
herein appellant’s name in the original information, the from the car, while Padica remained in the vehicle.
prosecution filed a motion on November 16, 1984 for the Leopoldo Marajas then delivered several stabbing blows at
admission of an amended information including Banaga after which appellant shot Banaga with a handgun.
appellant’s name as one of the accused. 7 On May 30, 1985, Banaga fell on the ground. Leopoldo, Eddie Boy and
the trial court issued an order admitting the amended appellant returned to the car. Leopoldo took the wheel
information. 8 Thereafter, or on July 17, 1985, appellant, from Padica and drove the car to Muntinlupa, where
duly assisted by counsel, entered a plea of guilty upon Padica alighted and was left behind with Leopoldo
being arraigned on the amended information. 9 On the warning Padica, ‘Pare, steady ka lang, isang bala ka lang.’
other hand, in an order dated August 27, 1985, 10 accused (Ibid., pp. 10-19).
Padica was discharged from the information to be utilized
as a state witness. "On or about 5:00 P.M. of the same day, while in his house
at Gatchalian Subdivision in Parañaque, Tomas Banaga,
The People’s brief, drawing principally from the factual father of Francis, became alarmed when his son failed to
findings of the court a quo based on the evidence adduced come home. A few minutes after 6:00 P.M. of (the) same
in this case, with supplemental data and documentation of date, someone called up by phone, telling Tomas not to
the testimonial evidence as borne out by the transcripts, look for his son as he was in good condition, and
which we find to be correct, presented the prosecution’s demanding P500,000.00 for his (Francis’) release. Tomas
case in this wise: reported the incident to the Philippine Constabulary
authorities in Camp Crame, Quezon City. Sgt. Rodolfo
"On or about 9:00 o clock in the morning of February 8, Bucao, Sgt. Villanueva and Sgt. Cierlito were dispatched to
1978, appellant and his brother, Leopoldo Marajas, using a the Banaga residence (TSN, January 15, 1982, pp. 4-6).
car driven by Leopoldo, visited Romeo Padica in his house
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 22
"On February 9, 1978, Tomas received a second phone call victim of an elaborate frame-up by the military authorities
in the course of which the caller reduced the amount assigned to investigate the case. Appellant claims that on
demanded to P200,000.00. On February 10, 1978, there was February 8, 1978, the day that the victim disappeared, he
another phone call with (the) caller lowering the amount to was in Batangas province, where he was a resident. In the
P23,000.00 and giving instructions that the money be early morning of February 10, 1978, he decided to go to
wrapped in a newspaper, placed in a paper bag, and Manila, with Sto. Tomas, Batangas as his point of
delivered by a girl wearing a T-shirt to Luneta, in front of departure, in order to thresh out some financial matters in
the National Library, under a true with red flowers, at 8:30 connection with his business of buy and sell.
P.M. of February 10, 1978 (Ibid., pp. 6-10).
He arrived in Manila at around 9:00 A.M. and proceeded to
"Norma Camello, sister-in-law of Tomas Banaga, the office of Mrs. Aquilina Marquez-Marajas, his sister-in-
volunteered to deliver the money as the maid of (the) law, at Mabini Street in Malate to talk to his brother,
Banaga family who was supposed to do it was scared. Leonardo. Not finding Leonardo there, he then went to the
Between 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. of February 10, 1978, Camello house of his sister, Nelly Marajas, a neighbor of the Banaga
was brought by Sgt. Bucao and CIC Ocampo in front of family, at Gatchalian Subdivision in Parañaque. He was
Bayview Hotel at Roxas Blvd., Manila. At about 8:00 P.M. about to board a tricycle at the main gate of the subdivision
of the same date, she went to the National Library at at around 9:30 A.M. when he was suddenly accosted by
Luneta and positioned herself under a tree with red two Metrocom officers in civilian clothes who forcibly took
flowers, pursuant to the instructions of the caller. A few him to a car. Appellant was later brought at about 12:00
minutes later, a taxicab arrived. Appellant alighted from noon to the Siesta Court Hotel, also in Malate, where he
the vehicle, approached Camello and got the money from was repeatedly beaten and subjected to torture by his
her which was in a paper bag, saying: ‘Hihintayin na lang abductors who tried in vain to extract information about
ninyo ang bata mamaya sa bahay.’ (TSN, Sept. 19, 1985, pp. the disappearance of Francis Banaga.
6-12). When appellant returned to the waiting taxicab and
was about to board it, Sgt. Simplicio Dulay, one of those In the evening of the same day, he was taken out of the
sent to Luneta to entrap the person who would receive the hotel and was taken by the men to an unspecified safehouse
ransom money, apprehended and arrested appellant (TSN, where, once again, his ordeal at their hands was resumed.
March 11, 1986, pp. 2-5). Unable to bear the maltreatment any further, appellant then
tried to fool them by admitting that the missing Francis
"(At) or about 2:00 P.M. of February 11, 1978, pursuant to Banaga could be found in Paete, Laguna. He then led a
the information given by appellant during the group of his captors to the said place but they found no
investigation, a Philippine Constabulary team led by Lt. trace of the missing boy. Incensed at the deception, the men
Napoleon Cachuela, accompanied by appellant, went to took him back to the safehouse.
Calamba, Laguna search for the body of Francis Banaga.
Appellant led the team to the place where the cadaver was Later, appellant was again taken out of the safehouse and,
dumped, which was inside a sugarcane plantation about 75 together with another captive whom he identified only as
meters away from the road. The team recovered the body of "Florentino," he was brought to an isolated sugarcane
Francis Banaga and brought it to the Municipal Health plantation. There Florentino led the military team to the
Officer of Calamba for autopsy (TSN, October 2, 1986, pp. cadaver of Francis Banaga. 15 Appellant and Florentino
10-17). were later brought back to the safehouse. The former claims
that he was kept there for about two months, during which
"According to the necropsy report of Dr. Eusebio time he helped in the maintenance and care of the
Panganiban of the Calamba Municipal Health Office, safehouse and its surroundings. He also met at the
Francis Banaga sustained two (2) entry gunshot wounds, safehouse Leslie Gans, one of the accused, but he had no
one on the head and the other on the chest, with two (2) exit occasion to discuss their predicament with him. After
gunshot wounds and several lacerated wounds. The death appellant’s confinement, he was turned over to the prison
of Francis was caused by ‘intra-thoracic brain hemorrhage authorities of Bicutan Rehabilitation Center where he
due to gunshot wounds.’ (TSN, July 25, 1986, pp. 17-69). remained until the start of the trial. 16

"After three (3) years in hiding out of fear for his life, After more than eight years of trial, which for one reason or
Romeo Padica finally revealed to Lt. Cruz (sic) of Regional another was punctuated by numerous and needless
Security Unit Intelligence Division, Lucena City that he postponements, the trial court rendered its assailed
(Padica) witnessed the killing of Francis Banaga. Padica decision pronouncing the guilt of appellant for the crime of
had met Lt. Cruz (sic) near the Lucena City Market and kidnapping for ransom with murder and sentencing him to
after making the disclosure, surrendered to the authorities suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay Tomas
(TSN, December 12, 1988, p. 6)." 11 Banaga, father of Francis Banaga, the sum of P30,000.00 as
indemnity for the death of the child, without
Appellant predictably presented a different narration of the pronouncement a to costs. 17
events that led to his arrest. He insists that he was the
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 23
deduced from the manner by which they swiftly and cold-
Appellant is now before us insisting on the reversal of the bloodedly snuffed out his life once they reached the
judgment of conviction by theorizing that the court below isolated sugarcane plantation in Calamba, Laguna.
erred: (a) in ruling that the guilt of appellant was proven Furthermore, there was no evidence whatsoever to show or
beyond reasonable doubt; (b) in giving full credence to the from which it can be inferred that from the outset the killers
testimony of state witness Romeo Padica; (c) in laying of the victim intended to exchange his freedom for ransom
emphasis on the weakness of the defense interposed by money. On the contrary, the demand for ransom appears to
appellant; and (d) in disregarding the inconsistencies raised have arisen and was consequently made as an afterthought,
by the defense as minor and insubstantial. 18 as it was relayed to the victim’s family very much later that
afternoon after a sufficient interval for consultation and
After a careful and exhaustive review of the records, the deliberation among the felons who had killed the victim
testimonial and documentary evidence, and the arguments around five hours earlier.
of the prosecution and the defense, we are satisfactorily
persuaded that the prosecution has duly discharged its It will be observed that under Article 267 of the Revised
onus probandi insofar as the culpability of appellant is Penal Code, the circumstance that the kidnapping is
concerned, but we do not adopt as correct the nature or perpetrated for the purpose of ransom raises the imposable
categorization of the offense for which he must do penance. penalty to death. 24 It is essential, however, that the
element of deprivation or restraint of liberty of the victim
be present. The fact alone that ransom money is demanded
1. At the outset, from the evidence on record, we are not would not per se qualify the act of preventing the liberty of
convinced that the crime of kidnapping for ransom was movement of the victim into the crime of kidnapping,
committed as charged in both the original and amended unless the victim is actually restrained or deprived of his
informations. Rather the crime committed was murder, liberty for some appreciable period of time or that such
attended by the qualifying circumstances of treachery restraint was the basic intent of the accused. Absent such
and/or abuse of superior strength, and not the complex determinant intent and duration of restraint, the mere
crime of kidnapping for ransom with murder as found by curtailment of freedom of movement would at most
the trial court without objection by either the prosecution or constitute coercion.
defense. The essential element in the crime of kidnapping
that the victim must have been restrained or deprived of his In addition, Francis Banaga, then already fourteen years of
liberty, 19 or that he was transported away against his will age and a fourth year high school student, was neither
with the primary or original intent to effect that restraint, is forced nor coerced unlawfully into going along with his
absent in this case. The malefactors evidently had only killers. He voluntarily boarded the car and went with the
murder in their hearts when they invited the trusting Marajas brothers to Laguna. The victim had every reason to
Francis Banaga to go with them to Laguna, and not to trust them as they were his neighbors in Gatchalian
confine or detain him for any length of time or for any other Subdivision. In fact, one of the brothers, Accused Leonardo
purpose. Marajas alias "Eddie Boy," was his schoolmate and a
We have consistently held that where the taking of the
victim was incidental to the basic purpose to kill, the crime There was treachery since, under the aforestated
is only murder, 20 and this is true even if, before the killing circumstances, the victim was lured by his killers into going
but for purposes thereof, the victim was taken from one with them to Laguna without the slightest inkling of their
place to another. 21 Thus, where the evident purpose of nefarious design, coupled with the sudden and unexpected
taking the victims was to kill them, and from the acts of the assault by the malefactors on the hapless victim in the
accused it cannot be inferred that the latter’s purpose was isolated sugarcane plantation in Calamba, which thereby
actually to detain or deprive the victims of their liberty, the divested him of an opportunity either to effectively resist or
subsequent killing of the victims constitute the crime of to escape. 26 Abuse of superior strength was likewise
murder, 22 hence the crime of kidnapping does not exist present, for the accused deliberately resorted to their
and cannot be considered as a component felony to collective strength for the purpose of overpowering
produce a complex crime of kidnapping with murder. In whatever feeble defense the poor Francis Banaga could
fact, as we held in the aforecited case of Masilang, Et Al., offer. 27 They thus insured the commission of the crime
although the accused had planned to kidnap the victim for with practically no risk at all to themselves.
ransom but they first killed him and it was only later that
they demanded and obtained the money, such demand for Under the factual features present in the commission of the
ransom did not convert the crime into kidnapping since no crime, however, we are inclined to grant that the
detention or deprivation of liberty was involved, hence the circumstance of superior strength should not be
crime committed was only murder. 23 appreciated distinctly but should be considered as being
absorbed in and by treachery, 28 and the same is true with
That from the beginning of their criminal venture appellant regard to the allegation of craft. Hence, abuse of superior
and his brothers intended to kill the victim can readily be strength may not be taken into account separately in this
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 24
case, either as a qualifying or as an aggravating Romeo Padica never conversed with the group while they
circumstance. On the other hand, although the trial court were on the road and that, although the latter claims to be a
and both parties herein have again passed sub silentio close friend of Leopoldo, he never even knew what was
thereon, it is evident that the aggravating circumstance of Leopoldo’s profession and what was the surname of their
uninhabited place was present since appellant and his co- common "compadre." He likewise characterizes as
accused obviously and deliberately chose the desolation incredible the circumstance that he and his cohorts
and isolation of the sugarcane plantation to perpetrate the supposedly carried out the crime in broad daylight and that
crime far from the gaze of potential eye-witnesses. 29 This thereafter they simply dismissed Padica with a casual
circumstance is underscored by the fact that they threat of "Pare, steady ka lang, isang bala ka lang."
committed the crime at about 12:00 noon, a time of day
when any passersby or assistance could hardly be expected There is no merit in all the foregoing submissions and
in the vicinity of the locus criminis. 30 This aggravating pretensions of appellant. It is true that the testimony of a
circumstance of despoblado should, therefore, be particeps criminis is to be invariably viewed with much
considered against appellant even if it was not alleged in caution, coming as it does from a polluted source. 37
the informations since it was duly proved. However, in the case at bar and after a careful evaluation,
we find no plausible reason to depart from the favorable
Appellant’s defense that he was in another place at the time appreciation by the trial court of Padica’s testimony which
of Francis Banaga’s disappearance and killing must the said court characterized as reasonable and probable,
necessarily fail. Indeed, trite as our innumerable given in a clear, straightforward and convincing manner
reiterations have already made this statement of rejection, thereby leaving no doubt in the mind of said court that he
we must perforce again reprobate appellant’s alibi as an was telling the truth.
inherently weak defense decidedly easy of concoction.
Apart from that, it is considered as clearly negative in Jurisprudentially embedded is the rule that the stamp of
nature. Hence, when arrayed against the positive approval given by the trial court on the testimony of a
declarations of the witnesses for the prosecution, the same particular witness as a consequence of its factual findings is
would all the more be given little consideration. 32 normally accorded finality by appellate courts, the court
below having had the opportunity to observe closely the
For it to prosper, it must be shown that not only was the manner by which such witness testified. 39 Furthermore,
accused at some other place at the time of the commission not a single shred of evidence was introduced by the
of the offense, but that it was also physically impossible for defense to show any ill motive on the part of Padica to
him to have been there when it happened. 33 Indeed, as impute such a serious crime on appellant and his brothers,
correctly pointed out by the trial court in its decision, thus entitling to considerable credit his testimony regarding
appellant was not even sure as to his whereabouts on the circumstances surrounding Francis Banaga’s death.
February 8, 1978. He simply offered as an explanation These conclusions we confirm, not by mere reliance on
therefor that he was "more or less" in Batangas, which dicta, but from our own review and calibration of the
allegation was completely uncorroborated. 34 evidence.

In light of the foregoing, appellant’s further denial that he There is certainly nothing strange in the matter of the
was entrapped on the night of February 10, 1978 by the Marajas brothers requesting Padica to drive for them. As
authorities after receiving ransom money from Norma testified to by the latter, he was then a close friend of one of
Camello must likewise be rejected. Both Norma Camello the brothers, Leopoldo, who was the one who requested
and Sgt. Simplicio Dulay, one of the police operatives, him to drive, and the latter presumably had full confidence
positively and without hesitation identified appellant as the in him as he was at the time a professional driver of
person who was collared at Luneta Park. 35 Moreover, the taxicabs. Romeo Padica, likewise, can not be discredited
police report clearly and definitely bears out the fact that just because of his silence on the road and for not knowing
appellant was arrested by the investigating police officers Leopoldo’s profession and the surname of a common
on that night pursuant to the dragnet plan that was "compadre." It is of common knowledge that there are
prepared for the purpose, 36 the veracity of which record persons who are taciturn and not as inquisitive as others, or
further enjoys the presumption of regularity in the who disdain prying into the affairs even of their close
performance of official duties which appellant failed to friends.
Be that as it may, this witness did testify to and narrate in
2. Appellant asserts that the trial court should not have his sworn statement some personal matters regarding the
given credence to the testimony of Romeo Padica as it is Marajas siblings, such as the fact that Leopoldo was staying
incredible and inconsistent with the other evidence on at a house adjacent to that of the Banagas in Tionguiao
record. He affects surprise as to why the Marajas brothers Street at Gatchalian Subdivision together with his wife,
would go to the extent of hiring Padica to drive for them children and Eddie Boy Marajas; that said house was
when, in fact, Padica himself knew that Leopoldo Marajas owned by a sister of the brothers; and that Francis Banaga,
was a skilled driver. Moreover, he expresses disbelief that whose picture he positively identified in court, was a
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 25
playmate and schoolmate of Eddie Boy Marajas, thus Banaga’s body had several hematomas and contusions. 43
lending credence to his claim of close and fraternal ties with
Leopoldo Marajas. We nonetheless agree with and give due credit to the
following explanation of the court below regarding these
The fact that appellant and his co-accused carried out the seeming conflicting aspects:
murder of Francis Banaga in broad daylight is hardly
surprising. As pointedly noted by the Solicitor General, "it "The defense counsel also capitalized on the supposed
is not difficult to believe that appellant and his co-accused inconsistency between the allegation of Padica that Leon
committed the crime in broad daylight because there were Marajas, Jr. shot Banaga four (4) times and the autopsy
no other persons at the scene of the incident," as the same report stating that the victim sustained two (2) entry
was inside a desolate sugarcane plantation in the outskirts gunshot wounds. Padica testified that Leon Marajas, Jr.
of Calamba, Laguna and the crime was perpetrated at noon shot Francis Banaga four (4) times without stating that the
of that day, as we have earlier explained. victim was hit also four (4) times. The fact that he suffered
two (2) entry gunshot wounds clearly indicates that Francis
Having demonstrated to Padica the brutal and merciless was shot, supporting the version of Padica that the child
manner in which they disposed of Francis Banaga, was fired upon by Leon Marajas, Jr.
appellant and his brothers were undoubtedly secure in the
thought that Padica would have been sufficiently terrorized "Also pointed out as a basis for not believing the testimony
thereby and would thereafter keep his silence, and so, just of Padica is the supposed conflict between his assertion that
for good measure, they uttered the threat on the latter’s life Leopoldo Marajas stabbed Banaga with a knife and the
simply as a reminder of what they had in store for him finding of Dr. Panganiban that the victim, aside from the
should he waver and ignore that injunctive warning. gunshot wounds, sustained only lacerated wounds and
contusions. The defense implied that Banaga was not
It is further contended by appellant that the trial court stabbed by Leopoldo Marajas as there is no finding that he
should not have granted the motion to discharge Romeo sustained stab wounds. A logical analysis of this point
Padica from the information, as one of the conditions for its shows that there is no inconsistency. Padica stated that he
grant has not been met, namely, that the prosecution has saw the accused Leopoldo Marajas stab the victim but he
not shown that Padica did not appear to be the most guilty. did not say that Banaga was hit by the stabbing blows
Incidentally, appellant slurs over the fact that this order of delivered by the said accused. It could also be that one of
the trial court was sustained by the Court of Appeals in the blows hit the boy but without piercing his body,
CA-G.R. No. 16302 which denied appellant’s petition causing only lacerations thereon."
for certiorari and prohibition assailing said order, the
judgment therein having become final and executory on As for the several hematomas and contusions that were
January 20, 1989. discovered on the body of Francis Banaga, it is entirely
possible that the same were inflicted when the victim put
Appellant has also clearly lost sight of the rule that the up a furious struggle for his life against his assailants.
discharge of an accused to be a state witness, lies within the According to Padica, the Marajas brothers forcefully pulled
sound discretion of the court before whom it is sought and out Banaga from the car when they stopped by the
in the exercise of that discretion, it is not required that the roadside. They continued to inflict physical harm on the
court be absolutely certain that all the requirements for the boy while prodding him to proceed inside the sugarcane
proper discharge of a co-accused be present. 42 In the case plantation until they reached a clearing where, after
under consideration, the prosecution presented enough Leopoldo Marajas delivered stabbing blows on the victim
evidence to support its motion for the discharge of Padica. which may not have inflicted knife wounds but contusions
The trial court’s reliance thereon and its consequent finding from the assailant’s clenched fists, Leon Marajas, Jr. then
on the basis thereof that Padica did not appear to be the fired away with the fatal shots. All the while and just before
most guilty must be respected as it was in better position to he was shot to death, Padica narrated that the victim
evaluate such evidence. desperately exerted all efforts to ward off the assault on his
Appellant likewise points to portions in the testimony of
Padica which are allegedly not substantiated by the Appellant also raises as an issue the questionable manner in
evidence on record. Thus, appellant argues that while which Padica surrendered, after nearly three years of
Padica claimed that the victim was stabbed by Leopoldo hiding, to Lt. Cesar Perez of the Lucena PC Regional
Marajas and then shot at four times by appellant, yet the Security Unit whom he met only for the first time at the
necropsy report of the medico-legal officer, Dr. Eusebio P. Lucena City marketplace.
Panganiban, showed no stab wounds but only lacerated
wounds and two gunshot wounds. Further, Padica’s But, as Padica candidly revealed, and we find his
testimony that the victim was dragged inside the plantation explanation satisfactory and credible, he had desired all
and instantly stabbed and shot to death is supposedly along to surrender as he had grown tired of constantly
belied by the findings in the necropsy report that Francis fearing for his life and of his difficult plight as a fugitive
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 26
from justice. He was obviously always on the lookout for amendatory information to correct appellant’s name. What
persons in authority whom he could trust during his stay of we stated in Narvaes is worth repeating:
two to three months in Lucena City where he had in the
meantime found work as a porter in the public market. In ". . . (w)hen the appellant was arraigned under the name of
the course of his stay there, he had heard about the "kind- Pedro Narvaes, which is the name appearing in the
hearted" Lt. Perez, a ranking officer of the local information, he merely entered his plea of ‘not guilty’
constabulary. 46 His subsequent meeting and surrender to under the said name. It was on that occasion that he should
Lt. Perez at the marketplace was no strange coincidence as have for the first time raised the question of his identity, by
it is obviously a place where all kinds of people go to and filing a demurrer based on the court’s lack of jurisdiction
cross paths. over his person, inasmuch as he was then considered as
Pedro Narvaes, not Primo Narvaes. Not having filed the
That it may have taken Padica over two years to finally give said demurrer, it must necessarily be understood that he
himself up to the authorities is understandable. He had renounced it and therefore he is now estopped from
witnessed a heinous crime perpetrated on a defenseless raising, or insisting to raise, the same question, not only in
fourteen-year old boy by his killers, and the latter had this appeal but even at the trial . .
threatened him with bodily harm should he reveal what
they had done. In view thereof, it was but natural that The subsequent amendment to insert in the information
Padica would hide, away from the possible clutches of the Leon Marajas, Jr.’s real name involved merely a matter of
Marajas brothers, and keep unto himself the dark secret lest form as it did not, in any way, deprive appellant of a fair
he suffer the same grim fate that befell Francis Banaga. opportunity to present his defense. 48 Moreover, the
amendment neither affected nor altered the nature of the
3. Appellant finally contends that the failure of the offense charged since the basic theory of the prosecution
prosecution to charge him as an accused in the original was not changed nor did it introduce new and material
information is a fatal defect. Again, we find no merit in this facts. 49 Such an amendment is explicitly allowed under the
fatuous assertion. second paragraph of Section 7, in relation to Section 14,
Rule 110 of the Rules of Court, the pertinent portion of
The rule is that the complaint or information should which provides that" (t)he information or complaint may be
sufficiently allege the name of the accused, failing which amended, in substance or form, without leave of court, at
the complaint or information would be rendered invalid. any time before the accused pleads; and thereafter and
The test of sufficiency is laid down in Section 7, Rule 110 of during the trial as to all matters of form, by leave and at the
the Rules of Court, which discretion of the court, when the same can be done without
prejudice to the rights of the accused." At any rate,
"Sec. 7. Name of the accused. — A complaint or information whatever irregularity may have attended the inclusion of
must state the name and surname of the accused or any appellant’s name as an accused in the amended information
appellation or nickname by which he has been or is known, has been waived by his subsequent appearance and entry
or if his name cannot be discovered he must be described of plea at his arraignment under said amendatory
under a fictitious name with a statement that his true name information.
is unknown.
WHEREFORE, the assailed judgment of the trial court is
If in the course of the proceeding the true name of the hereby SET ASIDE and another one is rendered
accused is disclosed by him, or appears in some other CONVICTING accused-appellant Leon Marajas, Jr. y
manner to the court, the true name of the accused shall be Ramos of the crime of murder and IMPOSING upon him
inserted in the complaint or information and record. the penalty of reclusion perpetua. Accused-appellant is
further ORDERED to pay the heirs of the late Francis
In the case at bar, there is no dispute that appellant was Banaga the sum of P50,000.00 as death indemnity, in line
arraigned under the original information and that he with current jurisprudential policy, and likewise to pay the
entered thereto a plea of not guilty under the name of costs.
"Leonardo Marajas." At that juncture, appellant should
have raised the error as to his identity by filing a motion to SO ORDERED.
quash on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over his person,
in line with the doctrine explained in People v. Narvaes 47 Section 8
laid down as early as 1934.
Malto vs People
But, as aforestated, appellant did not do so but instead
voluntarily appeared at the arraignment and pleaded not CORONA, J.:
guilty thereat, albeit under a different name. Consequently,
the trial court acquired jurisdiction over his person and it Whereas, mankind owes to the child the best it has to give.
could have rendered a valid judgment of conviction based (Final preambular clause of the Declaration of the Rights of
on the original information even without need of an the Child)
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 27
This is a petition for review1 of the decision2 dated July 30, College in San Lorenzo Village, Makati City. Petitioner,
2004 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 25925 then 28, was her professor in her Philosophy II class in the
affirming with modification the decision 3 of Branch 109 of first semester of the school year 1997 to 1998.
the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City in Criminal Case No.
00-0691 which found petitioner Michael John Z. Malto On July 18, 1997, AAA was having lunch with her friends
guilty for violation of paragraph 3, Section 5(a), Article III when petitioner joined their group. He told them to address
of RA 7610,4 as amended. him simply as "Mike." He handed them his organizer and
asked them to list down their names and contact numbers.
Petitioner was originally charged in an information which
read: On October 3, 1997, while AAA and her friends were
discussing the movie Kama Sutra, petitioner butted in and
The undersigned Assistant City Prosecutor accuses bragged that it was nothing compared to his collection of
MICHAEL JOHN Z. MALTO of VIOLATION OF SECTION xxx-rated films. To the shock of AAA’s group, he lectured
5(b), ARTICLE III, REPUBLIC ACT 7610, AS AMENDED, on and demonstrated sexual acts he had already
committed as follows: experienced. He then invited the group to view his
That on or about and sometime during the month of
November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro Manila, On October 10, 1997, petitioner reiterated his invitation to
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable AAA and her friends to watch his collection of
Court, the above-named accused, Michael John. Z. Malto, a pornographic films. Afraid of offending petitioner, AAA
professor, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and and two of her friends went with him. They rode in his car
feloniously induce and/or seduce his student at and he brought them to the Anito Lodge on Harrison St. in
Assumption College, complainant, AAA, a minor of 17 Pasay City. They checked in at a "calesa room." Petitioner
years old, to indulge in sexual intercourse for several times was disappointed when he found out there was neither a
with him as in fact said accused had carnal knowledge. video cassette player (on which he could play his video
tapes) nor an x-rated show on the closed-circuit television.
Contrary to law.5 He suggested that they just cuddle up together. AAA and
her friends ignored him but he pulled each of them towards
him to lie with him in bed. They resisted until he relented.
This was subsequently amended as follows:

AAA and her friends regretted having accepted petitioner’s

The undersigned Assistant City Prosecutor accuses
invitation. For fear of embarrassment in case their
classmates got wind of what happened, they agreed to keep
things a secret. Meanwhile, petitioner apologized for his
committed as follows:

That on or about and sometime during the month of

Thereafter, petitioner started to show AAA amorous
November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro Manila,
attention. He called her on the phone and paged 8 her
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
romantic messages at least thrice a day. When semestral
Court, the above-named accused, Michael John. Z. Malto, a
break came, his calls and messages became more frequent.
professor, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
Their conversation always started innocently but he had a
feloniously take advantage and exert influence, relationship
way of veering the subject to sex. Young, naive and coming
and moral ascendancy and induce and/or seduce his
from a broken family, AAA was soon overwhelmed by
student at Assumption College, complainant, AAA, a
petitioner’s persistence and slowly got attracted to him. He
minor of 17 years old, to indulge in sexual intercourse and
was the first person to court her. Soon, they had a "mutual
lascivious conduct for several times with him as in fact said
understanding" and became sweethearts.
accused has carnal knowledge.

When AAA secured her class card in Philosophy II at the

Contrary to law.6
start of the second semester, petitioner told her that he gave
her a final grade of "3." She protested, stating that her mid-
Petitioner did not make a plea when arraigned; hence, the term grade was "1.2." He gave her a grade of "1.5" when she
trial court entered for him a plea of "not guilty." After the promised not to disclose his intimate messages to her to
mandatory pre-trial, trial on the merits proceeded. anyone. He also cautioned her not to tell anyone about their
affair as it could jeopardize his job.
The prosecution established the following:
On November 19, 1997, at around 11:00 a.m., AAA agreed
At the time of the incident, private complainant AAA was to have lunch with petitioner outside the premises of the
17 years old.7 She was a college student at the Assumption college. Since she was not feeling well at that time, he asked
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 28
her to lie down in the backseat of his car. She was surprised semester was when she submitted her final paper on
when he brought her to Queensland Lodge 9 on Harrison St. October 18, 1997.
in Pasay City. Once inside the motel room, he kissed her at
the back and neck, touched her breasts and placed his hand On November 19, 1997, between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.,
inside her blouse. She resisted his advances but he was too he sorted out conflicts of class schedules for the second
strong for her. He stopped only when she got angry at him. semester at the Assumption College. On November 26,
1997, he was at St. Scholastica’s College (where he was also
On November 26, 1997, petitioner asked AAA to come with teaching) preparing a faculty concert slated on December
him so that they could talk in private. He again brought her 12, 1997. At lunch time, he attended the birthday treat of a
to Queensland Lodge. As soon as they were inside the colleague, Evelyn Bancoro.
room, he took off his shirt, lay down in bed and told her,
"halika na, dito na tayo mag-usap." She refused but he dragged On November 29, 1997, he attended AAA’s 18th birthday
her towards the bed, kissed her lips, neck and breasts and party. That was the last time he saw her.
unsnapped her brassiere. She struggled to stop him but he
overpowered her. He went on top of her, lowered her pants
According to petitioner, AAA became his sweetheart when
and touched her private part. He tried to penetrate her but
she was already 19 years old and after he was dismissed
she pushed him away forcefully and she sat up in bed. He
from Assumption College. On December 27 and 28, 1998,
hugged her tightly saying, "Sige na, AAA, pumayag ka na, I
they spent time together, shared their worries, problems
won’t hurt you." She refused and said, "Mike, ayoko." He
and dreams and kissed each other. On January 3, 1999, he
angrily stood up saying, "Fine, hindi na tayo mag-uusap.
brought her to Queensland Lodge where they had sexual
Don’t come to the faculty room anymore. You know I need
intercourse for the first time. It was repeated for at least 20
this and if you will not give in or give it to me, let us end
times from January 1999 until they broke up in July 1999,
this." She replied, "Mike, hindi pa ako ready and it was you
some of which were done at either his or her house when
who said it will be after my debut" on December 3, 1997. He
no one was around.
insisted that there was no difference between having sex
then and after her debut. He told her, "kung hindi ko
makukuha ngayon, tapusin na natin ngayon." Pressured and The trial court found the evidence for the prosecution
afraid of his threat to end their relationship, she hesitantly sufficient to sustain petitioner’s conviction. On March 7,
replied "Fine." On hearing this, he quickly undressed while 2001, it rendered a decision finding petitioner guilty. 10 The
commenting "ibibigay mo rin pala, pinahirapan mo pa ako" and dispositive portion read:
laughed. They had sexual intercourse.
In view of the foregoing, the Court finds the accused
In July 1999, AAA ended her relationship with petitioner. Michael John Malto y Zarsadias guilty beyond reasonable
She learned that he was either intimately involved with or doubt for violation of Article III, Section 5(a)[,] paragraph 3
was sexually harassing his students in Assumption College of RA 7610[,] as amended and hereby sentences him
and in other colleges where he taught. In particular, he was to reclusion temporal in its medium period or an
dismissed from the De La Salle University-Aguinaldo for imprisonment of seventeen (17) years, four (4) months and
having sexual relations with a student and sexually one (1) day to twenty (20) years and to pay civil indemnity
harassing three other students. His employment was also in the amount of Php 75,000.00 and moral and exemplary
terminated by Assumption College for sexually harassing damages of Php 50,000.00 to minor complainant with
two of his students. It was then that AAA realized that she subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.11
was actually abused by petitioner. Depressed and
distressed, she confided all that happened between her and Petitioner questioned the trial court’s decision in the CA. In
petitioner to her mother, BBB. a decision dated July 30, 2004,12 the appellate court affirmed
his conviction even if it found that his acts were not
On learning what her daughter underwent in the hands of covered by paragraph (a) but by paragraph (b) of Section 5,
petitioner, BBB filed an administrative complaint in Article III of RA 7610. It further observed that the trial court
Assumption College against him. She also lodged a failed to fix the minimum term of indeterminate sentence
complaint in the Office of the City Prosecutor of Pasay City imposed on him. It also ruled that the trial court erred in
which led to the filing of Criminal Case No. 00-0691. awarding ₱75,000 civil indemnity in favor of AAA as it was
proper only in a conviction for rape committed under the
circumstances under which the death penalty was
In his defense, petitioner proffered denial and alibi. He
authorized by law.13 Hence, the CA modified the decision
claimed that the alleged incidents on October 3, 1997 and
of the trial court as follows:
October 10, 1997 did not happen. He spent October 3, 1997
with his colleagues Joseph Hipolito and AJ Lagaso while he
was busy checking papers and computing grades on WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision of conviction
October 10, 1997. The last time he saw AAA during the first is AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION that (1)
hereby sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of Eight (8)
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 29
Years and One (1) Day of prision mayor as minimum, to The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period
Seventeen (17) Years, Four (4) Months and One (1) Day to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the following:
of reclusion temporal as maximum; and (2) the sum of
₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity is DELETED.14 (a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce
child prostitution which include, but are not limited to, the
Hence, this petition. following:

Petitioner contends that the CA erred in sustaining his 1. Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
conviction although it found that he did not rape AAA. For
him, he should have been acquitted since there was no 2. Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by
rape. He also claims that he and AAA were sweethearts means of written or oral advertisements or other similar
and their sexual intercourse was consensual. means;

Petitioner is wrong. 3. Taking advantage of influence or

relationship to procure a child as a
The Offense Stated in the Information Was Wrongly prostitute;
4. Threatening or using violence towards a
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused is entitled to be child to engage him as a prostitute; or
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against
him.15 Pursuant thereto, the complaint or information 5. Giving monetary consideration, goods
against him should be sufficient in form and substance. A or other pecuniary benefit to a child with
complaint or information is sufficient if it states the name of intent to engage such child in prostitution.
the accused; the designation of the offense by the statute;
the acts or omissions complained of as constituting the
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual
offense; the name of the offended party; the approximate
intercourse or lascivious conduct with a
date of the commission of the offense and the place where
child exploited in prostitution or subjected to
the offense was committed.16
other sexual abuse: Provided, That when the
victim is under twelve (12) years of age, the
The complaint or information shall state the designation of perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article 335,
the offense given by the statute, aver the acts or omissions paragraph 3, for rape and Article 336 of Act No.
constituting the offense and specify its qualifying and 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal Code, for
aggravating circumstances.17 If there is no designation of rape or lascivious conduct, as the case may
the offense, reference shall be made to the section or be: Provided, that the penalty for lascivious conduct
subsection of the statute punishing it. 18 The acts or when the victim is under twelve (12) years of age
omissions constituting the offense and the qualifying and shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period;
aggravating circumstances must be stated in ordinary and and
concise language and not necessarily in the language used
in the statute but in terms sufficient to enable a person of
(emphasis supplied)
common understanding to know what offense is being
charged as well as its qualifying and aggravating
circumstances and for the court to pronounce judgment. 19 The elements of paragraph (a) are:

The designation of the offense in the information against 1. the accused engages in, promotes, facilitates or induces
petitioner was changed from "violation of Section 5(b), child prostitution;
Article III" of RA 7610 to "violation of Section 5(a), Article
III" thereof. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 5, Article III of 2. the act is done through, but not limited to, the following
RA 7610 provide: means:

Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. - a. acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
Children, whether male or female, who, for money, profit,
or any other consideration or due to the coercion or b. inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by
influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in means of written or oral advertisements or other similar
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to means;
be children exploited in prostitution and other sexual
abuse. c. taking advantage of influence or relationship to procure a
child as a prostitute;
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 30
d. threatening or using violence towards a child to engage the act,22 or an erroneous specification of the law
him as a prostitute or violated23 does not vitiate the information if the facts
alleged clearly recite the facts constituting the crime
e. giving monetary consideration, goods or other pecuniary charged.24 What controls is not the title of the information
benefit to a child with intent to engage such child in or the designation of the offense but the actual facts recited
prostitution; in the information.25 In other words, it is the recital of facts
of the commission of the offense, not the nomenclature of
the offense, that determines the crime being charged in the
3. the child is exploited or intended to be exploited in
prostitution and

The facts stated in the amended information against

4. the child, whether male or female, is below 18
petitioner correctly made out a charge for violation of
years of age.
Section 5(b), Article III, RA 7610. Thus, even if the trial and
appellate courts followed the wrong designation of the
On the other hand, the elements of paragraph (b) are: offense, petitioner could be convicted of the offense on the
basis of the facts recited in the information and duly proven
1. the accused commits the act of sexual during trial.
intercourse or lascivious conduct;
Petitioner violated Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, as
2. the act is performed with a child exploited in amended
prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse and
The first element of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610
3. the child, whether male or female, is below 18 pertains to the act or acts committed by the accused. The
years of age. second element refers to the state or condition of the
offended party. The third element corresponds to the
Paragraph (a) essentially punishes acts pertaining to or minority or age of the offended party.
connected with child prostitution. It contemplates sexual
abuse of a child exploited in prostitution. In other words, The first element was present in this case. Petitioner
under paragraph (a), the child is abused primarily for committed lascivious conduct against and had sexual
profit. intercourse with AAA in the following instances: (1) on
November 19, 1997, when he kissed her at the back and
On the other hand, paragraph (b) punishes sexual neck, touched her breasts and placed his hand inside her
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a child blouse to gratify his lust; (2) on November 26, 1997, when,
exploited in prostitution but also with a child subjected to with lewd designs, he dragged her towards the bed of the
other sexual abuse. It covers not only a situation where a motel room and forcibly kissed her on the lips, neck and
child is abused for profit but also one in which a child, breasts and (3) when he exerted moral influence on her and
through coercion, intimidation or influence, engages in pressured her until she surrendered herself to him on
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct. 20 November 26, 1997. His acts were covered by the
definitions of sexual abuse and lascivious conduct under
The information against petitioner did not allege anything Section 2(g) and (h) of the Rules and Regulations on the
pertaining to or connected with child prostitution. It did Reporting and Investigation of Child Abuse Cases
not aver that AAA was abused for profit. What it charged promulgated to implement the provisions of RA 7610,
was that petitioner had carnal knowledge or committed particularly on child abuse:
sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct with AAA; AAA
was induced and/or seduced by petitioner who was her (g) "Sexual abuse" includes the employment,
professor to indulge in sexual intercourse and lascivious use, persuasion, inducement, enticement or coercion of a
conduct and AAA was a 17-year old minor. These child to engage in, or assist another person to engage
allegations support a charge for violation of paragraph (b), in, sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct or the
not paragraph (a), of Section 5, Article III, RA 7610. molestation, prostitution, or incest with children;

The Real Nature of the Offense is Determined by Facts (h) "Lascivious conduct" means the intentional touching,
Alleged in the Information, Not By the Designation either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus,
groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, or the introduction
The designation in the information of the specific statute of any object into the genitalia, anus or mouth, of any
violated is imperative to avoid surprise on the accused and person, whether of the same or opposite sex, with an
to afford him the opportunity to prepare his defense intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or
accordingly. However, the failure to designate the offense gratify the sexual desire of any person, bestiality,
by statute,21 or to mention the specific provision penalizing
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 31
masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or public Petitioner claims that AAA welcomed his kisses and
area of a person. (emphasis supplied) touches and consented to have sexual intercourse with him.
They engaged in these acts out of mutual love and
The second element was likewise present here. The affection. But may the "sweetheart theory" be invoked in
following pronouncement in People v. Larin27 is significant: cases of child prostitution and other sexual abuse
prosecuted under Section 5, Article III of RA 7610? No.
A child is deemed exploited in prostitution or subjected to
other sexual abuse, when the child indulges in sexual The sweetheart theory applies in acts of lasciviousness and
intercourse or lascivious conduct (a) for money, profit, or rape, felonies committed against or without the consent of
any other consideration; or (b) under the coercion the victim. It operates on the theory that the sexual act was
or influence of any adult, syndicate or group. (emphasis consensual. It requires proof that the accused and the
supplied) victim were lovers and that she consented to the sexual
On November 19, 1997, due to the influence of petitioner,
AAA indulged in lascivious acts with or allowed him to For purposes of sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct
commit lascivious acts on her. This was repeated on in child abuse cases under RA 7610, the sweetheart defense
November 26, 1997 on which date AAA also indulged in is unacceptable. A child exploited in prostitution or subjected to
sexual intercourse with petitioner as a result of the latter’s other sexual abuse cannot validly give consent to sexual
influence and moral ascendancy. Thus, she was deemed to intercourse with another person.
be a "child subjected to other sexual abuse" as the concept is
defined in the opening paragraph of Section 5, Article III of The language of the law is clear: it seeks to punish
RA 7610 and in Larin.
[t]hose who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
The third element of the offense was also satisfied. Section 3 lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or
(a), Article I of RA 7610 provides: subjected to other sexual abuse.

SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. – Unlike rape, therefore, consent is immaterial in cases involving

violation of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610. The mere act of
(a) "Children" refers [to] persons below eighteen (18) having sexual intercourse or committing lascivious conduct
years of age or those over but are unable to fully take care with a child who is exploited in prostitution or subjected to
of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, sexual abuse constitutes the offense. It is a malum
cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical prohibitum, an evil that is proscribed.
or mental disability or condition; (emphasis supplied)
A child cannot give consent to a contract under our civil
On November 19, 2007 and November 26, 2007, AAA was a laws.31 This is on the rationale that she can easily be the
child as she was below 18 years of age. She was therefore victim of fraud as she is not capable of fully understanding
within the protective mantle of the law. or knowing the nature or import of her actions. The State,
as parens patriae, is under the obligation to minimize the risk
of harm to those who, because of their minority, are as yet
Since all three elements of the crime were present, the
unable to take care of themselves fully. 32 Those of tender
conviction of petitioner was proper.
years deserve its protection.33

Violation of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610 and Rape

The harm which results from a child’s bad decision in a
are Separate and Distinct Crimes
sexual encounter may be infinitely more damaging to her
than a bad business deal. Thus, the law should protect her
Petitioner was charged and convicted for violation of from the harmful consequences34 of her attempts at adult
Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, not rape. The offense for sexual behavior.35 For this reason, a child should not be
which he was convicted is punished by a special law while deemed to have validly consented to adult sexual activity
rape is a felony under the Revised Penal Code. 28 They have and to surrender herself in the act of ultimate physical
different elements.29 The two are separate and distinct intimacy under a law which seeks to afford her special
crimes. Thus, petitioner can be held liable for violation of protection against abuse, exploitation and discrimination.
Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610 despite a finding that he (Otherwise, sexual predators like petitioner will be
did not commit rape. justified, or even unwittingly tempted by the law, to view
her as fair game and vulnerable prey.) In other words, a
Consent of the Child is Immaterial in Criminal Cases child is presumed by law to be incapable of giving rational
Involving Violation of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 consent to any lascivious act or sexual intercourse. 361âwphi1

KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 32

This must be so if we are to be true to the constitutionally the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the
enshrined State policy to promote the physical, moral, law: prision mayor in its medium period to reclusion
spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the temporal in its minimum period (ranging from 8 years and 1
youth.37 This is consistent with the declared policy of the day to 14 years and 8 months).
The Award of Damages Should Be Modified
[T]o provide special protection to children from all forms
of abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation and The trial court awarded AAA ₱75,000 as civil indemnity,
discrimination, and other conditions prejudicial to their ₱50,000 as moral and exemplary damages. The CA deleted
development; provide sanctions for their commission and the award for civil indemnity. It correctly reasoned that the
carry out a program for prevention and deterrence of and award was proper only in a conviction for rape committed
crisis intervention in situations of child abuse, exploitation, under the circumstances under which the death penalty is
and discrimination.38 (emphasis supplied) authorized by law. Consistent, however, with the objective
of RA 7610 to afford children special protection against
as well as to abuse, exploitation and discrimination and with the
principle that every person who contrary to law, willfully
intervene on behalf of the child when the parents, or negligently causes damage to another shall indemnify
guardian, teacher or person having care or custody of the the latter for the same,44 civil indemnity to the child is
child fails or is unable to protect the child against abuse, proper in a case involving violation of Section 5(b), Article
exploitation, and discrimination or when such acts against III of RA 7610. Every person criminally liable is civilly
the child are committed by the said parent, liable.45 The rule is that, in crimes and quasi-delicts, the
guardian, teacher or person having care and custody of the defendant shall be liable for all damages which are the
same.39 (emphasis supplied) natural and probable consequences of the act or omission
complained of.46 Thus, ₱50,000 civil indemnity ex
delicto shall be awarded in cases of violation of Section 5(b),
This is also in harmony with the foremost consideration of
Article III of RA 7610.47
the child’s best interests in all actions concerning him or
Moreover, the CA erred in affirming the grant of ₱50,000 as
"moral and exemplary damages." The rule is that, in every
The best interest of children shall be the paramount
case, trial courts must specify the award of each item of
consideration in all actions concerning them, whether
damages and make a finding thereon in the body of the
undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions,
decision.48 Thus, moral damages and exemplary damages
courts of law, administrative authorities, and legislative
should be separate items of award.
bodies, consistent with the principles of First Call for
Children as enunciated in the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child. Every effort shall be exerted to AAA testified that she was "emotionally devastated" and
promote the welfare of children and enhance their "lost touch of her inner self" as a result of what petitioner
opportunities for a useful and happy life. 40 (emphasis did to her. Because of the mental anxiety and wounded
supplied) feelings caused by petitioner to her, she had several
sessions with the dean for student affairs 49 and the
guidance counselor of Assumption College as well as with
Petitioner May Enjoy the Benefits of the Indeterminate
a psychiatrist. This was corroborated by her mother and the
Sentence Law
dean of student affairs of Assumption College. Thus, she is
entitled to moral damages of ₱50,000. However, in the
The penalty prescribed for violation of the provisions of absence of an aggravating circumstance, the grant of
Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 is reclusion temporal in its exemplary damages is unwarranted.50
medium period to reclusion perpetua. In the absence of any
mitigating or aggravating circumstance, the proper
Accordingly, the petition is hereby DENIED. Petitioner
imposable penalty is reclusion temporal in its maximum
Michael John Z. Malto is hereby found guilty of violating
period, the medium of the penalty prescribed by the
Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, as amended, for which
law.41 Notwithstanding that RA 7610 is a special law,
he is sentenced to 14 years and 8 months of reclusion
petitioner may enjoy the benefits of the Indeterminate
temporal as minimum to 20 years of reclusion temporal as
Sentence Law.42 Since the penalty provided in RA 7610 is
maximum. He is further ordered to pay AAA ₱50,000 as
taken from the range of penalties in the Revised Penal
civil indemnity and ₱50,000 for moral damages.
Code, it is covered by the first clause of Section 1 of the
Indeterminate Sentence Law.43 Thus, he is entitled to a
maximum term which should be within the range of the Costs against petitioner.
proper imposable penalty of reclusion temporal in its
maximum period (ranging from 17 years, 4 months and 1 SO ORDERED.
day to 20 years) and a minimum term to be taken within
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 33
Section 11 allegation so indefinite as to amount to the same thing.
Where the exact date cannot fixed, or where the
US vs Dichao prosecuting officer is not thoroughly satisfied that he can
prove a precise date, he should allege in the information
MORELAND, J.: that the crime was committed on or about a date named.
Under such allegation he is not required to prove any
This is an appeal from an order of the Court of First precise date but may prove any date which is not so remote
Instance of the Fourteen Judicial District sustaining a as to surprise and prejudice the defendant. In case of
demurrer to a information and dismissing the case. surprise the court may allow an amendment of information
as to time and an adjournment to the accused, if necessary,
to meet the amendment.
The information is as follows:

In the case of United States vs. De Castro (2 Phil. Rep., 616),

The undersigned accuses one Antonio Javier Dichao of the
the information demurred to was as follows:
crime of rape, committed as follows:

The undersigned provincial fiscal accuses the defendant of

On or about and during the interval between October, 1910,
the crime of bribery, committed as follows:
to August, 1912, in the municipality of Davao, District of
Davao, Moro Province, P.I., the aforesaid accused did then
and there, willfully, maliciously, and feloniously have That as municipal president of the town, in consideration of
sexual intercourse with, and did lie with, and carnally gifts of money, he permitted opium joints and gambling
know a woman, Isabel de la Cruz, under 12 years of age, in houses. This contrary to the law.
the following manner, to wit: the aforesaid accused is the
stepfather of the aforesaid Isabel de la Cruz and during the Among the many defects of this information the court
aforesaid period was the legal guardian of the said Isabel pointed out the following:
de la Cruz; that by threats and corporal punishment upon
said Isabel de la Cruz, the aforesaid accused, Antonio Javier The complaint is also defective in not stating the time at
Dichao, had sexual intercourse with and did lie with and which the offense occurred. While it is not necessary, unless
carnally know said Isabel de la Cruz; as a result whereof time is a material ingredient of the offense, that the precise
the said Isabel de la Cruz gave birth on August 5, 1912, to a time of the commission of the offense should be stated, still
child. All contrary to law. the act should be alleged to have been committed at some
time before the filing of the complaint.
The demurrer alleged:
The decisions in the case of United States vs. Enriquez (1
That the facts therein set forth and contained do not Phil. Rep., 179), and United States vs. Cardona (1 Phil. Rep.,
constitute a public offense. 381), are not in conflict with the doctrine herein laid down,
nor with the case of United States vs. De Castro from which
That the said criminal complaint does not conform the above quotation is made. In the first case the
substantially to the prescribed form. information alleged that the estafa complained of was
committed on the 20th of November 1897. A demurrer was
filed to the information on statutory grounds. It was
That said complaint is vague and ambiguous.
overruled and the defendant put upon trial. He was
convicted and appealed to this court, bringing up on the
We are of the opinion that the order appealed from must be appeal the questions arising on the order overruling the
affirmed. The allegations of an information should, if demurrer as well as on the merits. It is clear that the
possible, be sufficiently explicit and certain as to time to demurrer did not raise, so far as the information is
inform the defendant of the date on which the criminal act concerned, the question of time, as in the case at bar, as the
is alleged to have been committed. Unless the accused is precise date upon which the crime was alleged to have
informed of the day, or about the day, he may be, to an been committed was set out in the information. The
extent, deprived of the opportunity to defend himself. questions presented to the Supreme Court was, therefore,
not whether the information alleged the time with
While section 7 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides sufficiently certainty. The question in the case was whether
that "except when time is a material ingredient of an the allegations of the complaint sufficiently notified the
offense, the precise time of commission need not be stated defendant "of the transaction from which it is claimed the
in a complaint or information, but the cat may be alleged to crime results, so that he can prepare his defense." The
have been committed at any time before the filing thereof," discussion in that case turned on whether the defendant,
this does not mean that the prosecuting officer may be after reading the complaint, was able to tell "to what acts of
careless about fixing the date of the alleged crime, or that his done in the past the complaint refers." In determining
he may omit the date altogether, or that he may make the the question the court discussed, among other things, the
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 34
allegation with reference to the time when the estafa was the proof on the trial had been such as to surprise the
committed. In the connection it was said: defendant and prejudice him in his defense, the court
would not have been authorized to amend the information
In this complaint the estafa is alleged to have been and to grant an adjournment, if necessary, to give the
committed on November 20, 1897. Time, however, was not defendant an opportunity to meet the charge as amended.
a material ingredient in the offense of estafa here charged,
and under the provisions of article 7 of General Orders, No. The same remarks apply to the case of United
58, that date need not have been alleged. States vs. Arcos (11 Phil. Rep., 555), where the information
alleged "that between the 2d and the 15th of August, 1906,"
After discussing the various elements of an information the accused committed the crime described therein; and the
charging estafa necessary to identify the acts which case of United States vs. Smith (3 Phil. Rep., 20), in which
constitutes the crime, thereby notifying the defendant of the the information charged "that the accused, in the month of
precise act of his complained of, the court concluded: "It is December last," committed the crime therein set forth.
plain that the complaint did not restrict the Government to
proof of any defined specific transaction, and consequently The question whether the allegations of the information are
that the defendant had no notice of the transaction which sufficiently definite as to time and question which arises on
was to be investigated." a variance between the allegations and the proof are
different in nature and legal effect, and are decided on
In the Cardona case the theft of a carabao was alleged in the different principles.
information to have taken place on the 25th of March of a
certain year. The evidence introduced showed that the In the case before us the statement of the time when the
crime was committed on the 5th day or 6th of March of the crime is alleged to have been committed is so indefinite and
same year. The defendant in his brief claimed that the uncertain that it does not give the accused the information
evidence introduced should have been restricted to the date required by law. To allege in an information that the
mentioned in the information, or the 25th of March. accused committed rape on a certain girl between October,
1910, and August, 1912, is too indefinite to give the accused
The court in response to this contention said: "The an opportunity to prepare his defense, and that
testimony as to the whereabouts of the defendant on March indefiniteness is not curd by setting out the date when a
25 was unimportant, as the evidence shows that the child was born as a result of such crime. Section 7 of the
robbery was committed about the 5th or 6th of March. The Code of Criminal Procedure does not warrant such
defendant in his briefs claimed that the evidence should be pleading. Its purpose is to permit the allegation of a date of
restricted to the date mentioned in the complaint, which the commission of the crime as near to the actual date as the
was the 25th of March. In this case, however, the date was information of the prosecuting officer will permit, and
not a material ingredient of the offense, and under the when that has been done by any date may be prove which
provisions of section 7 of General Orders, No. 58, the does not surprise and substantially prejudice the defense. It
Government was not limited in its proof to the date stated does not authorize the total omission of a date of such an
therein." indefinite allegation with reference thereto as amounts to
the same thing.
In these two cases, therefore, different questions are
presented from those found in the case before us. In the As before intimated, we are not to be understood as saying
first case the question of time is alleged in the information that a variance between the date of the commission of the
was discussed in an accidental way for the sole purpose of crime as alleged in the information and that as proved on
determining whether it of itself, or in connection with the the trial warrants necessarily the acquittal of the accused.
other allegations, sufficiently identified the transaction The result of what we intend to say is that, if such a
which it was claimed constituted the estafa, so as to notify variance occurs and it is shown to the trial court that the
the defendant of the transaction referred to. the other defendant is surprised thereby, and that, by reason of that
allegations of the information not being sufficient of surprise, he is unable to defend himself properly, the court
themselves to do so. In the Cardona case the question was may, in the excercise of sound discretion based n all the
raised by demurrer. The allegation in the information as to circumstances, order the information amended so as to set
the time when the crime was committed was definite and forth the correct date and may grant an adjournment for
certain. The only question raised on the appeal related to such length of time as will enable the defendant to prepare
the alleged variance between the date of the crime as himself to meet the variance in the date which was the
alleged in the information and that proved on the trial. In cause of surprise.
that case, as we have seen, the court said that, the time
alleged not being, under section 7, a material ingredient of The judgment appealed from is affirmed.
the offense, it did not have to proved as laid. It did not hold
that, if it had appeared to the trial court, on the trial, that
the variance between the allegation of the information and
KMC - Criminal Procedure; Atty. Macababbad| 35

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